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The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!)



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited August 2013

    I'm glad hand 2 resulted in some debate. I still stand by my raise pre given the way the table had been playing. I think my mistake was on the turn, I def should have checked........(sorry Larson, best option imo).

    Hand 1..........there have been some comments in the clinic. The overall opinion was that calling the 3 bet was the best option. My mistake here was on the flop, I should have just called. I raised and ended up with the chips in the middle......harry had 10 5. He said at the time that I should have 4 bet and he would have snap folded but that is just being results orientated slightly. I have only played harry in forum cash games and they are pretty crazy so in general I wasn't sure of his 3 bet range (I know now though)!!

    STILL no news regarding the SPT............looking like I aint going!!! :(

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Firstly, as posted on another thread, I am going to the SPT in Newcastle. Can't wait!!! It's the first time I have ever played live so not expecting to do that well but it should be a great experience whatever happens.

    Friday night I won the £400 Megastack. This really is one of the best mtts on the site and sky should take note of Dale's thread and add a couple more to the schedule!!

    Didn't play last night. Not sure what I will be playing tonight, prob a sat for the primo.

    BR = £480.34
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    Firstly, as posted on another thread, I am going to the SPT in Newcastle. Can't wait!!! It's the first time I have ever played live so not expecting to do that well but it should be a great experience whatever happens. Last night I won the £400 Megastack. This really is one of the best mtts on the site and sky should take not of Dale's thread and add a couple more to the schedule!! waller02 1270000 1 £177.48 Not sure what I will be playing tonight, prob a sat for the primo. BR = £480.34
    Posted by waller02
    That was Friday wasn't it?? Anyhow, well done closing it out - I made a big mistake going after your chips in a couple of spots when we were 4 handed with 8 left. Agreed, good tournament with good structure and is obviously popular.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited September 2013
    I really hope you enjoy Newcastle mate.
    Go there to meet some people and simply enjoy yourself.
    You will be nervous but don't worry, others will be too.
    One bit of advice. Just announce your intention and then do it. Things are a bit different live and things like meaning to raise but only putting in one chip (eg someone calls 100 and you mean to raise to 500 and put in the 500 chip) would be deemed a call.
    Anything you're not sure about, ask. The dealers and the other players will happily help. Don't be embarrassed.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!) : That was Friday wasn't it?? Anyhow, well done closing it out - I made a big mistake going after your chips in a couple of spots when we were 4 handed with 8 left. Agreed, good tournament with good structure and is obviously popular.
    Posted by bbMike
    Yeah was Friday.....lost track of the day!!!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    I really hope you enjoy Newcastle mate. Go there to meet some people and simply enjoy yourself. You will be nervous but don't worry, others will be too. One bit of advice. Just announce your intention and then do it. Things are a bit different live and things like meaning to raise but only putting in one chip (eg someone calls 100 and you mean to raise to 500 and put in the 500 chip) would be deemed a call. Anything you're not sure about, ask. The dealers and the other players will happily help. Don't be embarrassed.
    Posted by Jac35
    Cheers for the advice Jac. I will be asking questions if I'm unsure as well as watching what everybody else does!!! lol
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited September 2013
    Excellent progress, well played.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    BR = £480.34
    Posted by waller02
    Looks like I will have to go to China more often if this is what happens when I am away!
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2013
    Nicely done Waller! Wasn't it only a few weeks ago that your were down to £15 or so? Cracking turnaround. More than enough in your roll to splash about with 10 5s now ;)
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    My SPT is a non starter. Proper pi55ed off!!!!! Spoke to my boss today and I have been told that it is too late for me to book any time off cut a long story short I have to be at work at 8am on Saturday and if I don't like it then I can quit!

    I have gone to all that trouble to sort the seat out and book my room for nothing. Gutted.

    FLASHJONNY check your pm's........can't think of another alternative :(. Sorry to bridboy as well.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Have sorted out the SPT seat and it has been transferred to FLASHJONNY. Couldn't have gone to a nicer bloke, have spoken to him on the phone and as well as having me in stiches the whole time, he has agreed to donate half of any winnings to Cancer Research as planned. Best of luck to him!!

