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£1050 to £2050 challenge/// Diary of a HUSNG Hyper grinder// Current Balance: £1230.2



  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2013
    Hey m8,very good read so far.Had a wee game earlier with you,got lucky in a big pot with you,but thats the nature of hypers.Would,ve generally offered a rematch,but tryin to keep the kid in his new bed atm,so havin to go back and forth when he gets up to put him back in,grrr!!Keep it goin and I'm sure we'll get a few more games in the future.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Thanks bignoise dont remember the specific hand but thought i recognized the name from the forum, will look out for you in future.

    Just jumped into some 5s after packing up for tomorrow clearly cudn't resist for more than 24 hours. Just going to carry on as i usually would and updating every so often, posting some interesting spots and generally discussing poker. I have got the mental game of poker pdf on my laptop so i should really get on with reading that, the sections i have read so far seems really useful but havnt looked at it since before xmasm hopefully after reading that my diary will not just be me constantly moaning about variance.

    Anyway good luck and run good (except if you play me)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    One thing I would say... I know it's hard and I don't take my own advice on this point ALL the time, but try not to hide away from your losses. Sometimes just posting them up is a sobering lesson.

    Since my diary my BR has went from £15 - £800 and everything in between, plenty of ups and PLENTY of downs. If nothing else, it'll be something good to look back on when you realise at one point you were £100 down and a month later you're £100 up
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Yep i completly agree, i keep track of every game from every session on my excel sheet so wont even be able to hide from my losses even if i wanted too lol. I will continue to update honestly about my sessions actually find it quite refreshing to vent about losing sessions maybe get advice/encouragement. I'm still a novice in terms of experience in HU so i have a lot to learn so im well aware the diary will show me up as inexperienced, undisciplined etc and am not worried about posting losing sessions, When i got some time to play i'll be posting my bankroll and cash for points so everyone will be able to see when it goes up and down hopefully up alot more than down.
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited January 2013
    Interesting diary, what I dont get is given your scope stats why are you playing £2 games surely that must be soul destroying if you know you can crush higher levels, we all go through variance but my way of dealing with it is switch disciplines ie sngs to cash or cash to mtts. 

    I noticed that you started playing hypers when you run good you fly on these, but run bad and neg variance is a killer. You should play £5 turbos, they are soft and its easy to 2 table. If you are going to seriously grind, then it makes sense to look at how to optimise c4p. You could easily get an extra £100 plus each month purely by playing 5rs, that also helps even out variance. 18 months ago I was playing 10 quid hypers and qualifying for priority on these alone. 

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding:
    Interesting diary, what I dont get is given your scope stats why are you playing £2 games surely that must be soul destroying if you know you can crush higher levels, we all go through variance but my way of dealing with it is switch disciplines ie sngs to cash or cash to mtts.  I noticed that you started playing hypers when you run good you fly on these, but run bad and neg variance is a killer. You should play £5 turbos, they are soft and its easy to 2 table. If you are going to seriously grind, then it makes sense to look at how to optimise c4p. You could easily get an extra £100 plus each month purely by playing 5rs, that also helps even out variance. 18 months ago I was playing 10 quid hypers and qualifying for priority on these alone.  gl.
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    Hi Ace , i played some 1s and 2s just because i thought it would help me get back to basics and regain some confidence never planned on sticking to them permenantly. I am going to be getting back to grinding the 5s mainly and dealing with the negative variance by having a stop loss.
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding:
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding : Hi Ace , i played some 1s and 2s just because i thought it would help me get back to basics and regain some confidence never planned on sticking to them permenantly. I am going to be getting back to grinding the 5s mainly and dealing with the negative variance by having a stop loss.
    Posted by benc
    Here is a list of things I do when I play hu:

    1) Use scope to check stats it costs around £10 quid a month and you get 150 searches, you could be playing an absolute shark and not realise it without scope. There vare very few players with your stats you should be afraid of.
    2) Keep notes on all the opponents you play regularly, look out for betting patterns, are they passive, agg etc. A lot of players always bet into paired flops, at turbos you can exploit this even if you miss. 
    3) If your br is lower, always play turbos over hypers. With hypers you can play perfectly and lose 10 buyins. 
    4) A lot of players limp call with premium hands, be aware of your opponents tendancies when the blinds get bigger.
    5) Take a look at the nash chart for shoving and calling ranges. I dont think you should follow it strictly but it will give you an idea of what to do depending on how many bb's you got. 

    You are a good player, and I am surprised you have confidence issues, when I got a bit cheeky in chat with you a few months ago you took it well and it didnt affect your game. I am not sure about your current work/br situation but I am happy to start playing turbos with £50 deposited, totally against brm rules but have managed to spin this amount up into the hundreds even thousands on more than one occasion. 

    As I said in my previous post, try to vary your poker, mtt's are fun and for a few quid there are now tournies where you can win over £100. It will take away the monotony of sngs. It drove me nuts to play 2000 of these a month and almost forced me to learn how to play cash and mtts. 

