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Team Sky Poker - The Next Generation...



  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited April 2013
    More girls!!!!

    Specifically Samantha25 & I

    Actually, I don't mind if you scrap Sam as she can't win a laster longer for love nor money..

    Just me then :)

  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited April 2013
    I think there needs to be the majority of the team picked by Tikay/Sky. There were a few people that qualified to play at DTD who I hadn't heard of, now that's not a bad thing, but there seemed to be no interaction with them and the forum. They didn't come on and say thanks for the support or anything like that.

    If it's going to have a community feel about it, then there has to be people in the team we know and can relate to, or nobody is going to read the updates. I think that's where TSP went wrong last time, a lot of the names in the team started to become new names and as they wern't known through playing SPT's or on the forum, a lot of people stopped following the team.

    It doesn't take long to become a 'known' face on Sky, just come on the forum, email into the show come to SPT's, join teams blah blah... Just show a bit of effort with the community side of things.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    +1 Ryan and Flash

    Obviously it's always a risk letting 'anyone' get through because Sky have no idea what they're getting. Primarily TSP is about representing Sky well, and you really have no idea if that's going to be the case when you don't know who is getting a place. That said, it should definitely be available to all, so it's a hard balancing act.

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited April 2013
    Hand pick the best players and let everyone else try to qualify, not the other way round!

    (no offence Lambert ;)

    If people are picked for reasons other than poker ability (rails/support/morale/banter etc) give them a none playing role, maybe a few quid to cover transport and other costs, and 50 quid credit towards a side/other event that weekend. 

    Wud prefer to see people in the team who have the best chance of winning the tournament. 
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013

    A last longer Ryan?  Man you know how to hurt me....

    I agree with Ryan's post.  I would say you do need to have at least a couple of the TSP MTT qualifiers alongside the leagues from a marketing standpoint.  Nothing better to sell on a live show that 'Sign up tonight and you can win a place on TSP with guaranteed entry to XXX MTT for £X'

  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited April 2013
    If it's a closed shop for reg's only that rather defeats the purpose of the friendly team element of things.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,668
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Team Sky Poker - The Next Generation...:
    More girls!!!! Specifically Samantha25 & I Actually, I don't mind if you scrap Sam as she can't win a laster longer for love nor money.. Just me then :) xx
    Posted by TRIP5

    Nearly as funny as putting Orford in charge!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,928
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Team Sky Poker - The Next Generation...:
    If it's a closed shop for reg's only that rather defeats the purpose of the friendly team element of things.
    Posted by belsibub

    Of course we'd like Community Regulars, but only a minute fraction of the Player-Base actively use the Community. That does not mean they should be excluded.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Team Sky Poker - The Next Generation...:
    If it's a closed shop for reg's only that rather defeats the purpose of the friendly team element of things.
    Posted by belsibub
    I'm not saying for it be regs only or anything like that. It could be someone who has only played on the site once, but I'm just saying it needs to be someone willing to come onto the forum, introduce themselves, add to some discussions. Not many people really use the forum in the whole scheme of things, so it wouldn't take much for people to get to know them, then it would make it easier and more fun to follow their progress. 

    I don't think the spirit of TSP is to just bink a seat and all you do is turn up and play the comp. They are representing Skypoker at the end of the day that's all I'm saying.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2013
    So much covered so much i agree with. 

    Flash has it spot on imo. I found it hard to support some of the caracters i knew literally nothing about. 

    Then again the issue with picks (which id prefer) results in a situation such as what happened with Jamielou - when 1 or 2 people disagree with the pick. 

    So what id like to suggest, is say 3 or 4 qualifiers. 3 or 4 picks by Tikay (or his replacement, i believe Mourinho is free next season). (on a team of 10 - id imagine thewy will remain our number 11?) So that should leave us with 2-4 picks left. 

    Could we let this be voted for by the community? Im not fussed if that pick is based on contribution of the forum, or ability as a poker player, but it would be so much easier to rail people who we want to see in that game, the people we speak to everyday on this very forum. I remember reading last time the picks where based on rail/banter etc etc. So im suggesting 3/4 sats, 3/4 picks from tikay - based on his opinion of players abilities. 2-4 picks by the community.  - earning a staying place aswell. 

