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Ah got a feelin



  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited September 2013
    lol this is definatly becoming a theme, made FT of 7:15 deepstack, 5 handed for 25 mins, blind on blind, limp limp, limpin with 13bb!!

    Got to the FT 2nd chip leader, but it was all pretty close, got it all in 99 v AQ, flop nothing, queen on the turn, down to 20k, get back up to 60k blinds 3/6k, card dead, eventually pick up 77 OTB, shove over a limper and SB and BB, blinds fold, limper calls AQ, Queen on the river. In the last 3 FT i've been on i've not won 1 flip, really annoying, it's becomin a trend!

    Thanks for the rail JJ, superb as ever.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited September 2013


    Didn't play 2 much at the start of Sept, due to the SPT and having a lot going on, i've played quite a bit the last couple of weeks of Sept (probably a bit to much!). Overall it's been a good month, i'm still on track to have withdraw £1000 by the end of the year. In the last week £120 pound has been withdrawn (profit for the week). Basically i keep my bankroll at a fixed level, any profit over that is withdrawn. Over the last few months, I have withdrawn in total about £1000, but i want to prove it wasn't just a heater i was on.

    Ended up playing Benc a couple of weeks ago in a few HU games, no idea if Ben's back on the site fulltime or whether he was just dropping in. Good to see you Ben, hopefuly things are working out well for you.

    MTTs in September

    Been a bit disapointed with these, only won 1 during the month but made loads of FT's. Has been a bit frustrating getting to the FT, normally about 2nd 3rd in chips to go out 4th or 5th cause everytime i'm racing i end up losing. The last 3 FT's i've lost 5 flips ina  row. Hopefully next month i can run a bit better at FT's. The money difference is so massive between 4th and 1st.  Ended up getting a graph of my MTTs (thanks ace gooner!) for Sept but not to sure how to add it in here, played about 41 for a profit of about £100. 


    Cash has went brilliant this month, i've played a lot more cash in Septemeber than i have for the last few months together. Only been playing 4nl and 10nl but has been very decent, i've been trying to sort out some of the leaks in my game which has went well. A few people have seen me play cash and generally the feedback has been quite decent. Maybe i'm a bit to loose, but it seems to be working for me. Yestreday i ended up over 10 bi's up from 4nl after 3 hours, which must be my record from 4nl in such a short timeframe.


    When i started this thread a few months ago Sharkscope was minus 400. I posted on the forum asking for my Stats, between MTT,s/ DYMs and HU games. Some guy commented "sorry to say, but it look's pretty bad" lol It was pretty bad. Initially i wanted to cut the deficit on sharkscope which was my main aim, did i expect to get into profit? To be honest i felt it was a long way off, so delighted that in September, for the first time since being on Sky, it is now in profit.


    Celtic Versus Barca tomorrow night, just hope it's not a thrashing! The team is weaker than it was last year, hope there can be a repeat of the famous victory last year, but notlikely.

    During the week Celtic lost to Morton in the cup. Celtic had something like 24 corners, and for all their pressure, just could not score. Celtic were pretty bad, but full credit to GM for one of the best results in their history, and there keeper who played the best match of his career.

    The forums

    Maybe it's just me but doesn't seem like the forum has been the same the last month, quite a lot of negative posts/ whats the password for the freefroll threads/  silly arguments. CCF has disappeared from the forum also, while a lot of people disliked him, he was always entertaing to read in his own unique  style, and when he over stepped the line he soon fell back into place. It's ashame to see him go. Despite all the negative stuff, there has also been some brilliant contributions, the best posts ever this month have appeared from Jac35, which puts poker and life into prespective. Alot of the diaries have disapeared as well, like Craigcu and Robbies, hope they are doing well, whether at poker or else where. Hopefully there's a bit more positivity on the forum for October!

    Going forward

    Going to keep doing what i'm doing trying to withdraw £1000 by xmas, and hopefully continuing to improve.

    Good luck everyone!

