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craigcu12 diary.



  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited July 2013
    think you need to come up with a plan and stick to it. right now you seem to be jumping into whatever games and whatever stakes regardless of bankroll. this is all well and good if you can reload but not if you aim to keep a roll going.

    its only a few weeks ago you had around £350 and now your bobbing just over  the £100 mark. that's a lot of damage in a relatively short space of time. even the hand you post last night v Arazi was on a nl10 table and if im following your updates correctly you would only be playing between 10-15 buyins. not the wisest decision in my book when the bankroll has been taking a hammering of late.

    get a bit of structure to what your gonna play. you need to identify where the money is getting lost and try to stop it and turn it around. I think if you carry on the current trend then things aren't going to end well. I hope you turn things around. good luck
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: craigcu12 diary:
    The hand v me mate like Lambert says you should def be 3 betting way bigger pre then after my 4 bet you should be 5 betting although as played you did get me to put about 65 bbs in when i was behind and just got unlucky on the turn. After your tiny 3 bet you left me no choice but to 4 bet big because i didnt want to go 4 way with JJ with another 2 guys in the pot and wanted the betting lead. If you had shown any real strength at any point before the turn my hand woulda been in the bin but the way you played it like i said got me to put 65+ bbs in with the worst hand and if a brick had hit the turn im sure you would have got more because i love the odd crazy play on the tv tables lol You have a very good solid cash game mate but if i were to offer some advice it would be to keep off the mastercash tables on show nights when your BR is what it is at the mo because you will be put to alot more decisions than at a normal 10nl table and in the main the players playing on the show nights are alot better than at a normal 10nl table. Good Luck. Daz.
    Posted by _ARAZI_
    very magnaminous Daz

    ABC is definitely to raise more pre - but if willing to play with fire with the small raise then come over the top of the big 4 bet and put Arazi to the test - he says he´d bin his JJ but many might just take a look in case you´re holding AK. When you bet the flop he then runs away and you are sitting pretty.

    and yes don´t play TV Mastercash unless you´ve cash to spare. Not only will you meet better players looking for some showtime, you will meet peeps mixing it up a lot just to look cool on tv. sure can be profitable if you are willing to wait for monsters, but probably best to steer clear.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2013

    thanks for the posts guys an i think after reading through them it seems to have turn things round for me.
    i started off in the afternoon and seem to be making thing worse for myself and this was mostly from the cash tables nl4p and 1 nl8 plus a few DYMs and i was in a loss of £33 overall with the cash tables making a loss of £23.78.
    so i was going to post onto my diary about having a cool down but until i your posts which had made me relise the truth is i have been on a positive tilt recently which i think has made me get overly aggressive and so was playing like a maniac.
    after having a bit thought i decided to play just 1 2.30 MTT and just so i didn't get too bored i had my favourite type of table (act) running and 1 nl4.
    in the MTT i finished 12 and after such a bad start things now could be returning to normal because not only did i finish after the bubble in that MTT but also i managed to recover all the losses.
    as for c betting these were the sort of boards i think were costing me most because when i was cbetting and got calls i was just making it harder on weather i could push them of their hand by the river.

    upagear Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £4.06
    MP33 Big blind  £0.05 £0.10 £0.70
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • K
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.15 £0.25 £10.07
    carole1962 Call  £0.15 £0.40 £4.51
    skychips Call  £0.15 £0.55 £13.63
    upagear Call  £0.10 £0.65 £3.96
    MP33 Fold     
    • 9
    • J
    • J
    upagear Check     
    craigcu12 Check     
    carole1962 Check     
    skychips Check     
    • 8
    upagear Bet  £0.33 £0.98 £3.63
    craigcu12 Call  £0.33 £1.31 £9.74
    carole1962 Fold     
    skychips Call  £0.33 £1.64 £13.30
    • Q
    upagear All-in  £3.63 £5.27 £0.00
    craigcu12 Call  £3.63 £8.90 £6.11
    skychips Fold     
    upagear Show
    • 10
    • 8
    craigcu12 Show
    • 10
    • K
    craigcu12 Win Straight to the King £8.23  £14.34
    i probably would have stood a better chance of pushing the guy with JJ to making the fold had i semi bluffed the turn instead of cbetting the flop.
    rohan908 Small blind  £0.04 £0.04 £1.96
    xBig blind  £0.08 £0.12 £3.59
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • 8
    DOTUN19 Call  £0.08 £0.20 £6.29
    wasky-180 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.32 £0.52 £5.37
    tarnished Fold     
    rohan908 Fold     
    xCall  £0.24 £0.76 £3.35
    DOTUN19 Fold     
    • 7
    • 4
    • 5
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.38 £1.14 £4.99
    xCall  £0.38 £1.52 £2.97
    • Q
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.56 £2.08 £4.43
    xCall  £0.56 £2.64 £2.41
    • 10
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.12 £3.76 £3.31
    xCall  £1.12 £4.88 £1.29
    craigcu12 Show
    • A
    • 8
    • J
    • J
    xWin Pair of Jacks £4.51  £5.80
    my BR itself stands at £116.67
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2013

