@rabdeniro You & me too Rab. If I don't like the way Tesco treat me, I go to Sainsburys. That's how it works with normal thinking people I'd assume. As for complaining about Deposit Limits, if we… (View Post)
Thanks @mumsie & it was good to meet up yesterday, albeit only briefly. @spearsy136 has won a ticket to a £33 or £22 Main Event tournament @steveysee has won a ticket to an £11 Mini Major tournam… (View Post)
@Hud22 I know nothing about laptops, but please be aware that when you say "compatible with Sky Poker", Sky Poker will be moving to the I-Poker network at the end of May. (View Post)
9th place Joe Cameron £2,050 8th place Kartik Kartik £2,580 7th place Si Tun £3,280 6th Place Marc Bryant £4,100 5th place Ian Fumasaal (sp?) £4,920 4th place Bally Pottiwal £6,310 3rd place Alex Smi… (View Post)