when the 'whotsit' has,been taken, one time to many,with all,ALL, right in front of your eyes,the cards, the hands,the proof,does 'all' the talking, so so much better, than I can.
Hand 1, after ,accumalitve, 14 hours intense poker,00.30 a.m early hours of this Sat, through to Sun, ( 26 MTT buy ins) Rivered,for a monumental chip lead, hours deep,
Hand 2 , after only, two, buy ins,(back to back) BH,zero Poker, non ,nada, zero, in 13 hours,thats this Tuesday, 'and' never mind, pocket, 9 deuce,, yes, pocket 2 9 , calls an all in, mine, with A Q suited, ( no need for education on maths (thanks) and rivers it) (that, is not the hand two, I am posting) THIS IS, Pocket JJ, flopped set, having called the all in, is the HAND 96.77 % v !
Hand 3 pocket KK, flopped SET ( YES, A SET, NOT TRIPS) and the rest...
Hand 4 500 runner bounty hunter,4 hours play,final table,(six handed) pocket JJ (heads up) shove it, snapped called (by what ? ) the worst hand by a mile, and instently spikes it
Beyond, the rational, beyond the unbelievable,beyond,Poker probability,
here is some poker math, poker probability, for you,. with that in mind 'that the best Poker players, come to the fore' and ,with in mind, my question, ? when, does playing the ' best Poker, pay off ? '
Oh, and some Poker probability, Maths, for you,
In order, pre, 55% v 45 %, post, 83% v 17 %, 17 % chance, calls that raise, and all in, as a 4% chance, (and rivers it)
57% v 43% pre, called the All In, and, as 96.77 % fav post,
or, 80% v 20% PRE, 87 % V 13 % post,
or, JJ snap called by pocket 10 10 and spikes it, ( 500 runners, 4 hours play)
Oh, I nearly forgot, 'just varience' LOL.... nine months of, continually ( 52 cards, based on Probabilty)
Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
ELVIS66 | Small blind | | 400.00 | 400.00 | 7302.50 |
LENNYC | Big blind | | 800.00 | 1200.00 | 61300.00 |
| Your hole cards | | | | |
misterpj | Raise | | 1600.00 | 2800.00 | 36922.50 |
Shilo | Fold | | | | |
arragon | Call | | 1600.00 | 4400.00 | 65782.50 |
ELVIS66 | Fold | | | | |
LENNYC | Call | | 800.00 | 5200.00 | 60500.00 |
Flop |
| | | | | |
LENNYC | Bet | | 5200.00 | 10400.00 | 55300.00 |
misterpj | Raise | | 10400.00 | 20800.00 | 26522.50 |
arragon | Fold | | | | |
LENNYC | All-in | | 55300.00 | 76100.00 | 0.00 |
misterpj | All-in | | 26522.50 | 102622.50 | 0.00 |
LENNYC | Unmatched bet | | 23577.50 | 79045.00 | 23577.50 |
LENNYC | Show | | | | |
misterpj | Show | | | | |
Turn |
| | | | | |
River |
| | | | | |
LENNYC | Win | Full House, 10s and 8s | 79045.00 | | 102622.50 |
it is, beyond ( all, ) protracted, and continual, rational....................
Flop was 2 clubs ,river was another club giving me the flush..GG...then we notice QT made a straight flush..stacked two of us, I shook his hand, I want people in the pot calling my 3bets with QT , all-day long.
Alot of the hands you have posted not these specifically have been quite frankly butchered, with no real thought to an optimal strategy. Do you think Mattbates or any other winning player suffers less bad beats? Well yes they probably do because the play a more balanced game.... Do they happen at any less lower % when all in... absoloutely not.
Unfortunately until you commit to improving winning players will continue to win and losing players will continue to berate there luck.
If the game is stressing you out, not fun, hurting you finacially the best advice I can give you is to stop. If it is not then use your next deposit to buy some quality poker content like runitonce and see what it really takes to become a top player
A8, ouch you were extremely unlucky.
JJ expecting to win that hand getting AI against AQ is like expecting a coin flip is land heads. You are 57% favourite so gonna lost a lot for sure, a more damaging loss would be getting AI as AA and losing to 53s which is exactly what happened to me at the weekend in a live cash game.
