Hey Pal, Doing great.Few bumps along the way but still going the right way.Played a few games with you tonight.Very solid play unlucky to run into a few strange calls but it is the weekend.Just a couple of questions. 1 How many games do you get through a night ? 2 Do you always play in mini view if so how long did it take to get used to ? 3 Do you set yourself a target of games or points for the night ? Run good pal. Don't know if you have seen this recently but player in bb says away when button raises to steal blinds, bb comes back in reraises to take hand down.Happened on a couple of tables tonight.Caused a bit of chat. Pat Posted by day4eire76
hi Pat, ty m8, as i am only playing £3 atm if you divide my nightly c4p ammount by 3 that will give you the number of games played each session,so tonight my c4p was 258 div by 3 = 86 games played. the ammount i play really varies from day 2 day,if i am winning then i might shut down a little earlier than if i am losing for example,like tonight.also alot depends on how i am feeling,some days i can play longer knowing i am building up my c4p and other days i might only play for a 2 or 3 hours or so. i usually start between 6-6.30pm and finish somewhere between 9 & 11pm as a rule. no i never set out with any set targets in mind for each night,i just play my best to win each session,sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. the one thing though i always try to do is finish the session strongly as this limits my losses and maximises my wins. also you have to accept that you will get losses so it's not worth getting overly down about it. i've learnt the best way of dealing with it is by saying to myself,let's see how things are at the end of the month. as long as i give my best every session that's ok,i only get upset with myself when i make silly plays and i try and learn from them and not to do it again. but i still do sometimes. also i have to take into account the number of tables i'm playing which is still slowly increasing ,starting to play number 16 atm,so as alot of my decisions are instinctive due to the short ammount of time available for each decision, i will make the odd mistake i guess, but as long as i make many more good decisions then it should be profitable long term,i think.
always play in mini-view m8,and pretty much got used to it straight away. also takes away the distraction of the chat box. yes, i have also noticed players being away and then suddenly re-appear and as you say re-raise back. i now make a note in players notes for future reference. still i guess if they are getting the advantage from it and not their opponents who is to say it's wrong,especially as the other guy is basically trying to get free chips for nothing. but i can see that it is a talking point. good luck Pat, :)dev
Have you started drinking in the mornings! If not gone get some more sleep Lol lee Your starting to make the mission look easy,86 games a nite wow Posted by frascati
hi Lee, back again, lol yes,plenty of cups of tea & orange juice. lol yes,on a roll atm so can't complain. i wonder when i will get the 100 games a nite up? best wishes m8 dev
ran total garbage so just carrying on from y/day then. no damage done though so no worries. been on a good run though so mustn't complain,or someone's bound to tell me off. lol anyway picked a few more c4p so happy about that. back tonight. dev
ok so i probably asked for a session like this to come along and give me a reality check. yes,i admit it,i probably was getting a little cocky...lesson learned. yes,i ran like poo again but i know it happens to everyone so no worries. i actually felt i played pretty well so i think that says just how bad i ran. still,i am still almost £350 up so far this month & if someone had offered me that i would most certainly have taken it,so i won't be losing any sleep over it. my c4p target is now 5000 pts so if i can achieve that which i know i will,then that's another £100 that will be added on. tbh even after tonights session,i am still enjoying this battle with the game & also the never ending battle that goes on inside my mind. i'm sure tonight won't be the last time i ever lose again so i'll deal with it,as i have on all the other occasions,and move on. i might have just lost a battle...but the war goes on!!! 43 of my soldiers have fallen tonight but the 656 ramaining will fight on.they will not be forgotten. rip. dev
Variance is a beehatch. Ive taken a break from poker for a week as Im just on the end of too many beats at the moment. Dont panic tho dude, just trust your judgement, it cant have been wrong to get you this far
Variance is a beehatch. Ive taken a break from poker for a week as Im just on the end of too many beats at the moment. Dont panic tho dude, just trust your judgement, it cant have been wrong to get you this far Posted by mj8bs
