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The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary)



  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,703
    edited February 2014
    What did you put him on, by the river - queens? Or total air?
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    What did you put him on, by the river - queens? Or total air?
    Posted by Slipwater
    1010, JJ, QQ.  All types of air.

    Was only worried about AA.... but couldnt fold as id underrepped my hand so much.
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    Bored of this now.

    Just stone cold bored.

    Two hands of mention in main KK bested by some wizard playing 23 and hitting two pair (probably could get away from it... maybe)... and AA<JJ AIP


    Ok mini will be better.  Naaa lets give him AK<AQ then give him a weird spot where some guy donk shoves like 7x pot when im holding TPGK on wettish board.  Ok he has second nuts.  GG.

    Not to worry. I'm in a £11 BH and the Deepstack.

    Whats that?  Lets give gazza loads of premiums in the £11 BH and give him no action... then give him the nut flush draw + two overs and gutshot and get it in v middle pair + gutshot and miss.

    I've still got the deepstack though so not to worry and I did get lucky on one hand 88 v AA so my luck must be turning...  I'll just trap the shorty (stack size) Matt Bates, by over limping my JJ to get him to shove light.  Oh good he does shove and has A2o.  Whats that board?  222222222222222.  Lets also lose most of our stack against wizards playing Q9 like the nuts and hitting trips.

    GG Deepstack.

    Well done poker.  You've really done a number on me this past week or so... but ive had enough.

    Could you kindly stop being a total £*@!$

    Its really starting to mess with my head.
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    Bubbled turbo.

    Poker can go away.
  • ThoichThoich Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2014
    Hi Gazza, 

    Just stumbed upon this diary after browsing through the forum for the first time in a long time.

    Really enjoyed reading through it, so thanks for putting in the time and effort. Also congrats on your score in Jan, very nicely done! Reading this is giving me a craving for MTT action, so maybe see you on the tables soon.

    Looking forward to keeping up with your updates, best of luck :)

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2014
    I would love to say it can only get better, but sometimes it just doesn't

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    Hi Gazza,  Just stumbed upon this diary after browsing through the forum for the first time in a long time. Really enjoyed reading through it, so thanks for putting in the time and effort. Also congrats on your score in Jan, very nicely done! Reading this is giving me a craving for MTT action, so maybe see you on the tables soon. Looking forward to keeping up with your updates, best of luck :) Thoich
    Posted by Thoich

    Hi Thoich,

    Always nice to get a comment from a new reader... even if i am suprised ive given you a craving for MTT action  considering 90% of what I say is moan related!
    Thanks for the kind words.  You cant have read all of it... can you?

    No doubt I'll see you on the tables sometime :)

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    I would love to say it can only get better. And fortunately, I can.
    Poker is harsh.

    Ignore the kind of people who love nothing better than to see someone struggling. They wait to see you have a bad patch and then make a rare "motivational" post on your diary. Not on about Thoich obviously. Thought that was a nice post.

    You're having a bad spell, but you've had them before and come through them, You're a very good player mate and will be getting the lot again in no time.

  • ThoichThoich Member Posts: 75
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary) : Hi Thoich, Always nice to get a comment from a new reader... even if i am suprised ive given you a craving for MTT action  considering 90% of what I say is moan related! Thanks for the kind words.  You cant have read all of it... can you? No doubt I'll see you on the tables sometime :)
    Posted by gazza127
    Lol I didn't quite manage all of it, skipped some of the middle stuff, maybe I missed out most the moaning bits!

    I guess that is the nature of the beast though, 90% of disapointment and moaning well worth it when you finally bink that big score :)
  • F_IvanovicF_Ivanovic Member Posts: 2,412
    edited February 2014
    lol gazza your diary does make me laugh. One week your on about how great poker is when you're up 20 BI's on cash. The next day poker is the worst thing ever and you can't take beats anymore. Anyone would think you'd only been playing poker for a month and never heard of variance before!! 

    Wouldn't surprise me if you took down the main tonight!! Then again this is the first time I'll be playing the tuesday main in a while and you can't win it because it's mine for the taking. But I'll let you get second :P
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    lol gazza your diary does make me laugh. One week your on about how great poker is when you're up 20 BI's on cash. The next day poker is the worst thing ever and you can't take beats anymore. Anyone would think you'd only been playing poker for a month and never heard of variance before!!  Wouldn't surprise me if you took down the main tonight!! Then again this is the first time I'll be playing the tuesday main in a while and you can't win it because it's mine for the taking. But I'll let you get second :P
    Posted by F_Ivanovic
    Yeah it is a bit cringe reading some of it back.  But I document it how I see it at the time and dont really hold back.  Diary would be a bit boring if all my updates were 'played x... won/loss x'.  

    Poker can suck. Poker can be great. 

    Its just a bit rubbish at the minute.
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    I would love to say it can only get better. And fortunately, I can. Poker is harsh. Ignore the kind of people who love nothing better than to see someone struggling. They wait to see you have a bad patch and then make a rare "motivational" post on your diary. Not on about Thoich obviously. Thought that was a nice post. You're having a bad spell, but you've had them before and come through them, You're a very good player mate and will be getting the lot again in no time.  
    Posted by Jac35
    Cheers pal.  

    You know me.

    Ramble ramble ramble...
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    I had a winning night last night.

    Lets repeat that.

    I had a winning night last night.

    Nothing going MTT wise apart from a min cash in the mini, but I decided to 5 table 50nl last night for a couple of hours and get a couple of people who werent playing to watch my play through joinme and comment on hands afterwards.  I just wanted to check I wasnt just playing awful and losing all this money so asked a few people to confirm I was just running bad.
    Well I dont know if knowing people were watching me made a difference to my play, or if I just ran better (I definitely ran better) but I HAD A WINNING NIGHT LAST NIGHT.

