Nice work on the thinly veiled brag while closing down that slanging match thread Tommy lol. So is everyone still up for some fun and games at DTD? Maybe it's the cash promo but it all seems to have went a bit quiet with regards to the coming SPT... usually it's all people talk about but I haven't heard it mentioned once for ages now. Posted by Lambert180
Haha, you know I mentioned I was on the bubble right? Well I embraced that bubble.
I'm really looking forward to the 6-max, as are a lot of other people. I just think at the moment everyone's a little bleugh about stuff so no one is bigging it up a ton, we just had the grand final and there's a little hang over IMO. Don't worry, these things always work in a cycle, by the time we're approaching Dublin or Stratford people will be going crazy about them.
For me I've decided to 'open up' for the 6-max. I've played hideously live for the last year/eighteen months. I've played far too tight in a lot of spots, played too 'unthinking' loose in the wrong spots, gone into my shell after taking a naughty one far too much. I just hate how I've played at recent SPTs TBH. I think I've been scared to look silly by busting level one or two so I've just stuck around like a bad smell waiting, dribbling off my stack waiting to run Jacks into Kings. Well DTD has a lovely bar and a bowling alley nearby, I'm just going to open up and play like it's an online game. I bust early a fair bit online. I also have a decent record of running deep when things click. Gonna give it a go.
Oh and for me bowling/quasar/pool is still happening.
hi Tommy, re;multi tabling i didn't find that i had a blind spot table but found myself getting involved on a particular table at times,and this would mean i would miss out on action at other tables. so i now make my decision asap within reason and quickly move away from that table once my decision has been made. if i have an 'all-in' decision for example and it's marginal i can now move away from that table and play other tables,whilst thinking about the 'all-in' decision in my mind and then go back to that table before the time bar runs out.this is something that i would not have been able to do a short while ago. i think in your case it could be that you are involved with say 2 or 3 tables,and possibly 'big decisions' and therfore some other tables will inevitably time out.the fact that it seems to possibly be your 'blind spot' table is more likely to be that you have 11 other tables to play and therfore this 1 table is going to time out quite regularly. although i am playing DYM as opposed to cash it was a problem that took me a while to sort out. i also now have 2 monitors which means i can play 9 tables (3x3) on each. it will probably pay you to get another in time imo, as it means you could also play more tables,which i'm pretty sure you will in time, also with no overlap. as to prastise?yes,the more you play the easier it gets,i have also found. (the more i play the luckier i get,comes to mind.) gl dev ps;only 18 more to go and you will be giving beaney a 'run for his money' lolz Posted by devonfish5
Cheers Dev, got a few good points there.
I think you're right that I need another monitor, I'll put it on the treat list. I use that as motivation (get of X amount and buy a treat). A second monitor would probably be the least geeky thing on there.
And I'll never play as many as Beaneh, he can see the Matrix
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Cheers Dev, got a few good points there. I think you're right that I need another monitor, I'll put it on the treat list. I use that as motivation (get of X amount and buy a treat). A second monitor would probably be the least geeky thing on there. And I'll never play as many as Beaneh, he can see the Matrix Posted by TommyD
ty Tommy, yes,that's what i did.i decided that i wanted to try and get up to 18 tables so bought an i7 pc back in march and a 2nd monitor shortly afterwards,all out of my poker winnings. i was only playing 9 tables a few months ago,now i can almost play 12-15 without even thinking. i did get up to 19 last Saturday which was a bit scary. lol so if i can do it..... say no more. best of luck dev
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Haha, you know I mentioned I was on the bubble right? Well I embraced that bubble. I'm really looking forward to the 6-max, as are a lot of other people. I just think at the moment everyone's a little bleugh about stuff so no one is bigging it up a ton, we just had the grand final and there's a little hang over IMO. Don't worry, these things always work in a cycle, by the time we're approaching Dublin or Stratford people will be going crazy about them. For me I've decided to 'open up' for the 6-max. I've played hideously live for the last year/eighteen months. I've played far too tight in a lot of spots, played too 'unthinking' loose in the wrong spots, gone into my shell after taking a naughty one far too much. I just hate how I've played at recent SPTs TBH. I think I've been scared to look silly by busting level one or two so I've just stuck around like a bad smell waiting, dribbling off my stack waiting to run Jacks into Kings. Well DTD has a lovely bar and a bowling alley nearby, I'm just going to open up and play like it's an online game. I bust early a fair bit online. I also have a decent record of running deep when things click. Gonna give it a go. Oh and for me bowling/quasar/pool is still happening. Posted by TommyD
Ayop Tommy & Lambo, yes I'm coming up on Fri & will be up4this (although I've neva dun Quasar b4!).
