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Thoughts on holding an Omaha Festival on Skypoker?



  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2016
    Trying to be realistic and come up with something that will get through the suits.

    Most of the money is generated on the site by the multitablers who play cash and a significant contribution comes from MTTs and SNGs. Probably 99% of that is NLH. So I am not expecting OH to suddenly gain a substantial share of the pie or management attention.

    I do think however that an active OH community can do 2 things for sky.

    1. Give an alternative to players, enthusiasts of the game who want to try and learn something different. Maybe off the back of a downswing, or just getting bored of NL. Keeping players who might otherwise leave the site.

    2. Attract players from other sites and offering Sky as a niche in the OH market.

    I don't expect sky to spend any significant marketing time or money on this and I dont expect them to risk anything on over ambitous guarantees. It would never compete with a flagship viva las vegas or UKOPS promotion.

    Simply put it up there, maybe late January for 3 nights, post about it on social media, encourage existing OH players to tell friends who play elsewhere about it etc. Tikay could write a blog post on it, Neil could play a few events as part of the Challenge Channing series etc.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: Omaha Festival:
    My thought was something like.... All pot limit tourneys 33 main 11 side 5 mini 2 micro Plus maybe for fun a 3 NL bounty hunter If we are feeling ambitious maybe a 110 high roller
    Posted by Phantom66
    Something along those lines is entirely possible.

    I would serve the £110 High Roller for now, personally, even though I'd love to play such a thing here.
    £3 NL PLO8 BH? Wash your mouth out.....though, amazingly, I think many might enjoy just an abomination, such a travesty against the beautiful game.  
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: Thoughts on holding an Omaha Festival on Skypoker?:
    I think hi lo is always going to be a tough sell.If you want to grab the attention of the multi tabling nl hm players, you need a carrot. That carrot is always the prize fund. Im wondering whether a £5•50 one rebuy would be worth a trial , to see if theres enough interest generated. Maybe with a one off extra large poker points bonus for the final tablers or just the winner.
    Posted by chilling
    Hi chilling. I am not really trying to grab the attention of the multi tabling hm players. I am trying to grab the attention of :

    1. Low stakes recreational NLH players who may want to try something new.
    2. Existing OH players who currently play elsewhere

    Definitely a good idea to have a rebuy in the festival schedule though.

    If there is a bigger event that the nl regs want a stab at then that's fine too obviously.

    Incidentally some of those nl big stakes regs did have a bash at previous UKOPs PLO8 events and did pretty well, what they lack in PLO8 fineries they more than make for in use of aggression and position and managing stack/table dynamics in a MTT.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    edited October 2016


    Just remember that PLO8 or PLO Rebuys would severely disadvantage many of the O8 regulars here, who, generally, like to manage their bankrolls sensibly.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2016

    I was probably thinking but not typing single rebuy. A £1 cheapy with 2 bullets might attract some to try it out and a £5er might smooth out the cost of entering effectively an £11 event.

  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    edited October 2016
    First off, I do enjoy PLO variants and play at least a few most night, but....

    I think we have to remember this is only going to attract a small portion of the playing population, 

    Not sure about an Omaha festival TBH, the MTTs Sky put on are slowly gathering pace, the £3 and £5 games are picking up, we are seeing the £10 and £15 DYMs starting to run more often (however still very dependent on an ancient sage populating the tables), is this enough interest to generate a festival? 

    The last £11 UKOPS event beat its guarantee and could potentially have been slotted into the mini week, its unrealistic to try a higher buy in (IMO) but perhaps events at each of the mini levels could have been tried PLO, PLO8 and even PLO B/H perhaps? (NLO is also an option, but I won't suggest it in case TK growls at me ;-))

    Maybe these could be tried without guarantees to see if they were popular, and if so perhaps look at next UKOPS as an add on rather than replace existing (popular) B/h and rebuy HE.

    Just some thoughts :-)
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: Omaha Festival:
    In Response to Re: Omaha Festival : No UKOPS for me this time. :-(
    Posted by VespaPX

    Nevermind, great schedule for those that make up the vast, vast majority of the site playing NLHE.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2016
    Doesn't appear to be much support for it here....I'll get my coat.
  • FeelGroggyFeelGroggy Member Posts: 843
    edited October 2016
    I'm also pretty disappointed that an omaha hi lo MTT couldn't find its way into the UKOPS schedule, I quite like that silly 4 card game.
  • Poker_WolfPoker_Wolf Member Posts: 128
    edited October 2016
    Not sure I could suggest a schedule as I'm not familiar enough with the omaha population here yet. But would 100% play any omaha games that made the 'festival'. 
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: Thoughts on holding an Omaha Festival on Skypoker?:
    Not sure I could suggest a schedule as I'm not familiar enough with the omaha population here yet. But would 100% play any omaha games that made the 'festival'. 
    Posted by Poker_Wolf
    Thanks. Just the sort of post I am after. Doesn't matter if you do not have a view on size/types of events, a positive post that you would play the games is fantastic.

