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Ramblings of an old man



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man:
    did i tell you of my last live game just before the FT and I shove my 8BB from the BB over a couple of limpers with Ax one of the limpers, with only about 15BB himself, tanks for a couple of minutes repeating "i feel lucky" and then calls with 26s and yes he was - hits his 2 on the flop
    Posted by GELDY
    Well why the xxxx did you let yourself get down to 8 bigs?
    You brought it all on yourself.

    Yep, I think I'll be good at this :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2014
    I have a cold and I'm grumpy. This as you will be aware is very unusual for me.
    Managed to get a post deleted for the first time ever as well.


    Went over to DTD last night for a while. Good to meet up with people again. Fantastic achievement to make the guarantee and great to see some of the Sky regs doing well.
    I'm off work till Tuesday now and so hopefully I'll get over again and maybe play a bit myself


    Think I'll go for a little nap now before I get myself into more trouble
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited August 2014
    Hi Paul,
    thanks for your post in my diary mate.
    no worries about anything, we all have our own points of view & our own way of playing & how we see things.
    as i said, the only thing that matters is either having fun or winning, preferably both.  ha ha
    run good buddy,dev

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2014
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    edited August 2014
    Loving your posts...............  I've not had a bad beat in ages! Why?  when I get outdrawn etc. I call it a "lesson"!  It feels less painful that way.  :-)   I've had quite a few lessons in the last week & learned from quite a few of em....
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2014
    ok 8BB not enough for you
    was playing a cheapo deep stack the other night
    when I was 3 bet by an aipf shove of over 100BB
    had to call with my KK
    and the villain showed AQ
    only hit a house didn't he

    a little later we had another aipf this time for 130BB
    didn't call that time - do you think that was wrong of me? 

    PS googoo gaga
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2014
    Just copied your post from another thread

    "K6 was it?

    live generally plays tighter than online though it is table dependent
    maybe i've just been hanging around with teeks a bit too much!"

    It was a really interesting spot actually. A bit of background. I had sold 40% of my action in the mini. It had been agreed that the stake was for the mini only and that there would be no carry on to the main if I got a seat. I was uncomfortable but it's what we went with.

    If I was playing purely for myself and using this tourney as a satellite, then I think it's an easy fold. I had locked up £500 and could probably blind myself out of the mini but secure a £1000 seat. With the top heavy payout structure, I would have needed to finish around 10th to get the same return.

    This just wouldn't have been fair on the people who had been good enough to invest in me though. I had to play it as a normal tourney. 

    I was on a very aggressive table with no real weak players. For once tha action had folded around to me in the small blind. I'm playing 135000 and with the blinds and antes there's 30000 in the middle. The big blind has around 380000 and so will not be calling me light. I get the shove through plenty of times here. Even when called Ive still most likely got around 40%.

    I think the play was fine. I was just a little unlucky to run into a hand.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2014
    Before I start this post I need to stress that everything should be fine now.

    The beginning of the week marked the start of the worst 48 hours of my life.

    On Monday morning Harry woke up as usual around 6.30 and Penny gave him his bottle. About 30 minutes later he was grumbling a little and so I brought him into bed with us for 10 minutes before getting up. He was immediately quiet and after a few seconds Penny turned over as she's used to him wriggling around. She began screaming as Harry wasn't breathing and his eyes were open but totally vacant.

    Later, I found out that I without knowing it, I did the right thing. I shook him a little with no response and then jumped out of bed with him and he quietly came round. We took him to Childrens A&E and they did plenty of tests on him and observed him for most of the day.

    They explained that these things can happen and unfortunately they couldn't give a reason but all the tests had come back fine and he should be ok.

    We have a device that monitors his breathing and movement. If it doesn't detect either of these things after 20 seconds it goes crazy. Around midnight it went off. We ran to him and he seemed to be sleeping normally and was breathing ok.

    Straight back to A&E and the staff were marvellous. They did a full set of tests on him including a lumbar puncture to test for meningitis. I'm sure you can imagine what it was like seeing him having to go through this.

    The next morning the results  came through and again everything was ok. The consultant believed that he had a viral infection and pauses between breathing are totally normal and can be longer when not 100%.

    He was very reassuring and said he had seen this many times before. He was happy to send him home stating that in all his years he had never sent a baby home after something like this and they'd been a problem. We just had to trust him.

    Putting Harry to bed that night was the most stressful thing that I think I've ever done. I must have checked on him a 100 times. We decided to leave the second monitor on all night which beeps as he breathes. It was frightening and we haven't done that again.

    He slept well and did so again last night. His cold has come through a bit which although I obviously don't want him to be unwell, I welcomed. It gave a bit of logic to everything (I like to know reasons for things)

    Getting back to normal is going to be difficult but hopefully it should get easier with every 'normal' night. The image in my mind of him on Monday morning is still there and it's going to be difficult to shake that no matter how hard I try.

