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Rlt's Diary. First update of 2017



  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,083
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: RLT's diary: Dairy of an MTT grinder:
    so last night was a big fat blank, -£75 for the night and only even came close to cashing in one game. dont feel like i played to bad though hopefully things will change soon
    Posted by RLT16
    You seemed to be playing fine to me-sure things will turn around very soon-glgl
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: RLT's diary: Moving to MTT's:
    Been really poor at posting here despite relatively good results, on a bit of a down swing now although nothing major need to improve my focus though so bringing this back. will update with results after tonights games. but before then figured id post a bit about Vegas. For me it was a once in a life time trip (unless by chance i happen to win another one) i thoroughly enjoyed every second, and as i have already posted on the forum think sky and the rest of the players out there were all great very helpful and very inclusive, anyone wanting to do the group stuff were welcomes by all, and anyone wanting to do their own thing well that was cool to.  there was so much to do out there and although i didn't do everything i wanted to i did get quite a few things done, a trip to see Chris angel (enjoyable to a point but i wouldn't recommend it), a trip to see Penn and Teller (would recommend it) and jumping off the stratosphere (would highly recommend it) were some of the highlights of the trip. the only low of the trip being when we stopped at the Vegas sign to take photos, i hand my mate my phone for the picture stand underneath it strike a pose ask if he has got it to which he replies yes, walk off get my phone back sit on the bus and off we go. later on in the day i look back to see he had taken every photo with my flip phone case cover blocking the screen.. sigh, hardly anything to worry about though its just a photo. The food out there was great (here's where hufty will get interested) although i probably didn't eat as often as i should have sometimes you gt to into doing things then 10 hours later u think i haven't eaten breakfast or lunch today and now its dinner time :/ the all you can eat sea food buffet at the Fremont was amazing, but the meal that topped them all was at the outback steakhouse by far and away the best steak i have ever consumed ive even goggled where i can find them in the uk so i can treat the mrs sometime, although im not sure she will ever deserve to come with me just to ruin the steak by ordering it well done.. The poker overall went OK. the Droplet i treated just as any other tourney and im happy overall with how i played in most spots, although i did clash with RSPCA a few to many times for my liking. the cash games were very up and down, and had it not been for 2, 2 outers on the last morning costing me approximately $800 id of been coming home with a decent profit, overall i probably finished approximately even at the poker tables for the week. the same can be said of roulette and blackjack, i had 2 very heavy winning plays at both,  but for the most part lost a little each time i played so probably about BE for those to. i guess whenever you can go to Vegas and not really lose a lot at gambling its always a plus.   the trip home wasn't ideal with my bags going one way and me another and having to run between last minute transferred flights etc, but that's all part of the fun of traveling (along with my plus one being close to unwakeable on the morning we left causing us to leave for the airport a full hour and a half later than planned and close to the point where i was considering going alone) overall a great experience one that i can only hope i win again. once again thankyou sky 
    Posted by RLT16

    Great to meet you buddy really was a sick trip.
    We went back to the outback steakhouse on my second week :)
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    Hi everyone, 

    after a bit of thought if decided to revive my diary. after the Vegas trip i went back to playing dyms then dabbled in Mtt's which was all written about here, i then had a grievance with sky along with issues outside of poker and pretty much decided that i was going to stay away until these were sorted out. which brings me to now. 

    I've started to enjoy poker again now that there were no worries alongside it as id previously found i was just playing it as a form of escapism so now that i am playing for the right reasons again i thought it would be good to set myself some decent targets. and use my diary as a form of focus and tracking results towards these. 

    Some of you may remember when i first started my diary the goal was to pay for a tirp for the family to Disneyland and that was achieved and we enjoyed a great holiday. i've decided to go bigger this time. im currently in the process of proposing to my mrs, and i have decided that my target is to save enough money to pay for a week (or longer)honeymoon for us both. obviously the destination hasn't been confirmed yet as she isnt even expecting a proposal, but im thinking big, she's always like the Maldives and id love a return to vegas so either of those would be perfect.

    good to be back hopefully i'll stick around abit longer this time :)

    now to the boring bit... the results
  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited November 2016
    Sigh more competition.

    Only joking welcome back and good luck with the challenge.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    this month has gone very well for me, with the month starting with triple points for 3 hours a day i decided i was going to put in decent volume and go for 20k points this month, however when sky made the decision to reduce this too double points i revised my target and thought just getting back into priority would have to be good enough. ive stillachieved higher weekly bonuses than normal and i am well on track for priority having reached 8652 points so far with relativitely small amounts of time spent playing poker (no more than 3 hours a night)
     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotalBalanceweekly points
    # Played19031730300540 0
    # Cashed10918316200310 monthly points
           0 8652
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited November 2016
    Hope she dosnt read the forum lol

    Gl lee i am sure you will do it.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Revived DYM Diary:
    Hope she dosnt read the forum lol Gl lee i am sure you will do it.
    Posted by stuarty117
    she started reading a book by Alan Carr about 10 years ago and shes still only half way through, i doubt poker forums are her thing :)
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Revived DYM Diary:
    Sigh more competition. Only joking welcome back and good luck with the challenge.
    Posted by Phantom66
    Cheers Mark,

    I had been silently reading your Diary, but as you know i was actively avoiding posting on the forum to keep myself out of trouble as at times i say things before i think them over. now that thats sorted though ill pop in and give some input from time to time, best of luck with your challange too :)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2016

    oioi, welcome back Bus Bloke.

    Can't reply properly right now, am in the studio with Orford all evening (FML) but will reply in the morning.

