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Heads up Omaha Hi Lo standard result



  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited August 2022
    TheWaddySmall blind10.0010.001320.00
    Helissio2Big blind20.0030.001650.00
    Your hole cards
    • 2
    • A
    • 6
    • 9
    • 4
    • 8
    • 3
    • J
    • J
    • 2
    • A
    • 6
    • 9
    • A
    • Q
    • Q
    • 6
    Helissio2Win highTwo Pairs, Queens and Jacks900.001670.00
    TheWaddyWin low8-low900.001330.00
    Im gettin calls like this river too for big chips,.... should be easy game,,, i mean its 600 to call, in a pot that if your right with 2 weak hands...if... best scenario is you get your 600 back... type of player i would like to play with a real deck....
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Helissio2 said:

    TheWaddy said:

    Helissio2Small blind30.0030.002120.00
    TheWaddyBig blind60.0090.00790.00
    Your hole cards
    • 4
    • J
    • 2
    • K
    • A
    • Q
    • 5
    • 3
    • 10
    • A
    • 8
    • 4
    • J
    • 2
    • K
    • K
    • 8
    Helissio2Win highTwo Pairs, Aces and 8s850.002150.00
    TheWaddyWin low8-low850.00850.00
    Whole heap of hurt again here, can his one pair hold, seeing as hes overplayed his inferior draws? Binksville, Tennessee.... of course
    your odds to scoop the whole pot was 40%, mine 22.4%. Split was therefore 37.6%

    And you are crying about that?
    This makes me laugh! You doing an EssexPhil and using the info you really havent got when the hand is played! Its really, really silly... Your playin a really, really weak hand and then justifying it by my holding, to which you dont know at the time!

    Eg... you playing a really good winning player and hold 22... the flop is QJ9... the pot is small and you bet out.... he pushes all in for all your money... You have 5k and the blinds are like 40/80...

    If you call here, you are going to be absolutely convinced he has complete air... but is it worth it for your tournament life? Always no....

    But you call and he shows AK and the 2's hold. Awful call, but you win;

    @Essexphil and you would then say but i was 55%, so it was completely correct! There is no point in putting up silly percentages, its all about the play at the time!!!!!!

  • Helissio2Helissio2 Member Posts: 62
    Helissio2 said:

    TheWaddy said:

    Helissio2Small blind30.0030.002120.00
    TheWaddyBig blind60.0090.00790.00
    Your hole cards
    • 4
    • J
    • 2
    • K
    • A
    • Q
    • 5
    • 3
    • 10
    • A
    • 8
    • 4
    • J
    • 2
    • K
    • K
    • 8
    Helissio2Win highTwo Pairs, Aces and 8s850.002150.00
    TheWaddyWin low8-low850.00850.00
    Whole heap of hurt again here, can his one pair hold, seeing as hes overplayed his inferior draws? Binksville, Tennessee.... of course
    your odds to scoop the whole pot was 40%, mine 22.4%. Split was therefore 37.6%

    And you are crying about that?
    So on this flop, with my hand - what exactly would you have done?
    TheWaddy said:

    TheWaddySmall blind10.0010.001320.00
    Helissio2Big blind20.0030.001650.00
    Your hole cards
    • 2
    • A
    • 6
    • 9
    • 4
    • 8
    • 3
    • J
    • J
    • 2
    • A
    • 6
    • 9
    • A
    • Q
    • Q
    • 6
    Helissio2Win highTwo Pairs, Queens and Jacks900.001670.00
    TheWaddyWin low8-low900.001330.00
    Im gettin calls like this river too for big chips,.... should be easy game,,, i mean its 600 to call, in a pot that if your right with 2 weak hands...if... best scenario is you get your 600 back... type of player i would like to play with a real deck....
    Just to be clear, if the roles were reversed and you had my hand, you would not have called the 600 at the end?
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited August 2022
    Im happy for you to be calling all these types of hand, where the best case scenario is you get your money back with no chance of scooping.

    Its working for you with an online deck, enjoy!

    You are somehow getting the better of me with the cash, whilst im getting the better of you with the play. Its not a situation im going to expose myself anymore, enjoy your luck! Just another case of online impossible games, where there is only one result. No alot i can do about that!
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    HAYSIE said:

    MISTY4ME said:

    Wouldn't you have to play 7 (£1) games every day, and 8 (£1) games one day to make your 50 points for the REWARDS Freeroll?

    If you make £3 per day every day, would it be too adventurous to aim for £4 profit per day?

    I have terminated all negotiations with Sky about the broadband.
    Signed up with Vodafone today.
    I went for the Pro Gigafast 900.
    It is so fast that I will be betting before you even get your cards.
    Cant wait.
    Haysie seems to be lost in the corridors of the forum!
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    tomgoodun said:

    Kinda6677 said:

    So a wheel isn't a nut hi? Duh!

    As far as I’m aware no it isn’t .
    If oppo holds 67 to your A2 on a 345 flop, he wins the hi hand.
    Hi Tom @tomgoodun
    In the example I posted, he was holding 23xx on a flop of A45.
    So he flopped the nut hi straight and obviously the nut lo too.
    The turn and river could obviously change the nut hi hand.

    On your example, you are correct of course.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    All very nice responses for the boy Tom.

    However, as my post talked about flopped nut straights NOT GETTING ANY PART of the pot back and you claiming to be a half decent hi lo player, u should know what hands im talking about... you made the mistake of taking me to task over a flopped wheel that you had witnessed, which u stated as representing 100% of the time me being wrong.