    During the day when he's awake is no problem, it's the night when it's tough right now. I actually played a bit of poker last night to try and get my mind off it a bit. Not really successful but it probably helped a bit. It's amazing how quickly time can go when playing online.

    I've had another little bash at it tonight and although I got a bit of chatbox abuse from someone called Tikay1, I quite enjoyed it.

    Take care everyone.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited August 2014
    Sounds like every parents nightmare.
    Hope everything goes well for the future.
    Best wishes to you and the family.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666
    edited August 2014

    Gulp. Glad everything seems to be ok now mate....and I am so glad you put your opening line in first. It is always a difficult and worrying time when put through something like this. 

    I went through similar when my lad was a wee bit older than yours and the worry and stress it causes does affect you and you never forget. It took  many hospital visits and even a change of consultant until we were content it was nothing serious. Problems with breathing was down to a 'twisted' lung which thankfully sorted itself out naturally.

    Best wishes to Penny too. Now go out and spoil him this bank holiday!
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited August 2014
    The mind is boggling. Sorry to hear you've had to go through this, glad to hear that all tests are clear - I'm sure you will become more comfortable as time moves on.

    Nothing but stress and worry, kids! Worth it? Marginal :)
  • cpfc_2010cpfc_2010 Member Posts: 320
    edited August 2014
    There I was thinking us palace fans had experienced a stressful week, kinda brings everything into perspective.
    All the best to you, Penny and of course Harry.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited August 2014

    Oh my word.

    I can't begin to imagine how horrific that must have been, the thought must haunt you & Penny.

    Makes you think, eh?

    No matter how precious he was to you before, he's even more precious now. 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited August 2014

    On a MUCH lighter note......

    "....I've had another little bash at it tonight and although I got a bit of chatbox abuse from someone called Tikay1, I quite enjoyed it......"

    A chap chased me round the tables last night, berating me for having a bit of banter with you. He was VERY cross with me. Oh dear......
    It leaves me breathless that people can think I'd deliberately abuse people online, & I well know what it's like to be on the wrong end of it, especially from "anons".

    In case anyone is dumb enough not to get it, the people I "abuse" online are in a very special category - they are all people I respect very much indeed. If I don't like them, or are not a kindred spirit, I say nothing to, or about, them.

    Those who get most of this mock "abuse" from me are all very dear to me, & that includes you, MOTHER, Twiglet, Spanner Mick, Anna, & Orford.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,745
    edited August 2014

    Actually, I have to correct that.

    Exclude Orford from that list. I really mean it when I abuse him.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2014
    Thanks for the comments chaps.
    I sometimes think that I shouldn't really post things of such a personal nature and just stick to my poker failings.
    I kind of find it therapeutic to write it all down though...
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2014
    A chap chased me round the tables last night, berating me for having a bit of banter with you. He was VERY cross with me. Oh dear......

    Oh that's ridiculous. 
    One of the players in that game really thought that I was upset? I guess there's always the danger online of people not really 'getting it'

    I have plenty of banter with friends in the games I play. Sometimes I wonder afterwards how the other players may have  interpreted it.
  • shakinacesshakinaces Member Posts: 1,590
    edited August 2014
    Blimey can only imagine what a scary few days that must have been for you all.

    Good news it didn't turn out to be anything more serious.

    It's the sort of posts that help make a diary worth reading, and very much puts into perspective any poker related chunterings!
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited August 2014
    A couple of threads recently have been pretty interesting.
    I've spoken about this kind of thing before but I'll have another go. 

    I'm not really sure why people aspire to move up all the stakes so much. The vast vast majority of us play recreationally and whilst we want to win, we also want to enjoy ourselves.
    Ego, I guess is part of this desire to move up. There's no shame though in doing well at lower stakes. I've long since realised what my level is.

    I'm decent at poker, no more. I do occasionally play higher games and although I do feel that I can compete, I certainly have no edge. It's great fun taking the odd shot when we can afford to and obviously wonderful if we get a decent cash. I'm quite sure that if I made the higher stakes my regular game then I could quite easily go 'poker broke' within a short period of time.

    Instead, nowadays I play mainly Dyms online at a stake where I feel that I do often have an edge on the field. I don't make huge amounts out of the game but enough to pay for a few luxuries they I may not otherwise buy. Winning a few hundred  or so a month plus a bit of Rakeback  isn't earthshattering stuff but it makes a nice part time wage.

    I think acceptance is important but often ignored. When I first started, I wanted to be brilliant at the game and make my fortune. Was never going to happen, I was no where near good enough.

    I get confused sometimes when I see people making a tidy sum at a level that suits them, move up and do the lot.

  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited August 2014
    just caught up with your thread mate
    really feel for you. luckily haven't had to go through that with my two - they cause enough trouble as it is!!
    hope it all goes well
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