    Great to see you back.
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,083
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Revived DYM Diary:
    oioi, welcome back Bus Bloke. Can't reply properly right now, am in the studio with Orford all evening (FML) but will reply in the morning. Great to see you back.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Are you getting some poker lessons from Mr O then?

    Welcome back Rlt
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    Not alot of volume today as i spent abit of time watching a film with the mrs before playing, we watched spiderman, havent seen it in a long time but dont remember it being as bad as it was when i watched it tonight.

    decent results in the poker though


     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotal
    # Played023000023
    # Cashed016000016


     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotalBalanceweekly points
    # Played19034030300563 400
    # Cashed10919916200326 monthly points
           0 9052
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    Another days grinding done. i put in a bigger session than i was planning today as i'm off work due to aggravating an old sports injury while riding a "rodeo Rudolph" at a works do. our crew events are always eventful when your arranging an event for a group of 16-20 year olds inevitably most of them want to drink and well that's pretty much it, and inevitably most are unaware of their limits as yet, no fault of their own they're young and experimenting is the right word i guess. but struggles to enjoy the event id spent a decent amount of time arranging as a few of them got themselves into what i considered a dangerous state, only to themselves it has to be said but i guess the Dad in me kicked in and i basically gave up enjoying party and spent the evening ensuring they were safe, easier said than done when everyone else that had been drinking has to have an input on how best to look after them but we got through it and everyone was ok, A few TOWIE like dramas and swapping of partners etc. oh to be young again. 

    anyway, this gave me the chance to build on my recent good results, and build on them i did felt like i played well for the majority of the day probably up until the last hour or 2 when i probably lost my focus. i am a bit out of practice when it comes to long poker sessions so its something i need to work on but it can only come with practice.

    Todays results:
     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotal
    # Played063000063
    # Cashed042000042

    Monthly results:

     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotalBalanceweekly points
    # Played19040330300626 1320
    # Cashed10924116200368 monthly points
           0 9972
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    I only managed a handful of games today abit dissapointing but i wasnt really feeling it wanted to have a go at grinding £22 tables but the volume wasnt there to be had, maybe friday/saturday night will be better so ill have another shot then, made a small loss on poker tonight, but while railing a table one fo the players gave the rest of the table a betting tip and i thought why not, 60 minutes later the bet came in so i actually made a small increase to the bankroll. not the way i want to increase it really but ill take it.

    Todays results:

     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotal
    # Played05160012
    # Cashed0104005
    monthly results:
     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotalBalanceweekly points
    # Played19040831900638 1647
    # Cashed10924216600373 monthly points
           0 10299
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2016

    Hi Lee,

    The night before last you played 63 £11 DYM's.

    Roughly how many hours did that take?

    For me, volume is the key to better results & lower variance, but I struggle to get 40 in a session, never mind 60.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    In Response to Re: Rlt's Revived DYM Diary:
    Hi Lee, The night before last you played 63 £11 DYM's. Roughly how many hours did that take? For me, volume is the key to better results & lower variance, but I struggle to get 40 in a session, never mind 60.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Good morning Tikay,

    I played for an hour just after lunch that day getting in 8/9 dyms during that hour, then i played from 19:00 until slightly after midnight, so approximately 6 hours. im playing 6 tables at a time.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,659
    edited November 2016

    Ahh, perfect.

    That's about in line with my "run rate" then, the difference being the games I play don't start until around 5.30 or 6pm, & mostly die by 10.30 or 11pm, so I guess, with present liquidity in O8, 30 to 40 games is going to be my max most nights.
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    Very up and down session today managed to finish on and upswing though for a decent profit for the day. going to take the weekend to relax abit, got a few mates coming round for a poker game tomorow night and on sunday its my daughters 6th birthday. It will be nice to chill out abit and have a few drinks with friends and family. ill have to sueeze in the newcastle game at some point too.

     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotal
    # Played061000061
    # Cashed036000036
     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotalBalanceweekly points
    # Played19046931900699 2527
    # Cashed10927816600409 monthly points
           0 11179
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    Abit of a poor day all things considered, started of regging for a £55 game that i was sure would be profitable to play in long term, luckily i managed to cash it or today would of been horrendus. ddnt do so well at £11's felt like i played alright though so will just takle it on chin and start again tomorow. also lost money on football betting for the first time in a while, only a £20 bet so again no dramas

     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotal
    # Played031000132
    # Cashed015000116
     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotalBalanceweekly points
    # Played19050031901731 3047
    # Cashed10929316601425 monthly points
           0 11699
  • RLT16RLT16 Member Posts: 1,433
    edited November 2016
    Had a decent day today (before the poker atleast) It's my daughters 6th birthday tomorow so we had her party today, just a small hall. simple party games. cheap tacky party food with friends and family, what more do they need? never understand why people go over the top with early birthdays.

    Anyway on to the poker, i think i played bad, and got unlucky when it mattered to go with it, a terrible combination at any time. weekends have traditionally always been bad for me and my results, i dont really understand why, speak to most regs and they will tell you thats when the most money is there to be made, but it just doesnt seem to work out for me. i must be doing something fundamentally wrong. i'll have to look into it and hopefully make the needed changes.

    Did make another small win on a football bet though, maybe i should just stick to that. 

     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotal
    # Played033000033
    # Cashed013000013

     £5.50 DYMs£11 DYMS£16.50 DYMS£22 DYMS£33 DYMs£55 DYMsTotalBalanceweekly points
    # Played19053331901764 3497
    # Cashed10930616601438 monthly points
           0 12149

  • The_ReflexThe_Reflex Member Posts: 57
    edited November 2016
    Impressive stuff Lee, you're playing some good stuff and the results are fantastic. Keep it up!
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