KK, you should look at your ow actions and play more aggressive as played 109 has won fine doing that MR pre you've put yourself in a horrible spot and should be thankful you flopped set. What were you thinking Ch/MR flop, you've said to 109 "you can have a cheap call and hit the gutshot and on the flop you can think yourself lucky bernie himself bet the flop, most players are gonna Ch that flop allowing T9 a free turn card to hit his gutshot.
Qjs I don't like your call myself, it's a paired board you should know already that you losing to FH.
To a person like mattbates hand 1 is a bad beat because he gets all his chips into the pot as a massive favourite but losing it from bad luck.
hand 2 is a cooler sometimes you win sometimes you lose.
hand 3 if you showed decent aggression this would have been a BB but playing it weak you allowing the gutshot to call so the finder can be pointed at yourself for poor play
hand 4 you chose to chase the flush draw knowing already that your opponent has got FH in his range
Heads up against a single player from my raise pre.
I jammed my 79 on a T88 flop
Chap called, he had A8
I rivered a 6
Lucky Me!
I saw a chap get it all in on the turn on a QTT6
He had QT
opponent called with AT
happy days
River Ace
A sky player was short stacked, jammed it with 44
BB called with AA
4 on turn
I had AA
I raise pre, one sky caller, he knows who he is!
Flop A and two clubs
he checks i bet he calls
turn another club
he checks i check
river random heart and doesn't pair the board
he bets, i call, he shows two clubs for the turned flush
I didn't feel i could fold top set there on a non straight board with flush possibilities
but didn't feel like raising was correct either
so called.
felt like i lost minimum
still felt tilty though as i informed the table as i jammed the next hand for 30 bigs with AJs
It got through!
I was in £100 BH on Tuesday
I had 22
Flop AK2
Faced a raise and called, sneaky huh!, letting the guy behind me call getting 4x
turn J
I bet, guy behind me re pops
He can't have can he?
I jam (cus if he has got it at least i have outs)
He calls, he has it, QT
board doesn't pair
'course, if i raise flop, he doesnt have any odds to call with his QT, and i may still get a call from Ax
But hey, i could always moan at how rigged it all is instead.
If Tikay had the same distaste for commas as he has for exclamation marks.......
I think 2 of the best ways (for me anyway) to help with the mental side of dealing with bead beats is as follows:
1st, stop talking about hands in terms of percentages. Getting it in at 90% to win, means 1 in 10 the villain wins. 90% FEELS much more like you should win, end of story. When you realise, yes I am a massive favourite, BUT I will lose this hand once out of every ten. Also 10-1 bets come in all the time. Yes you've been unlucky, but it isn't beyond all realms of maths to lose when you get it in 90-95% to the good. I know you know the maths, but I guess the way your inner monologue processes the information means you feel unluckier than you actually are. (helps for me anyway).
2nd, I play MTT's (no reason you couldn't do this for cash). Little note pad, every time you get it in or increase your stack by 50% or more (feel free to pick your own rules), make a note. Doesn't have to be massively detailed, for example "50/100b 3500 stack AIPF my JJ vs AQ. won"
Its sounds really simple and I know you will have heard the "selective memory" thing a million times, but it is quite easy to cash/FT/Win a tourney and forget that you won 4 races to get there, or sucked out, or called a 3bet you shouldn't have with 22 and flopped a set. You only remember the time your KK lost against QQ.
I lost my passion for poker a while back, was in exactly the same place you are now. I've recently started playing back on sky and i'm really enjoying myself. Hope you get back in the groove soon. Run good my friend.
That said, @irompump1 is correct, some of the best players on Sky Poker have taken time to offer him good advice for free & it's not only been completely ignored, but "thanks" seems to be a bit thin on the ground.
If he ever plays Live & starts telling all those bad beat stories, it would get very uncomfortable very quickly. As a general rule, once we have played poker for a few weeks we get past the "woe is me, I'm the unluckiest player in the world" thing.
Think he has already been told this, but if he read "The Mental Game of Poker" he'd insta be cured, but I'm not convinced he wants to be cured.
All very sad really - the whole idea of poker at the recreational level is to relax & enjoy ourselves, which most of us do. I'm pretty sure he can't enjoy poker with the mindset he currently has.
Suggest OP lacks the mindset to play it. No shame in that-it is really tough, sometimes.
Also a YouTubers thing here.
Yes, it certainly can be tough, & you do need some strength of character to be able to ride with the blows.
It's a cliché that poker exposes our character, & I'm inclined to agree with that.