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feelin:
    September Didn't play 2 much at the start of Sept, due to the SPT and having a lot going on, i've played quite a bit the last couple of weeks of Sept (probably a bit to much!). Overall it's been a good month, i'm still on track to have withdraw £1000 by the end of the year. In the last week £120 pound has been withdrawn (profit for the week). Basically i keep my bankroll at a fixed level, any profit over that is withdrawn. Over the last few months, I have withdrawn in total about £1000, but i want to prove it wasn't just a heater i was on. Ended up playing Benc a couple of weeks ago in a few HU games, no idea if Ben's back on the site fulltime or whether he was just dropping in. Good to see you Ben, hopefuly things are working out well for you. MTTs in September Been a bit disapointed with these, only won 1 during the month but made loads of FT's. Has been a bit frustrating getting to the FT, normally about 2nd 3rd in chips to go out 4th or 5th cause everytime i'm racing i end up losing. The last 3 FT's i've lost 5 flips ina  row. Hopefully next month i can run a bit better at FT's. The money difference is so massive between 4th and 1st.  Ended up getting a graph of my MTTs (thanks ace gooner!) for Sept but not to sure how to add it in here, played about 41 for a profit of about £100.  Cash Cash has went brilliant this month, i've played a lot more cash in Septemeber than i have for the last few months together. Only been playing 4nl and 10nl but has been very decent, i've been trying to sort out some of the leaks in my game which has went well. A few people have seen me play cash and generally the feedback has been quite decent. Maybe i'm a bit to loose, but it seems to be working for me. Yestreday i ended up over 10 bi's up from 4nl after 3 hours, which must be my record from 4nl in such a short timeframe. Sharkscope When i started this thread a few months ago Sharkscope was minus 400. I posted on the forum asking for my Stats, between MTT,s/ DYMs and HU games. Some guy commented "sorry to say, but it look's pretty bad" lol It was pretty bad. Initially i wanted to cut the deficit on sharkscope which was my main aim, did i expect to get into profit? To be honest i felt it was a long way off, so delighted that in September, for the first time since being on Sky, it is now in profit. Football Celtic Versus Barca tomorrow night, just hope it's not a thrashing! The team is weaker than it was last year, hope there can be a repeat of the famous victory last year, but notlikely. D uring the week Celtic lost to Morton in the cup. Celtic had something like 24 corners, and for all their pressure, just could not score. Celtic were pretty bad, but full credit to GM for one of the best results in their history, and there keeper who played the best match of his career. The forums Maybe it's just me but doesn't seem like the forum has been the same the last month, quite a lot of negative posts/ whats the password for the freefroll threads/  silly arguments. CCF has disappeared from the forum also, while a lot of people disliked him, he was always entertaing to read in his own unique  style, and when he over stepped the line he soon fell back into place. It's ashame to see him go. Despite all the negative stuff, there has also been some brilliant contributions, the best posts ever this month have appeared from Jac35, which puts poker and life into prespective. Alot of the diaries have disapeared as well, like Craigcu and Robbies, hope they are doing well, whether at poker or else where. Hopefully there's a bit more positivity on the forum for October! Going forward Going to keep doing what i'm doing trying to withdraw £1000 by xmas, and hopefully continuing to improve. Good luck everyone!
    Posted by LARSON7

    I'm still here!  (Whether or not thats a good or a bad thing however...)

    Anyway.  Good to see you've had a great month.  It shows how much work you've put into your game over the last couple of months - posting HHs in clinic, asking forum regs for advice etc.

    Good to see its all paying off!

    I think its good that youre withdrawing money on a regular basis.  If anything it'l stop you moving up stakes too quick (something which im guilty of) and you can properly nail one limit before moving to the next.... plus its nice to actually get the money into your bank account to spend on what you want.

    September has been a good month for me too.  Lets hope it continues for the both of us.

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited September 2013
    Yeah definatly mate great reading your diary, both you and Kalie's. Forgot to mention Kalie, seems like she has disappeared too, which is a real shame!

    You have done brilliant mate, and glad it's been a good time for you too.

    The  reason i'm making withdrawels is when my account was up about 600-700 hundred, i had a tilting day and blew about 70-80 quid on tilt lol The easiest way to stop this (i decided)  was  keeping my balance quite small so i can't tilt! It is just so annoying saying i have to grind for 3/4 days (maybe even a week)  to get that money back after a silly session.

    Definatly it's decent knowing you are taking money out, if you don't do it, would be well worthwhile mate, especially how things are with your work just now. You have a great game and are doing really well, long may it continue for you.
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited September 2013
    Very well played pal delighted you are seeing improvements in your results and congrats on getting into profit.
    Best of luck for October and buy yourself something nice with the withdrawls you are making.

    I have pm you also.

  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited September 2013
    Keep up the good work mate.  If you ever have any questions about sick grinding you know where I am.

    Withdraw that £1k late December and go on a sick Xmas/NY pi** up?
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    Cheers lads.

    yeah 20nl bankroll or xmas money haha

    Any questions on sick grinding you are the man! I'll message you in a couple of weeks mate, prob won't be playing that much over the next couple of weeks.