    something i would like your opinion on relating to the MTT that i finished in 12th position. the hand itself was AKvQQ missed my AorK so not bothered about that.
    the question is relating more to my overall stats for that MTT
    this is what they were

    showdowns won 64%
    fold 58%  check 16%   call 6%   bet 8%    raise 10%    reraise 2%

    flops seen 27% win% 45%

    pre73%   flop 5%   turn 1%   river 1%   no fold 20%
    are these stats the sign that i was playing like a decent player?

    i can only really think of one hand i played badly and that was this one.

    ALFIE58 Big blind  80.00 80.00 2615.00
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • Q
    eagle10 Raise  160.00 240.00 15716.25
    craigcu12 Call  160.00 400.00 2620.00
    thisltedu Fold     
    craigydon Fold     
    ALFIE58 Fold     
    • 8
    • A
    • 9
    eagle10 Bet  200.00 600.00 15516.25
    craigcu12 Call  200.00 800.00 2420.00
    • A
    eagle10 Bet  400.00 1200.00 15116.25
    craigcu12 Raise  880.00 2080.00 1540.00
    eagle10 Call  480.00 2560.00 14636.25
    • 7
    eagle10 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  640.00 3200.00 900.00
    eagle10 Fold     
    craigcu12 Muck     
    craigcu12 Win  2560.00  3460.00
    craigcu12 Return  640.00 0.00 4100.00
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,294
    edited July 2013
    Can,t help you with those figures as i,m not a stats person. I prefer just playing off instinct and try to play each player differently if i can get enough reads.

    I,ve noticed you in a few cash games recently and can,t understand why your roll is going down as i,d put you down as one of the better players at that level. Not sure if your playing to many MTT,s or not but certainly tonight on the 5p action tables i beleive you can win long term on those the way you played tonight

