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Ah got a feelin



  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    lol yeah, had  abad hand last night, all in on the flop with Aces, on a q6x board, 2 hearts.

    Put opponent on a flush draw, but yeah set of 6s. Dont mind my play in the hand, it's so hard to put someone on a set of sixes, and the flush draw or AQ were still possible. But hey ho


    Poker is pretty sweet at the moment, but it can be such a tough game at times. The bad times the dreaded downswing. It seems so common to hear people complaining/ moaning about bad beats. It is just part of the game and ultimatly, i guess, why it is such an interesting game. Double edged sword!

    I was going to have a go at 20nl, which i have done the last couple of nights. I'm still going to play this level.

    It didn't start out brilliant, i ran pretty bad and to be fair i played pretty bad too. I'm not going to play this a lot, for the time being. Maybe once or twice a week, maybe a friday or saturday night which is pretty optimal for playing cash!

    Outside of that, i'm going to keep doing what i'm doing and see where it goes.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013

    Quite a night at MTTs!

    Played the orfie and 7:45 deep stack.

    Deepstack about 4th hand, i had AQ i 3 bet, guy min 4 bet, flop dry queen high, he bet flop, turn shipped river, readless, i folded, there were way better spots. Ended up getting busted Pocket 10s, by ace 3, flop, 553, turn a 3!! GG

    The orfie what a roller coaster lol

    Ended up in the mid stages shoving pocket 10s OTB into BB's Kings, down 2 1bb!

    All in the next hand 44s doubled up against AJ. Next 2 hands can't even remember, but doubled up a further two times. Then pocket Queens, someone shoves, i snap them off, versus pocket 6s. Another double up.

    After that managed to build stack up to about 52k with about 18left, was really sweet was able to pick up a good few blinds uncontested, life was good.

    Bubble was 13. Then moved to another table about 15 handed, i was totally card dead. Had Mrs Balti at my table lol After a few orbits chips were dwindling due to Mrs Balti's exploits lol 3 bb's in a row i had 3 6, 2 7, and 2 3 i was almost going to make a stand this hand OTB, but thought don't be silly! Atleast have some equity.

    The bubble broke i found a few good spots, got my money in good and my hands managed to hold. Ended up going to the FT slight chip leader. Early on in the FT, it was raised, I had AK shoved and called with JQ, AK held.

    Was slow for a long while, but eventually there was a bit of action down to 4 handed, i was second chip leader. 3 handed woke up with aces to knock out 3rd player.

    Went to HU with a slight chip lead. Managed to chip away to get a good lead and through away a good amount in a mad KKK6x bluff. Pretty terrible he had called 2 streets no way he could fld, clearly he had a pair! Of course it was a 6.

    Managed to double up 2 hands later, which gave me a 5-1 chip lead, couple of hands later woke up with Aces, oppo shoved A6, happy days and good game! 2nd Orfie win in the last few weeks.

    One of my favourite tournies on the site, and i would say the standard is a lot better than some of the other tournies i play.

    Really happy with this tonight, and that's my sharkscope in profit for MTTs for the first time ever.

    Thanks to Dale and JJ and everyone for the rail tonight, brilliant!

  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited August 2013
    Well played larson. 

    That comeback sums up the whole diary innit. Great stuff.

  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited August 2013

    Always read but don't post much.Congrats on your results.

  • Batkin88Batkin88 Member Posts: 1,682
    edited August 2013
    Well done mate, along way from the A5 hand you dwelled over!

    NL20 is weak close to midnight at the weekends (usually cz I am sitting at the tables) so if you want a game at that level start there although can be quite tilting sometimes!

    Well done!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited August 2013
    Well done Larson great win mate. Glad to see you in profit too :)
  • bolesAAbolesAA Member Posts: 282
    edited August 2013
    congrats on your win last night, was a quite frustenting final table for me, wished id been more patient but was a good game and your right standard in this and also in the dtd's are very good (maybe because they aren't bounty hunters....)

    keep up the good work 
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013

    Thanks Teddy, Day4eire, waller, Kalie.