ty mj yes,it was quite a brutal tonight tbh but i've had a great run this month so i'm not complaining. also,having lost £130 on a previous night not so long ago,which we never talk about, losing tonight doesn't really compare,does it. anyway,the pain is over & the recovery begins. i hope things improve for you buddy,it can be a tough old game sometimes,can't it. and remember win or lose it's only money it's not life and death. best wishes dev
back grinding after the disappointment of sat night. didn't run well again but somehow managed to scrape out a w. my plan now for the rest of this month is to basically 'hang in there' hopefully remain in the £600's if i can get to £700 great,but it is probably more important not to lose now for the remainder of this month as it has gone brilliant so far. that doesn't mean i will be playing any less or any differently,just changing my mind-set a little,that's all. well on target for the 5000 c4p i have set myself. anyway, back later. gl all. dev
Hi Dev. just catching up on your progress after a couple of days away and I noticed a minor mistake. On DAY 117, (part 1) you lost £1.80 but your B/roll didn't decrease from the previous day. All subsequent days appear to total up from the incorrect amount. But I believe you might think you are doing ever so slightly better than you are. Only a minor thing but I don't want you celebrating too early. Good luck Posted by dragon1964
hi m8, thank you 4 pointing that mistake out to me. but i took that ammount off with the evening sessions so my b/roll total is correct. best wishes buddy dev
another losing session,didn,t run well also only played average i would say,so i was never going to win tonight. still only £20 down on the day,so no worries. still happy with c4p this month and i can't grumble even after a few recent losing sessions as i am still up this month with c4p still to be added on. back tomorrow, night all. dev
MONDAY 27/8/12 part 2... lost £26.10 b/roll £636.10 c4p 231 total 4443 = £79.97 to come another losing session,didn,t run well also only played average i would say,so i was never going to win tonight. still only £20 down on the day,so no worries. still happy with c4p this month and i can't grumble even after a few recent losing sessions as i am still up this month with c4p still to be added on. back tomorrow, night all. dev Posted by devonfish5
Amazing stuff Dev, you are going to have some awesome c4p this month.
Quick question, do you play any other formats of the game along with playing DYMs? I have been trying to play Cash at the same time and am struggling to make the transition.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£662.20) : Amazing stuff Dev, you are going to have some awesome c4p this month. Quick question, do you play any other formats of the game along with playing DYMs? I have been trying to play Cash at the same time and am struggling to make the transition. Posted by stretch83
hi stretch ty m8, yes,not to long now untill another month will be over,& those lovely c4p come around again,especially with it being worth about 10% more this month. i am only playing dym at the moment but i did start off playing cash when i 1st started playing on-line about 2&1/2 yrs ago now.i wasn't very successful at it but again i worked my way up to playing 10/12 tables and managed to break even with my play & made a few pounds from c4p. i actually prefer dym i think,as i guess it is my most profitable by far but i do dabble playing nl4 when the mood takes me,but it's not very often & not at all atm. i guess if you are playing the 2 together cash & dym you could find it confusing and i would suggest playing one or the other say for a week or so and see how you go. you could set yourself a little competition between the two and see which 1 wins. i might give cash another bash after i complete my dym challenge a, just for a change & b,to see if i can win anything. failing that i'll just carry on grinding dym's. good luck buddy dev
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£662.20) : hi stretch ty m8, yes,not to long now untill another month will be over,& those lovely c4p come around again,especially with it being worth about 10% more this month. i am only playing dym at the moment but i did start off playing cash when i 1st started playing on-line about 2&1/2 yrs ago now.i wasn't very successful at it but again i worked my way up to playing 10/12 tables and managed to break even with my play & made a few pounds from c4p. i actually prefer dym i think,as i guess it is my most profitable by far but i do dabble playing nl4 when the mood takes me,but it's not very often & not at all atm. i guess if you are playing the 2 together cash & dym you could find it confusing and i would suggest playing one or the other say for a week or so and see how you go. you could set yourself a little competition between the two and see which 1 wins. i might give cash another bash after i complete my dym challenge a, just for a change & b,to see if i can win anything. failing that i'll just carry on grinding dym's. good luck buddy dev Posted by devonfish5
Thanks for the response Dev. Think I am going to stick to DYMs as made about £10 profit this afternoon, openend up two cash tables and donked off £8 in a matter of minutes lol.