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited April 2013
    To be honest, i don't know much about TSP, i used to think it was being a sponsored pro for sky.

    I take it that's not the case, and as with the last event it means you are put into a big tournament. Presumably this is done to publicise sky poker and promote the brand. 11 people at 1k in the last tournie, so 11k plus other costs involved in setting up running this. I could be wrong, but sounds like a brilliant PR job at a decent cost.

    It sounds like a brilliant idea to do this every quarter, with the same number or maybe slightly more into to a lower buy in tournament. The publicity gained from this would be immense and really promote Skypoker, like someone said no other site really does this.

    In my opinion it should be open to all, not just those who play at the highest levels. Variety is the spice of life!

    Whilst i dont expect it should be mandatory that it is some one from the forums, it would be good to see people picked who use the site a lot and also contribute to the community. I guess it's only a small percentage of players who actually get involved in the community who play on the site. But the vast majority that do would be excellent representatives for sky.

    Given some one like borinloner a seat, for example, would make a lot of sense as he is tireless in helping others out in the pokerclinic every day, responding to posts at length in a concise and helpful way. 

    The criteria should not just be looked at in term's of what stakes someone plays at, or how great their successess, but what they contribute to sky poker and also their attitude.

    Having players from all different levels, and varying abilities would offer a real diversity to the team.

    I'm not saying pick people that don't know what they are doing, in fairness any "regular" player on the site probably has a good understanding and knowledge of the game.

    Just my thoughts:D
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Team Sky Poker - The Next Generation...:
    So much covered so much i agree with.  Flash has it spot on imo. I found it hard to support some of the caracters i knew literally nothing about.  Then again the issue with picks (which id prefer) results in a situation such as what happened with Jamielou - when 1 or 2 people disagree with the pick.  So what id like to suggest, is say 3 or 4 qualifiers. 3 or 4 picks by Tikay (or his replacement, i believe Mourinho is free next season). (on a team of 10 - id imagine thewy will remain our number 11?) So that should leave us with 2-4 picks left.  Could we let this be voted for by the community? Im not fussed if that pick is based on contribution of the forum, or ability as a poker player, but it would be so much easier to rail people who we want to see in that game, the people we speak to everyday on this very forum. I remember reading last time the picks where based on rail/banter etc etc. So im suggesting 3/4 sats, 3/4 picks from tikay - based on his opinion of players abilities. 2-4 picks by the community.  - earning a staying place aswell. 
    Posted by The_Don90
    Brilliant idea Don!

    Would make a lot of sense some getting picked off a forum vote, would get people really involved before it even started.
  • JBussJBuss Member Posts: 245
    edited April 2013
    I think that allowing people of all bankrolls the oppurtunity to qualify looks very good for Sky. 

    What could work is half of the team built up with Sky Sponsored Pro's and selected picks then then seconf half of the team be built up with qualifiers.

    The qualifiers being tournaments. Not SNG's or Cash (the team are playing live tournaments not live cash tables).

    One way in which Sky could run qualifiers is through the TSP Classic (which I have seen a demand for a return on other thrrads). They could maybe take place 2 or 3 times a week (2 evenings and 1 afternoon on a weekend - £11 a game?). Run as a league system for 4-6 weeks and the top 5 get a place on the team?

    Just my 2p worth
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited April 2013
    Having come along to DTD to rail the recent team outing I have a few comments.

    Firstly, I think it was excellent exposure for Sky Poker and gave the impression of a properly organised team rather than a few guys with patches stuck on them.  From the T-shirts to the promotional banners, to the Tv cameras and the self enclosed team area in the VIP bar the whole set up was very professional and I'm sure resonated with alot of serious poker players in the room which is great for Sky and something I think should be repeated as often as posible.

    Secondly, it was noticable that the 'commuity regulars' displayed the comradey unique to Sky that those of us who frequent SPT's will recognise.  I think it's an important point to realise the importance of this to the team as a whole but also to the appearance that is reflected into the wider poker community.  It looked friendly, it looked fun, it looked like a team experience, it looked like something special and as a result, it looked like something people would want to be a part of.  I think it's massively importnant to maintain this appearance within any furture teams.

    As a PR event for Sky, I thought it was great.  As a venue, DTD was superb and incredibly accomodating as you would expect which would again make them a perfect venue for any future outings.