    Just played 2 games tonight, the freeroll team game and the 1 quidder deep stack.

    Got busted in an all in pre flop in the free roll, AK versus Ace 10 for a 10 k pot lol

    Flop Ace J Q, turn x, river a K!! lol

    In the deepie ended up 3rd, the hand that decided the winner of the tournie, was my pocket 9s all in pre versus 67bhoys AK, flop nout, a on the turn! Down to a bowl, shoved 7s called again by 67s 910, 910 wins lol

    This is what i wrote on the tpt thread:

    Very well played 67 (hail hail)

    Was a fantastic tournie for a quidder!

    I played a terrible hand early doors against 67 to double him up early doors. I had mid pair, he reraised me on the flop, i smooth called. He bet big on the turn, i shoved, and was snap called with the nuts! Wasnt just a flush draw but a straight draw!

    Few hands later, i had been really aggro and min raised queens to see 67 shove , happy days! Snap call. Ace 6!

    xAx flop lol Nice hand sir!

    Fastforward to the final table, 3 handed i open shove pocket nines, called by 67's AK, flop nothin, turn dreaded ace haha

    Left with 6 bigs couple of hands later shove 77s, called by 9 10, yeah 9 on the flop gg!

    Very well played 67, for only a quid a fantastic tournie.

    Also a big very well done to flyer7 who came back from 1 bb at the final table to finish 2nd VEry well played

    I know it's only a tenner, and i never took it down, but was by far one of the best and most fun tournies i've ever played, tournament decider hand:

    flyer7197 Small blind  6000.00 6000.00 206786.00 67Bhoys Big blind  12000.00 18000.00 88876.25   Your hole cards 9 9       LARSON7 All-in  166337.75 184337.75 0.00 flyer7197 Fold     67Bhoys All-in  88876.25 273214.00 0.00 LARSON7 Unmatched bet  65461.50 207752.50 65461.50 67Bhoys Show K A    LARSON7 Show 9 9    Flop    5 7 Q       Turn    A       River    5       67Bhoys Win Two Pairs, Aces and 5s 207752.50

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    Came 2nd in DTD 3 tonight, was a really good night again.

    Would say monday night is the best one on Sky, loads of play for a fiver.

    And before it all start's always nice to get some money in the Syndicate Freeroll!

    First 2 DTD's i started out okish, got to when it was quite shallow and lost every race, about 5 in a row to exit both tournies.

    DTD3, yoyoed up and down, got a nice double up around about the bubble, and won another big pot to take me chip leader, which i held onto the FT. Was a really tough FT, the hardest one i've played on here.

    Played 3 handed for a good while, when Trev was knocked out.

    HU against Tssarr, we were really shallow, and i didn't get the hands, evetually  3 bet jamming KJ suited into KK, nh! Very well played Tssar.

    WAs some fantastic railing from JJ, Red King, k8lou. A big thanks, and some cracking banter between the 2 teams.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited August 2013
    well played tonight m8 good to know my chips went to good use lol.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    They did lol

    I owe you a drink in newcastle for that cooler tonight!
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: 100 MTT Games - Ah got a feelin:
    They did lol I owe you a drink in newcastle for that cooler tonight!
    Posted by LARSON7
    no need buddy, looking forward to this newcastle to get a good drink and also hopefully this time win some moniez lol
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    lol liam i'm backin you for the win


    Played just 1 tournie tonight the 8:50 B/Hunter ended up second.

    HU player kept shoving so i just had to bide my time, A4 seemed good enough (!) killing most of their range.

