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Ramblings of an old man



  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : I was at Pride Park on the night it opened, JNK was in the USA at his holiday home, so he let me use his private suite at the ground to entertain some Clients. Francis Lee was in the box with me, as it happens, he & John were still big buiddies, even though Lee had long left Derby County, & gone on to make a fortune in business, much of which he later plundered on racehorses.   Anyway, as I'm sure you'll recall, there was a floodlight failure, on the very first night, whoops. John had asked me to ring him after the game to let him know all went well. I was a bit nervous, fearing he'd be angry - he could chunter, given the chance - but he just laughed, & said " we should have called it Pride Dark "    
    Posted by Tikay10
    It certainly could have been renamed "Pride Dark" over the last 5 years.
    I was there that night with my Dad. One of his last games. It makes me yearn again for the heady heights of the Premier League again.  Playing all the big team's like we did that night.  The opposition were err.. Wimbledon I beieve.
    There were a spate of floodlight failures around that time. Seem to remember there were rumours of an Asian betting scam. Nothing ever proven though as far as I'm aware. 
    Sigh. Looks like I've just joined the "it's all rigged" brigade.  :)

  • splashiessplashies Member Posts: 3,680
    edited November 2013
    Morning Jac,

    As a Northampton fan, would like your take on Michael Jacobs?

    Why hasn't he been given a proper go in the starting XI? When he left over a year ago we were fully expecting him to make a decent impression in the Championship.

    I remember he got his 1st start in Cup for you last year against Scunthorpe, I think it was. He assisted all 5 of your goals that night, but he was always on the bench for league games.

    I see he is on loan at Wolves now, but it's a shame he hasnt played much football for the best part of a year, which is a shame as this will have surely hampered his development.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    Morning Jac, As a Northampton fan, would like your take on Michael Jacobs? Why hasn't he been given a proper go in the starting XI? When he left over a year ago we were fully expecting him to make a decent impression in the Championship. I remember he got his 1st start in Cup for you last year against Scunthorpe, I think it was. He assisted all 5 of your goals that night, but he was always on the bench for league games. I see he is on loan at Wolves now, but it's a shame he hasnt played much football for the best part of a year, which is a shame as this will have surely hampered his development.
    Posted by splashies
    I would normally rush into one of my Clough rants here. The trouble is, Mclaren has also seemingly made his mind up quickly on Jacobs. 

    Seems a strange one to me. On the rare occasions when he has played, he's looked decent. 
    Fans took to him quickly and I thought he would become a regular in the side.
    As you said, he did everything that could be asked of him in the cup games.
    In typical Clough fashion, he would bring him on for the last 2 minutes of a game and then in interviews afterwards, would criticise him for doing nothing when he got on the pitch. Yeah, 2 minutes is ample time for him to change a game Nige!

    Only guess I can make is that there is something about his attitude, or poor training that has held him back a bit and persuaded Mclaren to let him go out on loan.

    Hope he does well at Wolves. I fear that he has little future at Derby. Would be an excellent signing for any championship club.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    A couple of pages ago, JD asked me if it was my Dad who got me into poker. It wasn't, but it got me thinking about how I did actually get into the game and why.
    I thought I'd do a few posts about how I started and how I got to be here playing on Sky now. Feel slightly uncomfortable about it. I always feel annoyed when I see that some nondescript 19 year old who has played a couple of Premier a League games suddenly feels that the time is right to bring out their "life story"
    May be well be a little boring but it's really for my own enjoyment. To remember a few things that have happened and if it interests a few people than that's a nice bonus.
    My Dad didn't play poker at all as far as I'm aware. He used to play brag on occasions and wasn't very good from what my mother tells me. This actually means he was rubbish because we always underplay how badly we've done.
    I started playing cards at college and made a few quid at a few different card games in the refectory. This was actually a really bad thing as it meant that I didn't bother going to lessons as much as I should have. Bye bye decent a-levels.
    I used to do loads on fruit machines as well. Total stupidity and I'm pleased to say I haven't touched them in probably 20 years. A mate I was working with started going to the casino and I tagged along after a while. I'd heard you always win first time. Not me, I did plenty on roulette and blackjack but unfortunately it didn't deter me. I lost a lot during my teens in that horrible casino in Colyear Street in Derby. My Mum had to bail me out a couple of times and and as a result she hates gambling with all of her heart. So much so, that I'm embarrassed to admit, she doesn't have any idea that I play poker. It would hurt her too much and no amount of explaining would ever convince her that there is a skill element.
    I managed to break away from the cycle of getting paid and doing most of it in the casino in my early 20's. I had no choice really. I bought my first house when I was 22 and would never have been able to keep it if I'd continued going there.
    So, no gambling at all for 3/4 years and then I started watching 'Late Night Poker' Loved the characters, Jacarama, no relation,Simon Trumper with his amazing haircut. Also there was a weird American who always wore a suit. Had no idea who he was at the time. It was Phil Helmuth. Then at work, I found out that a friend played poker in Nottingham....
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    I had started playing play money online on Party Poker.
    They had a competition every night at 7.00 and it was capped at 2000 runners. If you hadn't regged by 7.02 that was it, it was full. I came 4th twice in a week and this convinced me they I was clearly an awesome poker player.
    I spoke to my friend and he agreed to take me along to Gala on the Friday night. They were doing £20 rebuy. I have never been so nervous in all my life than the first time I took my seat.
    The place was grim in truth. It had all the kind of people that you would step across the street to avoid. Poker back then was far less welcoming to new players than it is now.

