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Now THIS is a bad beat.



  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    TVSpice said:

    @TheWaddy For clarity and openness, I am not an alcoholic or a drug user. I have no addictions, thankfully, whatsoever.

    I am, however, in the process of reading right at this time, Hooked by Paul Merson who has an illness that I would not wish upon my worst enemy. Making light of anyone who has any of the addictions to make a smart alec comment on here is unforgiveable. Anyone who suffers from addictions of any sort wishes with every fibre in their being that they did not. Read the book, it will enlighten you to the struggles.

    In the meantime, perhaps whilst you are educating yourself on why making flippant remarks is reprehensible, take a break from this site where you clearly feel that everyone is against you. Come back renewed and nobody will do what you consistently do which is to forever throw back in your face any comments you may have made in the last few weeks. Say hi on the tables or the forum and if you keep it light and friendly I am fairly certain that you will get a light and friendly response.

    Quite an awful commentary from him and maybe up there with one of the worst things I have read here.
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited April 2022
    Cammykaze said:

    My goodness, that bold part :#
    4 posts on a Friday about this complete waste of space and I make no bones about that comment.

    You, in my opinion are describing yourself here. I replied to one of your posts @TheWaddy and said you have a lot of growing up to do. It's more than that and going on your contributions to this forum you are quite a deplorable person.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,402
    Cammykaze said:

    4 posts on a Friday about this complete waste of space and I make no bones about that comment.

    You, in my opinion are describing yourself here. I replied to one of your posts @TheWaddy and said you have a lot of growing up to do. It's more than that and going on your contributions to this forum you are quite a deplorable person.
    ....... and by your own admission ........ STUPID
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited May 2022
    Wish to follow up on this one with @TheWaddy if ok?

    Hoping in my own way you have had time to reflect on your comments over the weekend and feel different about things today. I have no 'real' issue with you as you are a name on a screen at the moment.

    I am likely one of those "addled" and alcoholic types you speak of. I have updated my blog/diary this morning if you wish to have a look and would answer any questions you have either private or as an open discussion.

    What do you think?
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I tried to have 'an open discussion' right from the off. The aggression, the insults, the belittling came from you guys just because you didnt agree.

    I came in to have a poker discussion, to attempt to answer another players issues with my vast experience of online poker. It descended into something else, because all these players who are citing my 'deplorable' behaviour, made it this way.

    So when these players say they are alcohol and drug abusers of 30yrs, it suggests that these people who have attacked me for several weeks, may have well been under the influence whilst posting their comments. If they are truly having these struggles, it will be in their systems the majority of the time. As we all know, alcohol and drugs effect the ability to act rationally...... if i used the words 'addled' and 'brain' i apologise if this was the wrong term.

    Im sorry for pointing this obvious fact out and if you dont want to talk about it, or admit it, or face that this is something that is happening in your life .....dont start a thread on it. But somehow its deplorable for mentioning it and suddenly becomes a taboo subject, something you were trying to avoid in the first place.

    If you guys get this angry just for bringing up a game subject that was mostly aimed at 888 Poker at the time and not Sky (you guys have gone on to **** off Sky Pokers capability since), forgive me for not fully understanding what that was all about.

    When these people then post that their lives heavily involve drinking, smoking weed, having anger issues, turning to god because of these things, i personally think it was fair to suggest that this may have been why the simple poker conversations have turned out this way.

    It isnt deplorable just for mentioning something that was an open discussion on another thread.

    I wish you all well on tackling your demons and sincerely hope you can turn things around in these awful battles.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,804
    Well this is absolute rubbish.

    You DID NOT try and have a reasoned debate, you came on here making ridiculous claims that this type of hand was commonly seen every hour in online poker and when it was pointed out to you by players with millions of online hands and hundreds of combined years of live poker that you were talking shyte you did what you always do and went on to make personal attacks.

    You attempt to justify your comments then put out an apology that is perhaps a sap to your own conscience and then go right back to trying to justify yourself all over again.

    Like a toddler denied sweets at the supermarket you throw yourself to the floor drumming your feet and wailing, demanding attention and revelling in any that comes your way.

    You seem to impart to yourself some degree of seperation and exclusivity. believing that you are right and everybody else is wrong despite evidence to the contrary.

    You display all the symptoms of a demagogue failing to acknowledge your own shortcomings yet joyously exposing those you believe everybody else has, believing that it is only you who can be slighted, hurt or offended and that everybody is out to get you and it's all their fault.

