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Everest Anywhere A Personal Challenge. IT'S IN THE BAG lol.



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665

    Fingers crossed for you Mark.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,084
    Tikay10 said:

    Fingers crossed for you Mark.

  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,670
    Wishing you a speedy recovery Mark.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    edited October 2024
    Get well soon Mark age is a ****.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    Mm! You can't climb any higher with ice block strapped to your leg..... as you come down it will thaw out and you can empty it. Oh! The joy of being able to pee 2 ltr again.. cough!

    Having Sympathy ! know what it's like towing a heavy weight.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    OK. Tube is out and I'm good to go apparently.

    Managed to avoid any real issues and am feeling good, which is the cue for life to kick me in the gonads.

    So back on it this evening and will report in later.

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Erm, nope. The tube may well be going back in, the infection is back, the cellulitus on the legs has morphed into ulcerated lesions, got to have a blood pressure monitor fitted, my weights ballooned to 24 stone and I'm now officially diabetic.

    FFS, I've seen healthier cadavers.

    The medical people don't seem to know what's going on and I'm currently getting blank looks from urology, vascular, diabetic and cardiology departments.

    I'm getting conflicting advice regarding diet, excercise and nutrition. Vascular want me on 1 type of antibiotic whilst Urology insist on a different one so at the moment I can't take either and for some reason my body has stopped synthesising protien.

    Not sure when I'm getting back to normality, I have appointments every day for the next week after which I'm really hoping for some clarity.

    This isn't a pity party, heck I've lived hard and fast for over 45 years so it's hardly a surprise that I'm falling apart. I'm just bl00dy annoyed that it's stopped the challenge dead in it's tracks.

    That's all for now, kettles on, time for a nice cuppa.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    edited November 2024
    You we'rent one of them........ but

  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    There's always another Day.

    Sherpa carries struggling climber thousands of feet down Mount Everest in rare high-altitude rescue.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665


    Blimey Mark, that's not great, hope you soon get sorted.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,670
    @TheEdge949, that's not good to see, I hope you get sorted soon and can carry on your climb.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794

    I have another appointment with yet another doctor on Thursday as 3 courses of antibiotics have failed to deal with the infection and the condition whilst not getting worse certainly isn't improving.

    I see the dietician tomorrow which should be interesting and probably amusing seeing as there will undoubtedly be some diametrically opposing opinions, however, I will remember that he/she/they are the professional.

    I am now 3 weeks without either alcohol or caffeine, the withdrawal from the booze has been horrendous as unlike 2011 I am not using medication to assist with the process. It's not particularly the physiological side with little in the way of shakes or tremors, but the craving and urge is insanity personified. However, I am adamant that the rest of my life will be alcohol free.

    The caffeine withdrawal has been a slightly more sedate affair due in the main to the discovery of a really good decaff for the Tassimo from Kenco and the discovery that I function perfectly well without the buzz.

    The blood pressure monitor indicated stage 1 Hypertension, whatever the heck that means. Yet the last 2 measurements in clinic were "fine" so go figure.

    The HBA1C reading has shown that I am not diabetic, knew it all along, but pre diabetic, well that could be all of us.

    Exercise is still on hold, under medical advice but I'm hoping to get the ok to resume something on Thursday

    As for the low sugar, low fat, high fibre mantra. I'm trying, but weaning off 2 very powerful and addictive substances at the same time is difficult enough. Changing my diet radically may just prove a tipping point to be honest.

    So there we are, this Everest, just like the real thing isn't going anywhere. It'll still be there when I get the ok to return to training and it will be conquered.

    Stay safe Y'all.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665

    Yikes. GL tomorrow & Thursday, Mark.

    We take well-ness for granted until we are unwell.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794

    Just got home from my first gym session in what seems like aeons. Nothing hard just a gentle 10K pedal and a 1K walk on the treadmil at a very easy 2.5% incline.

    No floors or verts as yet I'm just easing back into things and seeing if there's any adverse reaction.

    Still on antibiotics (4th course and 3rd different type) and have noticed some improvement.