    I wasn't quite as awesome as I first thought. In fact I was terrible. One pot springs to mind from that night. There were about 4 limpers and I looked down at aces. Naturally, I limped along too and we went about 6 way to the flop. The hand was heckled through all the way to the river. Some guy made a bet and I called. Cue amazed looks on the faces of the other players as I turned my cards and picked up the pot. The only hand I won all night. Did about 4 rebuys.

    I was hooked though and started to go regulary. I got better, not hard, and started to win a bit. I think it was quite deliberate on my part that I never really got to know anyone. Nodded and said hello to plenty there but I was kind of anonymous. These weren't my people and I didn't really want to get to know them. There was the odd one who seemed decent. Rob Creed was one and a friend of Tikays was another, Maria. I would happily chat along with her, she was exceptionally attractive. One night I was talking to her at the bar, I don't think she actually knew my name, and Tikay came over. He bought me a drink and I was a little bit starstruck. It was the bloke off the telly! I had become addicted to PokerNightLive which he presented.

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    On the odd occasion, I would play cash there.
    I didn't realise it at the time but these games were rife with cheating. There were no house dealers and players would deal for tips. It was standard that you tipped the dealer after every pot. £1 for a small pot, moving upwards to maybe a fiver or even a tenner in a big pot.
    I remember a hand where I guy got it in bad in a huge pot and sucked out on the river. The dealer started shuffling the de k for the next hand and as was customary when a player forgot to tip, he said "nice hand sir" player immediately apologised and threw a 50p chip to the dealer. All ****  broke loose as the dealer jumped to his feet and threw the deck at the player.
    I used to join the 50/1 game with £20 from time to time. In hindsight, not the optimal buy in amount. I would fold hand after hand and then when I was down to probably £10/15 would finally get a hand and be all in hoping to double up.
    This happened on one occasion when I got aces. I was all in but 2 other players, Kim and Ash were piling money in. I couldn't understand it. Why we they putting money in when the knew I must have a hand? Err maybe for the side pot Paul. I won the main pot and about £50 and I think it was Kim who took the side pot, which was over £400 with something like 2nd pair. He smiled at me and said "nice hand there"
    I just mentioned Ash. He was Ash Abdullah the cardroom manager. Actually he wasn't, just being facetious. It did seem though that every decision had to get his approval before going ahead.
    Back then there was no late reg. countless times I had to floor the car up the A52 in order to get there for 8.00. Missed it a couple of times and it was incredibly frustrating getting there at 8.02 and missing the comp but seeing that it didn't start till 8.15 when Ash arrived and took his seat. He would inform the manager that they could start now and off they'd go.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    Probably a bit harsh a couple of posts ago. There are actually some decent people there. The majority had nicknames which made me smile.
    I became friends with a guy who did look a bit ropey but was actually really nice. Lee 'borstal face' Rawson.
    There was Ali 'bag of bol0cks' Ahmed, who I've mentioned before. Still see him and he's a good man. Manic at rebuys.
    Raj Dhiri was a good bloke and Taffy was a character. Would always tell anyone who would listen that he'd once won The English Open.
    Julian used to also be in there a fair bit. Stayed away from him though, he was a pro, so probably really arrogant, another good read Paul!
    Had some good times in there. 
    I'll prattle on a bit more tomorrow.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,928
    edited November 2013
    exellent,great read Jac
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    Was playing at Gala 5 nights a week for a good while. God knows how I used to get through a day at work having been there till 2/3 in the morning.
    Started doing a lot better. Chopped 2 comps in a week. A £50 rebuy for £1890 and the Sunday £30 freeze out for £500.
    If I ever won, I always used to stop off at the 24 hour Asda at Spondon on my way home to buy something I didn't need. Dvds, console games, that sort of thing.  Strongly believe that you should treat yourself when you win. So nice to buy an expensive jacket or such like that you normally wouldn't and think, poker paid for that. Obviously, it isn't how to manage a bankroll but I've never been good set thst side of things anyway.