    Regarding future events, I'd love to see these happen on a regular basis.  There are regular £300 tournaments at DTD which I think would be ideal and I'm sure far more budget friendly from Sky's perspective.

    Regarding team selection, for many, many reasons, Julian should be a shoe in, he's somebody that is know and respected throughout the poker community and you'd have to go a long way to meet a nicer bloke and better ambassador for Sky Poker.

    It would be great to see the winner of the previous SPT offered a place, it would also be superb if an invite only tournament could be set up (similar to when Tikay donated some of his Vegas winnings) for players of the Monday DTD tournaments as this still forms one of the cornerstones of the community on Sky, this would ensure 1 regular community player a place on the team.

    Perhaps a select invite only event (similar to top of the posts) could be set up for anyone deemed to be making valuable contributions to the forum / community for another spot on the team?

    I am also a fan of the old league style TSP which would reward the most active and sucessful players in across all formats.

    Also, the last longer idea seems a great incentive too.
  • KING2600KING2600 Member Posts: 69
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Team Sky Poker - The Next Generation...:
    Hand pick the best players and let everyone else try to qualify, not the other way round! (no offence Lambert ;) If people are picked for reasons other than poker ability (rails/support/morale/banter etc) give them a none playing role, maybe a few quid to cover transport and other costs, and 50 quid credit towards a side/other event that weekend.  Wud prefer to see people in the team who have the best chance of winning the tournament. 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Pretty much agree totally with this...
  • karllukekarlluke Member Posts: 914
    edited April 2013
    I think its great to have these events.  I do like the idea of the people who do well go fourth into the next event.  As in this case andrew and jamie.  It was great fun waiting to see who was picked.  I would prefer to see more events so the lower buy in would make more sense. Of course Julien should always be in the team.  Really enjoyed all the updates.  
  • edited April 2013
    A lot of good suggestions ITT;

    - Retaining a position for last longer I'm keen on

    - In addition to single tournaments where the winner takes a seat, is there scope for a qualifying series of tournaments (think the DTD league structure) where the top six people play off in a Sit+Go for a seat? Just to add a broader qualification route

    - I'm not sure about community voted members, as mentioned already that would not include quite a large part of the active player base

    - Dusk Till Dawn venue is a given; central to most people, professional, good range of MTT etc. As previously mentioned the monthly £300's are a great sized tournament

    - Julian as captain can't be questioned, its unlikely anyone could supercede his general persona and as good a representation for Sky

  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Team Sky Poker - The Next Generation...:
    A lot of good suggestions ITT; - Retaining a position for last longer I'm keen on - In addition to single tournaments where the winner takes a seat, is there scope for a qualifying series of tournaments (think the DTD league structure) where the top six people play off in a Sit+Go for a seat? Just to add a broader qualification route - I'm not sure about community voted members, as mentioned already that would not include quite a large part of the active player base - Dusk Till Dawn venue is a given; central to most people, professional, good range of MTT etc. As previously mentioned the monthly £300's are a great sized tournament - Julian as captain can't be questioned, its unlikely anyone could supercede his general persona and as good a representation for Sky
    Posted by CoxyLboro


    /cough cough
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited April 2013
    Thewy - of course

    last longer - why not several - top 2 but including a third if they cashed - provides some consistency to the team and gives an additional competitive edge to the outings - and a good marketing angle (such & such from skypoker ran deep last time) - reduces new faces i know but if moving to a quarterly schedule not such a problem

    would be nice to include good players showing commitment to the community events, so could target

    top 3 from a DTD style league
    top 2 from a Community Wednesday league
    a SNG based on all community event winners
    and a couple of others - picks - other mtts structures, whatever

    as to venue - understand the arguments for staying in Notts - but good marketing benefits to be gained from travelling around the country as well
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited April 2013
    My personal opinion is...........

    I'm not sure how many players sky intend to have picked/qualify for the next generation of TSP but all this swapping and changing seems to confuse matters for me. If you are picked how long is it for etc...

    I think a better way would be to pick the best of the best on sky, ppl who will/can take down these mtt's and KEEP them on the team for 6mnths or a yr.

    Then run qualifiers to give others the chance to represent sky at ONE mtt....(if they bink, really impress then maybe review their position on the team)

    Just my thoughts
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