In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm..£662.20) : Thanks for the response Dev. Think I am going to stick to DYMs as made about £10 profit this afternoon, openend up two cash tables and donked off £8 in a matter of minutes lol. Posted by stretch83
hi m8, tbh i think you are probably right playing dym as it is basically clear cut,you either finish in top 3 or you don't.also everything is a fixed ammount for each game so you always know exactly how much you can win or lose. cash can be so much more up & down,saying that you can still lose a fair ammount playing dym if things don't go your way. what level are you playing & how many tables?,if you don't mind me asking. anyway, gl buddy dev
good golly miss molly...a win ok, not much. had the pleasure of John Connor & JingleMa both on my tables tonight,well for a few games anyway,which was nice. always good to play with the 'big boys'. must have been looking for some easy money. lol anyway, another session over.just over 400 c4p needed to reach my 5000 pts target,which i should make with 3 sessions at least still to come. back tomorrow. gl all dev
day off work...raining,just like winter out there today. another losing session.not enough £3 tables for me so played some £5's. ran really horrible again so tbh could have been a whole lot worse. think i must have been on bubble 8/10 times all-in with villain dominated & lost every one. yes i know you forget all the other times when you win but come on.... dominated. just can't win at this level atm so another attempt has failed. still,i'm not the kind a guy that gives in easily,so i'm sure i will be back there again... so look out 4me boys...mentioning no names.
i'm still doing ok though & with c4p just around the corner,i am still more than happy with this months results.... so far!!! be lucky dev
ty m8,
as i am only playing £3 atm if you divide my nightly c4p ammount by 3 that will give you the number of games played each session,so tonight my c4p was 258 div by 3 = 86 games played.
the ammount i play really varies from day 2 day,if i am winning then i might shut down a little earlier than if i am losing for example,like tonight.also alot depends on how i am feeling,some days i can play longer knowing i am building up my c4p and other days i might only play for a 2 or 3 hours or so.
i usually start between 6-6.30pm and finish somewhere between 9 & 11pm as a rule.
no i never set out with any set targets in mind for each night,i just play my best to win each session,sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
the one thing though i always try to do is finish the session strongly as this limits my losses and maximises my wins.
also you have to accept that you will get losses so it's not worth getting overly down about it.
i've learnt the best way of dealing with it is by saying to myself,let's see how things are at the end of the month.
as long as i give my best every session that's ok,i only get upset with myself when i make silly plays and i try and learn from them and not to do it again.
but i still do sometimes.
also i have to take into account the number of tables i'm playing which is still slowly increasing ,starting to play number 16 atm,so as alot of my decisions are instinctive due to the short ammount of time available for each decision, i will make the odd mistake i guess, but as long as i make many more good decisions then it should be profitable long term,i think.
always play in mini-view m8,and pretty much got used to it straight away.
also takes away the distraction of the chat box.
i have also noticed players being away and then suddenly re-appear and as you say re-raise back.
i now make a note in players notes for future reference.
still i guess if they are getting the advantage from it and not their opponents who is to say it's wrong,especially as the other guy is basically trying to get free chips for nothing.
but i can see that it is a talking point.
good luck Pat,
had this on my mind.....
if i was to compare my poker atm to boxing(yes,strange i know....
but go with it)...
how would it be?
for shear agression; MR T; "you can't beat me...i'm the best....i'm the best!!!
for composure; OPOLLO CREED; "the master of disaster...the best of all time...the slickist & the quickest"!!!
for heart & bouncebackability; ROCKY BALBOA; "Adriaaan,we did it..we did it"!!!
for sound advice; ADRIAAAN; "don't do it for John Connor...don't do it coz you have to...do it for you"!!!
for the looks; MICKEEY; obviously...my double. (* *)
back again,
yes,plenty of cups of tea & orange juice. lol
yes,on a roll atm so can't complain.
i wonder when i will get the 100 games a nite up?
best wishes m8
sat 25/8/12
part 1
lost £1.80
b/roll £699.70
c4p 132
total 3879 = £62.06 to come
ran total garbage
so just carrying on from y/day then.
no damage done though so no worries.
been on a good run though so mustn't complain,or someone's bound to tell me off. lol
picked a few more c4p so happy about that.
back tonight.
sat 25/8/12
part 2
lost £43.50
b/roll £656.20
c4p 210
total £4089 = £73.60 to come
ok so i probably asked for a session like this to come along and give me a reality check.
yes,i admit it,i probably was getting a little cocky...lesson learned.
yes,i ran like poo again but i know it happens to everyone so no worries.
i actually felt i played pretty well so i think that says just how bad i ran.
still,i am still almost £350 up so far this month & if someone had offered me that i would most certainly have taken it,so i won't be losing any sleep over it.
my c4p target is now 5000 pts so if i can achieve that which i know i will,then that's another £100 that will be added on.
tbh even after tonights session,i am still enjoying this battle with the game & also the never ending battle that goes on inside my mind.
i'm sure tonight won't be the last time i ever lose again so i'll deal with it,as i have on all the other occasions,and move on.
i might have just lost a battle...but the war goes on!!!