    Up to this point, I had never played real money online. I was very wary of doing it because I knew that when I made my first deposit, they would be it. I would be playing for evermore. I needed to believe I would be able to win. Also at that time I was Concerned about putting bank details into the computer.

    I found a solution to the latter when I saw that through William Hill, you could get vouchers in a shop with a code on and play that way. To withdraw you had to print off a voucher and go back to a shop to cash it.
    So I finally made my first deposit.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : Lol In all fairness geldy I normally reply to every post. Must have missed that one.  Will reply later properly.  Good revenge though! Quoting me so that even if I changed my mind and did delete it's there for ever more. :)
    Posted by Jac35
    you sure know how to build up the tension
    and all those ridic football stories that i've had to read in case your reply is buried in one of them (from the perspective of a non-UK football follower)
    and as for the life stories - too  much info!

    seriously though - been a joy to read - except for the football that is

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : you sure know how to build up the tension and all those ridic football stories that i've had to read in case your reply is buried in one of them (from the perspective of a non-UK football follower) and as for the life stories - too  much info! seriously though - been a joy to read - except for the football that is
    Posted by GELDY
    I mentioned in another thread that I need to reign that in.
    Bit of an emotional time with one thing or another, not just the stuff I've written about here.
    Cheaper than a shrink,putting down my thoughts in here!

    Apologies, have to rethink that.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,641
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : Agreed. I mentioned in another thread that I need to reign that in. Bit of an emotional time with one thing or another, not just the stuff I've written about here. Cheaper than a shrink,putting down my thoughts in here! Apologies, have to rethink that.
    Posted by Jac35

    Nearly new poster here!  ;-(    
    Just keep posting m8!  Great read.  The fact you can post quicker than we can read is ok!   Just kidding! 

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : you sure know how to build up the tension and all those ridic football stories that i've had to read in case your reply is buried in one of them (from the perspective of a non-UK football follower) and as for the life stories - too  much info! seriously though - been a joy to read - except for the football that is
    Posted by GELDY
    Oh dear, this will be a real letdown then.
    Firstly, heard of Dead Kennedy's but never heard anything from them.
    My music is also pretty eclectic in truth.
    In my car we have Beethoven, followed by Belinda Carlisle, followed by The Doors. Morrisey just before Mozart and Happy Mondays before Haydn.

    There was no in-joke by the way. It was just Dohhhh being super sharp.

    With regard to other composers, I haven't really heard a great deal in truth. I think it's the same for most of us. Our tastes in music, politics etc are initially shaped by our parents.
    The three mentioned were my Dads favourite composers and so they were the ones I listened to as well. There was a little bit of Handel and Tchaikovsky that we listened to as well. The Messiah and 1812 Overture are fabulous.
    A bit surprised he didn't listen to Strauss as obviously it was the romantic composers he preferred and Strauss just fits in there.
    Anyway, your turn.
    Non-UK football follower. Expand please
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : Oh dear, this will be a real letdown then. Firstly, heard of Dead Kennedy's but never heard anything from them. My music is also pretty eclectic in truth. In my car we have Beethoven, followed by Belinda Carlisle, followed by The Doors. Morrisey just before Mozart and Happy Mondays before Haydn. There was no in-joke by the way. It was just Dohhhh being super sharp. With regard to other composers, I haven't really heard a great deal in truth. I think it's the same for most of us. Our tastes in music, politics etc are initially shaped by our parents. The three mentioned were my Dads favourite composers and so they were the ones I listened to as well. There was a little bit of Handel and Tchaikovsky that we listened to as well. The Messiah and 1812 Overture are fabulous. A bit surprised he didn't listen to Strauss as obviously it was the romantic composers he preferred and Strauss just fits in there. ..... Anyway, your turn. Non-UK football follower. Expand please
    Posted by Jac35

    pretty eclectic, but I think the Dead Kennedys might just be out of your range. California Über Alles was their first single. You can catch the lyrics here (or watch a live recording but more difficult to hear the lyrics!)