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Thanks Ace that is a great post with some good advice, I'm a student so obviously i have alot more free time than people doing 9-5 jobs, however i also have to balance my course workload so always consider poker as an enjoyable hobby that can also provide me with money to do nice things that maybe i wudnt normally be able to do as a student. I have looked over the nash stuff after lambert mentioned it a while ago and have improved in knowing what hands i should be getting in with a smalls stack. So yeah i'm not a grinder in the sense that i have the pressure of making a living, but i do like to take it seriously almost like a part time job, always use my scope searches up so may well go ahead and sort that out.

    Going to be playing 5.25s sporadically throughout the day unless i end up doing anything, so will update at the end of the day with total for the day, current bankroll and cash for points.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Hit my stop loss so going to have a break for few hours, actually ended up down to -£34.25 for the session as i two tabled and lost them both, the last two games were rather frustrating played this massively agressive guy who 3bet me constantly so stayed patient got it in with kq against k7 and it was a split, then i picked up qs thinking i've got the majority of the junk he will callw ith crushed and he picks up AK he wins flip cant complain about that, then in the second game i pick up AK he shoves into me with 56 obv call and he hit a straight. Hopefully if i continue to get it in good things will turn around but i feel a bit like i'm stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment.

    Will post a hand in a minute that was probably only spot i was unsure about my decision, be interesting to here some thoughts, the player didn't make many moves at all during the game and was pretty standard, knows what he is doing but not someone who i expect to put me in awkward spots often.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Ok so my thinking was i check turn so i can call whatever river bet, then when the river came i wasn't sure what i was beating and whether he was ever capable of bluffing- info about player is at the end above post btw..

    Hand History #611741679 (13:50 19/01/2013)

    benc Small blind   10.00 10.00 1010.00
    Big blind   20.00 30.00 960.00
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    benc Raise   30.00 60.00 980.00
    Call   20.00 80.00 940.00
    • 7
    • 7
    • Q
    benc Bet   40.00 120.00 940.00
    Call   40.00 160.00 900.00
    • 4
    benc Check        
    • 4
    Bet 80
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    messed up the hand post so just added in his bet.
  • CHILLIECHILLIE Member Posts: 432
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding:
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding : Here is a list of things I do when I play hu: 1) Use scope to check stats it costs around £10 quid a month and you get 150 searches, you could be playing an absolute shark and not realise it without scope. There vare very few players with your stats you should be afraid of. 2) Keep notes on all the opponents you play regularly, look out for betting patterns, are they passive, agg etc. A lot of players always bet into paired flops, at turbos you can exploit this even if you miss.  3) If your br is lower, always play turbos over hypers. With hypers you can play perfectly and lose 10 buyins.  4) A lot of players limp call with premium hands, be aware of your opponents tendancies when the blinds get bigger. 5) Take a look at the nash chart for shoving and calling ranges. I dont think you should follow it strictly but it will give you an idea of what to do depending on how many bb's you got.  You are a good player, and I am surprised you have confidence issues, when I got a bit cheeky in chat with you a few months ago you took it well and it didnt affect your game. I am not sure about your current work/br situation but I am happy to start playing turbos with £50 deposited, totally against brm rules but have managed to spin this amount up into the hundreds even thousands on more than one occasion.  As I said in my previous post, try to vary your poker, mtt's are fun and for a few quid there are now tournies where you can win over £100. It will take away the monotony of sngs. It drove me nuts to play 2000 of these a month and almost forced me to learn how to play cash and mtts. 
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    spin it up to thousands hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited January 2013
    Wow Gooner... Chillies comment made me SS you (never done it before), deffo thought youd have a + ROI, even though it is only a tiny minus ROI and youve probably broke even/up from C4P after 22k games.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited January 2013
    yeah I had to ss too after that comment. I take it the thousands you have spun up on numerous occasions is on another site.

    however it's easy for chillie to make comments like that when his stats are locked lol
  • CHILLIECHILLIE Member Posts: 432
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding:
    yeah I had to ss too after that comment. I take it the thousands you have spun up on numerous occasions is on another site. however it's easy for chillie to make comments like that when his stats are locked lol
    Posted by waller02
    +1 and always have been;]
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Going to play the £400 £2.20 mtt, then will be back on HU form like 8 onwards i reckon. I locked my results for a while when i never use to track myself not because i was down, just because i used to get obsessed with checking it after like every 2 games lol
  • CHILLIECHILLIE Member Posts: 432
    edited January 2013
    gl in your quest benc,run good and avoid those bad beats as u prob no by now happen a lot on hypers.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Thanks chillie, avoiding hypers for the moment but still running into alot of bad the turbos but it'll turn around. Already busted one buy in, rebought and thats my lot if i go out.
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding:
    gl in your quest benc,run good and avoid those bad beats as u prob no by now happen a lot on hypers.
    Posted by CHILLIE
    Mainly from you giving them out shoving k8 when im obv pot committed and hitting 2 pair v my aces... wp
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding:
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding : spin it up to thousands hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    Posted by CHILLIE
    As you chose to comment on what you perceive my stats to be, why dont you unlock yours??

    If you analyse closely the first 5k or soo games involved 2k profit. If you look at how much c4p has been earnt despite a downswing in the back end of 2011, its still thousands in profit. Last year was about $800 dollars profit plus c4p. I would suggest you pay for scope before you mouth off in future. 

    For someone who opens 4/5 xbb in a hyper or open shoves 50bb I dont think you are in a position to comment on others. 
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