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random i think not



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
    stokefc said:

    888 wern't done for anything poker related certainly not the decks

    Correct, it was for RG matters.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Tikay10 said:

    TheWaddy said:

    I mean you backing these companies... who have been fined for breaking the rules on subjects The Gambling Commission DO look at ...... but you all refuse they would do that on a subject they absolutely DONT look at..... although they have been proved to have no integrity whatsoever, you dismiss it even as a possibility..... intelligent stuff!

    "Clearly reaching the max rake on more hands WOULD benefit them, clearly maintaining customer numbers equals more rake and more fees. Its a lie to say it would not benefit them, even if they maintain that they dont do it. I would ask you what is not fact about that?"

    There is no "max rake" in MTT's or DYM's, it's a flat reg fee. So no, it would not benefit them. And if they were found to be manipulating the deck or RNG, they would lose their Licence without a shadow of doubt, so that would not benefit them. There have been a few scandals in the Industry down the years, but I don't recall a single one which involved manipulating the RNG or deck.

    I had hoped to engage with you sensibly, but you don't seem interested & seem to have a narrative, so I'll leave you to it.
    You had hoped to engage with me sensibly and dont know why i want to dig u out? Perhaps cos every comment you have ever made on my posts is purely just 'to dig me out' and nothing else... ever!

    Engaging sensibly is is quoting there is no max rake in mtt and dym?... like i didnt know that huh. It all runs off the cash deck, there is obv not a different deck for this. So in mtt and dym the benefit to them is sharing round the wins and maitaining customer numbers. In cash its maintaining customer numbers AND increasing rake.

    There isnt one involving the deck, as this is a subject The Commission has no involvement in looking into it, how many more times? Clearly if they got round to looking at decks and found what they should, companies have the fact that ALL the sites are doing the same thing, so all will get their hands slapped and nothing more.
    stokefc said:

    888 wern't done for anything poker related certainly not the decks

    Yes i think i clearly said this, stick to doing the biscuits at the tea club. You trust these companies who have a long, long list of breaking the rules and clearly have no integrity... cos one of the last few areas of their business has not been proven yet. Makes complete sense, keep letting those water meter guys who have the wrong uniform and look about 14 use your toilet ....... easy target!
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592

    TheWaddy said:

    You play here to ''fund holidays?''

    You're average stake is a quid, and you seemingly only single table.

    I guess you must enjoy going on these....

    Keep just guessing, it makes you look intelligent when you speculate.

    Where are your £1 SnG's taking you this year?

    Bridlington? Southend? Margate? Maybe even Blackpool?!

    The life of an intrepid traveller.

    Florida this time. Even Tikay both times hes come in on my posts has confirmed figures of like won 7 out of last 8... i will help u with the maths (clearly if you think decks are random you def will need help with this)
    All i have to clear is £7 a day x 365 days of year is £2555. Very low intelligence here, u shud know by now i will back it with fact.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    My maths isn’t as good as it once was, but I’m pretty sure winning 7 out of 8 £1.10 HUSG doesn’t clear £7.
    Not sure why £7 x 365 was given as an example?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    edited March 2022
    Perhaps he uses the @rbh112 conversion method which magically transforms 2p/4p stakes and multiple losing accumulators into £10k profits.

    @tomgoodun think he's trying to say that if he makes £7 a day every day he can go on his holibobs coz that would equal £2,555 or £2562 every fourth year.

    I know one thing, if I was certain that doing xyz in particular positions playing particular games would guarantee a profit I'd STFU about it and just keep raking the winnings.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    TheWaddy said:

    Tikay i think when you accuse me as a Moderator to not having a sensible conversation, when i try to explain everything i say with examples and facts.... and all i get back is 'you holiday in Bridlington', 'although the sites have been fined £9m, they are not lacking integrity as they havent been fined for poker' ... from the same bunch of people who attack absolutely everyone who dares points out the obvious.... i think its quite rich!

    You have lost the ability to Moderate with a clear head and just let the Tea Club say the most inane things, mostly getting confused on what is actually being said or base their comments on speculation..... pure childs play.... but choose to accuse me of not being able to hold a sensible conversation!

    Ths isnt a forum, its a little club where the Moderator will stroke the ego of anyone pouring the tea and has brought Garabaldi's with them. The word 'forum' on the Sky home page needs to be changed to 'Tea Club', with the footnote 'outsiders stay away'.

    Well if you want "SENSIBLE" conversation I suggest you start one. How about sensibly posting some sensible proof of your claims instead of just spouting cr4p.

    Maybe then you will get some sensible replies from all the sensible people on here who have sense.