    Now beginning week 4 of no alcohol and no caffeine, the cravings are still there but are not constant and are more easily countered. However, I feel really good for not having either and this makes me more determined to be teetotal and caffeine free.

    Started following the advice of the dietician, who to my surprise shared several of my views on eating and nutrition and seems a thoroughly nice lady for an Antipodean. She even refused to weigh me at this point because before she can help with a sustainable weight loss regimen she says we need to bring order and discipline to the chaos that is my eating.

    Am awaiting a battery of tests to try and determine the cause of the repeated infections and hopefully find a definitive solution to the problem and I have no idea how long this will take.

    So that's all for now, not sure exactly when I'll restart the challenge. If I feel fine after the next gym session on Wednesday then I might have some time on the climbmaster on Thursday evening. I'll let you know.

    Have a great day.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665


    "Now beginning week 4 of no alcohol and no caffeine,"

    Excellent, well done Mark.

    PS - Port Vale v Crewe tonight, almost a local derby that I think, & surely a bit of edge between them. Prediction?

  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Tikay10 said:


    "Now beginning week 4 of no alcohol and no caffeine,"

    Excellent, well done Mark.

    PS - Port Vale v Crewe tonight, almost a local derby that I think, & surely a bit of edge between them. Prediction?


    Sorry for not replying sooner, been busy with the family.

    Whilst it's only about 20 minutes between the 2 grounds Crewe always consider Stockport and Macclesfield as their derby, whilst for Vale it's Stoke so whilst there is an atmosphere, usually created by Radio Stoke and The Sentinel.

    I actually fancied Crewe to win 3 -1 and but for some woeful finishing and defensive heroics it could have been 5 or 6. The 1-1 draw was kind to the great unwashed who must surely capitulate to gravitys inexorable pull.

    Decent enough watch considering.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Well if you want a small distraction from the pressure of Pre Christmas, listen up.

    So yesterday I get a phone call from Urology who it would appear have spent the last 6 weeks deciding how to deal with the recurring water/bladder infection that has blighted my life since the end of October.

    It culminated in a cunningly worded invitation to attend a clinic where staff will train me to intermittently self catheterise. Ok. Erm actually whoa back up a minute like WTF dude.

    I respectfully declined the first offer, but it would appear that if I don't do this then the cycle will continue until I'm hospitalised.

    This is where the comedy gold started to happen. I asked for an explanation of the process and was told that I will be shown how to perform the whole exercise and then will have to do it to the satisfaction of the nurses.

    I don't hold out much hope for a swift and painless conclusion to this session. Last time this was required I was in A and E and it took 8 attempts by 2 nurses and a doctor with 4 different thickness of tube. I was on a morphine drip and away with the fairies and it still fkn hurt like, well like having a foreign body shoved down your pee tube.

    I asked if the nursing staff were male or at least female and ugly, he asked why it was relevant and I suggested for the process to be succesful maybe there needed to be as little distraction/stimulation as possible.

    I also informed the guy that as an overweight person line of sight to the area in question was obscured and that I was not the most digitally dexterous of people to the point of being incapable of putting contact lenses into my big eyes nevermind threading a tube into my..... anyway, moving on.

    The upshot is that I received a confirmation text this morning from the relevant ward and so next week I will under the watchful gaze of a sell out crowd attempt to play **** battleships without the aid of a grid system and to top it all off they expect me to arrive at 10 am with a full bladder. Pick one or the other guys because at my age getting to that time with a full bladder just defies science.

    And when does this opportunity for humiliation, sadism and masochism occur yup Friday the 13th, like what could possibly go wrong.

    So yeah, there you have it. The one time I get given permission to be tackle out in front of nurses and there's not a happy ending in sight. Told you I was unlucky.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    You now have the T shirt.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665


    Ugh, that's gruesomely horrible beyond words. Pretty sure I could never do that.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    When you look down at your little acorn don't be scornful that it's let you down, remember it has served you well over the years given you pleasure & children to be proud.......what's a little discomfort in the grand scheme of things in a few weeks you will be wanting the biggest catheter or even the garden hose.
    As for the Trainee Nurses ogling your pride and joy .... hope they just smile & not laugh.
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