    As clearly a flopped wheel id be getting part of the pot back, period, regardless of the next 2 streets... as one hi lo player to another, i could not be possibly talking about such a hand as your example. You could just finally apologise and say you misread the post... and then we can move on!

    No chance with you guys though is there!

    As i say, i will just not have to give anyone any credit in future for having a bit of common sense and shared knowledge and put it up in Janet and John styles, so i dont endure these endless pedantic comments.

    Flopped straights that get no part of the pot back are not your example, but you persist and others actually join in... its all rather tedious... the hours must fly by when u guys meet up at events :#:#:#

  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    "All very nice responses for the boy Tom"

    He wins and loses with good grace, doesn't berate players for how they play and doesn't claim the RNG is fixed. As far as I am aware.

    "which u stated as representing 100% of the time me being wrong."

    Not what I said. Now who is misreading posts.
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,409
    TheWaddy said:

    HAYSIE said:

    MISTY4ME said:

    Wouldn't you have to play 7 (£1) games every day, and 8 (£1) games one day to make your 50 points for the REWARDS Freeroll?

    If you make £3 per day every day, would it be too adventurous to aim for £4 profit per day?

    I have terminated all negotiations with Sky about the broadband.
    Signed up with Vodafone today.
    I went for the Pro Gigafast 900.
    It is so fast that I will be betting before you even get your cards.
    Cant wait.
    Haysie seems to be lost in the corridors of the forum!
    @HAYSIE 's internet is so fast now, he's 10 steps ahead of you @TheWaddy and lining you up to play HU £1 DYM....... 'coz he knows he can make more profit with the online deck at that, than winning the £12k Sunday Major numerous times in a Year. :D
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    I thought the £12k sunday major was also using an online deck.... and what is a HU £1 DYM???
    More thought needed b4 posting....... :#
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592

    "All very nice responses for the boy Tom"

    He wins and loses with good grace, doesn't berate players for how they play and doesn't claim the RNG is fixed. As far as I am aware.

    "which u stated as representing 100% of the time me being wrong."

    Not what I said. Now who is misreading posts.

    You flopped the nut straight holding 23xx on A45 flop. Have a look back.
    You scooped and won the game.
    Judging by the amount of "advice" you were giving to your opponent. I assume he was a very poor player.
    This whole thread started with you continuously say this never ever happens.

    It has happened in 100% of games I have watched you play.

    You said you had seen it in one game... that equated to 100% of games that something happened, that i claimed it didnt. Problem was, your example was incorrect.

    But still you go on.

  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    I said it is 100% of games I watched.
    One out of one.
    So you're still wrong.
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Argghhhhhh! You watched a game.... one... that equates to 100% of the games you have seen me play... where what i claim... did not actually happen... as you misread my post... what is wrong about that!!!???

    Dragon... must be Welsh.....
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    Having a go at someones nationality know, you really are scum
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    Haha if hes welsh, mentioning it isnt gonna hurt him much is it? Especially as hes that proud of the fact, he uses it in his name.

    However, if i followed someone round on tables they werent playing at, for a number of weeks taunting someone that they were unemployed as a result of a pandemic beyond their control.... now that would be total scum.....

    Some people actually do that you know, Kinda weird you would think the above was unacceptable.......
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    edited August 2022
    You give out abuse because you're sat behind a keyboard thinking theres no repercussions in what you're typing. As for my abuse of you, I mentioned the giro Jim, what that's got to do with the pandemic I dont know.
  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    You attack anyone who doesn't agree with your bizarre conspiracy theory of rigged decks. Is it just skypoker you're unhappy with?
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,409
    Kinda6677 said:

    You attack anyone who doesn't agree with your bizarre conspiracy theory of rigged decks. Is it just skypoker you're unhappy with?

    So unhappy he plays on here virtually every day to help make £3 profit.

    .... as for having a go at someone because they're Welsh, coming from someone who has a picture of an Ape for their profile probably says it all :*
  • TheWaddyTheWaddy Member Posts: 1,592
    edited August 2022
    Im not unhappy with Sky Poker, i have found them the best option for me.

    Im unhappy with online poker regulation and the almost non-existent checks of online decks, where the so called auditor refuses to say whether or not they are testing poker odds, or simply how often each card comes out. A bit of clarity is overdue, clearly. The Gambling Commission has told me personally that they have no input, other than the findings of said auditor. Though their issuing of certificates suggests they do, which i feel is misleading.

    Seeing as they fine companies for misleading customers, its pretty dam rich!

    My sole experience on 888, where there was only ever one result in a previous given example, showed me that it was mathematically possible to be a random occurence. Given that this was impossible, i am not seeing how my experience could be seen as 'a bizarre theory'.

    Yeah a lot of people lost their jobs during the pandemic KInda, it was lockdown when you followed me around taunting me as you thought i was unemployed. Lockdown affected almost everyones mental health, so it was bad enough you taunting about the subject of unemployment, it would have been a double whammy if i had lost my job during those grim months. I know you dont understand that, or you wouldnt have made it your mission in the first place would you!

    Really, stop trying to justify something you couldnt possibly explain to any individual with any empathy and compassion. You dont get it, we know, accept your a little bit different from the average mentality... you got chat banned, it was Kinda verified as unacceptable.

    The rest can mock my play limits, its cool.... just a little weird seeing as most of you play small stakes too but hey it takes allsorts......

  • Kinda6677Kinda6677 Member Posts: 283
    You've shown alot of empathy on here havent you. You have multiple times accused people of being drunks addicts and degenerates, so dont come the moral high ground with me
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