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What made you choose your particular Alias?

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
edited December 2017 in Poker Chat
Am keen to know how & why some of you chose your alias.

Some are obvious - Boxster is from his Porsche love, RSPCA12 does his animal welfare, & we don't need a reply from MattBates.

Others are a mystery though, so let's hear why you chose them.

Replies can be from ANYONE, but aliases like @StayOrGo @mumsie @Jac35 @Enut @eon1961 @aussie09 @EvilPingu are the sort of things I'm looking for.



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Mine is rather boring - it's a phonetic version of my initials.

    I'm sure most of you can batter that.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    joining sky poker in 2009 i saw @Ozzie08 alias and, having been born in Melbourne, adapted it to become aussie09

  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    I found the TV station first and just wanted something that would make the presenters laugh if they read it out.

    Obviously with it being the name of a (rather creepy) 70s TV character, for the past few years I've been fully expecting to have to submit a name-change request at any moment.
  • bearacebearace Member Posts: 135
    eon61 refers to the last year he didn't make a profit at Plo8 DYM's and had to pay the electric bill with his own cash.
  • Itsover4uItsover4u Member Posts: 1,538
    it was orginally itsover4me on other sites due to a clubbing tune that was one of my favourites - I then changed it to itsover4u which I regret as now every other time someone busts me they say itsover4u....
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,365
    I was the chap behind an upcoming band ,2006ish , inspired them massively, they tried to quit a few times, but I wouldnt let them. I knew they had something, told them they would make Glastonbury, but they had to ride through this and trust me , they needed to increase their range of instruments too, so I taught them mandolin and banjo, this helped them achieve their folk / rock sound.

    They did listen , I told them to use a band name that would invoke the sense of an "antiquated family business name".[7]

    The band were so impressed with me, they affectionately called me Mumsie and named themselves after me ( Ignoring my advice.)

    Mumsie just stuck, out of my hands to be honest.

  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    Mine is pretty obvious. I love chips. On other sites I was Furface, my fave character in a Stephen King novel, a Golden Retriever.
  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240

    All the Henrik7 etc etc and Larsson7 etc were taken so I added a D and put in my favourite scoreline. :p
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    HENDRIK62 said:

    All the Henrik7 etc etc and Larsson7 etc were taken so I added a D and put in my favourite scoreline. :p

    Sky really need to introduce a 'love' button.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,671
    'Replies can be from ANYONE, but aliases like @StayOrGo @mumsie @Jac35 @Enut @eon1961 @aussie09 @EvilPingu are the sort of things I'm looking for.'

    My alias needs explaining? You often call me Tuney because my surname is Tune! But I'm guessing that maybe you need me to explain it to others, so here goes. When I was at school one of my nicknames was Enut (surname backwards) so was easy to use as an alias, most of my other nicknames would not get past the swear filter. Interestingly Enut can also look like the misspelling of an expletive but as I have never sworn in my life I wouldn't know that.

    On other sites I have used the alias Kidcreole (the best live band in the world, but from the 80's so the children won't know who they are) and unluckyagainpaul as it sums up my poker skills, I never play badly I have just run horribly for about 10 years!
  • Millwall53Millwall53 Member Posts: 21
    Age53 my club the worst thing I have ever done get more abuse than anyone but I can take it come on u lions
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    My alias is more than people will think. Most people who see someone leave will generally say good bye but when I see a person leave I say see you, "see you later" and that's the reason I have CU in my name alias.

    I'm at the table now so I C U before I get your money.

    The place CU is most well shown is on the chess site I play because on that site I'm called kingCU, most people who see it will probably think the C and U are initials but I myself know the C and U are me saying good bye to the king.
  • BlackpumaBlackpuma Member Posts: 203
    When I first started online many year's ago I couldn't think of an aka so I looked on out of the window and seen my then black puma car in the drive, it stuck for all other sites since then, the puma is long gone but had plenty of fun in it 😎
  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,085
    That reminds me. Bought my wife a Jaguar for her birthday one year.
    Dam near ripped her leg off.

    I live in Essex, and my name is...yup, no originality here.
    Called PhilGreen111 or ABC Geriatric on other sites...
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited December 2017
    Penguins are my favourite animal. When I was like 8, I wanted to sign up to a site called Neopets, it's some kids' games site that's been around forever (10/10 would recommend btw lol). I used "Evilpengwinz" when I signed up. I wanted "Evilpenguin" but it was taken :( So just changed characters and pluralised until my name wasn't taken.

    I remember dialup was a thing, and I used to get kicked off the internet by my parents if someone wanted to make a phone call. Many, many high scores were lost because "CLOSE THAT GAME DOWN NOW I NEED TO USE THE PHONE I TOLD YOU TEN MINUTES AGO". :'(:'(

    Anyway, used that name ever since, but Sky has a 10 character limit so I had to shorten my alias, so Evilpingu made sense.


    I remember when @SkiItaly was asked the same question in that interview on the old Sky Poker channel:

    "I like Skiing, I like Italy, and I like skiing in Italy"
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Loving these stories.

    Keep them coming.
  • eon1961eon1961 Member Posts: 1,795
    edited December 2017
    Mine is quite simple.

    It is my name & birth year.Apparently my Mother was in labour a long time & it was my Dads sense of humour to give me that name.
  • markycashmarkycash Member Posts: 2,837
    When the internet was a lil baby I was interested in cracking and code breaking. On the forums which I frequented people generally went by pseudonyms, mine was 'Crash'. So when I became interested in poker I was Marky_Crash on most sites. This was unavailable on Sky, hence the current moniker.
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    I was twoshits...on another site sky wouldn,t accept it (I don't know why I,ve seen worse on here) I wasn,t gonna put anything stoke but with sky being into all the sports I thought why not , loads of scfc this and stoke city that so I thought id put our original name before the city was added and bingo accepted , we got promoted the year I signed up gonna get relegated this year :(:'( ..should I leave when it happens ;)
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