    1812 - wonderful - live mortars FTW

    last football game i saw in the UK was Leeds vs ?, and may have been before you were born. but then we fell in love with Barcelona - the City & everything to do with it, and that included the football team. so whereas for the majority of my life i have been non-football, i am now just non-UK football, or more specifically non-English football

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : pretty eclectic, but I think the Dead Kennedys might just be out of your range.  California Über Alles was their first single. You can catch the lyrics here (or watch a live recording but more difficult to hear the lyrics!) 1812 - wonderful - live mortars FTW last football game i saw in the UK was Leeds vs ?, and may have been before you were born. but then we fell in love with Barcelona - the City & everything to do with it, and that included the football team. so whereas for the majority of my life i have been non-football, i am now just non-UK football, or more specifically non-English football
    Posted by GELDY
    Barcelona is amazing
    Been there just the once, about 5 years ago.
    Did the standard touristy things
    Park Guell, Sagrada Familia,  las ramblas
    In all truth though, the tour of the Nou Camp was the highlight for me.
    Really want to see an actual game there. Looked into it a few times but one thing or another has got in the way of me going.

    Number 1 on my sporting bucket list, is to see the Mighty Rams take on Barca in the Champions League final on their patch, in a couple of years or so. :)
    Topically, the Boxing Day test match in Melbourne is number 2

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    Just listened to that from your link Geldy, yes, you're right, it's slightly out of my range :)

    Dead Kennedys
    Classical music
    Even politics got a brief mention

    Hmm, poker chat section!!

    I might need moving :)
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man:
    In Response to Re: Ramblings of an 'old' man : pretty eclectic, but I think the Dead Kennedys might just be out of your range.  California Über Alles was their first single. You can catch the lyrics here (or watch a live recording but more difficult to hear the lyrics!) 1812 - wonderful - live mortars FTW last football game i saw in the UK was Leeds vs ?, and may have been before you were born. but then we fell in love with Barcelona - the City & everything to do with it, and that included the football team. so whereas for the majority of my life i have been non-football, i am now just non-UK football, or more specifically non-English football
    Posted by GELDY
    "They said I could use anything, so I used cannons"

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    Day off tomorrow, all nighter watching the cricket. So I may as well continue.

    Started on William Hill on Crypto.
    I was so naive regarding online that I played way way too high. The way I reasoned it at the time was that if I was playing 50/1 or 1/2 in the casino then I should obviously play similarly online. So multitabling $1/2 it was. It was a lot easier at that time and with the amazing Rakeback deals and additional bonuses to boot, I got a pretty a decent bankroll. Had a 2nd place in a $20 rebuy as well for $1500 which us still my best online win.

    I worked my way round the crypto skins whor1ng the sign up bonuses and then moving to the next site. First found double or nothing games on there as well. Loved crypto, and then it was gone.

    Moved on to Full Tilt and played a lot of the 90man sng's on there. Did ok on there, made around $2500 in tourneys and played a fair bit of rush poker. When it was shut down I got lucky. Only had a couple of hundred dollars in there.

    After that, not sure why now, I stopped playing online altogether until i started on Sky more less exactly 2 years ago.

    DTD had opened up and it was stunningly good.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited November 2013
    I really liked something Rob Yong wrote about when he first opened DTD.
    He made the point that so many poker players were successful at the game but often left the casinos as losers because of leaks with roulette and blackjack.
    He had the full casino license but chose not to put in any gaming tables. I was disappointed when they were introduced a little bit down the line but understood the reasons for doing it. He has already ploughed fortunes into the place and with recession I think it's highly unlikely he would have been able to justify keeping the place open without bringing in blackjack and roulette.
    I remember, he also said that he, like me, had fallen foul of the no late reg rules at casinos in the past . He, however, unlike me, was able to do something about it. Open his own club!

    So many things which are now seen as standard, are a direct result of DTD. They introduced things like re-entries and had many fantastic ideas.
    I played in the first week it was open and finalled a £75 which also had Paul Jackson on the final table. A little bit of confusion when seating us! It was one of those annoying final tables where only 6 got paid out of the 8. One Paul Jackson cashed. I'll leave you to guess which one. :(
    I used to play a reasonable amount of cash there as well but it was tougher than in the casinos. When Genting opened up in Derby, I started playing there and don't really go back to DTD much at the moment.

    A couple of years ago I signed up to Sky. Not sure why,but so pleased I did. Great community and some great people that I've met at the SPTs. I've run way better than I have deserved over my time on here. With me not playing again this month, this will be my first losing month since I started on here. I'm pretty proud of that and it's taking all my discipline to stop myself playing again this month to try and maintain that record .
    That's me up to date.
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited November 2013
    good morning paul I see you were talking about accumulators the other day well it will come asno surprise to you that I have a tell to tell many years when I was working some people will argue that point lol I did a £1 10 team acca 2 from each section from local bookies corbetts and lo and behold I got it up for £575 so miracles do happen will tell you the full tale next time we meet
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