Small brag post, was doing some research on poker stars and checking some records and noticed a couple of leaderboards that i thought i should of been on, so i submitted my name to be check and amazingly i didnt just get onto 1 leader board i got got onto 2, this is the first time ive ever been on a leader board and im very proud to be on it Posted by RLT16
WTG rlt!
I'm currently on one of Aussies leaderboards too and it's made me pleased as punch lol, so know how you feel!
another good day on the tables (i feel like ive said that alot recently) after a run of 13 wins from 16 games in the £5 dyms i managed to get myself to the £500 mark, so decided to take a couple of shots at the £11 games. despite losing them both they went alright, and my effective out hand in one of them i got it aipf AK vs A4 vs QQ and A4, ace came flop and 4 on the turn, so that was me down to one big blind and out , the other one, i played pretty poorly. overally i dont think im far of being ready for the £11 games but ijm dropping back down again when i next play just to get me back over that £500 mark.
Playing the DTD forum event in newcastle which im looking forward to, abit nervous about playing live but im sure it will be fine, seems like just announcing your plays before you do anything with your chips is the best way to go. will be a good experience regardless of the result.
Saturday was a Great day was fun playing live, and good to meet so many of the people that i play online with day in day out, what a colourful bunch of characters they are! the tournaments themselves didn't go very well for me, the first table i sat on was great everyone was having a laugh the banter was flowing and every time i raised from the Button liamboi on my left would 3 bet me. thinking back over it i probably should have 4 bet jammed him every time as i don't think i raised it once without a premium hand flat calling wasn't working out for me as i never knew where to put him on the flop.
after the break the table was moved straight away and due to losing a big hand just before the break i was a short stack, i ended up shoving kj on an all red q 10 10 8 6 board or soemthing of that sorts and got called by an underpair. brave call i had 3x it pre flop and he was the only caller, then it got checked down to the river. bad play by me, any bet on the flop probably gets rid of him but hey ho you live and learn.
I decided to enter the casinos BH tournament in the evening, and had the pleasure of being sat with one CTBN (colin) who absolutely crushed it. I have never seen anyone play the way he did. no one on the table knew how to deal with it, you could never give him credit for a hand because of how loose he was playing, yet every time someone tried looking him up on it he had the nuts. my game never got going i was card dead for the first 90 minutes or so and had no way of entering pots as colin was raising anyone who had the audacity to enter a pot with him. i ended up with JJ and managed to hit a set on the flop, unfortunately the guy to my right had called with 10 k and flopped a straight, he had lost a big pot moments before so i was still in but with only 8 BB, i shoved KQ got called by K7 and lady luck just wasn't with me .
luckily for me the whole event was a bit cheaper than expected as my travel was paid for by a family member i was staying with, all my meals were supplied by the same family member, and i managed to win £40 using the £5 free slot machine credit you get for joining the casino so overall a cost of £50 for travel two poker tournaments breakfast lunch and dinner. Cant complain about that.
back to the online play and my first session back online was absolutely horrendous playing 12 games and losing 10 of them! ouch, i haven't had a session that bad in a long time.
yesterdays session was a bit better, 17 games played and 11 won for a small profit, haven't had access to the spread sheet i use due to not being at home so ant do my normal table but here's a small update on where i am at now
C4P: 2337 Balance: £444.13
really hoping to push on for the 3000 points and hopefully keep the profits rolling in with it.
Again it was nice to meet everyone i really hope another event can be set up soon as i for one would definitely re attend. back to the grind.
I didnt know it was possible to be so annoyed at a session of poker but come away in profit. i feel like i played really well but ran awfully so to come away with a + session was more a relief than anything.
Todays DYMs PlayedDYMs WonDYMs LostTodays profit/loss291712£10.50 Months profit Months C4P total Months DYMs played Balance199.522482451/250£454.63
A poor end to the day but a very good session overall, including a 9th place finish in one of the 1.5k Bh's decided to play the turbo dyms instead of the regular ones today just for a bit of a change, and had some really good results, might do the same again tomorow, if i fail my first couple of shots at the £11 games.
