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Shuv's Punting Diary



  • THEROCK573THEROCK573 Member Posts: 2,550
    edited March 2013
    shocking news, that, great diary, good look in life shuv.
  • chefboy79chefboy79 Member Posts: 668
    edited March 2013
    hi shuv
    you will hear this from everyone on here but truely bud we are all sorry ive been a way from this site as on a losing run on the horses gl for the future mate and i hope you come back on here if not soon but just to say hi keep chin up and bash the bookies

  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited March 2013
    All the best fella.

    Please don't delete the thread, imo this is the best thread in SkyPoker history.
  • 1981MATT1981MATT Member Posts: 1,776
    edited March 2013
    Hope you get things resolved as you would like, you will be greatly missed here.
  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited March 2013
    Hi Shuv

    1st I've heard of this as been a busy bee past few days. Really sorry about your bad news, keep yer chins up and stay strong.

    Been an excellent read.

    Take care

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited March 2013
    Was just wondering what you thought of my footy bets _ absolutely gutted today as Dumbarton scored in the 86th minute to make it 4-3 when i had a dbls and trebles on 3-3 and 4-2 to Morton and with most my games off wudda got over 1k

    I basically do 3-3,s in the Scottish Div 1-2and 3 apart from rangers and if a team is 1-2 or less i,ll do 4-2 instead on the idea that more goals are scored in those divisions than any other - in fact also some non -leauge teams .

    It seems the worse the teams are the more goals scored

    Can you think of any other teams that are know for scoring goals at the moment so i can add them to my coupon as i,m think of doing about 17-18 selections in future bets

    Cheers m8 GL

    (Forfar Athletic would be my bet tip for correct scoring - always plenty of high scoring games every season)
  • frascatifrascati Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2013
    I am sure life's journey will turn for the best in the end
    Look after yourself mate and maybe "shuv's back diary"wil return one day soon.

  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited March 2013
    yeah great thread will be sadly missed gl pal
  • cleansweepcleansweep Member Posts: 598
    edited March 2013
    In Response to Re: Shuv's Punting Diary:
    Due to personal reasons, (my wife getting together with one of my best friends) and a ton of other cra p I wont be continueing with the diary.  Im just not in a good place right now, im likely to blow whatever money I have the new few days and dont want it documented lol. Thanks to those who have read and took part in it, was fun whilt it lasted, will ask a mod to delete. keep the booky bashing going guys Shuv Aka Shaun
    Posted by shuv
    Having been there, I know what you're going through!
    You have a rare talent! The popularity of the thread proves this!
    Don't beat yourself up trying to change things, you have no control over!
    concentrate on your strengths and make things work for you!
    All great threads have to come to an end! and this is one of the greatest threads on Sky Poker!
    Good luck Shuv! I hope you get through this and come out the other side with your dignity and bankroll in tact!
    I'm sure everyone would want to buy you a drink at the next SPT!

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