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£40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm £1,069.18)...FINISHED



  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited May 2012
    Hey Dev,

    Superb progress mate, have been following throughout. Really exciting time for you at the minute, just about to move up stakes so obviously I hope you get some run good to get off to a flying start with that. Also, your C4P is already very noticable and this is about to get even better when you move up! Happy days eh?

    Keep up the great work mate, both on the tables and on this thread. You're a real inspiration for a lower stakes player looking to make some speedy progress.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    hi Daz,
    thank you 4 your reply.
    i,ll think about giving them a go then.
    not sure if i should play them atm with my dym challenge in full swing.
    i,ll maybe wait untill my mission is over.
    i might even start up a new challenge simply playing some form of mtts,you never know with me.!!!

    hi Mick,
    congrats on your £90 win m8.
    "must be nice"
    i will be trying them...1 day.!!!

    hi JC,
    thanks m8  for your very nice words.
    yes exciting and also a little nervous maybe.
    i know how important it will be to run well at the start.
    i just hope i can carry on playing my normal game & not let the ammounts involved affect my game.
    yes,as u say c4p are going up quite nicely,only problem i am finding is if i get off to a good start at the higher level,i am reluctant to carry on playing those games as i think it is more important to try and get a win from them
    rather than i guess trying to win more and then run the risk of losing a certain win.
    did you ever encounter this yourself? or is it just me?
    should i in your opinion,carry on with caution,which is working quite well i think,
    or should i really "open up and just go flat-out and try and take this down asap?"
    or would that simply be too risky and possibly reckless/foolish?
    alot of questions m8...
    all advice would be very welcome,especially at this very important stage of my mission
    thanks JC.

  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £212.46):
    hi Daz, thank you 4 your reply. i,ll think about giving them a go then. not sure if i should play them atm with my dym challenge in full swing. i,ll maybe wait untill my mission is over. i might even start up a new challenge simply playing some form of mtts,you never know with me.!!! hi Mick, congrats on your £90 win m8. "must be nice" i will be trying them...1 day.!!! hi JC, thanks m8  for your very nice words. yes exciting and also a little nervous maybe. i know how important it will be to run well at the start. i just hope i can carry on playing my normal game & not let the ammounts involved affect my game. yes,as u say c4p are going up quite nicely,only problem i am finding is if i get off to a good start at the higher level,i am reluctant to carry on playing those games as i think it is more important to try and get a win from them rather than i guess trying to win more and then run the risk of losing a certain win. did you ever encounter this yourself?or is it just me? should i in your opinion,carry on with caution,which is working quite well i think, or should i really "open up and just go flat-out and try and take this down asap?" or would that simply be too risky and possibly reckless/foolish? alot of questions m8... all advice would be very welcome,especially at this very important stage of my mission thanks JC. :-) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Hey dev,

    Yes I have encountered this myself, in fact it's quite common and is known as trying to "book a win". It can occur for lots of reasons (most often during periods of run bad). I experienced it once, exactly the same as you have here, when I was moving up levels. I think it's probably the constant strive for progress instead of fallback (particularly when you have a forum thread with interested followers to update as you have/I did) that causes it in this case.

    As I'm sure you will already have figured out, deep down, there's no rational/logical justification for trying to "book a win". The games are either profitable for you or they aren't, it's as simple as that really. You have already proven the games are profitable for you, what I mean here specifically is: the tables aren't full of tough regs, you're not too tired to play etc etc. You should really make your decision whether to go on playing a session or not on factors like these rather than how much you're up or down. The swings will happen when they happen mate there's little point in us as players trying to manipulate them.

    The above is easier said than done sometimes I know :-)

    Keep up the good work dev anyway, will look forward to the next instalments . . .