Not a great day yesterday, did ok on the dyms only making a small loss, but only managed a min cash in one tournament, i also tried about 6/7 all in sats to get into the 10k Bh but failed them all so overall lost close to £40 but dont feel to bad about it as there wasnt alot i could do about it.
So i think its fair to say my move over to the turbo dymsd didnt go as well as expected, over the last 3 days ive played 80, winning 40 and losign 40, had a very poor end to the month really so im glasd it got off to a good start, going to move back to the regular games now as i feel i have more of an edge in those.
Its been an awful end to the month, another heavy loss last night, still i finished well in profit for the month so i shouldnt grumble, however confidence is very low, im going to stick to the £5 games, but im going to reduce it to 2 tables for a bit
It was nice meeting you in Newcastle, and yeah you were unlucky to be sat next to Liamboi in one tournament, and Colin in the next one. These Scottish guys are a nightmare to play against, don't even bother trying to assign them a range!
The banter at our table was tremendous, and I don't think I ever had more fun at a poker table.
It was nice meeting you in Newcastle, and yeah you were unlucky to be sat next to Liamboi in one tournament, and Colin in the next one. These Scottish guys are a nightmare to play against, don't even bother trying to assign them a range! The banter at our table was tremendous, and I don't think I ever had more fun at a poker table. Best of luck Craig Posted by 67Bhoys
Ths Scottish Mafia working on harmony was a nightmare for
haha scottish mafia I like it yeah we had a great wee table at the start of that tourney, thats the way it should be imo havin a laugh and every1 chatting away. also 67bhoys u made me bluff in that hand vs you using that double reverse psychology on me you bad man lol. Posted by liamboi11
you bluffed every single hand, no neesd for any reverse psychology, if only id figured it out before id moved tables i might have lasted a bit longer
In Response to Re: Rlt's Diary : you bluffed every single hand, no neesd for any reverse psychology, if only id figured it out before id moved tables i might have lasted a bit longer Posted by RLT16
haha so true but was under the influenece usually i`m a nit
So after yet another awful day yesterday in which i lost around £40 again and wnt a bit crazy doing stupid tilty things, today has been a much needed + day will have another session tonight but so far its looking good.
Details are a bit iffy but i have transfered teams, Outlaws have snapped me up, the transfer fee has yet to be arranged, ive got my agent trying to sort me out a signing on fee but any payment so far has been met with lots of screaming and swearing from the vice captain
i throughly enjoyed my time in tpt, there are some good guys there who have gave advice when asked for and are chatty nice people, and i wish them all the bust of luck and if i bump into them on the tables ill still chat away with them. but after meeting the outlaws up in newcastle and getting on well with them i thought the team was just more suited for me, and quite frankly they've got 3 of the DYM players in their ranks that i look up to the most and have learnt alot from. it was a bit of a no brainer to swap teams. and its been a hilarious first day. thanks to eveyone for makng me welcome, and thanks to tpt for my time there.
in honour of all the dym pros in Outlaws my first session went like this.
a decent session tonight, got knocked out of the only MTT i played just short of the money in very frustrating circumstances. DYMs went well again though.
i lost track of a few games due to my internet dying during a session the other night (i just happened to be 8th in the 10:40pm BH at the time with 40ish remaining) but overall a bad few days, 3 - days in a row.
Will do a DYM update tommorow just wanted to post a little brag post from tonights main and mini (i even at one point foolishly let myself think i might get a FT jackpot)
main :
RLT16027£33.84 + £45 Head Prizes4
RLT1605£75.99 + £29.80 Head Prizes9 Thankyou to all of my new outlaw team mates that railed me along the way.
and "sorry" to any ex team mates that i may have knocked out along the way
Playing the DTD forum event in newcastle which im looking forward to, abit nervous about playing live but im sure it will be fine, seems like just announcing your plays before you do anything with your chips is the best way to go. will be a good experience regardless of the result.
