Pass me, a bucket, all fine and dandy,for " the usual suspects" anyone else, then your a MILLION, and no one, ( except engy and myna) have even got the minerals, to tell it straight, why ? Not one of you? ( except myna 'n' eng) put the particular player,I am thinking of,"out their misery? Zero Kahoona's
Pass me, a bucket, all fine and dandy,for " the usual suspects" anyone else, then your a MILLION, and no one, ( except engy and myna) have even got the minerals, to tell it straight, why ? Not one of you? ( except myna 'n' eng) put the particular player,I am thinking of,"out their misery? Zero Kahoona's
I don't know what you're on MrPyJamas, but I can assure you that I have never been shown any sort of favouritism by SKYPOKER whatsoever, and I'm not happy with your insinuation that we have been favoured in any way.
Both myself and MAXALLY realised that there was a problem with the DYM that we were playing, due to a glitch in the system/software. It's because there is a Forum available, that we were able to make our problem known, so that it could be sorted, and I'm sure that the other people playing that particular DYM, would have got their money back too.
Hopefully one day you will use the Forum in a pleasant manner, instead of deriding everything about SKYPOKER, just because you suffer the odd bad beat (as we all do). The Forum may not be here next year, so what are you going to do then? .....
I challenge you to post some hands where you actually got lucky (as we all do), though you may be unable to spot them to be honest.
I’ve stayed up all night trying to remember if I have amnesia or insomnia” “Wife: “You told me so many bad things in your sleep last night” Husband: “Who was asleep?” “You know your a mum when your fantasies are about sleeping!” “Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone” “Night: “I can’t find a comfortable position to sleep” Morning: “Every position is comfortable” “I have a condition that makes me eat when I can’t sleep, it’s called Insom-nom-nom-nom-nia!” “Sleep Announcement: “Today is cancelled, go back to bed” “My brain during the day: “Potato, potato, ching chong potato” – My brain during the night: “I wonder why the Earth was placed exactly here and allowed us to provide a perfect climate to sustain human life.” “Some people don’t sleep because they have insomnia. I can’t sleep because I have internet connection” 66 sleep jokes Me: “Let me sleep” – Brain: “lol, no, let’s stay awake and remember every stupid decision you made in your life.”- Me:”Okay” “What idiot called it insomnia and not resisting a rest?” “I want to sleep Doctor, but my brain won’t stop talking to itself” “Today I’m wearing a lovely shade of I slept like **** so don’t **** me off!” “Insomnia sufferers, look on the bright side, only 3 more sleeps till Christmas” “I’m so tired my tired is tired” “My day starts backwards…I wake up tired and go to bed wide awake” “I really enjoy the sound of my husband snoring”, said no women ever!” “I am not an early bird or a night owl…I am some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon” “I really think that tossing and turning all night should be considered exercise” “At night I can’t sleep-In the morning I can’t wake up” “I got paid for being part of a study at the sleep clinic – It was my dream job” “What do you call a sleeping bull? – A bull dozer” “There was a kidnapping at school yesterday – It’s okay though, he woke up” “I was lonely so I bought a sheep and called it “Relation”, – Now I have a relationsheep” “Which pill do you give an elephant that can’t sleep? – A trunkquillizer” “What do you call a person who sleeps next to a close relative? – A napkin” “I always sleep on a chandelier – I’m a light sleeper” “Where do fish sleep? – In a river bed” “Sleeping comes naturally to me, – I could do it with my eyes closed”
03:17? No wonder you aren’t up for brekkie at 7:30/8:00.....
Some great Sleep Jokes and one liners there Danny. I particularly like the only 3 Sleeps 'til Xmas one ..... and obviously the insom - nom - nom - nom - nia one
I'd been watching the Final Table of the Major 'coz Alan Carr and MKGunner were on it. MKG came 3rd, with the seat won from the FREEROLL .....what's that 'The Streets' album.... "A Grand don't come for Free".... well it did for him and AlanCarr WON.... AGAIN ! Well Done mate
I was up at 6.50am to make my daughters packed lunch for school and take her to the School Bus stop
03:17? No wonder you aren’t up for brekkie at 7:30/8:00.....
