This week has been nippy. On Monday I couldn't see the rewards freeroll when I logged on about 7:20pm, I waited but nope not there. Tuesday I logged on and found the tournament had already started and I was down to 250 chips. Yesterday I noticed that the rewards freeroll was now starting at 6:30? A heads up would have be nice?
Today I was greeted with the screenshot shown below. Nothing on my PC has changed that I'm aware of so, what's is going on? Am I just too thick to be playing poker?

Never seen this message ever. Any ideas? Oh and btw my notifications are switched off cos I don't want to be spammed maybe that's a problem?
Please help Mr Thicky McThick, he's not very bright and needs as much help as soon as possible.
The 7:30 freeroll is now the 6:30 freeroll, the freeroll that was previously the 6:30 freeroll just vanished without any notice, explanation or compensation.
I still refer to the new 6:30 freeroll as the 7:30 freeroll due to me being in denial.
Sky Poker has consistently equalled or exceeded all other poker sites in its customer care. Consequently, I judge it by higher standards than, say, Stars. Until now.
Sky's reaction to traffic doubling is to remove 1 of the 2 major freerolls-the £5,000 weekly freerolls have effectively halved in value, while the £2,100 weekly for the original 6:30 freeroll has been removed. And continues to run Vegas sats, regardless of the fact that it has no firm date or guarantees for players who may be unable to meet the (currently unknown) future date. While every other site has pulled theirs.
Sky Poker has always had good people at the helm. Left with the distinct impression that those people are no longer the decision-makers.
Any news on when the treasure chests will arrive?
I never bother support he seems very busy most of the time. I find the forums(other players & tikay) do better job, well, they solve most of my "thicker" problems.
Hi bud,
I did put a thread up about the revised freeroll times.
Compare/contrast with the effort from the site itself.
I don't think hoping a majority of players will start reading forum notifications is going to work. Something more obvious is required.
What about the "Enable flash" pop up bug?
Hi @somniatis
It was not "a bug", it was done by design. I don't know WHY it was done, but it was certainly intended. I know because once I saw it (I got it too) I asked them about it.
If I had have known in advance about it, I most certainly would have stuck it on the Forum, as stuff like that makes folks uncomfortable if they don't know about it. Not sure why they never told me, either they forgot, or that was also by design. I'll chat with them about it in the morning.
Apologies for any discombobulation it may have caused.
Ha, if only.
They don't let me anywhere near stuff like that. Probably just as well, too.
Long story short, we’ve listened to you and removed the Flash prompt.
To try offer an explanation, when you load the Sky Poker website, we set things up to push updates to you, so you receive real-time info about tables and tournaments. We rely on Flash to do that, but if Flash isn’t available, the website regularly phones home to check for new info.
In light of recent events, we’ve seen unprecedented traffic to the site, and things were getting pretty hot. Many browsers have stopped supporting Flash, and this means a lot of your browsers are regularly polling for new information, which was slowing things down. We wanted to get as many of you to receive push updates as possible to reduce the load.
Unfortunately, Chrome doesn’t remember this preference when quitting your browser, and if you clicked “don’t ask again” and cleared cookies? Well, we asked again. Not great.
So we removed the prompt again this morning. Sorry for the inconvenience; we’ll keep coming up with ways to improve the experience!
Yup, that's precisely what I assumed it was.
We know Flash is well on its way out and we’re doing our best to come up with an improvement to this — bear with us!
@ Tikay, with respect, unless you've been coding since the days of the good old Amiga and coded in assembler language too. I'd prefer it if you didn't tell me "it's not a bug" every time that report what in my experience I consider to be a "bug".
If it has unintended behaviour or consequences it's a good old fashioned bug! That's not to say anyone's a bad coder or it was a serious bug it's just one of those things that will happen when you code. Hence , Microsoft always roll out their new bug-ware and have the customers beta test it for free and I always wait a year or two until it's been fully "beta tested" by those gullible customers.
Solved though and that's the main thing. Thanks for the input Chris.