hi james, jen, joe. question for joe, to be seen as particularly funny is it important to have a particularly non-funny partner? have another good show rob Posted by aussie09
hi jen, james and, joe i am new to sky poker and love the shows. did you know the great fire of london was started at a bakery in pudding lane true
True or False Has joe Stapleton alienated himself from half of Great Britain in land mass with his answers this evening? The answer is:- Who cares!!! it been great entewrtainment!!!
True or False - it is illegal to play live or online poker in a library (TRUE apparently - library offenses act 1898 says its illegal to gamble or bet in a library) Posted by mj8bs[ hi guys, just a quick question do you think, tikay should be put forward for the new step toe and son movie,lol,as he is a dead ringer for albert steptoe
Congratulations to marcnyr , glenelg , mj8bs and bbmike who win free entry in to Tuesday night's mini Open @ 8.15pm! Good luck!!!!!! Posted by Sky_DanB
The fastest race horse in the world is currently alive and well in Kent
The answer is true
Stone of Folca trained by John Best ran 5 furlongs in 53.69 seconds making him the fastest horse in the world.
they were held in athens in 1896.......or am I missing something
But....true or false...the british eat twice as many baked beans as the rest of europe....
British fact: All packets of crisps go out of date on a saturday.
Cheers guys, Reece
Has joe Stapleton alienated himself from half of Great Britain in land mass with his answers this evening?
The answer is:- Who cares!!! it been great entewrtainment!!!
There are hundreds of airports across the world named after famous people, but the only one named after a sportsman is in the UK
TRUE - it's the George Best Belfast City airport
Not true.
It was by Jona Lewie
UP (Jens best friend)
Love you Jen, it was a pleasure to be on your table.
Congratulations to marcnyr, glenelg, mj8bs
and bbmike who win free entry in to
Tuesday night's mini Open
@ 8.15pm! Good luck!!!!!!