Lol jk... of course it's not.
However, if you wat to read a fantastic collection of bad-beats and conspiracy theories... check out the trustpilot Sky Poker reviews
Personal favourite so far:
Iv only been playing on sky poker for 3 days and iv already seen enough to say with 100% confidence that sky poker is rigged. I sometimes have my doubts about pokerstars after playing on there for years.. but just put it down to being unlucky .. but yeah is 100% rigged . I only played on the cash tables and literaly every other hand you will lose on the river to a straight. Your hand means nothing at all and even if your strong on the flop it's not worth betting . The bad beats are 50+% of hands. If I have a straight they have a flush if i have a flush they have full house .. i spent most of my 10-12 hours of playing just laughing at how obviously rigged it is .
Well worth a read chaps 
"I've been playing on Sky Poker for 3 days & I can say with 100% confidence it is rigged".
And scores of similar such posts.
I was rather hoping to find my fave one of all time;
"The pause before the river card is dealt is the software looking for the card to beat us".
Yes mate, that's how software works.
Wish you had not posted that link.
site is rigged. u can guess the river card 99 times out of 100
Liked this one though;
"Sky Poker - better than shopping with the wife".
Think that's called damned with faint praise.
and still can't win?
I've seen - in 3 different venues - the prize pool being short-changed as the Manager has taken a few bob for himself. It's easy to check how much should be in the prize pool by counting up the chips in play on the Final Table & making an allowance for colouring up.
I've seen 2 venues where rebuys have been pocketed by the Floor-man.
I've been at 2 venues where I could not be paid out as they had run out of money.
I could name 5 players right now who have been caught dealing off the bottom back in the self-deal days.
I could mention a bent cash game in Derby, invitation only, which was as bent as a 9 bob note.
A Dealers Choice game in Nottingham where a ring of 4 players were playing "same village" & carving up the proceeds.
A very famous poker player who would nudge your leg under the table when he had the aces. "Let's not fight each other, we can do better as a team".
And I've played many a MTT in Las Vegas at Binions or GN where the Reg Fee equated to 20%, 22.5% or even 25%.
So if you want to think Sky Poker are clever enough with their state of the art super-duper ante-less software to decide who wins & who loses, or have any motive for diddling anyone, you go ahead Mr Sub of the Zero.
I would respectfully suggest, however, you are kidding yourself.
In all seriousness... A point very well made!
However, in my opinion if you are playing well, you WILL suffer more bad beats than you inflict on your opponents. This is simply because you are getting your chips in ahead most of the time. Take it to the extreme - you fold everything but pocket aces and when you get dealt pocket aces you go all in pre, in that scenario you will only ever suffer bad beats in a percentage of the times when you get called, you couldn't possibly put a bad beat on you opponent as you only ever play AA (ignoring the fact that in a tournament you will eventually end up short stacked and be forced all in with 2 random cards).
If all that suggests that I have it all sussed out then the reality couldn't be further from the truth. I often take bad beats badly and although I rarely berate my opponents I do aften suggest that Sky hates me!
Quid pls.