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The playoffs have officially started



  • JammyFkerJammyFker Member Posts: 496
    Doubleme said:

    So might not be able to watch tonights game will see how I am doing and where I am later. However there is construction work on our street waking us up at 10am each day which means I am sleep deprived if I stay up late and need to be on the studies.


    Note hello kitty is the evil one because there was a girl a long time ago who I was dating before i met my girlfriend who was heavily into hello kitty. Had I ended up with that one instead of who I am with it would have been hello kittys instead of winnis, hence the Winnis hate hello kittys.

    Again I imagine this would not post well with current GF. I would try and keep things like this to myself and work on you and not your partner :) . U do seem a really nice bloke and I love your consistency, effort and artwork, but please take a few moments before what u think in your mind, and ur view, and what u say
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    JammyFker said:

    Doubleme said:

    So might not be able to watch tonights game will see how I am doing and where I am later. However there is construction work on our street waking us up at 10am each day which means I am sleep deprived if I stay up late and need to be on the studies.


    Note hello kitty is the evil one because there was a girl a long time ago who I was dating before i met my girlfriend who was heavily into hello kitty. Had I ended up with that one instead of who I am with it would have been hello kittys instead of winnis, hence the Winnis hate hello kittys.

    Again I imagine this would not post well with current GF. I would try and keep things like this to myself and work on you and not your partner :) . U do seem a really nice bloke and I love your consistency, effort and artwork, but please take a few moments before what u think in your mind, and ur view, and what u say
    I dont understand this, why this would be seen anyway as critical to my partner or offend her in anyway geniunely i dont. Though I do not understand people so maybe I am missing something.

    Hello kitty was related to a girl a long time ago who I dated who was heavily into hello kitty. That girl made a comment on facebook saying of course you have money david your a jew. She also after I had a very nasty break up with another girl years later wanted to have some fun with me. I was in a bad place and we were both coming out of bad relationships I said I would come over because I needed a friend but did not want anything more to happen she tried to ply me with alcholol to change my mind. If we flip the genders round in this scenario to been the guy trying to ply the girl with alcohol a lot of people would throw a certain word around.
    I care very little about offending that ex though ex may not be the right word as we were never offical just dated previously.

    In regards to my girlfriend she does not take that that post as critical or against her in anyway and I just showed her it again and she is like "I dont get it, why would I be offended at that"

    I genuinely feel that there is a dissconect between me and other people, it seems other take offense when I dont mean it that way or just mean it as banter. Yet when I am offended or feel attacked apparently that was banter and I am taking it the wrong way.

    My girlfriend is literally the only person who I have felt understands me who I feel I understand. I have never and would never post anything actually critical of her on these forums. I have in the past and will in the future post silly takes.

    Such as the inprisoned in own home thread, if taken as literal one would assume I was implying domestic abuse. If I actually truly felt that way I would end the relationship.
    I was been silly I am well aware of why my girlfriend would feel the need to keep me away from football fans with my take. My girlfriend has an impression of football fans been violent and unstable I understand this, quite a few people rightly or wrongly have that take.

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    Mavs win and advance despite the nba refs doing everything they could to stop them.

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    Well obviously could not be allowed to sleep properly after that game neighbour decided to mow his lawn at 11.30am like seriously? he makes noise complaints then does this at 11.30am on a suday!!!!

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    My girlfriend hates the pacers for what they did to her bucks
    she doesnt like the celtics because she sees the rig for them she also asked me to add that tatum is one of the most over rated players of our generation.

    she dislikes the Wolves because something I dont know about that happened but apparently their star player anthony edwards said/did something homophobic
    and Rudy Gobert licked his hand and touched the mike or something like that during covid when my girlfriend was panicking about covid so she dislikes the wolves.
    She says she respects anthony edwards as a player but not as a person.