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : ty Tommy, yes,that's what i did.i decided that i wanted to try and get up to 18 tables so bought an i7 pc back in march and a 2nd monitor shortly afterwards,all out of my poker winnings. i was only playing 9 tables a few months ago,now i can almost play 12-15 without even thinking. i did get up to 19 last Saturday which was a bit scary. lol so if i can do it..... say no more. best of luck dev Posted by devonfish5
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Sicko. ;-) Posted by JingleMa
lol i know.... funny thing was though m8,i was actually playing £5's for the 1st time in a while,with £3's too, so i guess it paid off as i had my best ever session.obviously i ran well but i guess i also didn't have time to think about anything other than the games i was playing,and not the fact that i was playing the £5's which as you know haven't exactly been to kind to me as yet. i also didn't really take much notice of my running b/roll total, which is something i know that i do whilst playing,and maybe something that i need to try and stop myself from doing in the future. best wishes jingle dev ps,how u getting on playing the higher levels now? i'm guessing you must be doing ok. please....... don't rush back to the £5's lol i get enough trouble from Patwalsh, johnconnor and the others. lol
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : lol i know.... funny thing was though m8,i was actually playing £5's for the 1st time in a while,with £3's too, so i guess it paid off as i had my best ever session.obviously i ran well but i guess i also didn't have time to think about anything other than the games i was playing,and not the fact that i was playing the £5's which as you know haven't exactly been to kind to me as yet. i also didn't really take much notice of my running b/roll total, which is something i know that i do whilst playing,and maybe something that i need to try and stop myself from doing in the future. best wishes jingle dev ps,how u getting on playing the higher levels now? i'm guessing you must be doing ok. please....... don't rush back to the £5's lol i get enough trouble from Patwalsh, johnconnor and the others. lol Posted by devonfish5
Nice, yeah your run-bad @ £5's was obv just 1of those things & cudn't last4eva.
I've reduced my vol a lot now & just 8 table max @ £10 - £20, but I mite come back every now & then just to see what's biting. ;-)
Hi Thomas! We gonna do the alternative triathlon this weekend? Pool Quazar Bowling... Mmmmmmmmm Posted by GREGHOGG
Yup still up for the alternative triathlon. I'm pretty sure Jingle and Giant are as well. All others are welcome, I saw in another thread you're meeting up with Bear, get him down.
Should be a good laugh, I'll be there Friday, we'll sort all of the details out then.
Had a lovely moment earlier tonight. It was dusky evening time and I was chatting to the GF on the decking outside of my office (The Grind-a-torium). We're going through the day where she spent about thirty minutes telling me about her day and in answer to her question 'How was yours?' I answer 's'alright.'
Out of the corner of my eye I saw this ball of white fur crash into our garden. I did the whole Superman-like stuff 'Is it a bird? Is it a cat?' etc. It all became clear when this Yorkshire Terrier started to bound at full speed towards us. And then in a way typical to a dog when they are sure they have your attention, he did an immediate 180 and sprinted down the bottom of the garden, with myself and the GF trailing in its wake. He found the tiniest space behind our summerhouse and we eventually coaxed him out. Just as we calmed him down and had him safely suddenly I heard panicky screams in the distance. This poor woman was screaming for Bobby so I shouted if anyone had lost a dog and we reunited Dog and owner. There's no alleyways down the back of our garden but somehow this tiny dog had managed to get through or into seven gardens?!? It was only by sheer chance he got trapped in ours and we were there to see the lovely little pup.