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2013
    today has been a terrible day in a number of ways.
    sometimes it has been bad play by me
    portugal92 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £8.17
    salty07 Big blind  £0.05 £0.10 £1.83
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 7
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.25 £0.35 £4.65
    gavj Call  £0.25 £0.60 £4.79
    portugal92 Call  £0.20 £0.80 £7.97
    salty07 Fold     
    • J
    • 10
    • J
    portugal92 Check     
    craigcu12 Check     
    gavj Bet  £1.00 £1.80 £3.79
    portugal92 Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £1.00 £2.80 £3.65
    • 10
    craigcu12 Check     
    gavj Bet  £1.00 £3.80 £2.79
    craigcu12 Raise  £2.00 £5.80 £1.65
    gavj Call  £1.00 £6.80 £1.79
    • 5
    craigcu12 All-in  £1.65 £8.45 £0.00
    gavj Call  £1.65 £10.10 £0.14
    craigcu12 Show
    • 7
    • 7
    gavj Show
    • 10
    • 10
    gavj Win Four 10s £9.34  £9.48
    quite a lot of them were cool downs
    TINTIN Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £3.66
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.96
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    Eerrmmm Raise  £0.16 £0.22 £8.51
    bigdeano03 Call  £0.16 £0.38 £9.03
    LemmingRun Fold     
    acedj777 Call  £0.16 £0.54 £1.46
    TINTIN Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.60 £1.14 £3.36
    Eerrmmm Call  £0.48 £1.62 £8.03
    bigdeano03 Fold     
    acedj777 Fold     
    • 10
    • Q
    • 8
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.62 £3.24 £1.74
    Eerrmmm Call  £1.62 £4.86 £6.41
    • 10
    craigcu12 All-in  £1.74 £6.60 £0.00
    Eerrmmm Call  £1.74 £8.34 £4.67
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • K
    Eerrmmm Show
    • 8
    • 8
    • 9
    Eerrmmm Win Full House, 8s and 10s £7.71  £12.38
    I was over bluffing
    LemmingRun Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £8.32
    FISHER13 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.05
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    LARSON7 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.26 £6.55
    Eerrmmm Call  £0.20 £0.46 £12.37
    LemmingRun Fold     
    FISHER13 Fold     
    • 4
    • 5
    • K
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.23 £0.69 £6.32
    Eerrmmm Raise  £0.46 £1.15 £11.91
    craigcu12 Call  £0.23 £1.38 £6.09
    • K
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.69 £2.07 £5.40
    Eerrmmm Call  £0.69 £2.76 £11.22
    • 6
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.38 £4.14 £4.02
    Eerrmmm Call  £1.38 £5.52 £9.84
    craigcu12 Show
    • 9
    • 9
    Eerrmmm Show
    • 4
    • 4
    Eerrmmm Win Full House, 4s and Kings £5.10  £14.94
    it is when a bet like this has been made that i need to start folding because the truth is they will always point to mega hands
    bigdeano03 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £5.73
    LemmingRun Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £6.20
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    Admryal Raise  £0.08 £0.14 £2.76
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.24 £0.38 £4.71
    Eerrmmm Fold     
    bigdeano03 Fold     
    LemmingRun Fold     
    Admryal Call  £0.16 £0.54 £2.60
    • K
    • 7
    • 9
    Admryal Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.25 £0.79 £4.46
    Admryal Call  £0.25 £1.04 £2.35
    • 7
    Admryal Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.50 £1.54 £3.96
    Admryal Raise  £1.00 £2.54 £1.35
    craigcu12 Call  £0.50 £3.04 £3.46
    • 5
    Admryal All-in  £1.35 £4.39 £0.00
    craigcu12 Call  £1.35 £5.74 £2.11
    Admryal Show
    • 7
    • A
    craigcu12 Show
    • A
    • K
    Admryal Win Three 7s £5.30  £5.30
    now i know why position is so important
    craigcu12 Small blind  15.00 15.00 1280.00
    BOOM31 Big blind  30.00 45.00 2820.00
      Your hole cards
    • 4
    • 3
    stephie127 Call  30.00 75.00 1840.00
    Deek10 Fold     
    stickz19 Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  15.00 90.00 1265.00
    BOOM31 Check     
    • 5
    • 5
    • 8
    craigcu12 Check     
    BOOM31 Check     
    stephie127 Bet  30.00 120.00 1810.00
    craigcu12 Raise  90.00 210.00 1175.00
    BOOM31 Fold     
    stephie127 Call  60.00 270.00 1750.00
    • K
    craigcu12 Bet  202.50 472.50 972.50
    stephie127 Call  202.50 675.00 1547.50
    • 2
    craigcu12 Check     
    stephie127 Check     
    craigcu12 Show
    • 4
    • 3
    stephie127 Show
    • A
    • 2
    stephie127 Win Two Pairs, 5s and 2s 675.00  2222.50
    the chances are if i were in position i could have push him off the A2 but because i was OOP it was a difficult spot as he might have been slow playing trips or a FH.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2013
    with nl4p table it is very difficult to get the very best value from good hands i honestly do think that villians are giving up too easily.
    NKENNEDY Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.93
    demondave Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £13.90
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.20 £0.26 £3.73
    BorinLoner Call  £0.20 £0.46 £6.61
    NKENNEDY Call  £0.18 £0.64 £2.75
    demondave Call  £0.16 £0.80 £13.74
    • 5
    • 4
    • J
    NKENNEDY Bet  £0.60 £1.40 £2.15
    demondave Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £0.60 £2.00 £3.13
    BorinLoner Fold     
    • A
    NKENNEDY Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.50 £2.50 £2.63
    NKENNEDY Fold     
    craigcu12 Muck     
    craigcu12 Win  £1.85  £4.48
    craigcu12 Return  £0.50 £0.15 £4.98
    craigcu12 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.55
    dabasser Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.62
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    bogdan Call  £0.04 £0.10 £1.34
    Admryal Fold     
    dribienor Fold     
    cheesy3428 Call  £0.04 £0.14 £5.32
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.28 £0.42 £2.27
    dabasser Fold     
    bogdan Fold     
    cheesy3428 Call  £0.26 £0.68 £5.06
    • 4
    • 9
    • J
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.34 £1.02 £1.93
    cheesy3428 Call  £0.34 £1.36 £4.72
    • J
    craigcu12 Check     
    cheesy3428 Bet  £0.68 £2.04 £4.04
    craigcu12 Call  £0.68 £2.72 £1.25
    • 6
    craigcu12 Check     
    cheesy3428 Check     
    craigcu12 Show
    • A
    • A
    cheesy3428 Muck
    • 9
    • 6
    craigcu12 Win Two Pairs, Aces and Jacks £2.51  £3.76
    maybe i will start playing extra aggressive preflop
    stilts6907 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £10.49
    hawaian Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £7.05
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.32 £0.38 £3.63
    KP1980AP Fold     
    billypro Call  £0.32 £0.70 £1.94
    chalkie7 Fold     
    stilts6907 Call  £0.30 £1.00 £10.19
    hawaian Call  £0.28 £1.28 £6.77
    • 9
    • J
    • 4
    stilts6907 Check     
    hawaian Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.28 £2.56 £2.35
    billypro Fold     
    stilts6907 Call  £1.28 £3.84 £8.91
    hawaian Fold     
    • 7
    stilts6907 Check     
    craigcu12 All-in  £2.35 £6.19 £0.00
    stilts6907 Call  £2.35 £8.54 £6.56
    stilts6907 Show
    • A
    • 4
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    • 10
    craigcu12 Win Pair of Queens £7.89  £7.89
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2013
    my bankroll is £78
    so tomorrow i am having most the day off.
    also i will be making a few changes 3-4 nl4p and 1 action table.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    Hand 1 (77) - snap fold the flop, fold the turn, just fold. We're playing hands like this nearly 100% for set mining purposes.