43 of my soldiers have fallen tonight but the 656 ramaining will fight on.they will not be forgotten. rip.
yes getting there m8,despite tonight's little blip.
best wishes
yes,it was quite a brutal tonight tbh but i've had a great run this month so i'm not complaining.
also,having lost £130 on a previous night not so long ago,which we never talk about,
losing tonight doesn't really compare,does it.
anyway,the pain is over & the recovery begins.
i hope things improve for you buddy,it can be a tough old game sometimes,can't it.
and remember win or lose it's only money it's not life and death.
best wishes
day off...
re-charge battery for the week ahead.
DAY 119
part 1
won £6.00
b/roll £662.20
c4p 123
total 4212 = £75.82 to come
back grinding after the disappointment of sat night.
didn't run well again but somehow managed to scrape out a w.
my plan now for the rest of this month is to basically 'hang in there' hopefully remain in the £600's if i can get to £700 great,but it is probably more important not to lose now for the remainder of this month as it has gone brilliant so far.
that doesn't mean i will be playing any less or any differently,just changing my mind-set a little,that's all.
well on target for the 5000 c4p i have set myself.
back later.
gl all.
thank you 4 pointing that mistake out to me.
but i took that ammount off with the evening sessions so my b/roll total is correct.
best wishes buddy
part 2...
lost £26.10
b/roll £636.10
c4p 231
total 4443 = £79.97 to come
another losing session,didn,t run well also only played average i would say,so i was never going to win tonight.
still only £20 down on the day,so no worries.
still happy with c4p this month and i can't grumble even after a few recent losing sessions as i am still up this month with c4p still to be added on.
back tomorrow,
night all.
Quick question, do you play any other formats of the game along with playing DYMs? I have been trying to play Cash at the same time and am struggling to make the transition.
ty m8,
yes,not to long now untill another month will be over,& those lovely c4p come around again,especially with it being worth about 10% more this month.
i am only playing dym at the moment but i did start off playing cash when i 1st started playing on-line about 2&1/2 yrs ago now.i wasn't very successful at it but again i worked my way up to playing 10/12 tables and managed to break even with my play & made a few pounds from c4p.
i actually prefer dym i think,as i guess it is my most profitable by far but i do dabble playing nl4 when the mood takes me,but it's not very often & not at all atm.
i guess if you are playing the 2 together cash & dym you could find it confusing and i would suggest playing one or the other say for a week or so and see how you go.
you could set yourself a little competition between the two and see which 1 wins.
i might give cash another bash after i complete my dym challenge a, just for a change & b,to see if i can win anything.
failing that i'll just carry on grinding dym's.
good luck buddy
tbh i think you are probably right playing dym as it is basically clear cut,you either finish in top 3 or you don't.also everything is a fixed ammount for each game so you always know exactly how much you can win or lose.
cash can be so much more up & down,saying that you can still lose a fair ammount playing dym if things don't go your way.
what level are you playing & how many tables?,if you don't mind me asking.
gl buddy
tuesday 28/8/12
won £3.60
b/roll £639.70
c4p 144
total 4587 = £82.57 to come
good golly miss molly...a win ok, not much.
had the pleasure of John Connor & JingleMa both on my tables tonight,well for a few games anyway,which was nice.
always good to play with the 'big boys'. must have been looking for some easy money. lol
another session over.just over 400 c4p needed to reach my 5000 pts target,which i should make with 3 sessions at least still to come.
back tomorrow.
gl all
wed 29/8/12
part 1
lost £39.10
b/roll £600.60
c4p 83
total 4667 = £84.00 to come
day off work...raining,just like winter out there today.
another losing session.not enough £3 tables for me so played some £5's.
ran really horrible again so tbh could have been a whole lot worse.
think i must have been on bubble 8/10 times all-in with villain dominated & lost every one.
yes i know you forget all the other times when you win but come on.... dominated.
just can't win at this level atm so another attempt has failed.
still,i'm not the kind a guy that gives in easily,so i'm sure i will be back there again...
so look out 4me boys...mentioning no names.
i'm still doing ok though & with c4p just around the corner,i am still more than happy with this months results....
so far!!!
be lucky