    Last night I played the DTD's and the mini's with no joy. Tonight I am playing the main, mini and the 7.15 deepy. I'm trying the main semi first and will buy in if I don't make it as it is only £11 and I can afford the odd one now.

    Full update later, gl at the tables all.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Into the main for's hoping for a good run!!

    waller0237058Entry to £4,000 Turbo Open


  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    My nights poker is over.

    The main event didn't go great. Never got above 3.5k stack and busted out in the early/mid stages 44<77.

    Slightly annoyed about the mini. I was in reasonable shape approaching the late stages but didn't have any head prizes. The crucial hand came when I was in the small blind with KQ, oppo in the CO shoved and it would cost me half my stack to call. There was a decent head prize on offer, the villain only had 8bb and I already had notes on him having a very wide range. Also, it was a turbo and I still had 9bb if I lost the hand........I called, he had A10 and held. Think the call was just about ok. I busted out soon after shoving K5s on the button and getting looked up by KQ.

    Did cash in the deepy though, finishing in 3rd

    BR = £470.20
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    I had written a long post then log in to type it again!!!

    Long story shortened..........I played a bit of 10nl cash, lost more than I won, feel I could improve, unsure whether or not to play again.

    Played 4 mtts, lost. Played 3 all in sats, lost.

    Word of the night......lost. Had fun though.

    Will prob stick to mtts and have another go at cash if I can re-build a bit.

    BR = £419.31
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Going to lay off the cash tables tonight and play a few mtts including the orfy.

    Got through to the main semi so hoping I can get through that too.

    waller0296555Entry to £8k B/Hunter Semi
    Gl to everyone that is going to the weekend is here I'm even more wounded as I would have been making my way up the A1 first thing tomorrow :( to FLASHJONNY though who has taken my seat.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Should be in, but instead I have just got back from work so it is a night on sky poker instead.

    Last night I was unsuccessful in the 8k BH semi (also had 3 all in sats which is a habit I need to break!!). Only one cash to my name and that was in the Orfy where I finished 8th. Came close to defending my megastack title last night too but busted 3 short of the money after losing 22<A6.

    Tonight I will be playing a couple of BH sats and a few mtts, although I'm not a 100% sure which ones yet.

    BR = £409.93
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    I thought tonight was going to be a shocker. I started off really bad, either playing poor or running awful. Had KK and QQ a few times and there was always an ace on the flop....had a few early exits and was ready to put it down as a bad day at the office.

    But..........I redeemed myself and won 2 mtts. The first was only a £25 GTD with 10 runners (still an mtt in my book! haha) and the second was a £250 BH. These 2 pulled back any earlier losses and ensured I was up for the night.

    £25 GTD
    £250 BH
    waller023860001£52.11 + £30.02 Head Prizes14£8.24
    One thing I need to control is to stop playing so many sats. When my roll was lower I always gave myself just one attempt and never played the all in sats........this is starting to slip so I'm going back to the ONE attempt rule that I always had.

    BR = £459.56
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Haven't played much recently as I have been really busy. I'm working all weekend too so not sure how much I will be playing then either.

    I am playing tonight though although it wont be the in the main. I played one direct sat and lost that set over set and busted out just shy of a semi seat in the other sat that I played.......I will prob play ONE all in sat later though.

    I have just reg for the £250 BH and will also be playing the mini and a deepy later. Not really feeling it pokerwise atm but I guess it's just because I'm so busy away from the tables.

    Full update at the tables all
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Finished for the night was so so.

    I really need to stop playing all in sats, they are like drug.....just one more, just one more!!! Anyway I ended up playing 4. Gonna stop playing them all together now as I obv can't just stick with the one.

    Cashed in 2 mtts.

    First of all was a £750 BH

    waller0208£14.43 + £12.07 Head Prizes5
    The other was the mini.

    waller02060£6.52 + £5.61 Head Prizes2 

    Quite happy with how I played tonight.....couple of dodgy hands but there always is and there always will be!!

    Not sure I will be playing much over the weekend as I am working both days.

    BR = £455.61
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2013
    haha all in sats...Sky's version of crack co-caine.
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