    Hand 2 (KK) - unlucky, but no need to be betting full pot. Betting so big makes it harder to get calls from weak hands and things like sets will just snap you off.

    Hand 3 (99) - Betting the turn and river after getting raised on the flop here just makes NO sense at all. You won't get called by 88, you won't get called by anything at all worse than 99.

    Hand 4 (AK) - I bet bigger on the flop. Meh hate getting clicked back on the turn but I still probably do exactly what you did. Make sure you take a note that hit clicking back the turn is a big hand.

    Hand 5 (JJ) - I bet bigger on the turn, but otherwise not much else you can do.

    Hand 6 (AA) - I probably barrel the turn cos we can still get value from loads of worse hands, then C/C most rivers.

    Hand 7 (QQ) - I go smaller on the flop and jam the turn.

    A few standard hands, but a few that you played really bad. Everything single time it's your turn to act try to focus on WHY you're betting before you do it, cos sometimes you're betting with no hope of getting called by worse.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited July 2013

    paul I have just thought of a good way to actually do my notes on these guyes
    the villians that are passive I will start putting the number of times they fold and which street it is

    it will look something like this for example
    preflop 20 hands
    flop 60 hands
    turn 10 hands
    river 50 hands
    no fold 100 hands

    once this gets going I will then have no problem at all separating the calling stations from them who call hoping for the flushes straights Axx and two pair which if missed will fold.

    the aggressive villians probably know what they doing and if they are a maniac I put a not on them right away.

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2013

    not even the week long cooldown seems to have made much change. and i have made a loss today of £35 leaving me now with just £43.06.
    i am managing to fold sometimes where i need to think better are when they holding invisible hands such as raggy two pairs and  sets.

    i seem to be too glued to my own pair this i knew as soon as i made the call that it was stupid of me because the villain has called  both on the flop and turn so pairs i should have ruled out.

