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Sets Are Best - CraigSG1 Diary. UPDATE



  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Finish off with my favourite hand of the night and my chip lead grabbing hand:

    Argument for just folding pre but I was comfortable to raise. My c bet is fairly standard on this board, no reason to bet too big, people will just fold if they miss and call with something and would rarely bluff raise. I would make this with a lot of my range so as good as that flop is I still need to continue what ive been doing now ive hit. Glad to get two callers because that juts the odds someone has a FD.

    The flush comes on the turn and again I bet small, I would do this with over cards with a spade, over pairs with a spade, a 9 obviously and some others and I get what I wanted which is an all in.

    Now for me MakeItStop just has to call. He has a great hand but paired boards are dangerous and if I am bluffing why shut me out? For example If I have 1010 with the 10 of spades let me hit a spade! If im bluffing let me bluff in to you.
    gimpazoidSmall blind600.00600.0028613.15
    MakeItStopBig blind1200.001800.0032854.04
    Your hole cards
    • 3
    • 3
    • 9
    • 9
    • 3
    • 6
    MakeItStopUnmatched bet5544.0861819.925544.08
    • K
    • Q
    • 3
    • 3
    • 5
    CraigSG1WinFull House, 3s and 9s61819.9261819.92
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    edited April 2022
    CraigSG1 said:

    This is a hand I would like some other views on:

    Its a limped pot and I had that saying of don't go broke in a limped pot in my head at the river. The flop is standard and I would probably of called a bet with the potential I had but it gets checked to turn where I hit my gin card! The nuts! No point in betting as im hoping the villain has checked back a weak Ace or has something because its kind of hard to hit this board. Yes he has a lot of weak hands but he's an aggressive player and I have known him to limp and raise Aces on the button. I was hoping for a bet to call (maybe raise depending on his size) but it checked again. Now it pairs and im still very happy with my hand and have to bet for some value but we get a snap big reraise!

    I don't think he is ever doing this with any A because I can so easily have a 5 so that left some 5x and maybe the lower straight with suited cards or a rivered FH.

    Should I have jammed? Like I said, it was an upraised pot, I don't have the nuts by a long way (he could have A5, AA, 55, 75, 44) and he was so quick to raise like he had been waiting. To be honest, from my starting hand I was happy to just call and take a nice pot.

    Asho28Small blind300.00300.005845.00
    CraigSG1Big blind600.00900.0018257.50
    Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 8
    • A
    • 4
    • 7
    • 5
    • 5
    • K
    • 5
    • 6
    • 8
    CraigSG1WinStraight to the 811700.0024857.50

    I think we need to be betting the turn to try and put some money into the pot. If the villain has any part of the board or any draw then they probably won't fold.

    On the river, I would be happy to go all in facing a raise, especially against this villain. We only lose the full houses and would the villain have checked the flop and the turn with two pair or a set? Seems unlikely.

    Was fun being on your table for a while last night @CraigSG1 - some fun pots and we ended up swapping chips for a while (mainly thanks to me screwing up a few spots)

    Good luck for the rest of this 16 day challenge.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi Ash - your absolutely right. I should have just led the turn and I normally do bet my nutted hands and I guess I was just sure he would bet the turn for me but that's my bad. If I feel he's going to bet he's going to call!

    That night was fun - you definitely tangled with me a lot. I held my own I think. I bluffed you in one big spot and value bet the same in another so your even on your folds. Im hoping that's what makes me tough.

    As for tonight - another good one I think. Could have been sweeter but I played well and that's what matters. I finally made a deep run in the £2BH in 8th - losing AQ v A8 and once again cashed in the £5BH 14th-ish I think. Got in some good spots that didn't go my way, had one chance later to run it back up but that went against me and then busted A8s v KQs.

    The lesson I think is clear - when unwell just dont play! It wasn't fun and I played some bad poker.


    £2BH.............9................1.............0.......... -£8.68
    £5BH.............8................3.............1.......... +£199.24
    £2 Rebuy.......3................1............ 1.......... +£15.64
    FREEROLL......7................1.............0........... +£1


    DYM..............4...............4/4...................... - +£9.80
    6max............5...............1/5...................... - -£4.30

    Totals +£212.64

  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    A lot of missed opportunities tonight, i had so many good draws and missed almost all of them only to lose to almost every draw someone had on me! Very topsy turvy all night but to no avail im afraid.

