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The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!)



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    haha all in sats...Sky's version of crack co-caine.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    they are m8.....if you have no will power then they grab you and don't let go!!!
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!) : they are m8.....if you have no will power then they grab you and don't let go!!!
    Posted by waller02
    If Sky were such a responsible business, they would have AISA (all in sats anonymous) meetings.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!) : If Sky were such a responsible business, they would have AISA (all in sats anonymous) meetings.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    I'm not addicted to them, I can take em or leave em.....honest!!! man it's hard to type when your hands are shaking,.....
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Pretty uneventful night and a short post.....

    Played 3 all in sats, need help!! Only one cash to my name tonight and that was a min cash in the mini with no heads.


    Going to bed now as working in the morning.

    BR = £431.39
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2013
     Nice results - This has shot up since i last looked - GL
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: The Story of a Broken Man (£50 or quits!!!):
     Nice results - This has shot up since i last looked - GL
    Posted by MP33
    Ty m8, yeah had some ok results recently but been up and down since then.


    Spent 9 quid on primo sats. I have to stop playing so many as they seem to be the biggest hitter as far as my br goes lately.

    Only one min cash to my name. In the mini, £500 BH and £750 BH all I made were semi decnt runs and few head prizes. I'm not playing too bad atm I feel. Mainly losing as a reasonable favourite with the chips in the middle, which is all you can do.

    Just gotta reign the sats in to try and stop my br falling too much. I don't wanna drop below £400....that's my main aim right now.

    Min cash in the 7.15 deepy

    BR = £412.79
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Things are not going well at the moment. Yesterday was a shocker and I had nothing to blame but my own bad play. Tonight I went deep in the £750 BH finishing 5 off the money but making my buy in back in head prizes.

    Everything else was pretty frustrating, losing every race or hitting the board hard only for somebody else to have hit it harder. I have slipped below £400 now and I need to stop the rot. So, I am laying off the sats for a bit apart from having one go at the primo ones. I am also going to cut down the amount of mtts I play each night until I start running and playing better.

    Won't be playing until Friday night now and a couple of nights off the tables should do me good.........not worried yet but I need to start turning this around a bit.

    BR = £387.87
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013

    Still not really happening for me atm but there was signs of improvement last night when I final tabled the Mega that mtt and the gty was broken again even though numbers were down on recent weeks.

    I have recently started playing the DYMs again too with mixed success. Can somebody who is a member of sharkscope search for my last 100-200 DYMs and let me know the result please. I want to know if I have improved at these and whether or not I am wasting my time bothering with them.....cheers.

    BR= £380.16

  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Sigh.....good start to the evening!!

    james0828411.251Entry to £8,000 B/Huntersascha20269588.752Entry to £8,000 B/Hunterwaller0203
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    Played last night for the first time in a week. This was for two reasons, 1. I haven't been playing well so felt I should have a break. 2. Just been very busy at work (which I will explain below).

    Basically I'm a trainee at work. I had been lorry driving for years but when I hit 30 I decided to have a change of career before I got too old. So, I went to college and did a HNC in Electrical Engineering. This got me a trainee job working in electricity substations, this training is now coming to an end and in the next month I have my written and practical have not had much time to play poker!

    Any, I did play last. Not very well but I tried haha.

    I played 5 mtts........cashed in one but overall things weren't going well. It was one of those nights where very little went right for me. it was good to be playing again though, I was surprised at how much I was itching to get back on the tables after a week off!!

    Only cash of the night was 7th in a £250 BH

    waller0207£6.72 + £4.31 Head Prizes5
    I am still playing the DYMs....again if somebody can search my last 500ish DYMs on sharkscope and then tell me if I am wasting my time playing them it would be much appreciated.

    Playing for a bit today but having an early night tonight as I am up at 4 in the morning for work!!!

    BR = £342.68.........still dropping!!!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited September 2013
    My nights poker is over as I shall be going to bed in the next couple of hours..........seriously CBA to get up at 4!!!!

    Had a reasonable night tonight. I played 2 mtts with an early exit in one. In the other I have just finished 7th (£350 BH) is the hand that ruined it for me. I'm sitting 2/11 and the oppo is the only one who can seriously hurt me. He had been fairly aggro but this is the first time he had 3b against me. I had been fairly aggro myself and I'm on the button so I may not look as strong as 10's.
    In the end I made a sigh call thinking if I won that hand I'm a massive chip leader with 10 left......still not sure about the call????
    sonicboom1 Small blind  500.00 500.00 20155.00
    Deenie Big blind  1000.00 1500.00 7975.00
      Your hole cards
    • 10
    • 10
    bridboy451 Fold     
    Matel Fold     
    Bryben Fold     
    waller02 Raise  2500.00 4000.00 29369.37
    sonicboom1 All-in  20155.00 24155.00 0.00
    Deenie Fold     
    waller02 Call  18155.00 42310.00 11214.37
    sonicboom1 Show
    • K
    • A
    waller02 Show
    • 10
    • 10
    • K
    • Q
    • J
    • K
    • 6
    sonicboom1 Win Three Kings 42310.00  42310.00
    Anyway I ended up in 7th which I will take right now!!!

    waller0207£13 + £12.30 Head Prizes5
    Also had an ok night on the £5 dyms to stop the rot a bit!!

