Yet again, the Vegas QF tonight cancelled due to 'not enough' players.
However, at 8.43/44, there were 7 (seven) players in the lobby. It needed a min of 5 to run. Without naming players, it is blatantly obvious that some are just regging for the target tournament, playing the all in sats, then de-regging. Ok, i know I know I know, there is nothing stopping players doing this. I stand by my long standing argument against 'sats for cash' but feel this is slightly different. This is denying some micro players their chance. ie...only level they can buy into (IMO).
I do appreciate there are numerous other ways to qualify. The giveaway being the best by far

I also understand that Sky do more than most to look after all they players.
I suppose I have come on here for a bit of a rant because I am STILL sore at bubbling a Vegas Final last year.....even Facebook memories reminded me of this yesterday. Sigh.
Anyway, I dont have the answers...just the questions.
I agree 100%. It is such a pity that they are not able to be played.
Perhaps name and shame is the answer?
Then he unregisters from the tournament and has received the buy-in in cash.
Hope that helps.
In tournaments like these with few runners it often means that the tournaments do not have enough players to start.
People should be allowed to play sats for cash-apart from anything else, without these players the sub-sats/all-ins would not run. In the latter, they tend to reduce the overlay.
The problem is that the answers found by other sites could not work here due to the limitations of Sky software.
Would it be possible for the entrants who invariably cash out not to appear in the list of entrants seen by others?
What it the target event should I be buying into with the view to de-registering should I win entry ?
Sky do have in place some things to make it more difficult. So-for example-the window for being allowed to enter tournaments is shorter than you might think. All of the tournaments where this might happen you cannot currently register for-whether it is the Sunday Major, any 8 pm, right down to a Vegas quarter.
The point is-Sky have to have subqualifiers that are likely to finish just before the target event, to try and ensure sufficient numbers enter the target event. And by the time they start (never mind finish), the entry for the target event has opened. And people take advantage of that.
Which they are perfectly entitled to do.
Would it be possible for the entrants who invariably cash out not to appear in the list of entrants seen by others? - I strongly disagree with this. This would have a negative effect on the issue, IMHO. Sky implemented a change a while back which now does not show which players have been awarded the cash instead of the ticket in the lobby (DL version) .
I agree that the Sky Poker software would not be able to cope with anything else at the moment in regards to satellite step programs.
I think there had to be a change in relation to showing "cashes" that you mention. For example, I often play both the 6 pm and 7 15 qualifiers for the 8 pm MTTs. And it was quite annoying getting dogs abuse from the 7 15 when the reason it was "cash" is that I was playing the target tournament
The Semi Final does not start for another nearly 2 more sats to get into that. At £94 a pop, it really does not give the micro players a chance.
I really think the sat tree needs looking at (IMHO).
Spent the last few days looking at other ways to qualify on different sites.
The same thing has been happening with the Sunday Major sat's for a while now. Since @HAYSIE stopped playing them, very few go ahead these days. Who would have thought he would be missed so much
There are micro sat's for £2.25 where 1 in 10 qualify, so the micro players are looked after if they are interested in playing .....though it would be nice if the minimum runners was reduced from five to four....or even three
GOOD LUCK in the Semi-Final on Sunday ALAN......hope to see you there mate
(.........or in a Quarter-Final along the way)
Pity the All in sats are not running as I play my best poker in these.
Why not run them after the Quarter Finals have started. That would stop the money runners but still enable the micro players to get a chance.
Just a thought.
Just a thought.
If the Qtr gets cancelled any satellite finishing afterwards doesn't refund players so this would create more problems.
GOOD LUCK for today everyone
Hi @Sky_James
Could the sat’s be programmed not to run if the Qtr gets cancelled? Everyone would get their money back without a problem.
Could the sat’s be programmed not to run if the Qtr gets cancelled? Everyone would get their money back without a problem.
It seems simple enough or maybe not with Skys software , it's a matter of ticking or unticking a few boxes after cancellation , could be done at home even if not in the office , i mean , they're a multi-million £ gambling company so somebody should be on the ball...just my opinion like
Totally agree Sean. It sometimes beggars belief how bad the software is...but sometimes the site would rather apportion the blame on the players rather than look at the bigger picture. Nice of Sky James to drop into this thread...albeit to not answer any of the real issues. I thought this was a good discussion thread myself.