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£1050 to £2050 challenge/// Diary of a HUSNG Hyper grinder// Current Balance: £1230.2



  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding:
    Thanks Ace good to hear your running good, no better way to learn and improve than experiencing and coping with the highs and lows. Anyway wont be playing today meeting some friends to watch super sunday and then staying at my gfs so it will be my first completely free poker day in a while which is typical straight after a good winning session, but still we all have to maintain some kind of normal life at times lol, been a week of doing the diary now and im glad in a way that it has already has shown me at probably my lowest and highest and i hope people are enjoying the insights.
    Posted by benc
    Good plan I got Sky Sports on now, TV is right next to my pc, so I get the best of all worlds. Come on you gunners!
  • clarke1789clarke1789 Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2013
    Microstakes Update: £2.10 Turbo H/U Grind

    100 Games Played: - 57 wins, 43 losses
    Profit: £19.10
    Average Profit Per Game: £0.17 

    Only a tiny sample of games since I began tracking, but I am beginning to build my broll. Hopefully i can replicate this over the next 100 games in order to finally reach a completely secure broll for 2.10's.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    In Response to Re: HUSNG challenge/diary an insight into turbo and hyper grinding:
    Microstakes Update: £2.10 Turbo H/U Grind 100 Games Played: - 57 wins , 43 losses Profit: £19.10 Average Profit Per Game:  £0.17   Only a tiny sample of games since I began tracking, but I am beginning to build my broll. Hopefully i can replicate this over the next 100 games in order to finally reach a completely secure broll for 2.10's.
    Posted by clarke1789[/QUOTE

    Nice profit for 2.10s jay, build a bankroll and take some shots occasionally a little higher, maybe after a good winning session say you make a £10 in a good session play a couple of 3s if you lose your still in profit, if you win then obviously you just go from there.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Just played for few hours, didnt get many HU games in as i decided to play a couple of mtts, busted the £5.50HUBH, mincashed the £5.50 £2000miniBH had a really good stack at one point but ks cudnt hold up against 2s after getting it in pre, then i flopped a set got it in and someone hit a runner runner straight on me. Also played the £11 £1000 BH but didnt get anywhere. Ione tabled 5.25s sporadically and seem to have got a bit of momentum going as i had another good session. I also played one £10.50 which i didn't win. I don't plan on playing mtts regularly just played some recently for a bit of fun whilst i'm still off from uni and know i wont be busy at any point during the evening.

    So for the session..
    Tournament profit/loss: -£5.09
    Hu Turbo: +£40.25

    Total for session: +£35.16

    Current bankroll: £550.30           C4P: £65.50

    ps i'm changing the title as i have decided to stay away from hypers completly for the moment and i'm not involved in any sort of challenge so is a bit misleading.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Played some 10s in the end, only 9 games, got into what could of been a very profitable situation against someone who would raise up to 100 pre every hand and stack off with near enough anything. persuaded him into a best of 10 after he beat me in the first game, he beat me 4 times in a row lol i got it in good against him 3 of the times and a flip the other. The i won the next two games and he didn't play me again, too be expected i guess just shame i couldn't capitalize on the situation, in total i won 4 and lost 5.

    Total: -£14.50

    Current bankroll: £535.80           C4P: £66.22
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Decided i would try and take advantage of turbo tuesday double points promotion by attempting to try hit 100 games in the day, so i could climb a bit more in the C4P, just completed 50 games, going to have an hour break so im refreshed for this evening. Been two tabling 5.25s, hope to carry on two tabling this evening, considering playing the miniturbo BH but will decide later.

    Total for the day so far : +£47.50

    Current bankroll: £583.30           C4P: £71.02

  • bignoise10bignoise10 Member Posts: 567
    edited January 2013
    Good goin so far benc.Keep up the good work
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Thanks Paul seem to have got back on track over the last few days.

    Managed to reach my target of 100 HU games for the day, well 101 to be exact. I played the Miniturbo BH, managed to win a flip situation early on but then didn't get anywhere mixture of being card dead and picking the wrong spots pre to try accumulate a big stack, won 1 bounty though so only spent just over £3 on that, i also played a £2.20 speed which i busted. Of the 51 HU turbos i played tonight i managed to take a profit of £16 was close to my stop loss early on so was happy to end up in profit, 5 of them games were 10s and one was a supersonic when i saw a player i recognized.