    So I don't think that apology is sincere or genuine, and I don't think you actually care if you cause offence or distress.

    Oh and a final word of advice, not that you take advice, if you don't want people taking shots at you then don't walk around in a rabbit costume during hunting season.
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    edited May 2022
    TheWaddy said:

    I tried to have 'an open discussion' right from the off. The aggression, the insults, the belittling came from you guys just because you didnt agree.

    I came in to have a poker discussion, to attempt to answer another players issues with my vast experience of online poker. It descended into something else, because all these players who are citing my 'deplorable' behaviour, made it this way.

    So when these players say they are alcohol and drug abusers of 30yrs, it suggests that these people who have attacked me for several weeks, may have well been under the influence whilst posting their comments. If they are truly having these struggles, it will be in their systems the majority of the time. As we all know, alcohol and drugs effect the ability to act rationally...... if i used the words 'addled' and 'brain' i apologise if this was the wrong term.

    Im sorry for pointing this obvious fact out and if you dont want to talk about it, or admit it, or face that this is something that is happening in your life .....dont start a thread on it. But somehow its deplorable for mentioning it and suddenly becomes a taboo subject, something you were trying to avoid in the first place.

    If you guys get this angry just for bringing up a game subject that was mostly aimed at 888 Poker at the time and not Sky (you guys have gone on to **** off Sky Pokers capability since), forgive me for not fully understanding what that was all about.

    When these people then post that their lives heavily involve drinking, smoking weed, having anger issues, turning to god because of these things, i personally think it was fair to suggest that this may have been why the simple poker conversations have turned out this way.

    It isnt deplorable just for mentioning something that was an open discussion on another thread.

    I wish you all well on tackling your demons and sincerely hope you can turn things around in these awful battles.

    Not often quick to call out someone on their BS in a public forum however you are BSing yourself here and doing yourself an incredible disservice.

    As I said in a roundabout way in my last post you mean not a thing as you are a faceless individual on this forum. You haven't been very nice either to other members of the forum and are in complete denial out the situation.

    You have bent the truth and been on a lone crusade of sorts about a tea club (a gang in which seems to be getting larger by the thread by the looks of it.)

    This forum has been running for, I think 13 years or so by a kind man in Tikay who in my view moderates with extreme patience and gives so much to this forum. He spends hours per day to give to the poker community and to the Sky players. Many others have contributed also and engaged to keep this forum going, you contributions have been shameful in contrast.

    Your points are not without merit I believe, you may wish to have a discussion however maybe you will get a better response if you dial it down a fair bit.

    I have no agenda or issue with you other than you seem unpleasant and have had a few backs up on this forum including mine at times. I have had to mentally "walk away" from about three threads or more that you have taken over.

    Also people's belief system is not your business to take the mickey out of and I have to say this, you were more than rude to TheEdge949 about his beliefs when he was giving you the benefit of his life and experiences. Beliefs that he did not need to share with you or the forum however he did. You jumped on that one which was low and was not a nice thing to read your follow up posts about it.

    I have had several conversations with TheEdge949 (Mark) and he is good man and has been excellent support and good chat while I have been 'fine tuning' a "character defect" in my alcoholism. I would hazard a guess that you would have been less than useful in this instance. This is going on your posts only as this is the only view I have of you and It's a bad look.

    I used the word "deplorable" as you essentially appeared to call people in this community forum "drug users and alcoholics". That is likely very offensive to say that about people you have no point of reference on and you have had a response in kind by three or four others after that horrible outburst of yours.

    Granted a few have mentioned certain addictions or behaviours including myself. For what it's worth my blog is more to promote AA for people with alcohol issues. It is one of several addictions that is prevalent and more so these days. I went into AA with my head high and went for the practical option to better myself and stay off alcohol, that's it. Talk of demons and battles do not necessarily resonate with me although I think you finish your post on a positive which is nice to read.

    Take care and have a good Sunday.


  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    Sorry for helping derail this thread by the way Tikay. It certainly was a worldy in terms of a poker hand. Never will see a hand like that again, thanks for posting it. :smile:
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I understand that you are going through a tough time, but it is really not my fault or anything to do with me.

    Its being made into something that a bunch of you take great delight in suggesting im mocking or judging on such a subject, which lets face it, you were always going to do. I'm not.

    Whatever i say, theres a bunch who will try and turn it into something it isnt.

    I had a poker discussion, which is turned into stories of alchohol, drugs, religion and a guy threatening me with physical violence.

    It was not really what i was expecting from guys of a certain age, on a forum about a card game.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,804
    Whoa there buddy who's threatened anybody on here.