    LemmingRun Sit out     
    turbo2 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £8.70
    jameswins Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £10.64
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    blondie505 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £9.40
    xCall  £0.30 £0.75 £8.23
    turbo2 Call  £0.25 £1.00 £8.45
    jameswins Call  £0.20 £1.20 £10.44
    • 6
    • 8
    • 6
    turbo2 Check     
    jameswins Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.60 £1.80 £8.80
    xCall  £0.60 £2.40 £7.63
    turbo2 Call  £0.60 £3.00 £7.85
    jameswins Fold     
    • 5
    turbo2 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.00 £4.00 £7.80
    xCall  £1.00 £5.00 £6.63
    turbo2 Call  £1.00 £6.00 £6.85
    • 3
    turbo2 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £1.50 £7.50 £6.30
    xAll-in  £6.63 £14.13 £0.00
    turbo2 Fold     
    craigcu12 Call  £5.13 £19.26 £1.17
    craigcu12 Show
    • A
    • A
    • 8
    • 8
    xWin Full House, 8s and 6s £17.86  £17.86
    i did suffer a lot of BB
    rossjb14 Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £24.89
    cw129412 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £4.17
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • A
    Monty71 Fold     
    milly777 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £19.29
    rossjb14 Call  £0.25 £0.70 £24.64
    cw129412 Call  £0.20 £0.90 £3.97
    • 8
    • 4
    • 2
    rossjb14 Check     
    cw129412 Check     
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.45 £1.35 £18.84
    rossjb14 Fold     
    cw129412 Call  £0.45 £1.80 £3.52
    • Q
    cw129412 All-in  £3.52 £5.32 £0.00
    craigcu12 Call  £3.52 £8.84 £15.32
    cw129412 Show
    • 9
    • J
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • A
    • 10
    cw129412 Win Straight to the Queen £8.17  £8.17
    halliday12 Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £5.61
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £2.61
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    cort Call  £0.04 £0.10 £7.64
    squonk Fold     
    mojo1 Call  £0.04 £0.14 £3.70
    SUPERMA247 Raise  £0.12 £0.26 £3.05
    halliday12 Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.40 £0.66 £2.21
    cort Fold     
    mojo1 Fold     
    SUPERMA247 Raise  £0.72 £1.38 £2.33
    craigcu12 All-in  £2.21 £3.59 £0.00
    SUPERMA247 Call  £1.81 £5.40 £0.52
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • K
    SUPERMA247 Show
    • 10
    • 9
    • 3
    • 4
    • 7
    • 8
    • 6
    SUPERMA247 Win Straight to the 10 £4.99  £5.51
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited August 2013
    Hey Craig,

    Sorry to hear the bankrolls way down.

    I just want to say to you, you are a good player and have proven over a long time that you can win at cash.

    Recently you were playing quite a few MTTs, sometimes the buy ins were maybe to high according to "strict bankroll" management. That seemed to start a down swing in your bankroll.

    I would say it's meant to be a game of fun. So if you want to play the bigger mtts, and mastercash tables then that's what to do. Afterall, we are here to have fun. 

    If on the other hand you want to stick to bankroll management then give these a miss for a while. Might be worth topping up 2 £100, and just grinding your way back up. So much of poker is psychology, it's so easy to say i've only got 30/40 quid left i'll gamble it up. If you top up to £100 you wouldn't have to worry about that and could just get on with your game.

    It's meant to be fun, i know it's annoying losing a good few quid, but it's part of the same coin that we love when we are winning.

    Hope things improve for you and good luck 
  • lonesomelonesome Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2013
    Hi Craig.  Just thought I'd share my thoughts. When things are going bad stick to what you know works - you can build back up just by playing 4NL and playing your usual game.  You've won enough off me in the past and I'm still there.  Its comfotable at that level and so more enjoyable, and when you do get a BB you can cover it.  Stay clear of 10NL for the moment, you're not rolled for it.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2013
    my first session today has did ok i played 4 tables 3 nl4 and the 1 action out of them all i got +£4.62 of the action and +1.23, +11.82 and -0.66 from the nl4
    i did go more careful with my betting and calling in this hand although i held a straight when i saw the raise made by villian y i knew right away that i was behind if villian y folded i would have made the call because x was such a loose caller
    x Small blind   £0.05 £0.05 £6.90
    craigcu12 Big blind   £0.05 £0.10 £7.37
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • J
    albaking Fold        
    y Call   £0.05 £0.15 £4.25
    AMF7 Fold        
    x Check        
    craigcu12 Check        
    • 6
    • 10
    • K
    x Check        
    craigcu12 Check        
    y Check        
    • K
    x Check        
    craigcu12 Check        
    y Check        
    • Q
    x Bet   £0.05 £0.20 £6.85
    craigcu12 Raise   £0.30 £0.50 £7.07
    y Raise   £0.70 £1.20 £3.55
    x Raise   £1.05 £2.25 £5.80
    craigcu12 Fold        
    y Call   £0.40 £2.65 £3.15
    x Show
    • 2
    • K
    y Show
    • A
    • J
    dgw69 Win Straight to the Ace £2.45   £5.60
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2013

    the amount of manaics on the tables today has got me back on the road to recovery it  has left me wondering if the amount of tilt I have had recently has got people attempting to steal pots now
    when I saw this villain donk the flop I got the feeling right away that he was trying to make the flush and if I just called he would be thinking that I am worried of loosing more the 4p river was a misclick.