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited October 2016
    Im in obv :-)
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2016
    Thanks Vespa, might be obv to me and you, but wouldnt be to the suits if you didnt post.

  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited October 2016
    would give it a go if possible
  • TOOTRUETOOTRUE Member Posts: 201
    edited October 2016
    I would be inclined to play a plo8 mtt as part of a wider festival.  Although I generally don't play mtt these days owing to the time required, I would prefer to play a plo8 mtt rather than a holdem.    
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    edited October 2016
    I would hope to play some
  • Sky__JamesSky__James Member Posts: 475
    edited October 2016
    I admire the enthusiasm but what's more important is how many runners the current plo mtts are getting. Sunday night's £100 £5.50 hi-lo game only got 16 runners. I don't think there are enough ploppers who would play for £11+ right now.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,661
    edited October 2016

    I will add my halfpenny here too. 

    I DO admire how the PLO8 games have grown on here and how the 'ploppers' have formed their own little group. However, I also feel it has been to the detrimental effect of the PLO side. There is hardly any action on here now, apart from cash games. The Sng lobby for PLO is like a library full of cement books. 

    Yes, I would welcome a Omaha Festival on here but you would need to realistically look at the numbers of who would be involved on both versions 

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,562
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: Thoughts on holding an Omaha Festival on Skypoker?:
    Damning evidence from sky_james. Ploppers need to support a flagship tourney over the weekend, a £ 5•50 or £11•00  buyin.Im guilty of missing the£100 one on sunday myself.Strange how 40 or 50 odd turn out for the league, but don't play £5•50 over the weekend.It doesnt jump out at you in the lobby, maybe needs some glitter.I think a flagship tourney is going to have to break 100 runners just for starters. I wonder whether that really old fella, that plays dyms, could act the part of the carrot.
    Posted by chilling
    He'd be the donkey, more like.
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited October 2016
    In Response to Re: Thoughts on holding an Omaha Festival on Skypoker?:
    I admire the enthusiasm but what's more important is how many runners the current plo mtts are getting. Sunday night's £100 £5.50 hi-lo game only got 16 runners. I don't think there are enough ploppers who would play for £11+ right now.
    Posted by Sky__James

    Firstly thank you for joining the thread.

    I am pretty sure that UKOPS PLO8s have met their guarantee (100+runners) in the past, That should prove that on an occasional basis people will pay for a larger event. Do you have the figures for entrants to confirm that? I think one may have missed slightly due to an unpopular start time.

    I dont play many MTTs at all these days, but I am treating myself to a £33 main entry out of tokens saved. I would either save those up again or even just deposit if it wasn't in my bankroll to play a £33 one off event as part of a OH festival. I am sure others would do the same and/or try to satellite in and would definitely play the lower BI events.

    I also agree with MAXALLY in that to a certain extent, the relative success of PLO8 has had a detrminental effect on PLO traffic. I tend to just play the occasional cash game at that now, mainly PLO8 dyms and when I can PLO8 MTTS. I still play NL too, but that is usually down to things like points promotions where it is much easier with turbo games to rack the points up. Speaking personally if there was a PLO night I would enter. I will try and satellite into the PLO UKOPS event but there is no way I would pay £55 for it. 

    I believe that a mini festival would be a novel way of getting new visitors to the site, people who play OH tend to be of a certain demographic. Most that do play OH are generally "poker enthusiasts" who got a bit bored with the NL all-in-preflop affairs and like having more to think about and with the betting pot limited betting actually getting to play flops and down the streets more often too. The silver surfer/grey pound is a powerful sector in any business model. It's not all about the 18-21 year olds getting involved with poker for the first time. I am sure you do your market research and have stats to hand and I doubt you would give away the figures on an open forum, but you must have a significant portion of 45+ players who identify themselves as "poker enthusiasts". 

    I agree we need to build the community from within too, the Thursday MTT league etc. The sunday £5 is a sad stat, I admit that and obviously not sustainable (thanks for the value tip though - may push entries up for next Sunday).

    I just thought it might be worth a stab at trying to pull in others who currently play OH elsewhere which is my main point, and also give something to the existing community to strive for.

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