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feelin:
    Cheers lads. yeah 20nl bankroll or xmas money haha Any questions on sick grinding you are the man! I'll message you in a couple of weeks mate, prob won't be playing that much over the next couple of weeks.
    Posted by LARSON7

    Yeah well If you want to know how to become a hugely average cash game player on 1 or 2 tables (AT THE SAME TIME) across an hours play.... then you know who to go to....


  • bencbenc Member Posts: 1,064
    edited October 2013
    Hey larson just got your message through my email, havn't played since i spoke to you i think i made like £2-£3 or something that day, to be honest i still wasn't really into it and didn't care if i was winning or losing witch is obviously not a good mindset to be in. I havn't had the urge to play again at all with lots of other things going on, . Strange how i went from grinding a £50 roll up this time last year playing thousands of HU, then multitabling cash in the promos easter doing 24 hour session and generally just always enjoying time i got to play to just cutting it out, it did pay for me to live well last year and holiday so i'm hoping the motivation comes back now its coming up to winter, need a hobby to take up some hours so i'm sure i'll be back soon enough grinding some sickening hours! Good to see things are going well for you, will check in from time to time to see how things are going, good luck with hitting targets and run well.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013

    Hey Ben

    You done brilliant last year, and was one of the inspirations behind me wanting to turn run quite a small amount up to a decent figure.

    lol was pretty epic your 24 hour grind.

    Look forward to seeing you back

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    Not played much this week, i have like 45 poker points!

    Volume could be an issue for me getting to 1k by xmas, work will be pretty intense between now and late November, then i can play some pokers in December! If i put in a good weekend session, i've prob got a reasonable chance at it.

    Ended up playing the 3 DTD games on Monday FT one of them, think i ended up 5th.

    Also FT a wed night deepstack game, 4th or 5th.

    Played 3 tournies tonight, the 7:15 and 7:45 deepstacks and the orfie, bit of a cooler to go out of the orfie, but FTed the other 2 deepstacks, finishing  3rd in both. Had a spell when i FT i was going onto win MTTs, but recently it's been loads of FTs and for some reason can't finish it off. Maybe it's just running bad at the latter stages or maybe i'm miss playing situations, hard to tell.

    I made a thread today about doing a charity thing through Sky, which involved "staking" me, profits, or my profits going to charity over 20 MTT games, but it wasn't allowed, which is fair enough.

    Tho i still think it would be a brilliant idea for Sky Poker to run some sort of charity event, it could be as simple as a tournament where sky donated all rake to a nominated charity. Maybe make it an annual thing.

    Despite poker being really competitive and involves losing/ winning money the vast majority of players are fantastic and i guess would be really supportive in doing something to support charity. 

    Running total, £150 withdrawn since 24/09, £850 to go!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    At the football today they were raising money for guide dogs for the blind.

    At the start of game when both team cames out, there was also 2 guide dogs,1 per team, to help with the fund raising/ promoting the charity.

    Firstly  it was Specsavers sponsoring Scottish Refs.

    Was only hoping it could go a step further guide dogs helping the ref's!! It would be a big improvement lol
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited October 2013
    Just thinking that Celtic must love Derby.
    You managed to sell us Pearson and Burley for around £4 million.
    Then you bought Commons from us for £300.000.

    It's possible that you've had slightly the better of the deals!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    Pearson did score a £60 million pound goal!

    Nae a bad ROI!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    Not played much this week so wanted to have a good day today just playing cash at 4nl.

    Started in the afternoon, ended up plus £3, then i had another session just before dinner, which i didn't play brilliant in at all, ended up down just over £3. One of my last hands was AK all in versus JJ for a whole stack, if i had won that would have been a profitable session. I wonder if there is every any point in getting AK all in pre for 100 bb at cash at the microstakes, the rake is just going to destroy any profit. At best i'm going to be flipping and it worst i'm totally dominated. Would have to say this is a losing play in the long run, really unlikely at 4nl some1 is getting in 100bb stack with a worse king! Needless to say the JJs held.

    Then tonight, started another session about 7, 6 tables, it started terribly, i was constantly topping up my stack and had a bit of a cooler to get stacked. Every draw i had never got there/ every continuation bet was getting re-raised, and every time i had a hand they were folding!!

    Ploughed on, and on one of my original tables got up to about £11, ditched the rest of the tables (i had managed to claw some money back) loaded up another 4 tables, and hut a bit of run good and totally crushed the 5 tables, was really sweet, just played the rush. Was really sweet too, everytime i value betted i was getting called, and every bluff was getting through (not that i bluff that much:D). In total i ended up about 7 Buy ins up, so from a shaky start has turned into a decentish day.