    My hands just seemed to hold... it was a strange feeling seeing your JJ up against 63 on a 54x board only to see them miss their outs.

    Either way, the 14 BI downswing is now back to 8BI in the red.... something im genuinely really pleased about.  I'm not saying something has clicked and suddenly I love poker again.... oh no.  Its just nice to have a winning session.

    In case you didnt notice.

    I  had  a  winning   session.
  • PokerNoonPokerNoon Member Posts: 202
    edited February 2014
    How did you get on with your poker last night G-man? You didn't say ;)
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014

    ^The sound made by someone who finished two off the money in both the main and the mini.


    ^ The typing of a man who has undergone this bad beat in said position in the main.
    davernzu Small blind   800.00 800.00 90129.37
    gazza127 Big blind   1600.00 2400.00 14862.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    didalo Raise   3200.00 5600.00 33545.00
    MSD1982 Fold        
    haddock214 Fold        
    kwd Fold        
    davernzu Call   2400.00 8000.00 87729.37
    gazza127 All-in   14862.00 22862.00 0.00
    didalo Fold        
    davernzu Call   13262.00 36124.00 74467.37
    davernzu Show
    • 10
    • K
    gazza127 Show
    • A
    • K
    • 5
    • 4
    • 4
    • 5
    • 10
    davernzu Win Two Pairs, 10s and 5s 36124.00   110591.37
    Well that was a waste of 4 hours.

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    Call me a fish... call me a donkey.  Call me what you like, but one thing you can't call me with any kind of accuracy, is boring (on the tables at least).

    I just played 5 tables of 50nl.

    Lets just say I didnt get off to the best start.

    1 BI down quickly became two.... then three, four and eventually stumbled on 5 BI's down.  Was I running bad?  No not really.  I had my set of twos rivered by the flush but apart from that the other 4 BI's were mostly just me being rubbish and not getting away from my Aces or Kings when it was pretty clear I was beat.

    Had a little talking to myself after the 5th BI went.  It went a bit like... 'Gaz... you are playing like a total £*&!.  Please stop playing like a total £%*!... i'd quite like to have a BR by the end of this session.  Try folding for once.'

    So... I tried this folding malarky and stopped spewing my chips all over the place and got cracking on getting my money back.

    Soon 5 BI down became four.... then three, two.... one...........break even........................+1 BI.

    All within about 2 hours... if not less.

    Swing swong.  I've stood now.  Heart can't take it.

  • ClackettClackett Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2014

    if ur looking to fund ur poker be a rent boy u get shafted at that and u get shafted at poker, these things happen suck it up n push thru u seem like u know the game well gd luck, been reading  posts an been as if I ws with u evry hand. been a gd read!

  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    if ur looking to fund ur poker be a rent boy u get shafted at that and u get shafted at poker, these things happen suck it up n push thru u seem like u know the game well gd luck, been reading  posts an been as if I ws with u evry hand. been a gd read!
    Posted by Clackett
    Your first post in 3 years!

    Post more sir
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary):
    if ur looking to fund ur poker be a rent boy u get shafted at that and u get shafted at poker, these things happen suck it up n push thru u seem like u know the game well gd luck, been reading  posts an been as if I ws with u evry hand. been a gd read!
    Posted by Clackett
    Lol. Thank you for this.  Always pleasant to find I have more people reading than it appears (0 normally).

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited February 2014
    Summary of past few days:

    Well I hit a pretty massive low Friday.  I played another few tables of 50nl and after a couple of hours I was 7 BI's down.


    In one session.  How yuk is that?  Definitely could have avoided one or two but a lot of it was just disgusting.  I was so down at the end of the session i withdrew most of my roll to stop me doing anything stupid.  Really contemplated just swearing off poker for a good few weeks there and then as the past couple of weeks/month has been pretty bad overall.

    Having a winning session these days, no matter how small is proving a struggle and is nowhere near covering the loses of the losing sessions.  Its just one of those times I think though.  It all evens itself out in the long run blabla.  I need to just suck it up and continue.

    So with that in mind I played a few tables tonight after redepositing most of my roll.  Obviously confidence was very low but thought id try and push through and see what happened.  I only played about an hour as my laptop started doing weird things.

    Although the one big hand of the session went like this:
    azza127 Small blind
    £0.25 £0.25 £99.95
    Ludacris Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £82.12
    LORDOFWAR Sit out        
      Your hole cards
    • 5
    • 4
    Die_hard Fold        
    gibbmole Call   £0.50 £1.25 £31.18
    gazza127 Raise   £1.75 £3.00 £98.20
    Ludacris Call   £1.50 £4.50 £80.62
    gibbmole Call   £1.50 £6.00 £29.68
    • J
    • 2
    • 3
    gazza127 Bet   £4.00 £10.00 £94.20
    Ludacris Call   £4.00 £14.00 £76.62
    gibbmole Fold        
    • 6
    gazza127 Bet   £9.00 £23.00 £85.20
    Ludacris Call   £9.00 £32.00 £67.62
    • J
    gazza127 Bet   £34.50 £66.50 £50.70
    Ludacris All-in   £67.62 £134.12 £0.00
    gazza127 Call   £33.12 £167.24 £17.58
    gazza127 Show
    • 5
    • 4
    Ludacris Show
    • K
    • Q
    gazza127 Win Straight Flush to the 6 £165.44   £183.02
    More like this please... and I can start cutting into those losses.

    Looking forward to getting £75 for the promo tomorrow as well.  I should get another £75 for it at the end of the month and hopefully will be making priority should I keep playing at the same rate.

    Rewards + promos this month I should be looking at boosting my roll by £400 anyway... so maybe this little swing isnt a game changer. 
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