    Busted the FR first hand with AA to a set of 66s all in on a draw heavy flop - play it faster in the FR because of so many light calls. In the £5 BH lost a couple of races to go out and then in the £2 i again lost a flip and then next hand against the chip leader have K10s v 89s - i see a QJx flop thinking he only has 6 outs and hits the 8 to knock me out.

    Also played one DYM and failed to cash for the first time this challenge, once again losing a race and then when ahead with shallow stacks.

    Coming to the end of my challenge, would really really love to take down one more MTT before Tuesday and the end of my holidays to complete the dream but to be fair im pretty happy with what i have done so far.

    Talking about challenges, I've had an idea i would love to put in place but i need a certain @tikay10 's help! I would come up with monthly challenge for my readers to get involved with and win a prize at the end - a £5 token (or £2, be grateful for either).

    My May one i've already thought about and that would be to guess how many bounties i would take in the month. I would give some details of volume and i hope that would give people something to be interested in and add some fun!


    £2BH.............10...............1.............0.......... -£9.19
    £5BH.............9................3.............1.......... +£193.74
    £2 Rebuy.......3................1............ 1.......... +£15.64
    FREEROLL......8................1.............0........... +£1


    DYM..............5...............4/5...................... - +£6.50
    6max............5...............1/5...................... - -£4.30

    Totals +£203.33

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,658


    Am happy to make available £11 worth of tokens for you to award as you see fit. Can be broken into smaller increments if you prefer.

    That do?
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Tikay10 said:


    Am happy to make available £11 worth of tokens for you to award as you see fit. Can be broken into smaller increments if you prefer.

    That do?

    Wow - i honestly didnt expect that and one of my rules i live by payed dividends - you dont lose anything by asking! So yes, thats amazing thank you very much!

    I will take that as my budget for each month and i have been thinking a lot about how to do this. I worked out i have about 15 or so days i can play in May due to shifts. I may stick with my first idea or i may do another competition in May and bring that one back later.

    What i will do is give as much notice about what im going to do to give people ample chance to enter - i may think of one tonight but i will try and sort out details by tomorrow night.

    Good luck me tonight ;)
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    So, about that luck. All bad im afraid. Did get a cracking start in the £2 rebuy but then ran into AA and KK and then lost two races. Sigh.

    Not my best night.


    £2BH.............11...............1.............0.......... -£11.39
    £5BH.............9................3.............1.......... +£188.24
    £2 Rebuy.......4................1............ 1.......... +£11.44
    FREEROLL......8................1.............0........... +£1


    DYM..............5...............4/5...................... - +£6.50
    6max............5...............1/5...................... - -£4.30

    Totals +£191.43
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Im pretty sure im going to go with a competition to guess how many bounties i will take in the month of May. It will be roughly 30 BH MTTs in that period with just the one prize up for grabs in this one. Some other games i may split the prizes but not for this one.

    If anyone has any ideas or questions please ask, the submission stage will go live tomorrow with full details and the cut off point for entries will be 6pm on May 1st.
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi all - so im opening up the competition. All those who want to enter may do so until Sunday 1st May at 6pm when i will start it.

    I will be playing around 15 days in the month of May, thats around 30 bounty hunters and i will try to enter more if possible but it may only be a handful more.

    You all need to answer with the number of total bounties i will grab from every single BH i play in May. Thats the £2 6:05pm and the £5 6:30pm with maybe the £7 at 7pm thrown in as well all depending on how im feeling.

    For example if you think i will take 100 bounties then just put 100 in a comment and i will add your name to a list i will keep updated as much as i can. Obviously to also try and avoid repeat guesses.

    The prize is an £11 MTT token!

    SO, good luck me and you!
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,400
    GOOD LUCK Craig :)

    I'll start it off with 59 BOUNTIES
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130

    Good luck
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,361

    good luck
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    edited April 2022
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    edited April 2022
    48 please @CraigSG1

    Best of luck
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836
    Hi all!

    So its the end of my mini challenge and im over the moon with my results. I started wanting to make £100 (with a £150 dream goal) and ended up with a +£270 profit in 16 days! I had two chances tonight to hit my dream goal of two MTT wins with a 4th in the £2 and a 3rd in the £5. I was super unlucky in the first, i got to the FT 3/6 then won a race to get 1/6 but then the guy i won the race with got lucky and went on a heater too and ended up after 45 mins or so busting me when i was ahead pre.