    So for the second half of the session..

    HU turbo: +£16   Session 2 total: +£10.18
    MTT: - £5.82

    Day Total: +£57.68

    So another decent profitable session and a load of points, well over my highest every points total which i'm happy about. Not got any targets for the minute just hoping i can continue grinding out a profit and building my bankroll.

    Current bankroll: £593.48           C4P: £76.30

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Just played 5 £10.50s as i was bored and someone was sat down, anyway proceeded to not run very well got trips in against a rivered flush,  6s in against 69o pre they spike 9 and in another k10 in against 92o, another player that was shoving most hands pre made the tough call thinking i'm ahead of the average hand if he is shoving everything, glad to see 92 off, not glad to see the 9 on the flop.

    Anyway for the mini session i ended up down -£32.50, still up for the day but annoying to wipe out a decent amount of the profit, still it'll be a common theme if i take shots at the 10s every so often.

    Current bankroll: £560.98           C4P: £77.10
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Just finished playing the 11.30 5.75bh, donked my way to a 2nd place. Happy that i cashed as i managed to get Ks into a flopped set earlier and was crippled, got some luck at the right times to get my way back up. Seemed to be picking the right spots to be aggro in the later stages which i have struggled with in the past so was happy with that. I was dissapointed when i got to HU though the guy was 3-1 in chips and i managed to even it up but didn't adjust to being even in stacks, he played me perfectly set the trap by limping i shoved junk as i had been doing alot and he instacalled with 9s. Still really happy to cash, always find something to criticize if you dont get first though lol. In regards to HU didn't play many today had a bad time earlier on but ended up with a little profit, found myself on the £10 hypers again though which i really don't want to do be doing so need to address that issue. Although one positive was i managed to hit the 5000 point mark.

    Day Totals:

    Heads Up Hyper/Turbos: +£6.35
    £5.75 BH: +72.43
    Total: +£78.78

    Current bankroll: £639.76          C4P: £90.20
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    An update for yesterday, i played the 11.30 £5.75bh again and final tabled went out in 6th this time though everyone was pretty evenly stacked and i ended up taking a flip with AQ v 9s cudnt hit, although i got insanely lucky to even get past the bubble as my a6o managed to hit a disgusting runner flush against Fins AA. I had quite a swingy day didn't get as much volume in HU as i played a few sats to try get into the 15kbh and the super roller on sunday. Pattern of the day would be play HU spend profit on a sat and so on, with hindsight would of been better to just play HU for a set amount of time and earn a chunk towards the buy in. Once i gave up on getting into the tourny i dug myself a little hole HU playing turbos so yet again found myself on the £10 hypers went on a good streak which put me on a nice profit for the day, but i know i'm playing a dangerous game chasing losses on hypers but just cant resist, at least my bankroll could deal with a couple of horrible sessions.

    I think my two cashes covered all the sats i played, a tv timed tourny and the mini bounty hunter which i forgot to mention. With HU giving the majority if not all the profit mainly due to a sick run on hypers.

    Total for day: +£71.06

    Current bankroll: £710.82            C4P: £94.55

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited January 2013
    Excellent progress, well played.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Thanks Gary.

    First attempt at putting something up from sharkscope its yesterdays HU total and is just about readable, will look to make it bigger next time. Have yet to play today as been a bit busy but should get in a session later this evening, also if any players are just starting out in HU and want some advice or anything feel free to pm me.
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Tonight i played the rebuy open,turbo mini and megastack with about 15 hypers i think. Anyway the open was fun untill i ran As into Ks and they flopped a K, built up again Qs into Ak outflopped cant complain though as i have won my fair share of flips this week. Turbo Mini i came 18th for a cash quite enjoy the quick structure, had a good player to my left who 3bet me a couple of times so not wanting to get into habit of letting him run me over big mistake decided to call pre and checkraise all in on the flop with 10 high he called with 10high better kicker lol think he also had a gutshot will post the hand in a minute as it was quite funny, in grand scheme of things didn't matter though. In the megastack i came 2nd which was great my 3rd final table in 3days and my second 2nd place, this time i was completly happy with my HU play made the call with a5 against kj when i had double stack pre, then got in Ks against A9 when he had me covered, irritating not to take it down but glad it wasn't due to bad play like last time.  Hu i think i broke even or ended up very marginally up or down, back to my uni house 2mo and normal routine so will be back to getting alot more volume in HU.