    Hope this makes sense.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited March 2022
    They use lies in their statements about the RNG. One of the top 3 major players in online poker were suspended and got shut down for not operating the way they are supposed to. Another of the top British names in online gaming has just been fined £9m for not operating the way they are supposed to. They have your complete trust depite this.

    But i guess thats not sensible to say that, its spouting **** and requires more proof.... More tea vicar?
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    You say the site doesn't have enough players to make money, how do you know this? Also, Skypoker is a small part of the overall SB&G group.
    You suggest you know how the decks work yet play £1 games, surely if you knew how the decks work you would be cleaning up?

    You are suggesting that bad beats happen a lot more online but haven't supplied any data. It does seem like confirmation bias.

    The issue is you are making statements which you consider fact and you haven't supplied any evidence.
  • TVSpiceTVSpice Member Posts: 1,242
    Actually it's my turn to hand round the biscuits, @stokefc did it last week. So, having ensured everyone has their custard cream or digestive (no garibaldi's today), I'd like to add my two cents. You actually have not, as @mattbates has stated, produced a shred of evidence for your facts but are merely operating on the basis that because you say so, it is so.

    Regardless of your strong feelings though, why do you feel the need to be so rude to people? You didn't start this thread, you simply hijacked it and then proceeded to be rude to everyone for no good reason. Are you incapable of putting your points over, however misguided the rest of us believe they are, without making snide comments? I'm sure that I will be next in your crosshairs for even mentioning this unpleasant aspect of your posts but I'll survive.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    TVSpice said:

    Actually it's my turn to hand round the biscuits, @stokefc did it last week. So, having ensured everyone has their custard cream or digestive (no garibaldi's today), I'd like to add my two cents. You actually have not, as @mattbates has stated, produced a shred of evidence for your facts but are merely operating on the basis that because you say so, it is so.

    Regardless of your strong feelings though, why do you feel the need to be so rude to people? You didn't start this thread, you simply hijacked it and then proceeded to be rude to everyone for no good reason. Are you incapable of putting your points over, however misguided the rest of us believe they are, without making snide comments? I'm sure that I will be next in your crosshairs for even mentioning this unpleasant aspect of your posts but I'll survive.


    Whoa hold on there if you can't provide a garibaldi or two then maybe you aren't cut out for Tea Club. Also I hear tell that you don't extend your pinkie when you drink, that's really bad form.

    Although if you furnish us with a nice box of Family Circle then its all sins forgiven and you're welcome to marry my sister.

    Oh and I wouldn't worry too much about being in @TheWaddy crosshairs. If his aim is as accurate as his accusations you're perfectly safe.
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited March 2022
    TheWaddy said:

    Tikay i think when you accuse me as a Moderator to not having a sensible conversation, when i try to explain everything i say with examples and facts.... and all i get back is 'you holiday in Bridlington', 'although the sites have been fined £9m, they are not lacking integrity as they havent been fined for poker' ... from the same bunch of people who attack absolutely everyone who dares points out the obvious.... i think its quite rich!

    You have lost the ability to Moderate with a clear head and just let the Tea Club say the most inane things, mostly getting confused on what is actually being said or base their comments on speculation..... pure childs play.... but choose to accuse me of not being able to hold a sensible conversation!

    Ths isnt a forum, its a little club where the Moderator will stroke the ego of anyone pouring the tea and has brought Garabaldi's with them. The word 'forum' on the Sky home page needs to be changed to 'Tea Club', with the footnote 'outsiders stay away'.

    Your posts (from what I have read) sound intense and looks like you are spoiling for an internet fight. From my perspective :blush:

    Think it started with an HU opponent which had a thread, now this one has changed from another Sky players thread to something else. How's the read? B)
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,656
    TheWaddy said:

    They use lies in their statements about the RNG. One of the top 3 major players in online poker were suspended and got shut down for not operating the way they are supposed to. Another of the top British names in online gaming has just been fined £9m for not operating the way they are supposed to. They have your complete trust depite this.

    But i guess thats not sensible to say that, its spouting **** and requires more proof.... More tea vicar?

    You're so dogmatic but your thinking is rigid and intolerant so communication with you always descends into arguments and is practically impossible. Until you deal with your anger or arrogance you will never see the woods for the trees.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    TVSpice said:

    Actually it's my turn to hand round the biscuits, @stokefc did it last week. So, having ensured everyone has their custard cream or digestive (no garibaldi's today), I'd like to add my two cents. You actually have not, as @mattbates has stated, produced a shred of evidence for your facts but are merely operating on the basis that because you say so, it is so.