    WHATLEYAA Small blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.94
    craigcu12 Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £3.79
    kingfish57 Big blind  £0.04 £0.10 £3.16
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • Q
    DAVMAN Call  £0.04 £0.14 £3.30
    kingfish57 Check     
    bobbah Fold     
    slackalice Call  £0.04 £0.18 £5.36
    xCall  £0.02 £0.20 £2.92
    craigcu12 Raise  £0.16 £0.36 £3.63
    DAVMAN Fold     
    kingfish57 Fold     
    slackalice Fold     
    xCall  £0.16 £0.52 £2.76
    • 3
    • A
    • 5
    xBet  £0.52 £1.04 £2.24
    craigcu12 Call  £0.52 £1.56 £3.11
    • 10
    craigcu12 Check     
    • 9
    craigcu12 Bet  £0.04 £1.60 £3.07
    xRaise  £1.68 £3.28 £0.56
    craigcu12 All-in  £3.07 £6.35 £0.00
    xAll-in  £0.56 £6.91 £0.00
    craigcu12 Unmatched bet  £0.87 £6.04 £0.87
    • 8
    • 3
    craigcu12 Show
    • K
    • Q
    craigcu12 Win Flush to the Ace £5.58  £6.45
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2013
    br is £53
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited August 2013
    Flushes were good to you tonight lol

    Nice profits
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2013
    my cash tables are getting back to how they should be all that's left now is for me to stop myself joining more than 1 MTT a day

    the cash tables today give me a winnings of £36.96 but what I did was wasted most of that playinging MTTs mostly sats
    i have started to notice myself that i am calling hands far to much instead of putting much thought into them

    in this tournament i was chip leader but this hand cost me the tournament
    bigdong1 Small blind  75.00 75.00 8833.75
    xBig blind  150.00 225.00 4867.50
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • K
    murduch Call  150.00 375.00 8991.25
    acerowe Fold     
    craigcu12 Raise  450.00 825.00 9917.50
    bigdong1 Fold     
    xCall  300.00 1125.00 4567.50
    murduch Fold     
    • Q
    • J
    • 3
    craigcu12 Bet  300.00 1425.00 9617.50
    xRaise  600.00 2025.00 3967.50
    craigcu12 Call  300.00 2325.00 9317.50
    • 2
    xBet  1162.50 3487.50 2805.00
    craigcu12 Raise  2325.00 5812.50 6992.50
    xAll-in  2805.00 8617.50 0.00
    craigcu12 Call  1642.50 10260.00 5350.00
    • Q
    • A
    craigcu12 Show
    • Q
    • K
    • A
    xWin Two Pairs, Aces and Queens 10260.00  10260.00
    i am really annoyed at myself when i reviewed this hand when he decides to check raise post flop after he only called pre then i should have been capable of folding his raise on the flop. what probably didn't help was a person who was in the living room at the time of this hand asking me how things were saw this and was constantly saying to me this was a good hand because TBH i was thinking at the time QJ is a highly possible i forgot all about the AQ being possible.

    atleast i still did make a winnings today of £6.07 and my BR is £92
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,960
    edited August 2013

    today has been my best day since the chaos I had in july with some very good play both cash and MTT
    i might have said above that i was reducing the number of MTT i would be playing and really i did because i only really entered 2 both which were failures the MTT that i entered tonight (2KBH mini and £500BH) the 2K was from qualifying in a freeroll sat while the mini and £500 was partly from the money i won in 3 timed MTTs which are an MTT that i have did very well in regularly.

    so overall i made a winnings today of £54.68 split as £12.83 won from cash £41.10 from the MTT and 0.75 from some Omaha hi lo DYMs
    so myBR now stands at £146.87

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,491
    edited August 2013
    Nice1, great turn around Craig.

    Things are going in the right direction.
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