Being a dog lover I'd hate to ever lose one, it's such a huge fear. Luckily things worked out. Apart from for me. The GF is now demanding a dog of our own. Great, vets bills, insurance, making the garden dog safe, toys everywhere, poop everywhere. Thanks a lot Bobby
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Greggles!!! Yup still up for the alternative triathlon. I'm pretty sure Jingle and Giant are as well. All others are welcome, I saw in another thread you're meeting up with Bear, get him down. Should be a good laugh, I'll be there Friday, we'll sort all of the details out then. Posted by TommyD
Sounds good im up for something like that on Friday
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Greggles!!! Yup still up for the alternative triathlon. I'm pretty sure Jingle and Giant are as well. All others are welcome, I saw in another thread you're meeting up with Bear, get him down. Should be a good laugh, I'll be there Friday, we'll sort all of the details out then. Posted by TommyD
A quick congrats on hitting your 1,000th post in this diary Tommy! Heres to the next 5,000 drivel posts Cheers. Posted by MAXALLY
Cheers Maxy, I have plenty more drivel in the tank so no worries there.
On to new things, really pumped for the 6-Max. I've already written off the entry fee in my head, as I stated earlier I'm absolutely sick and bored of how I've played live in the last year and more, it's completely pathetic. It's hardly a joy sat in a seat for hours playing awful and just hanging around until it's time to get coolered. We move on, this Saturday I'm going to open it up, play like it's online. I guess I had a fear of looking silly, strange when you consider my face. I'm over it. My chips will be on offer, but to get them yours will be too. Oh I've come over all Rocky 4 here.....
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Cheers Maxy, I have plenty more drivel in the tank so no worries there. On to new things, really pumped for the 6-Max. I've already written off the entry fee in my head, as I stated earlier I'm absolutely sick and bored of how I've played live in the last year and more, it's completely pathetic. It's hardly a joy sat in a seat for hours playing awful and just hanging around until it's time to get coolered. We move on, this Saturday I'm going to open it up, play like it's online. I guess I had a fear of looking silly, strange when you consider my face. I'm over it. My chips will be on offer, but to get them yours will be too. Oh I've come over all Rocky 4 here..... Posted by TommyD
Back from the 6-Max at DTD. Cliffs are I min cashed in 19th. Trying to be objective I played a lot better than I have recently in live poker, probably the best I've played live in a year (although this isn't a high watermark). Looking back I still made a few glaring errors, mainly in spots where I had a huge hand and just killed value by being over aggressive. It's pretty weak play and I need to get in some sort of system where before every decision I just ask myself 'Are you thinking about what you are doing?' I play too fast live, I abhor the time it takes many players to make a decision but I'm far to much the other way (I make nearly every move within five seconds). I need to slow it down a little.
Great to see everyone though and it was a good laugh. Many thanks for the good people at Sky and DTD for putting on a great event.
Wheres Giant.... Great meeting you Mr Tommy D, glad we did a split on the pool and hope to see you soon at another! WP on min cashing, mbfn Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Good you meet you too YG, catch you at the next one.
For those of your wondering what that first line was about, I somehow managed to walk into a bar and ask everyone quite genuinely 'Where's Giant?' He was in front of me at the bar. Of all the people not to see somehow I missed him. I got bantered for this obviously.
I'm really looking forward to the 6-max, as are a lot of other people. I just think at the moment everyone's a little bleugh about stuff so no one is bigging it up a ton, we just had the grand final and there's a little hang over IMO. Don't worry, these things always work in a cycle, by the time we're approaching Dublin or Stratford people will be going crazy about them.
For me I've decided to 'open up' for the 6-max. I've played hideously live for the last year/eighteen months. I've played far too tight in a lot of spots, played too 'unthinking' loose in the wrong spots, gone into my shell after taking a naughty one far too much. I just hate how I've played at recent SPTs TBH. I think I've been scared to look silly by busting level one or two so I've just stuck around like a bad smell waiting, dribbling off my stack waiting to run Jacks into Kings. Well DTD has a lovely bar and a bowling alley nearby, I'm just going to open up and play like it's an online game. I bust early a fair bit online. I also have a decent record of running deep when things click. Gonna give it a go.