    I played so well also in the £5 and from the last two tables i watched the two i got 3 handed with (i always have the other table on to watch how people are playing) just hit everything - GSmith we know is an exceptional player but he also had hands that held and when behind just hit! The other guy who knocked me out just either had hands or got lucky. I felt there was no way i was getting better than 3rd and when i was in a race for a 2nd chip stack i knew it would fail and it did on the flop.

    Absolutely nothing i could do in the situations i was in so i feel ok about it, unlike some other spots where i may have been able to notch up that 2nd MTT win.

    In the £5 BH this year ive been super happy - ive won it twice, finished 2nd, 3rd and 7th and 9th.

    Needless to say im very happy at the moment. Apart from a mid blip when i was ill ive played very well.

    Back to work tomorrow for five late shifts so no poker until maybe Sunday when my competition starts so get your guess in in that time and i will update the guess table when i can.


    £2BH.............12...............1............1.......... +£0.54
    £5BH.............10..............4.............2.......... +£256.32
    £2 Rebuy.......4................1............ 1.......... +£11.44
    FREEROLL......8................1.............0........... +£1


    DYM..............5...............4/5...................... - +£6.50
    6max............5...............1/5...................... - -£4.30

    Totals +£271.50
  • CraigSG1CraigSG1 Member Posts: 1,836


  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited April 2022
    Well played on passing the £250 challenge, just had a look at your scope really impressive any plans to jump in some higher mtt's? saw you mention the £7 i imagine you'd be crushing in the 11s as well
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,658
    CraigSG1 said:

    Hi all!

    So its the end of my mini challenge and im over the moon with my results. I started wanting to make £100 (with a £150 dream goal) and ended up with a +£270 profit in 16 days! I had two chances tonight to hit my dream goal of two MTT wins with a 4th in the £2 and a 3rd in the £5. I was super unlucky in the first, i got to the FT 3/6 then won a race to get 1/6 but then the guy i won the race with got lucky and went on a heater too and ended up after 45 mins or so busting me when i was ahead pre.

    I played so well also in the £5 and from the last two tables i watched the two i got 3 handed with (i always have the other table on to watch how people are playing) just hit everything - GSmith we know is an exceptional player but he also had hands that held and when behind just hit! The other guy who knocked me out just either had hands or got lucky. I felt there was no way i was getting better than 3rd and when i was in a race for a 2nd chip stack i knew it would fail and it did on the flop.

    Absolutely nothing i could do in the situations i was in so i feel ok about it, unlike some other spots where i may have been able to notch up that 2nd MTT win.

    In the £5 BH this year ive been super happy - ive won it twice, finished 2nd, 3rd and 7th and 9th.

    Needless to say im very happy at the moment. Apart from a mid blip when i was ill ive played very well.

    Back to work tomorrow for five late shifts so no poker until maybe Sunday when my competition starts so get your guess in in that time and i will update the guess table when i can.


    £2BH.............12...............1............1.......... +£0.54
    £5BH.............10..............4.............2.......... +£256.32
    £2 Rebuy.......4................1............ 1.......... +£11.44
    FREEROLL......8................1.............0........... +£1


    DYM..............5...............4/5...................... - +£6.50
    6max............5...............1/5...................... - -£4.30

    Totals +£271.50


    Can't tell you how lovely that Post makes me feel. Maybe I've been unlucky, but throughout my time in poker I've been struck by how many players don't seem to really enjoy their poker, judging by their constant negativity, moaning at this that & the other - "bad calls" by opponents, lack of respect to others, the site is rigged, everyone else is useless, & so on. It's an absolute joy to me to see players who do what they are supposed to do when they choose poker as their recreational hobby - actually enjoy it.

    Well done, & long may it last.
  • thedazzmanthedazzman Member Posts: 950
    Surpassing your initial goal in such a short period of time. What a great achievement @CraigSG1 - Well done!

    Wins in MTTs can be very few and far between or like buses, when loads come along at once. As long as you are playing well enough - which you seem to be doing - the wins will surely follow.

    Thanks for competition idea, and lovely gesture of a prize from @Tikay10 , may I please have a guess of 29 bounties, although, I really wish you win a whole lot more :D

    Good luck!
  • FORDAKIDZFORDAKIDZ Member Posts: 226
    Good luck Craig..84
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