    Total for tonight: +£89.49

    Current bankroll: £800.31            C4P: £96.82

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Just blew £31.50 of my hard earned profit on hypers, one 10.50 and one 21. lost the first one to a flip second one i saw a player sat down at 21 that i'd be stupid not to play, anyway after getting it in way ahead 4 times pre i still managed to lose and i didnt even get a rematch out of it , ahh well  just the nature of hypers still happy with the evenings work.

  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Well i'm an idiot, played another 3 £10 games chasing my loss like a degenerate and lost them all. another £31.50 gone in a matter of minutes, didn't do anything wrong just what happens at hypers if the cards dont fall kindly, hopefully will serve as a reminder to stop going on them, still i'm going to bed now so i dont end up wasting all my profit for the day, just got to remind myself that i still took a profit for the night.

    Cant really count it as a session but will record it as a whole so to try and deter me from making similar mistakes in the future.

    Total as a whole from the 5 games  -£63

    Current bankroll: £737.31       
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Up early as im travelling back to Uni house in a little bit, remembered i forgot to post the tournament hand i said i would, as i mentioned before player is a good player who had 3bet me a couple of times so decided i should make a stand at some point, obviously took the worst option possible, should of just 4bet shove, i managed to build back up after this so wasn't massively relevant in the grand scheme of things, just funny seeing the two hands when all the money went in. Enjoy my awful play and the hero call.
    teamo22 Small blind   100.00 100.00 3630.00
    terrytwomore Big blind   200.00 300.00 3430.00
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 10
    dillinja79 Fold        
    cassam Fold        
    benc Raise   400.00 700.00 3850.00
    Raise   800.00 1500.00 2270.00
    teamo22 Fold        
    terrytwomore Fold        
    benc Call   400.00 1900.00 3450.00
    • 2
    • 9
    • Q
    benc Check        
    Bet   470.00 2370.00 1800.00
    benc All-in   3450.00 5820.00 0.00
    All-in   1800.00 7620.00 0.00
    benc Unmatched bet   1180.00 6440.00 1180.00
    benc Show
    • 7
    • 10
    • 8
    • 10
    • 6
    • 3
    Win Queen high 6440.00   6440.00
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    Made a small withdrawal of £26.31 yesterday, chose that odd number as that was what i had above 700 after i had played a couple of HU games. Anyway i ended up playing about 4 or5hu in total was really tired from early start and travelling and didn't feel id be playing well if i tried to get a decent amount of games in, so watched my brother in an MTT bh instead and then he signed up to another which i decided to play. One of the £2.30 ones from last night think it was £300, anyway came 12th in that for a smallish cash think i just about broke even maybe a tiny bit of prof like in the pennies. Going to play some sats at some point today/tonight to try get into the roller and maybe play a bit of lowstakes cash just for bit of fun.

    Current bankroll: £711.85        
  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited January 2013
    So yesterday i played one direct sat into the roller didn't get anywhere got top pair in and was outkickered, also ended up doing 5 all in sats. I came second in one of them which was a pretty sickening feeling although i got a cash for that which covered the all the sats.

    Played a decent amount of HU, a mixture of 10.50 and 5.25 turbos, then later i tried to get a few 5.25 hypers in. I like the fact you never have wait long for an opponent in the hypers and at 5.25 you rarely get a very competent opponent so will be mixing in alot of them with turbos but only at the 5.25 level as i still think i would struggle mentally with losing 10bi at 10.50s, whereas at the 5s i know i can.

    Anyway overall i ended +£42.10 for the day, which is good as recently alot of my profit has been due to decent runs in  MTTs so nice to lock up a good HU session. I also managed to hit the £100 mark in cash for points which will be a nice bankroll boost next month.

    Current bankroll: £753.95            C4P: £101.11
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