In fact, not one player, two players

Both (almost) not played a, single hand, in nearly a year, both decide to play, out of the blue, a tiny 10 runner £5.50 bounty hunter, at 06.00 a.m on a very quite Tuesday morning, so quiet in fact, both prior £5.50 bounty hunters, (most unusually) I regged both, the 05.00 am and the 05.30 am were cancelled, lack of players.
Oddly enough, neither of the comeback Kids played a single hand since.
Having played 5 years, hundreds & hundreds, of early morning £5.50 bounty hunters, summit a tad 'off'
And, the comeback kid, running,... Ok
06.35 I flop a Set 555,wouldnt call the 6000 plus all in shove on the flop, why? need you ask!
06.42 Same player cracks AA, with pocket 7 9 off suit, running turn 9 river 7 for two pair !!
06.45 Same player then shoves 66 final table, 3 of us left, snap called by myself, with my pocket 10 10 and same player rivers a set 666!!!
Not played a, single hand, in a year, or a single hand since, a, 10 runner 06.00 am £5.50 bounty hunter.

And, a fair bit more.
No particular thoughts from me, except that I'm completely confused as to why you think the following are in any way whatsoever correlated;
An 11 month gap between playing.
Two earlier MTT's did not run due to lack of runners.
The guy ran well.
The correlation is what, exactly?
What exactly are you suggesting?
You have Posted this story 6 or 7 times now in 48 hours, why are you obsessed with it?
Honestly - & I have almost infinite patience with you Paul - but my advice is that all this wasted time on hocus pocus theories would be FAR better spent putting some work into your game. Many, many really good players have given you excellent advice, but you just ignore it or reply rather rudely. Why was there the need to be so curt with Craig yesterday?. Why?
These guys mean well you know, they are trying to help you.
Bring on CHELTENHAM I say
that what I suspect, based on evidence thus far provided (got more) but haven't even suggested, not yet what the evidence points to, that 'we all hope' isn't what it appears to be. If the above hasn't made even my harshest critics, stop pause and think, nothing ever will.
However,a 'former' harsh critic,their words, gone as far to say, 'it looks iffy'
Any racing fans, one of the most impressive 3yo colt debutants, a Godolphin owned colt called Prevalence,won 15 lengths, hard held, in a canter at 7-1 on its debut and was put straight in, as it crossed the line, at 16s for the Kentucky Derby & 50s for the English Derby (I backed it in both) has its 2nd lifetime run, tonight 21.44 Gulfstream, might be worth taking a watch.
Matt Bates, Skypokers best player, nearly £400,000 reasons why, 'advises me' its the way I play Poker' fair enough, if Matts correct, and I am completely incorrect, then fair enough, but, I struggle too dot the i's and cross the T's in Matthews statement. Maybe I am missing something?
Further, why? anyone £6,000 behind, who has put in phenomenal commitment of hours played, give any notion 'to a break' when, if its all JUST VARIANCE AND BAD LUCK the only Sane conclusion any intelligent Poker Observer could reasonably make, is your time will surely come soon 'son'
Starting next Monday, Queen Alexander, 5 ops, over next 13 months, 2 knees, 2 ankles, 1 shoulder, none of which stops me either playing Poker,or punting Horses,in fact something I am actually looking forward to, devoting the sort of time, to the gee gees and cherry hogs,because, still, even in 2021 Lockdown world, monies to be made, for sure, so, I live hope, 5 years + down the line, the 'next year' might be warm! Gee Gees a certainty, dogs a double certainty, Poker.?
A look, at the soul destroying Poker, of the last few days, and, proved I am not cherry picking, plus, I personally, have not got a clue, not a clue, what it's like, to win any of the hands, shown exactly below, in the way they were won, and just one hand, split on the River 98% good by a 2% chance
Lost every hand, split one hand. My detractors, simply cannot reasonably 'have it' sunny side down, sunny side up, both ways, and a cherry on top.
Working harder, at your poker game, includes a collosal element, of doing exactly, what I do, reviewing your game, reviewing your play, studying your own exact hands, simply ask, any fair minded poker player, and they will tell you, yes study your play, work out where you are going wrong, so, back at you, don't cherry pick!