Saturday was a Great day was fun playing live, and good to meet so many of the people that i play online with day in day out, what a colourful bunch of characters they are! the tournaments themselves didn't go very well for me, the first table i sat on was great everyone was having a laugh the banter was flowing and every time i raised from the Button liamboi on my left would 3 bet me. thinking back over it i probably should have 4 bet jammed him every time as i don't think i raised it once without a premium hand flat calling wasn't working out for me as i never knew where to put him on the flop.
after the break the table was moved straight away and due to losing a big hand just before the break i was a short stack, i ended up shoving kj on an all red q 10 10 8 6 board or soemthing of that sorts and got called by an underpair. brave call i had 3x it pre flop and he was the only caller, then it got checked down to the river. bad play by me, any bet on the flop probably gets rid of him but hey ho you live and learn.
I decided to enter the casinos BH tournament in the evening, and had the pleasure of being sat with one CTBN (colin) who absolutely crushed it. I have never seen anyone play the way he did. no one on the table knew how to deal with it, you could never give him credit for a hand because of how loose he was playing, yet every time someone tried looking him up on it he had the nuts. my game never got going i was card dead for the first 90 minutes or so and had no way of entering pots as colin was raising anyone who had the audacity to enter a pot with him. i ended up with JJ and managed to hit a set on the flop, unfortunately the guy to my right had called with 10 k and flopped a straight, he had lost a big pot moments before so i was still in but with only 8 BB, i shoved KQ got called by K7 and lady luck just wasn't with me
luckily for me the whole event was a bit cheaper than expected as my travel was paid for by a family member i was staying with, all my meals were supplied by the same family member, and i managed to win £40 using the £5 free slot machine credit you get for joining the casino so overall a cost of £50 for travel two poker tournaments breakfast lunch and dinner. Cant complain about that.
back to the online play and my first session back online was absolutely horrendous playing 12 games and losing 10 of them! ouch, i haven't had a session that bad in a long time.
yesterdays session was a bit better, 17 games played and 11 won for a small profit, haven't had access to the spread sheet i use due to not being at home so ant do my normal table but here's a small update on where i am at now
C4P: 2337
Balance: £444.13
really hoping to push on for the 3000 points and hopefully keep the profits rolling in with it.
Again it was nice to meet everyone i really hope another event can be set up soon as i for one would definitely re attend. back to the grind.
Todays DYMs PlayedDYMs WonDYMs LostTodays profit/loss291712£10.50 Months profit
Months C4P total
Months DYMs played
decided to play the turbo dyms instead of the regular ones today just for a bit of a change, and had some really good results, might do the same again tomorow, if i fail my first couple of shots at the £11 games.
It was nice meeting you in Newcastle, and yeah you were unlucky to be sat next to Liamboi in one tournament, and Colin in the next one. These Scottish guys are a nightmare to play against, don't even bother trying to assign them a range!
The banter at our table was tremendous, and I don't think I ever had more fun at a poker table.
Best of luck
Details are a bit iffy but i have transfered teams, Outlaws have snapped me up, the transfer fee has yet to be arranged, ive got my agent trying to sort me out a signing on fee but any payment so far has been met with lots of screaming and swearing from the vice captain
i throughly enjoyed my time in tpt, there are some good guys there who have gave advice when asked for and are chatty nice people, and i wish them all the bust of luck and if i bump into them on the tables ill still chat away with them. but after meeting the outlaws up in newcastle and getting on well with them i thought the team was just more suited for me, and quite frankly they've got 3 of the DYM players in their ranks that i look up to the most and have learnt alot from. it was a bit of a no brainer to swap teams. and its been a hilarious first day. thanks to eveyone for makng me welcome, and thanks to tpt for my time there.
in honour of all the dym pros in Outlaws my first session went like this.
main :
RLT16027£33.84 + £45 Head Prizes4
RLT1605£75.99 + £29.80 Head Prizes9
Thankyou to all of my new outlaw team mates that railed me along the way.
and "sorry" to any ex team mates that i may have knocked out along the way