    (she is kind of leaning over my shoulder and reading as I type.)

    anyway this leaves her with only one option to route for the only team left she does not hate my team (though Kyrive Irving is a Vegan) but he is also a flat earther which is kind of funny and slightly more rational then been a vegan. (not that been a flat earther is rational its just more so then been a vegan)

    I am been a bit silly there for those that cant tell.

    So now all that is left is for her to come over and route for my team the last team standing that she doesnt hate.

    So apparently just been told what Anthony Edwards did was shout abuse at a gay couple and post it on instagram as if he was the one in the right for doing that.

    Also she said she does not like Paskal Siakam but I am not sure if there is a reason for that other then he has messed up any bets we have ever made whenever he is involved bet on him to score over he scores under bet on him under he overs. Bet on one other guy to rebound Siakam gets in and rebounds everything. He is a curse to any bets I make and I no longer bet on games with him in.

    My girlfriend just reiterated that yes it is just the case that he is the bet curser.

    Anyway this means its time for my girlfriend to come over to routing for the mavs.

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    anyway I kind of support the Mavs because Luka is like a comic book hero sports player like his whole story of literally deciding he wanted to be a pro basketball player from almost birth and training the whole time gearing his entire life round that from the very beggining. And he is like magic on the court.

    Then we have Kyrie who I have always liked because he is just a total charecter. redic skilled but more that he is just a charecter and I tend to like charecters its why i was routing for Tyson Fury in the boxing though to be fair he did kind of act like a bit of **** before the fight and so I dont feel to sad that he lost.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    So mavs won but my 275/1 £5 bet missed by a single lively point

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    and OMFG final 3 seconds winni and the other mavs fans went absolutely wild as Luka sunk a 3 pointer to take lead and the win in the final 3 seconds!!!!!!

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    hoping for a pacers win tonight but likely wont happen with their star now out. I guess thats karma as they have made it this far by been violent thugs and delibrately injuring key players on the other teams.

    I guess since my mavs are likely going through to the final now not definite but it does look good now would be ideal to have the pacers celtics game go to 7.

    I think my mavs have a hard time either way if we get the pacers we will be playing the finals without Luka Donic because Pacers delibrately injur people and we can already see Luka is struggling he would be lucky to finish that series with his leg still attached.

    If we get the Celtics we have top contend with them and the refs I think if things go right we can beat both and I dislike both teams, but it would really help if that series went to 7 will likely be a celtics sweep though. Not massively fussed who wins that series just want it to go to 7 games with a lot of over times.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    well the mavs won today but after the outragous brutal attact on Lively it is unclear whether the guy will ever walk again let alone play again.

    Delibrate violence to injur players and get an edge from Minesotta encouraged by the refs calling everything for them. They gave minessota free throws arguing derick lively fouled the wolves by his head getting in the way of their knee.

    Mavs up three but at what cost disgusting from the wolves and the officials.

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    delibrate attempt to injur lively after last time i absolutely **** hate the wolves if they do knock us out I hope the celtics bneat them i would now route for the celitcs against the wolves if that happens absol,utely **** dishusting team the wolves are.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    26 points lead going into the fourth against these violent thugs just got to hold on, just got to hold on. Nail biting odds against us but we just got to hold this lead for 12 minutes against these violent thugs.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,791
    These play offs last longer than the regular season ffs. Get on with it, get it over so that TNT can get back to showing real sports.

    It seems like every other team make the play offs anyway. What's the point of it all.

    MLB (16 teams qualify from regular season) have wild card games best of 3, division best of 5, conference best of 7 and world series best of 7. The post season in MLB takes about a month.

    NBA playoffs are already into week 6.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    proper sweating this cant let these violent thugs beat us 21 point lead with 5 mins left clinging on for dear live proper sweating we vcant let these scum do it.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    3 minutes to go 25 point lead nail nniting stuff
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    Well I wanted someone to stop the celtics and I cant believe it has come down to this been under dogs in every single series no one saw this coming buts its actually my team the team I support who has made it to finals to face the biggest beast of the big rig four.
    My girlfriend has come over to my side its now a double want. wanting my team to win the championship going up against the team I hate second most, (was first most but after this violent thuggery from the wolves I hate the wolves more now). its relying on my team we gotta do this.


