We're live on 861 from 7pm. And from 8pm, we'll have a special guest in the studio. Back by popular demand is...
Joe Stapleton
If you have any questions for the hairy colour commentator (best known for his work on The Big Game, North American Poker Tour, PCA and European Poker Tour), please submit them via the usual channels.
On Sunday's show, we'll be covering a combo of Master Cash and tournament tables, including the £10k Primo. And, in this week's edition of Analyse My Play, Stapes will be casting an eye over some of Jen's hands.
Now, in case you haven't heard, Stapes is moving to the UK, leaving Hollywood for the ever-so-slightly colder climate of London. So, in honour of his relocation, we're going to play...
British Facts!
How much does Joe know about his new home? Please send in real facts and made-up facts about the UK (obviously, let me know if your fact is genuine or fake). If you manage to stump Stapes, you'll go into the draw to win a free seat in Tuesday's Mini Open (we have four to give away).
E-mail: skyopen@bskyb.com
Twitter: #SkyPokerTV
I'd like to ask Joe how much preparation he does before T's on his scripts by looking for interesting facts on players that he can conjure into an amusing aside? It'd be nice to know how he goes about it all. Are there any players who aren't as 'receptive' shall we say to his banter and have given him a 'warning. Any stories gratefully accepted, thank you.
Do you feel that there is room for a little bit more info and education alongside on screen eg stack sizes in terms of bb's remaining to show when resteals, squeezes, fold equity or outright bluffs come into play and are justified? Even an item per programme on say resteals using a couple of hands from the T being televised. It's just a thought as it would provide both entertainment AND education for the poker players.
hi james, jen, joe.
question for joe,
to be seen as particularly funny is it important to have a particularly non-funny partner?
have another good show
What side of the road do we drive on?
Except for which London road?
Another great show guaranteed!
True or False
There are more canals in Birmingham than Venice?
Britain had more distinct Prime Ministers in the twentieth century than the United States had Presidents.
This is true. There were twenty British Prime Ministers in the twentieth century and only eighteen US Presidents. I can list them if you like... What do you mean, you don't want to hear it?
If someone was to ask Joe "Do you Fancy a Ruby me old China?"
Would they be asking you if you would like to buy some fine Jewellery from their collection?
Fancy going for a curry mate?
I'd say that was false - they have *different* stadia called "The Stadium Of Light".
Anyway Benfica isn't in the UK anwyway.
My statement would be :
"The Southernmost tip of the UK Mainland is called 'Lizard Point' - true or false?"
It is of couse, true
Nowhere in Britain is more than 75 miles from the sea.