Some great Sleep Jokes and one liners there Danny. I particularly like the only 3 Sleeps 'til Xmas one ..... and obviously the insom - nom - nom - nom - nia one
I'd been watching the Final Table of the Major 'coz Alan Carr and MKGunner were on it. MKG came 3rd, with the seat won from the FREEROLL .....what's that 'The Streets' album.... "A Grand don't come for Free".... well it did for him and AlanCarr WON.... AGAIN ! Well Done mate
I was up at 6.50am to make my daughters packed lunch for school and take her to the School Bus stop
3 cracking jokes amongst the misses. The 2 mentioned above, and "resisting a rest"
Yes, I spoke with James & he voided the specific game you referred to & refunded all stakes.
Both myself and MAXALLY realised that there was a problem with the DYM that we were playing, due to a glitch in the system/software. It's because there is a Forum available, that we were able to make our problem known, so that it could be sorted, and I'm sure that the other people playing that particular DYM, would have got their money back too.
Hopefully one day you will use the Forum in a pleasant manner, instead of deriding everything about SKYPOKER, just because you suffer the odd bad beat (as we all do). The Forum may not be here next year, so what are you going to do then? .....
I challenge you to post some hands where you actually got lucky (as we all do), though you may be unable to spot them to be honest.
Your, punctuation, is, terrible, by, the, way, !
“Wife: “You told me so many bad things in your sleep last night” Husband: “Who was asleep?”
“You know your a mum when your fantasies are about sleeping!”
“Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone”
“Night: “I can’t find a comfortable position to sleep” Morning: “Every position is comfortable”
“I have a condition that makes me eat when I can’t sleep, it’s called Insom-nom-nom-nom-nia!”
“Sleep Announcement: “Today is cancelled, go back to bed”
“My brain during the day: “Potato, potato, ching chong potato” – My brain during the night: “I wonder why the Earth was placed exactly here and allowed us to provide a perfect climate to sustain human life.”
“Some people don’t sleep because they have insomnia. I can’t sleep because I have internet connection”
66 sleep jokes
Me: “Let me sleep” – Brain: “lol, no, let’s stay awake and remember every stupid decision you made in your life.”- Me:”Okay”
“What idiot called it insomnia and not resisting a rest?”
“I want to sleep Doctor, but my brain won’t stop talking to itself”
“Today I’m wearing a lovely shade of I slept like **** so don’t **** me off!”
“Insomnia sufferers, look on the bright side, only 3 more sleeps till Christmas”
“I’m so tired my tired is tired”
“My day starts backwards…I wake up tired and go to bed wide awake”
“I really enjoy the sound of my husband snoring”, said no women ever!”
“I am not an early bird or a night owl…I am some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon”
“I really think that tossing and turning all night should be considered exercise”
“At night I can’t sleep-In the morning I can’t wake up”
“I got paid for being part of a study at the sleep clinic – It was my dream job”
“What do you call a sleeping bull? – A bull dozer”
“There was a kidnapping at school yesterday – It’s okay though, he woke up”
“I was lonely so I bought a sheep and called it “Relation”, – Now I have a relationsheep”
“Which pill do you give an elephant that can’t sleep? – A trunkquillizer”
“What do you call a person who sleeps next to a close relative? – A napkin”
“I always sleep on a chandelier – I’m a light sleeper”
“Where do fish sleep? – In a river bed”
“Sleeping comes naturally to me, – I could do it with my eyes closed”
..... and obviously the insom - nom - nom - nom - nia one
I'd been watching the Final Table of the Major 'coz Alan Carr and MKGunner were on it. MKG came 3rd, with the seat won from the FREEROLL .....what's that 'The Streets' album.... "A Grand don't come for Free".... well it did for him
I was up at 6.50am to make my daughters packed lunch for school and take her to the School Bus stop
“I really think that tossing and turning all night should be considered exercise"