    AQ, and hut the nut flush on a 4 diamond board. Good game!
    New8972122780001£38.23 + £23.64 Head Prizes10 
    LARSON702£23.07 + £10.34 Head Prizes
    It's the 3rd FT in the last 5 Mtt's. So can't complain.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: 100 MTT Games - Ah got a feelin:
    lol liam i'm backin you for the win ------------------------------------- Played just 1 tournie tonight the 8:50 B/Hunter ended up second. HU player kept shoving so i just had to bide my time, A4 seemed good enough (!) killing most of their range. AQ, and hut the nut flush on a 4 diamond board. Good game! New897212 278000 1 £38.23 + £23.64 Head Prizes 10   LARSON7 0 2 £23.07 + £10.34 Head Prizes It's the 3rd FT in the last 5 Mtt's. So can't complain.
    Posted by LARSON7
    good going m8 3/5 ft`s is awesome well played.

    I`ve played 7mtts today just wanted to get away from cash for a bit and also tried they 3max mtts I really enjoyed them even though had no results but never ran that great in them near the money stage losing 2 60/40s and the £500 3max had an opponent got it in ahead 3/1 fav twice for them to bink and take me out sigh,also played the main and mini no luck in them so 7 mtts 0 cashes this why don`t play mtts a really do suck at them and don`t think I could handle the variance if played them everyday so I respect the mtt grinders a lot to do this.

    you got things sorted yet for newcastle? and lol backing me ftw
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    Sharkscope stats since i started the thread from 02/07/2013 to today.

    Mtt games played 113, this will include free rolls like the syndicate games and also 3 or 4 timed tournies.

    £3 Average Return, Average Stake, £1.74. Profit £339 with ROI of 125%.

    Really pleased I started this thread, and have shown some improvement in the time it has been going.

    I know the sample size may be small, but over that time I have cleared any deficit on Sharkscope. When it started, i was minus 400 on sharkscope overall, mtts were minus 270-300. Today my sharkscope overall is only down about a tenner (for everything) and in a positive for MTTs for the first time ever.

    There was some brilliant contributions at the start of this thread from many folk, thanks for the advice / feedback provided.

    And also to those who helped on the previous thread i put up in the pokerclinic "how to play mtts" or something like that.

    In particular i would like to thank Gaz and Kalie who have been instrumental in helping me improve my results understand of how to play MTTs. Just sitting at a table a few times in the DTD games with Kalie taught me heeps in its ownright!

    All these games have been played at ultra low stakes, i'll maybe start looking at sats to get into the bigger events, and the learning will begin all over again.

    There is still a lot i need to learn/ improve upon but that will come with time.

    I've done what i said when i started the thread, played my 100 mtt games! I've enjoyed having this "diary" and will hopefully continue you it in some way/ shape or format.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013

    Not yet liam lol Gonna get stuff sorted tomorrow.

    Thanks Donk, will do mate. You have a brilliant record in MTT's anything at all i'll just send you a message.

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited August 2013
    Nice one Larson.  Great results to date.  Im happy to help as always, although you might have to help me if it keeps going this way - maybe you can teach me how to win a flip???

    Anyway, very nice results.  I'll be playing in UKOPS (not Friday) - you should definitely sat for one or two - definitely the main on Sunday.  Its a great structure and really gives an advantage to those who know what they are doing in tournaments.  Give it a go!

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited August 2013
    I haven't followed this, since I don't follow any diaries. Just drawn in by the word "completed".

    Nice job and some fantastic results... I hope you're not expecting to maintain a 125% ROI in the long-run. lol
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited August 2013
    Nice going Larson - I know its only 113 but its a great start
  • Batkin88Batkin88 Member Posts: 1,682
    edited August 2013
    Good work but keep going you have shown great improvements I think you should really work on your sat game now. By doing this you will get in the bigger tournaments and eventually take one down or get some decent cashes. This will reduce your ROI but in the long run it is the best way to go as you can basically add 5% to your roll at the start with min cashes from miniscul BI's and only takes one deep run to double/triple it!

    Don't stop keep it going and keep looking to improve!
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