Oh and for me bowling/quasar/pool is still happening.
Cheers Dev, got a few good points there.
I think you're right that I need another monitor, I'll put it on the treat list. I use that as motivation (get of X amount and buy a treat). A second monitor would probably be the least geeky thing on there.
And I'll never play as many as Beaneh, he can see the Matrix
yes,that's what i did.i decided that i wanted to try and get up to 18 tables so bought an i7 pc back in march and a 2nd monitor shortly afterwards,all out of my poker winnings.
i was only playing 9 tables a few months ago,now i can almost play 12-15 without even thinking.
i did get up to 19 last Saturday which was a bit scary. lol
so if i can do it.....
say no more.
best of luck
i know....
funny thing was though m8,i was actually playing £5's for the 1st time in a while,with £3's too,
so i guess it paid off as i had my best ever session.obviously i ran well but i guess i also didn't have time to think about anything other than the games i was playing,and not the fact that i was playing the £5's which as you know haven't exactly been to kind to me as yet.
i also didn't really take much notice of my running b/roll total, which is something i know that i do whilst playing,and maybe something that i need to try and stop myself from doing in the future.
best wishes jingle
ps,how u getting on playing the higher levels now?
i'm guessing you must be doing ok.
don't rush back to the £5's lol
i get enough trouble from Patwalsh, johnconnor and the others. lol
I've reduced my vol a lot now & just 8 table max @ £10 - £20, but I mite come back every now & then just to see what's biting. ;-)
Yup still up for the alternative triathlon. I'm pretty sure Jingle and Giant are as well. All others are welcome, I saw in another thread you're meeting up with Bear, get him down.
Should be a good laugh, I'll be there Friday, we'll sort all of the details out then.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw this ball of white fur crash into our garden. I did the whole Superman-like stuff 'Is it a bird? Is it a cat?' etc. It all became clear when this Yorkshire Terrier started to bound at full speed towards us. And then in a way typical to a dog when they are sure they have your attention, he did an immediate 180 and sprinted down the bottom of the garden, with myself and the GF trailing in its wake. He found the tiniest space behind our summerhouse and we eventually coaxed him out. Just as we calmed him down and had him safely suddenly I heard panicky screams in the distance. This poor woman was screaming for Bobby so I shouted if anyone had lost a dog and we reunited Dog and owner. There's no alleyways down the back of our garden but somehow this tiny dog had managed to get through or into seven gardens?!? It was only by sheer chance he got trapped in ours and we were there to see the lovely little pup.
Being a dog lover I'd hate to ever lose one, it's such a huge fear. Luckily things worked out. Apart from for me. The GF is now demanding a dog of our own. Great, vets bills, insurance, making the garden dog safe, toys everywhere, poop everywhere. Thanks a lot Bobby
Yes I'm in.
R u going to play the 8pm sidey on Fri?
I've sent u PM.
Great to see you in, I'm not planning to play the sidey but that's what I said last time and I ended up in there.
On to new things, really pumped for the 6-Max. I've already written off the entry fee in my head, as I stated earlier I'm absolutely sick and bored of how I've played live in the last year and more, it's completely pathetic. It's hardly a joy sat in a seat for hours playing awful and just hanging around until it's time to get coolered. We move on, this Saturday I'm going to open it up, play like it's online. I guess I had a fear of looking silly, strange when you consider my face. I'm over it. My chips will be on offer, but to get them yours will be too. Oh I've come over all Rocky 4 here.....
C u2moro mate. :-)
Great to see everyone though and it was a good laugh. Many thanks for the good people at Sky and DTD for putting on a great event.
Great meeting you Mr Tommy D, glad we did a split on the pool and hope to see you soon at another!
WP on min cashing, mbfn
For those of your wondering what that first line was about, I somehow managed to walk into a bar and ask everyone quite genuinely 'Where's Giant?' He was in front of me at the bar. Of all the people not to see somehow I missed him. I got bantered for this obviously.