    Running total, £170 withdrawn since 24/09, £830 to go!
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feelin:
    Not played much this week so wanted to have a good day today just playing cash at 4nl. Started in the afternoon, ended up plus £3, then i had another session just before dinner, which i didn't play brilliant in at all, ended up down just over £3. One of my last hands was AK all in versus JJ for a whole stack, if i had won that would have been a profitable session. I wonder if there is every any point in getting AK all in pre for 100 bb at cash at the microstakes, the rake is just going to destroy any profit. At best i'm going to be flipping and it worst i'm totally dominated. Would have to say this is a losing play in the long run, really unlikely at 4nl some1 is getting in 100bb stack with a worse king! Needless to say the JJs held. Then tonight, started another session about 7, 6 tables, it started terribly, i was constantly topping up my stack and had a bit of a cooler to get stacked. Every draw i had never got there/ every continuation bet was getting re-raised, and every time i had a hand they were folding!! Ploughed on, and on one of my original tables got up to about £11, ditched the rest of the tables (i had managed to claw some money back) loaded up another 4 tables, and hut a bit of run good and totally crushed the 5 tables, was really sweet, just played the rush. Was really sweet too, everytime i value betted i was getting called, and every bluff was getting through (not that i bluff that much:D). In total i ended up about 7 Buy ins up, so from a shaky start has turned into a decentish day. Running total, £ 170 withdrawn since 24/09, £ 830 to go!
    Posted by LARSON7

    I think you've played enough 4nl to know that getting AK in pre is almost always correct!

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    Short but sweet!

    Monday and Tuesday were bad days. First bad period in a while.

    Mixture of playing bad and running bad. I'm down about £20 in the last couple of days. Not major, but a bit frustrating that through tilt I've thrown away money.

    It was a lot worse than minus £20, yesterday at 1 point I was minus £40 but clawed back £20 through cash.

    The biggest problem, and it always tilts me is Sats. I really need to stop playing these!

    I ended up getting into the main last night but prob spent about £8 in sats. Day before I played a few sats for the main event which was probably another 5 plus wasted.

    Basically I need to avoid sats!
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feelin:
    Short but sweet! Monday and Tuesday were bad days. First bad period in a while. Mixture of playing bad and running bad. I'm down about £20 in the last couple of days. Not major, but a bit frustrating that through tilt I've thrown away money. It was a lot worse than minus £20, yesterday at 1 point I was minus £40 but clawed back £20 through cash. The biggest problem, and it always tilts me is Sats. I really need to stop playing these! I ended up getting into the main last night but prob spent about £8 in sats. Day before I played a few sats for the main event which was probably another 5 plus wasted. Basically I need to avoid sats!
    Posted by LARSON7
    Looks like value to me?
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited October 2013
    In Response to Re: Ah got a feelin:
    Short but sweet! Monday and Tuesday were bad days. First bad period in a while. Mixture of playing bad and running bad. I'm down about £20 in the last couple of days. Not major, but a bit frustrating that through tilt I've thrown away money. It was a lot worse than minus £20, yesterday at 1 point I was minus £40 but clawed back £20 through cash. The biggest problem, and it always tilts me is Sats. I really need to stop playing these! I ended up getting into the main last night but prob spent about £8 in sats. Day before I played a few sats for the main event which was probably another 5 plus wasted. Basically I need to avoid sats!
    Posted by LARSON7
    No Henrik! The sats on Sky are generally pretty soft. If you're only chance of playing a ME is through a sat then just limit yourself to 2 or maybe 3. There is no greater feeling than taking down a Main Event after getting in for a fraction of the buy in....and yes I'm speaking from experience ;)

    A cash/FT/outright win in a ME can work wonders for your bankroll, so it's worth having a shot or 2 at some sats and giving yourself the opportunity of a big score should you bink a seat.

    Run well!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited October 2013
    You are both right! it's just a numbers game you aren't going to cash in every big event you get into or run deep, but from sating in you can get a big score, even a cash is a decent ROI if you sat in.

    Was annoying last night in the main a guy limped in, and called my shove with J7 (200 left), I had AJ they bink a 7 on the river.

    I agree totally that Sats are a good route into potentially achieving a big score.

    Right now, because of my "strategy" basically be as risk averse as possible to build up to £1000 (just playing games I know I can beat), i'm going to avoid sats, or maybe a maximum of 1 a week. Once I get to £1000, it'll be the second stage.

    It'll allow me money to play about with to enter sats, play bigger events, and go from there. 

    Once at a 1000, I will take punts (at mtts) to try and see the bankroll rocket up. 

    Right now its slowly slowly catch a monkey.
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