    I'm going to assume that my fervent hope of crossing your path has been misconstrued and misunderstood by yourself. Nothing new in that though is there.

    I would love to cross paths with you absolutely I would, and I would probably lay hands on you, yep no argument there.

    Then I would bless you, ask to pray both with and for you and then probably buy you a beer.

    Where's the threat, only I fear like many things, in your head.

    I THINK THAT IF I HAD THREATENED YOU IN ANY WAY THEN I WOULD NOW BE SUBJECT TO A FORUM BAN and that would be absolutely correct as well.
  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    TheWaddy said:

    I understand that you are going through a tough time, but it is really not my fault or anything to do with me.

    Its being made into something that a bunch of you take great delight in suggesting im mocking or judging on such a subject, which lets face it, you were always going to do. I'm not.

    Whatever i say, theres a bunch who will try and turn it into something it isnt.

    I had a poker discussion, which is turned into stories of alchohol, drugs, religion and a guy threatening me with physical violence.

    It was not really what i was expecting from guys of a certain age, on a forum about a card game.

    Was not looking for any understanding there or saying it was your fault or anything to do with you TheWaddy. Not looking for an answer or any discussion or further talk on this either, thanks!

    When you put out some things like you have you may get a response that you do not like. You have been rude and silly at times and have been told a fair few times......
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,402
    Cammykaze said:

    Sorry for helping derail this thread by the way Tikay. It certainly was a worldy in terms of a poker hand. Never will see a hand like that again, thanks for posting it. :smile:

    Come on Cammy.....don't you know that hand happens any given hour playing online Poker :D:D
  • TVSpiceTVSpice Member Posts: 1,242
    edited May 2022
    TheWaddy said:

    I mean you have all basically come out as alcholics and chronic drug users, so its not surprising behaviour......

    Its cool. i know your brains are addled.....

    TheWaddy said:

    I understand that you are going through a tough time, but it is really not my fault or anything to do with me.

    Its being made into something that a bunch of you take great delight in suggesting im mocking or judging on such a subject, which lets face it, you were always going to do. I'm not.

    Whatever i say, theres a bunch who will try and turn it into something it isnt.

    You and you alone brought this subject up on this thread which was simply about a very rare hand.

    You and you alone mocked those sadly affected by calling people addled

    Now you are being called out for it, you write a long post claiming that it is nothing to do with you. You then go on to say that you were not mocking or judging.

    Really? How would you describe "It's cool, I know your brains are addled"?

    Anyway, I'm done with you in every sense of the matter. You can write on here ad infintum about whatever you want. I will simply leave this from Mark Twain for everyone else:

    “Never argue with stupid people. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

  • CammykazeCammykaze Member Posts: 1,397
    TheWaddy said:

    I tried to have 'an open discussion' right from the off. The aggression, the insults, the belittling came from you guys just because you didnt agree.

    I came in to have a poker discussion, to attempt to answer another players issues with my vast experience of online poker. It descended into something else, because all these players who are citing my 'deplorable' behaviour, made it this way.

    So when these players say they are alcohol and drug abusers of 30yrs, it suggests that these people who have attacked me for several weeks, may have well been under the influence whilst posting their comments. If they are truly having these struggles, it will be in their systems the majority of the time. As we all know, alcohol and drugs effect the ability to act rationally...... if i used the words 'addled' and 'brain' i apologise if this was the wrong term.

    Im sorry for pointing this obvious fact out and if you dont want to talk about it, or admit it, or face that this is something that is happening in your life .....dont start a thread on it. But somehow its deplorable for mentioning it and suddenly becomes a taboo subject, something you were trying to avoid in the first place.

    If you guys get this angry just for bringing up a game subject that was mostly aimed at 888 Poker at the time and not Sky (you guys have gone on to **** off Sky Pokers capability since), forgive me for not fully understanding what that was all about.

    When these people then post that their lives heavily involve drinking, smoking weed, having anger issues, turning to god because of these things, i personally think it was fair to suggest that this may have been why the simple poker conversations have turned out this way.

    It isnt deplorable just for mentioning something that was an open discussion on another thread.

    I wish you all well on tackling your demons and sincerely hope you can turn things around in these awful battles.

    I appreciate you apologising for those terms and to be frank they did not fit my situation as I rejected those straight away.

    One small point though, that word in bold. There is no ifs about it, you did. Full ownership is better than half.

    Thank you for following up and I hear you to a point. Only to a point at the moment mind.
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