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited May 2012
    More wise words from JC.
    Keep it up Dev - you know you have the ability !!
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks JC,
    i was thinking that you possibly had experienced this yourself at some point in your challenge.
    would i be right here that it was when you were batteling with the £22,s?
    about to get todays session underway,hopefully if i can get the £8 i need will be starting the £11,s tomorrow.....
    best wishes,

    thanks MICK,
    yes,JC certainly knows his stuff,doesn,t he.!!!
    that,s why he,s the MASTER and i,m just the APPRENTICE.!!!.   lol

    good luck yourself m8.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £212.46):
    thanks JC, i was thinking that you possibly had experienced this yourself at some point in your challenge. would i be right here that it was when you were batteling with the £22,s? about to get todays session underway,hopefully if i can get the £8 i need will be starting the £11,s tomorrow..... aaaaaaagh.!!! best wishes, :-) dev thanks MICK, yes,JC certainly knows his stuff,doesn,t he.!!! that,s why he,s the MASTER and i,m just the APPRENTICE.!!!.   lol good luck yourself m8. :-) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    May the force be with you !
  • OTW04OTW04 Member Posts: 65
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £188.36):
    hi wardy, ask as many questions as u like buddy, if i am able to help,only be to glad to. looks like u were unlucky losing 3-2 @ £2.25,s y,day losing all 3 on the bubble. i did say it would hurt u more if u lost didn,t i . yes,i did 1st start playing 30p dym,s,won more than i lost... didn,t play many though as i moved up to 60p same day or nxt day,can,t remember now 4 sure. anyway soon got to the £1 level again winning there, then £2. took me some time getting to £3 i can remember as i only wanted to move up once i had 100 buy-ins 4 that level,£300. i am only playing the £5 level atm because of this challenge. i don,t know your b/roll,but if u r moving up to £2 and thinking about playing £3 too, i would say u need a minimum of 20/30 buy-ins ie;£60-£90. anyway, good luck m8, i,m sure u can do it.!!! :-) dev ps, have you read john connors " the abc of dym,s" blog? if not,find it & read it,i,m sure it will help you.
    Posted by devonfish5
    Yes m8 found it very helpful. My downfall last couple of days was hero calling alot get inpatient at times when im short stacked. Keep up gd work bud! 
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks again Mick

    hi wardy,
    calling is usually your worst option,better to either fold or re-raise i think.
    impatience...not good,
    turn that into patience asap.
    it all takes time & practise m8...
    we,ve all been there.!!!
    good luck,

    DAY  23

           w  4  +£18.00
           l   5  -£27.50
           w 16  +£43.20
            l  5   -£16.50

    won  £17.20

    b/roll  £229.66 (+£188.95)

    c4p   108
    total  2517=£30.20 to come

    not happy with £5,s results
    but i guess £3,s make up 4 it.
    got the £8 i needed anyway to have a crack at the £11,s tomorrow.

    all 4 now,

    (*  *)


  • JohnConnorJohnConnor Member Posts: 1,160
    edited May 2012
    Wiiiii, GL tomorrow (today!) dev in the £11s! Thursday night hopefully won't be a bad night to move up for you.
    When I started getting urges to lock up/book wins was actually when I moved up to the £11s during my challenge, believe it or not. Pretty weird since I had played all the higher levels for some time previously. As I say, I think having a progress thread adds a bit of pressure, we must like a challenge lol.

    But yes, I certainly had a torrid time for a good while in the £22s lol. I seem to remember losing ~£200 and winning it back in about 2 days at one point when my 'roll was only about £600! Scary stuff lol.

    Run good mate,
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    DAY 24....

    hi jc,
    thanks again mate 4 all your great help & advice & good wishes.
    i think you must know probably more than anyone what a big day today is 4 me.
    i,m up early..  7am   .getting myself physically and mentally prepared...
    start off with a gentle 200 press-ups,run down to the beach, swim the Exe...
    couple of miles..then a gentle jog
    "well there was a time"....
    ok,a cup of tea & a biscuit then.!!!

    today,s the day....
    biggest day so far.
    i,ve not played @ £11 level so into unknown territory.
    i will continue as i have so far...with caution.
    i,m not going to be simply giving my money away.
    i will start off playing 1x£11 & 4x£5 more.
    the most i can possibly lose being £33.
    it will be exciting & scary i,m sure...
    looking forward to the buzz
    if it all goes "pete tong" no worries...
    i,m back playing £3 £5 tomorrow.
    back later with the live up-date...
    "good luck Ian...
    this tape will self destruct in 2 seconds"
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited May 2012
    good luck dev, tag the regs early doors

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    cheers rancid
  • Woogie8688Woogie8688 Member Posts: 811
    edited May 2012
    Hi dev,

    Good luck with today m8, & believe me having "swum with the sharks" for the last 2 days if anyone has got the game for this level its you.

