In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : +1 Seems strange that they wont let him post on their forum but they're happy for him to represent them at the biggest live tournament of the year. Maybe they just want an Adam Lallana lookalike wearing a blue hoody to bring some glamour to the event. Just unlucky to be in the wrong team at the wrong time Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Well what would you suggest then, JJ? Disqualify him? I don't think so.
He won his seat fair & square.
I'll welcome him at UKPC with open arms, & rail him every yard. I'd LOVE him to win.
It's all well & good pointing out the anomoly, but the solution is not as easy as you think.
Do you remember the last Viva Las Vegas that Sky Poker did?
A lad named Marc Wright qualified, & I spent a very uncomfy few weeks in Las Vegas bering battered by haters left right & centre, because Marc has "history".
But he won his seat fair & square, & in Vegas, as far as it affected me, he conducted himself properly. Would you have DISQUALIFIED him because he had history? Can you begin to imagine the negative noise if Sky Poker banned someone who qualified fair & square, as Marc & Andy did?
There are no easy, straightforward, answers to these little dilemmas.
Yes, on the face of it.
Not quite as straightforward as you seem to think, though.
I gotta go, an evening with Miss Fowler awaits.
Please, all of you, remember that, sometimes, there are more to these things than meets the eye.
And to reiterate, I hope Andy does really well @ UKPC - nobody will rail & cheer him harder than me. And if his name pops up on one of tonight's televised Tables, I'll say the same thing again - "good luck Andy". And mean it.
Overnight, Andy sent me a lengthy PM elsewhere, which I now need to reply to.
He clarified certain things, & made his views known to me.
And so it goes on.........
I shall continue to try & get his chat reinstated, & I think it best if I leave it like that. The whole sorry episode began with a "rant" (that was Andy's word for it, not mine) against the Business. Such things are always going to end badly, & end up causing all sorts of ill-feeling. It's better if we don't "rant" publically, & if we do, there is generally going to be a bill to pay.
I understand the warmth towards Andy, which I share, & I shall continue to see if I can assist him. But I think it is wrong that the blame for this episode is being laid at the door of Sky Poker by those who don't know the whole story.
Hey Paul....according to your pm you are 'struggling' ATM with poker..... ......hope I struggle as bad as you soon Nice result last night. Not so good result Saturday though. Mickey Mouse cup anyway. Posted by MAXALLY
Funny old gamr innit Al!
At least I always keep my head
After a hideous couple of hours, at 9.00 last night I wanted to pack in pokerr for good. I'd maturely resorted to caps messagimg a friend with stuff like "I HATE POKER" and "I'M NOT GOING TO NOTTINGHAM" I was over £200 down at this point.
I regged the 9pm and loaded some 50nl tables up. By 11 I had a decent stack in the £55 and had just about recovered my earlier losses. So now I was pretty happy.
By 1ish I'd just gone around £900 up on the night. I ran stupidly well, there was no skill whatsoever. Even you could have won it!
On a more cheerful note, in last night's £3,500 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter..... Jac35 252000 1 £577.50 + £395.78 Head Prizes 10 Very well done & congrats to Paul NTTP Jackson. Posted by Tikay10
i didn't think what evilpingu & I were saying justified the initial response. but luckily/unluckily depending on your point of view my ban was rescinded after a week, whereas evilpingu's wasn't.
the biggest issue for me though was the lack of governance of the whole ban situation. skypoker was judge, jury and executioner without any charges, evidence or appeals process. it was phenomenally frustrating to deal with. I guess evilpingu may have been more publically vocal in his thoughts about it and the topic than i was, and maybe that is why his ban wasn't rescinded. maybe if the original incident had been dealt with better by SP, then EP would never have responded how he did, and we would not have to be in this position now.
and yes as the initial instigator i feel somewhat guilty for his situation as well, but there isn't anything i can do about it.
On a more cheerful note, in last night's £3,500 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter..... Jac35 252000 1 £577.50 + £395.78 Head Prizes 10 Very well done & congrats to Paul NTTP Jackson. Posted by Tikay10
I'm at the UKPC at Dtd. Place is rammed. Bumped into some people I know and met up with a few Sky players as well. Atmosphere is great and I'm looking forward to the mini tomorrow.
Just sitting playing a bit of 1/1. Had a good start but we've gone the other way since. Had one fun hand.
Utg open shoves £63 and I look down at QQ and call. He sighs and asks if I have a pair. He then shakes his head when I say yes. I know I'm in trouble when on the all spade J high flop he asks if I have a spade. I do have a spade but miss and he wins with JJ. Someone asks him why he shoved. He says "I hate Jacks"
Gonna party like it's 1999.
As I'm writing this I've just done another £50 with top2 to a rivered set
He won his seat fair & square.
I'll welcome him at UKPC with open arms, & rail him every yard. I'd LOVE him to win.
It's all well & good pointing out the anomoly, but the solution is not as easy as you think.
Do you remember the last Viva Las Vegas that Sky Poker did?
A lad named Marc Wright qualified, & I spent a very uncomfy few weeks in Las Vegas bering battered by haters left right & centre, because Marc has "history".
But he won his seat fair & square, & in Vegas, as far as it affected me, he conducted himself properly. Would you have DISQUALIFIED him because he had history? Can you begin to imagine the negative noise if Sky Poker banned someone who qualified fair & square, as Marc & Andy did?
There are no easy, straightforward, answers to these little dilemmas.
Yes, on the face of it.
Not quite as straightforward as you seem to think, though.
I gotta go, an evening with Miss Fowler awaits.
Please, all of you, remember that, sometimes, there are more to these things than meets the eye.
And to reiterate, I hope Andy does really well @ UKPC - nobody will rail & cheer him harder than me. And if his name pops up on one of tonight's televised Tables, I'll say the same thing again - "good luck Andy". And mean it.
Overnight, Andy sent me a lengthy PM elsewhere, which I now need to reply to.
He clarified certain things, & made his views known to me.
And so it goes on.........
I shall continue to try & get his chat reinstated, & I think it best if I leave it like that. The whole sorry episode began with a "rant" (that was Andy's word for it, not mine) against the Business. Such things are always going to end badly, & end up causing all sorts of ill-feeling. It's better if we don't "rant" publically, & if we do, there is generally going to be a bill to pay.
I understand the warmth towards Andy, which I share, & I shall continue to see if I can assist him. But I think it is wrong that the blame for this episode is being laid at the door of Sky Poker by those who don't know the whole story.
On a more cheerful note, in last night's £3,500 Guaranteed Bounty Hunter.....
Very well done & congrats to Paul NTTP Jackson.