    Regardless of your strong feelings though, why do you feel the need to be so rude to people? You didn't start this thread, you simply hijacked it and then proceeded to be rude to everyone for no good reason. Are you incapable of putting your points over, however misguided the rest of us believe they are, without making snide comments? I'm sure that I will be next in your crosshairs for even mentioning this unpleasant aspect of your posts but I'll survive.

    This is the Tea Club to a tee (or tea). 'why do you feel the need to be so rude to people'..... i mean read back.... you will find i post my opinion, try to back it up ... the Tea Club start the rudeness, the Moderator whips it up.... and im the one who cant 'get my point across without snide comments'.... wow. See both my original posts on these 2 subjects that went mad and see the barage of 'snide comments' beofre i gave one back.

    I think this is the epitome of the Tea Clubs way of seeing things, even when its in black and white what happened. Feel free to read back... theres even crumbs left behind.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    One lump or two.

    Providing evidence would be backing up your opinion, merely asserting that its true is not the same thing.

    Evidence please, in the meantime I'll have another cup of Darjeeling, no milk, no sugar, no biscuits, however a nice cucumber sandwich would go swimmingly.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929

    One lump or two.

    Providing evidence would be backing up your opinion, merely asserting that its true is not the same thing.

    Evidence please, in the meantime I'll have another cup of Darjeeling, no milk, no sugar, no biscuits, however a nice cucumber sandwich would go swimmingly.

    You might aswell have bread dipped in water than have a cucumber sandwich mate :#
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Actually people here are being a lot more tolerant than you deserve

    You’re coming on Sky’s forum and accusing them being dodgy without a single bit of evidence to back it up
    You’re being extremely rude, for no reason, about someone who is, rightly, very well respected in Poker.
    You’re lying about how much you win.

    And your tea club rants in every post are boring

  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592

    One lump or two.

    Providing evidence would be backing up your opinion, merely asserting that its true is not the same thing.

    Evidence please, in the meantime I'll have another cup of Darjeeling, no milk, no sugar, no biscuits, however a nice cucumber sandwich would go swimmingly.

    For 10yrs, i have tried talking with poker sites, i have emailed AND spoken directly with The Gambling Commission, i have emailed the external auditors.... all in an attempt to get to the bottom of what is going on..... or if u like 'provide evidence'...

    unfortunately all parties, despite disclosing shocking facts along the way (eg the GC to actually admit they have no involvement in online poker whatsoever, other then issuing the certificate based on testing they have no involvement in, or ever look at in any way... i think would even raise your eyebrows.... im sure 99% of online players did not know this), have refused to provide details on what tests are actually run and in what manner. So you will have to ask them why they are unprepared to put this matter to bed.

    They are getting fined left right and centre for things they know the GC (not Gemma Collins btw) will look at, but you totally believe they wouldnt use something to their advantage that they know 100% they are NOT looking at. Its totally, totally naïve to think that that is not even a possibility, even if you are somehow not seeing the obviousness on the tables.

    This is obviously the way they like things, as if it remains this way, nothing can be proved...your right... I can't personally think of any other reason why their main argument is the RNG is audited and tested, but dont want to tell you any details.... but when they are getting £9m fines and continue acting in this manner im surprised they have anyone trusting them at all.
  • kapowblamzkapowblamz Member Posts: 1,656
    TheWaddy said:

    For 10yrs, i have tried talking with poker sites, i have emailed AND spoken directly with The Gambling Commission, i have emailed the external auditors.... all in an attempt to get to the bottom of what is going on..... or if u like 'provide evidence'...

    unfortunately all parties, despite disclosing shocking facts along the way (eg the GC to actually admit they have no involvement in online poker whatsoever, other then issuing the certificate based on testing they have no involvement in, or ever look at in any way... i think would even raise your eyebrows.... im sure 99% of online players did not know this), have refused to provide details on what tests are actually run and in what manner. So you will have to ask them why they are unprepared to put this matter to bed.

    They are getting fined left right and centre for things they know the GC (not Gemma Collins btw) will look at, but you totally believe they wouldnt use something to their advantage that they know 100% they are NOT looking at. Its totally, totally naïve to think that that is not even a possibility, even if you are somehow not seeing the obviousness on the tables.

    This is obviously the way they like things, as if it remains this way, nothing can be proved...your right... I can't personally think of any other reason why their main argument is the RNG is audited and tested, but dont want to tell you any details.... but when they are getting £9m fines and continue acting in this manner im surprised they have anyone trusting them at all.

    You have no evidence at all, just anecdotes. What you actually have here is a conspiracy theory. You think that the evil poker overlords in every poker room are rigging the games i.e. conspiring against the customers.

    If you find some compelling evidence it would be great to hear it because it would cause a real stir and I'm sure almost everyone would be interested. Good luck with it.
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