    BR = £375.01
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited October 2013

    Still not playing great poker but somehow managing to go fairly deep in mtts. The main leak atm is that I can't seem to stop making loose calls........I rarely believe when I should be!!! Last night I finished 5 off the money in one and bubbled another in the DTD's so the decent runs are there, I just need to reign in these spewy calls and I feel that I can turn the deep runs back into cashes.

    I did manage to win the 7.15 deepy tonight but I got lucky when it mattered tbf!!

    I have lost the last 4 DYM's that I have played but I'm happy with how I played in them (bar 1 which was poor). I have been getting down to the last 4 and have followed previous advice by being the shover and not the caller, just lost 60/40s and 70/30s so I'm gonna stick at em for a while. Still wouldn't mind if somebody could search my recent DYM stats to see if I'm wasting my time (and money).

    BR = £370.98

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited October 2013
    I've limited the DYM search to 2013 only... before then its a bit messy tbh.  But i'm going to give you grace as you've probably learnt a lot since 2010 :).

    DYMs only:

                    Count  Av Profit  Av Stake   Av ROI   Total Profit   Ability
    Waller02     360       £0.19       £1.8        8.9%     £67.14         60  
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    Well done on takin down the 7:15, nice wee tournie! And nice return for £2!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited October 2013
    @ gazza - Yeah i'm not surprised it looks a bit messy from 2010. When I first started playing poker the only thing I ever played were DYMs.....badly!! Looking at recent stats I think I will stick with them for a while. Thanks for searching for me.

    @ Larson - ty m8, but recent games mean I have lost it again haha

    Last night was a fairly brutal night at the tables, but it was al my own fault! Yesterday I passed the first part of my trade test at work (meaning if I pass the second part next month then I will be a fully qualified craftsman with a considerable pay rise). So, I booked today off work and celebrated by sinking a few ales!!

    I have always said in the past that some of my best poker results have come whilst having a few beers........but there is a line!! Well last night I found that line and crossed it.....BIGTIME!! When you get to the stage that you have to squint to see what cards you have you should really call it a night. I was playing awful, but still somehow managed to bubble the last mtt I played (a £100 speed BH) fact I should have perhaps made the ft after being in great shape until Stella Artois told me bluff my whole stack off by repping a fh (when in fact the oppo had it!!). I called it a night at this point!

    So 40 quid down the pan, but at least I had fun!!

    BR = £330.68
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited October 2013
    How are things going..........first hand of a £750 BH
    purdey44 Small blind  10.00 10.00 1970.00
    pycr Big blind  20.00 30.00 1980.00
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • J
    chris85 Fold     
    jayjools Fold     
    jojayabbs Raise  40.00 70.00 1900.00
    waller02 Raise  160.00 230.00 1830.00
    purdey44 Call  150.00 380.00 1820.00
    pycr Fold     
    jojayabbs Fold     
    • 7
    • J
    • 3
    purdey44 Check     
    waller02 Bet  190.00 570.00 1640.00
    purdey44 Call  190.00 760.00 1630.00
    • K
    purdey44 All-in  1630.00 2390.00 0.00
    waller02 Call  1630.00 4020.00 10.00
    purdey44 Show
    • A
    • Q
    waller02 Show
    • J
    • J
    • 10
    purdey44 Win Straight to the Ace 4020.00  4020.00
    Horrid update to come tomorrow haha.........not enjoying the poker right now!!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited October 2013
    I have redeemed myself!!!

    Not playing great, not running fact I'm playing nothing short of poor! But I managed to ft the 9.15 deepy and then went on to win the £100 speed BH (which is mainly luck anyway haha) all losses have been pulled back!!!

    9.15 deepy
    £100 BH
    waller021960001£69.83 + £30.30 Head Prizes4£9.44
    BR = £397.62
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    Well done mate
    Keep going
  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited October 2013
    Well done waller.

    Looking at the positive least you are back and grinding a few MTT's with your bankrol, which you were no where near being able to do a few Months ago

    Best of Luck
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited October 2013
    Cheers jac and Trev....yeah it is nice to at least have built up a bit of a roll to be able to play mtts, which is the format I most enjoy.

    Finished for the night now at a frustrating point!!! Got down to the last 4 in a £200 GTD only to lose QQ<88 in a pot which would have put me as a big chip leader with a fantastic chance of taking it down. The 8 on the flop sealed my fate. Was actually a really enjoyable 4 way battle with chips going back and forth for around 45 mins, just disappointed to go out like that but at least I did nothing wrong which makes a refreshing change!!!

    In the DYMs things have taken a turn for the worse!!! Today I played 5 and lost 5 haha. So from now on I am giving myself a limit......if I lose 2 on the bounce then I stop playing them for the day!!

    Had no joy in the other mtts that I played tonight. The only highlight of my day was an argument/debate I had with another player (the hand is posted in the clinic), all is cool now and there are no hard feelings......on reflection I don't think either of us played the hand paticularly well. Tis poker though, we look at hands, learn and try to move on!

    BR = £362.32
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