    So there will be no way I am sitting on your table today, it's hard enough without another shark.

  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £229.66):
    DAY 24.... hi jc, thanks again mate 4 all your great help & advice & good wishes. i think you must know probably more than anyone what a big day today is 4 me. aaaaaaaaaaagh. i,m up early..  7am   .getting myself physically and mentally prepared... start off with a gentle 200 press-ups,run down to the beach, swim the Exe... couple of miles..then a gentle jog "well there was a time".... ok,a cup of tea & a biscuit then.!!! today,s the day.... biggest day so far. i,ve not played @ £11 level so into unknown territory. i will continue as i have so far...with caution. i,m not going to be simply giving my money away. i will start off playing 1x£11 & 4x£5 more. the most i can possibly lose being £33. it will be exciting & scary i,m sure... looking forward to the buzz if it all goes "pete tong" no worries... i,m back playing £3 £5 tomorrow. back later with the live up-date... "good luck Ian... this tape will self destruct in 2 seconds"
    Posted by devonfish5
    GL dev i think getting an early lead with them is better for your mindset, i lost a few of £11 dont think i played bad, but just really ul and kinda really got to me the amount it was taking off my br, it felt like it was set up for me to lose so i stopped went back to the £5 and confidence returned which is what you are doing so think thats a good plan, even though its wierd because i feel more comfortable at the £16 ones prob cos i havnt lost those yet and got an early lead. I think its the fact of the jump up and you should play your game and not worry about the buy in even though a loss really does effect your br especialy around the £200-£400 mark, look forward to seeing how you get on with them i may see you on them i may not GL m8
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks Mike,

    thanks Daz
    yes,it really can be real mental battle this game at times,can,t it.
    anyway,it,s all good fun too.
    hope to see yourself & Mike at my table laters;
    be nice to see some familiar

    (*  *)
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2012
    a good thing to do maybe is watch the £11 games dont play them get used to whos who and how they play before jumping in you can then make notes and have an edge.
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited May 2012
    Best of luck Dev moving up to the next level.Planning to start back today.

    Run well mate.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    good idea daz,
    i,ll certainly do that.
    i,m also going 2 be very table selective to start with...
    as i was with the £5,s.
    any more than 2 regs on a table,i simply won,t load up.
    cheers buddy

    hi Pat,(day4eire)
    cheers mate,appreciated.
    hope things are alittle better 4 u 2 atm.
    good luck yourself,
  • Woogie8688Woogie8688 Member Posts: 811
    edited May 2012
    Hi Dev,

    How do you know the regs from the lobby?
    I am having to keep track of the number of times i play players & notes during the game, but at the moment they are all the same to me.

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    hi Mike,
    i,ve been watching some £11 games earlier today & £5 too,
    saw you playing on 1 table not sure what level .
    i just run players name through the find a player box,nxt to community in lobby,
    and see if they are multi-tableing.
    if they are that players name i write down on my list of players to try and avoid.
    not very scientific i know,but it,s a start.
    as a matter of interest i did watch john connor earlier,playing 2x£5 & 2x£11 tables.
    quite interesting to see how he goes about playing the later stages.
    all pretty much as i expected i would say.
    also seeing the guys playing the £11 games has certainly not done me any harm,
    if anything has given me the confidence to proceed with my plan.
    can,t sit here chatting all night can i.
    that,s not going to get the job done.
    good luck m8,
    here we go.
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