Tory MPs Ben Bradley, Mark Jenkinson and Selaine Saxby spark outrage with free school meal remarks
On Wednesday MPs rejected a Labour motion , inspired by footballer Marcus Rashford’s campaign, to extend the free school meals scheme until Easter 2021.
Tory MPs who have taken to social media to defend voting against the motion have found themselves in the firing line.
Ben Bradley, who represents Mansfield, denied accusations of stigmatising working class families in his response to a tweet describing the free school meals programme
“£20 cash direct to a crack den and a brothel”.
In a post which has since been removed, he wrote: “That’s what FSM vouchers in the summer effectively did…”
Meanwhile, Mr Bradley’s Conservative colleague Mark Jenkinson accused people of attempting to “score political points” as he claimed that in his constituency of Workington in a “tiny” minority of cases food parcels – not vouchers – are “sold or traded for drugs”.The comments also sparked questions and demands for evidence, with Labour’s Jess Phillips writing: “Seriously Mark, let’s have a chat about this when in Parliament I’d love to see your evidence, I’d also like to talk to you about life living with those with substance misuse and what does and doesn’t help solve it.”
Tory MP for North Devon Selaine Saxby also ignited anger after commenting on local businesses giving free food away to those in need.
A screenshot of a since-removed post in her name on Facebook said: “I am delighted our local businesses have bounced back so much after lockdown they are able to give away food for free, and very much hope they will not be seeking any further government support.”
Whilst I don't agree or defend Ben Bradley, an eg below of what i think he meant..
When my wife worked as a checkout supervisor ( at Waitrose if you don't mind..) she challenged a customer about the appropriateness of what was being bought with govt vouchers.. ie food and milk vouchers with no food or milk being purchased to be told by the store manager, they allow and accept the vouchers for whatever was purchased...she left
Figures at Downing Street now say that work is being done on more support for eligible pupils outside of school term time.
What delusional, priviledged fukin Downtown Abbey world do they live in?
Too many fools blindly vote for them despite the overwhelming reasons not to vote for them.
Allies of Rishi Sunak (top left) furiously hit out at suggestions that he was responsible for blocking the extension of the free school meals scheme last night. Instead, they pointed the finger at Gavin Williamson (bottom inset), the Education Secretary, who they insisted had not put forward a spending proposal for approval. It came as Mr Sunak became the target of online attack adverts (bottom left, centre and right) which blamed him for the Government's refusal to perform a U-turn. Campaign group One Rule For Them, founded by Adam McNicholas who worked as a Labour campaign director in the run up to the 2017 general election, also used a slick campaign video to denounce the Chancellor's family wealth. It comes as Boris Johnson (inset) today admitted he had not spoken to footballer Marcus Rashford (top right) who is campaigning for the funding of free school meals during the holidays.
I would have been eligible for free school meals all throughout my childhood but my Mother had some pride and self respect about her so would send me off to school with a nice packed lunch and a couple of £ in my pocket everyday.
Marcus Rashford can just **** right off. If he were really so concerned about this issue why can he not have a whip round of all his club and international team mates. I'm pretty sure these cu nts will have more spare money between them than the government atm.
George Osborne today stuck the boot into Boris Johnson over the Government's handling of the free school meals row as he said Marcus Rashford had 'nutmegged' the Prime Minister
Pub landlord sparks outrage with Facebook 'joke' offering local 'starving, maggot infested, lice riddled kids' a 'jam sandwich workshop' during half-term
Richard Dawson, owner of The Cricketers Arms in Baildon, has deleted his post offering 'maggot infested' children a free 'jam sandwich workshop' over the school holidays.
every low income family are able to claim and receive benefits like working tax credits , child benefit , housing benefit , income support those that are unemployed have benefits they can claim too .. now I'm not saying all claimants have no sense of money management but when i see people complaining about this issue and not having enough to feed there children yet some have plenty of cigarette's , beer ,mobile phones and of course drugs and lets face facts here some parent/parents put there needs before there kids,,, at the end of the day benefits should be paid in vouchers for food and utility credits not in cash to be spent on everything but essentials like feeding there children ..
no doubt i will get abuse for this comment from some but i do not believe the government should be held responsible for paying for everyone's life choice some will say but those that have lost there jobs and have bills to pay like credit cards how are they meant to live well take note don't buy on credit , don't run up bills ,, LIVE WITHIN YOUR MEANS and only buy what you can pay for with money you got in bank .. fed up with the do gooder syndrome from those that have plenty .. if you think some one should be paying for it then pay out of your pocket not the tax payers