Massive tournament relevant pot,Bounty Hunter
My hand? pocket AA
got it All In with AA near 9000 shove, snap called by 99
96% good for the tournament crown jewels, 4% hand equity 'finds' the river 9
called the All In 89% good v 11% with AA K kicker, spiked instant turn
got it All In and got called 87% good with 10 10 for chunk of bounties v 13% wins hand on River
called the All In, 78 % good 16% to split,AQ suited spades,top pair top kicker, 6% wins on River
called the All In 78% good v 12% Q 10 suited diamonds, top pair top kicker, spiked instant turn
call the All In, 78% good, KK flops it 78% good v 5 A off, spiked instant turn
called the huge All In shove, way way best, top and bottom pair, KK 33, turn the Full House 98% good, 2 % chance finds the River miracle card, exactly when 'very urgently required' lol!
called the All In shove, my pocket A6 suited spades into 3 A off, 6% hand equity, 3 A off wins the pot spiking a, 3 on the river
AK suited diamonds, call 1200 pre, bet the A 7 J rainbow flop, top pair AA K kicker, middle pair 3 kicker not folding, chase the river for 2 pair
and, ALL IN best, all cracked;
pocket KK
pocket JJ
pocket QQ huge hand £5.50 bounty hunter
pocket 55 calls the K6 shove pre
pocket 44 all in pre gets done, turn river runner runner straight
Two players play £33 buy-in, but somehow lose £38.81 and £37.87 😕
That's because Sharkscope don't assign rebuys to individual players, they average them across the field & "charge" each player that amount, whether they have had rebuys or not.
ऋऍद्य्, गेट सेत, गो फ़ुच्क् योउर्सेल्फ़्
I did not know I could find these posts all over the forums. This is like a gift from the gods.
I'll play your cancelled games if you fancy , give you a bit more action. I'll even turn off my SVD.
Personally, I found it rather remarkable, that two players, both totally 'dormant' for almost a year, zero hands played, randomly decide to stage a resurrection each, at 06.00 am in a £5,50 bounty hunter that filled with a grand total of Ten players, coincidentally on the very day, not even enough players around, to get the minimum required 4 runners in both the 05.30 am & 05.00 am £5.50 bounty hunters. Coincidently, the player who played 9 mtts in March 2020 (a year ago) and decided (not played a single hand since this bounty hunter either) to play this one single mtt, ran, exceptionally well. (not just the ran exceptionally well, the way ran exceptionally well)
Lots of strangeness, below, 3,not 2,3 'seperate players' two have very very similar names,2 came played this tiny 10 player 06.00 am £5.50 bounty hunter, and there's more. (the more, is not what's below)
for the Racing fellas, Godolphins 3 yo Prelavence, now two lifetime runs, two lifetime wins, smashed into sp 1-8. Trainer Brendan Walsh stated, between debut and last night, Prevalence had a little niggle, wasn't fully wound up, jockey Tyler Gaffoilone handled Prevalence very gently (good) hoping one more impressive winning run, and straight too Kentucky Derby.
This Prelavence, a beautiful imposing 3 yo colt, serious serious potential
Maybe they planned to collude and decided that MTT was the best one to do this.
Maybe it was coincidence that they decided to play that MTT and they don't know each other.
It does seem quite a strange thing for you to be looking at.
Rather than you making cryptic confusing posts on the forum you could send in an email to customer care and clearly and concisely explain your concerns and ask them to look into it.
People on the forum can have their views but I doubt anyone particularly cares and we would all be guessing about what has gone on whereas a sky employee with access to hand histories along with other information could look into it properly.
Nice creativity on the foreign language remark. Allow me to retort.
तपाईं ठूलो कमबख्त योनी
Pj your going to have awful luck on here sometimes and it really will seem rigged sometimes it not but it will seem that way, and sometimes you will get lucky but if you beat yourself up all the time when the luck goes against you and only focus on that you will deny yourself the scores when your luck comes in.
(used to be Phil Hellmuth) but changed to Matt, who advised me I keep losing big hand after big hand, 'because of the way I play Poker' struggling too see it myself, when the Mystics keep connecting, on the River... Q 5 for goodness sake, LOL!
Always tell myself, Matts looking over my shoulder
How would Matt play these hands?
who plays one 06.00 a.m £5.50 bounty hunter, Per Year
Posting it, as shown for a good looking at.
06.36 THREE NINES 9 9 9 flop trip 999s
06.39 THREE QUEENS Q Q Q flop QQ trips on the River
06.42 turn river runner runner 99s 77s cracking Aces
06.45 THREE SIXES 6 6 6 cracks 10 10 87% hand equity making river set 666
Lovely 'trabaja' if only one, could get some of it.