  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    So it is now a week away from the finals starting.

    I got into the Mavericks because Luka Donic is something special he does not have the atheletism, one would think he could not be a star. When i tried to make it in professional basketball it was difficult because they constantly emphasised speed speed speed. They wanted you to be like lightning. Then Luka is famous for been very slow but still been unguardable he isn't atheletic he isn't fast but he has so many twists turns and tricks to his game that he is arguably the best offensive force in the world at basketball.

    He literally decided he wanted to be a professional basketball player from a very young age and dedicated his life to it from the beggining.

    Kyrie is someone I should be expected to dislike a religious vegan anti vaxer flat earther who has been accused of been anti semetic.
    the thing is though about Kyrie he has mental health issues and is lost in life. I think one thing we often forget is sports stars are rarely older then 30 In kyries case he is 32. They are expected to be mature and adults but are flung onto the international stage at 19/20. You dont know a lot about the world from that age and have usually lived most of your live with your parents. He is certainly a charecter I do not understand how the flat earth movement is a thing, actually I do but it is kind of depressing. Anyway Kyrie is insane with what he can do and it is literally look down to take a bit of food and bam he has done something and you missed it he is that fast.

    Derick Lively is a young guy who has lost both parents I believe his dad at a very young age due to something connected with drugs. his mum had cancer and they thought she had beaten it then she died just before the playoffs. So he is left alone in live at the young age of 19. It has to be hard to be on your own at such a young age. He has a lot of sympathy factor, and is a fan favourite. Which is why it outraged so many when Timberwolves delibrately tried to re injur him after he had a neck sprain by karate chopping his neck on the way down. How that was a fragrent 1 and not a 2 I do not know. He has been transformative in the mavs. filling a much needed role and his impact as a rookie this year is one of the biggest for a rookie in NBA history. He likely has a very promising career ahead of him.

    Daniel Gafford is our other center who seems to share a starting five position with lively they switch in and out. He is very impactful as well.

    PJ washington made a poster stance after been ejected for defending a Mavs player against an assualt in an earlier round. and very strong defence.

    on the other side the refs side

    celtics side
    we have tatum and jalen brown who I do not think have any claim to been as good as Luka or Kyrie but are elite players in their own right.

    Then we have Jrue Holiday and Porzinges who are stronger then the rest of the mavs starters with the possible exception of Lively.

    It basically boils down to a few things.
    if we were to have game category groups then I would say
    the Mavs two S tiet players Luka and Kyrie
    the celtics have two S tier players Tatum and Jalen
    but the Mavs better S tier players but then the other 3 of the startting five for the celtics are A tier players

    where as the mavs have only two A tier players who basically countas just one because they fill the same role and share the role so are rarely on the court at the time time in Lively and Gafford.

    But the rest of the mavs line up would all be B tier and C tier players.

    When you go past the celtics starting five which overall are stronger then the Mavs starting five the celtics have all S tier and A tier players but when you past the starting five the celtics really dont have much.

    Which means that if the celtics can keep their starting five [playing at peak all through out they have the egde but they will tire and the mavs bench has the edge over the celtics bench.

    In general I think the celtics have the edge but I think the Mavs have much better chance then the bookies are giving them.

    anyway Im routing for the mavs.

    I would have posted more but have been focused on trying to speed run pokemon Blue Kaizo which is very challenging and frustrating.

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    well off to good start but so what its fixed after what i saw last game its time to wake up basically celtics are going to win 4-5 titles the mavs have no chance what so ever and then wemby will win ten titles. becauise its the fixed narrative they set.

    refs win championships now not the players.
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