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Ah got a feelin



  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2013
    glad to hear that your doing well Larson.
    now I know who to ask for help with myself in MTT lol.
    that hand their was a call any day with him being on the button it increases the likelihood that you are still ahead was the case just a shame really that he hit his K and J.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    lol aye, the biggest thing is it's totally different to cash.

    Biggest thing learned you can't play them the same way, eg you cant be throwing away chips lol
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    Me neither mate, was pretty bad!
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    Biggest Pot if ever won playing poker, i knew it was coming
    mojoxx Small blind  £25.00 £25.00 £6525.00
    kamsha Big blind  £50.00 £75.00 £21909.86
    Dapig Sit out     
    LARSON7 Big blind  £50.00 £125.00 £965.00
      Your hole cards
    • 4
    • 7
    LARSON7 All-in  £965.00 £1090.00 £0.00
    Luscinia Fold     
    mojoxx Call  £990.00 £2080.00 £5535.00
    kamsha Call  £965.00 £3045.00 £20944.86
    • 9
    • 8
    • 10
    mojoxx Check     
    kamsha Check     
    • 6
    mojoxx Check     
    kamsha Check     
    • 9
    mojoxx Check     
    kamsha Check     
    LARSON7 Show
    • 4
    • 7
    mojoxx Muck
    • 6
    • 2
    kamsha Muck
    • 3
    • 3
    LARSON7 Win Straight to the 10 £3045.00
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: 100 MTT Games - Ah got a feelin:
    Biggest Pot if ever won playing poker, i knew it was coming mojoxx Small blind   £25.00 £25.00 £6525.00 kamsha Big blind   £50.00 £75.00 £21909.86 Dapig Sit out         LARSON7 Big blind   £50.00 £125.00 £965.00   Your hole cards 4 7       LARSON7 All-in   £965.00 £1090.00 £0.00 Luscinia Fold         mojoxx Call   £990.00 £2080.00 £5535.00 kamsha Call   £965.00 £3045.00 £20944.86 Flop     9 8 10       mojoxx Check         kamsha Check         Turn     6       mojoxx Check         kamsha Check         River     9       mojoxx Check         kamsha Check         LARSON7 Show 4 7       mojoxx Muck 6 2       kamsha Muck 3 3       LARSON7 Win Straight to the 10 £3045.00
    Posted by LARSON7
    ???? what? explain
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: 100 MTT Games - Ah got a feelin:
    In Response to Re: 100 MTT Games - Ah got a feelin : ???? what? explain
    Posted by gazza127
    lol ah had a feelin 3 7 was good
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: 100 MTT Games - Ah got a feelin:
    In Response to Re: 100 MTT Games - Ah got a feelin : lol ah had a feelin 3 7 was good
    Posted by LARSON7
    This has got to be a wind up.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2013
    creative use of an editor I assume - not April 1st though?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited August 2013

    Crushing the freeplay tables Henrik?
    Can tell coz they didn't respect your raises.

  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013

    lol im up to 3 k after 3 hands:D

    Some guy had 100 k at 1 table haha, i tried to buy in and it said i had sufficient funds in my account:(

    I need to grind my 3k

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited August 2013
    hey Larson
    hope you MTTs are continuing well.
    just thought I might ask if you play very many timed MTT
    in recent days I have had a try on some timed MTTs as well as the odd BH and in 3/5 I have did very well and managed to get a profit of over £15 in two of them which is TBH a similar amount to what I will expect to get in the 2.30 MTT.
    what I am starting to think is knowing that with timed tournament being so short sometime it could get players to get more tight atleast they seem tighter than those in BH MTTs
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    Won another MTT tonight was a fantastic tournie, the £1.10 7:45 deepstack.

    Love this tournie, my fave one on sky. Over 4 hours of fun for a quid lol
    Really happy with how I played all the way through, was chip leader 12 handed, and kept/ expanded on my stack all the way to 3 handed.

    HU I was playing against fellow tpt'er flyingdawgggg. Very well played sir coming back from a shortish stack to play HU.

    I made a lot of mistakes HU, was down to 5 bigs at 1 point but managed to win few hands in a row.

    I had K7, Dale min raised, and i jammed expecting a fold. Pocket 8s! A good chunk of my stack away.

    Couple of hands later, call raise with Kx, flop comes down x 8 A, i have nothing and try and bluff at it, leaving me severely shortstacked. Normally i'm quite tuned in at HU, maybe it's cause i've been playing for hours, a leak i'll need to fix.

    Thanks to JJ for railing, and a big shout out 2 3 barrels, had some cracking banter at the table.
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited August 2013
    N1 Larson! Good to see youve hit a nice little heater.  Keep it going. 
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    In Response to Re: 100 MTT Games - Ah got a feelin:
    hey Larson hope you MTTs are continuing well. just thought I might ask if you play very many timed MTT in recent days I have had a try on some timed MTTs as well as the odd BH and in 3/5 I have did very well and managed to get a profit of over £15 in two of them which is TBH a similar amount to what I will expect to get in the 2.30 MTT. what I am starting to think is knowing that with timed tournament being so short sometime it could get players to get more tight atleast they seem tighter than those in BH MTTs
    Posted by craigcu12
    Hey Craig

    Funny you mention it, i played 1 for the first time today about 5ish. It was a £3 15 minute one, i late regd in just before the close of late reg so only had 10 minutes to play.

    I seldom play them but my strategy, is to play pretty tight (you want to preserve chips) if you get a big hand i would just shove it, or if some1 has raised before, just go over the top of them.

    The blinds get really big to the starting stack. So i find most times you are getting called. Expecially if people are sitting with a short stack, they want to gamble to get back in it again.

    I would say theres not much point in bluffing in these, retaining chips is key.

    Unless you have a solid read on someone that says they are not calling, say blind on blind, and you are pretty confident they are raising to a fold.

    Good luck with them


    Thanks Gaz long may it continue:D

    UL in the main 2 night, i seen ur exit hand pretty sick, but you did the right thing can't do more than that,
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,131
    edited August 2013
    Nice win Larson m8....keep it up :)
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    Tonights been pretty bad poker wise lol

    Nothing big, about £12 quid down which includes, £6 mtt buy ins.

    First time in about 2 weeks, have not had a positive return from poker.

    The tournies, Orfie, AJ, oppo raises i call in SB, Flop AJx, i check oppo checks, turn 5 I bet am reraised, reraise again and he shoves but i'm pot stuck. Set of 5s, the river bricked.

    2 other tournies busted lateish on, AQ versus pocket 10s (twice) all in pre, 10s hold both times. I couldnt win a flip tonight.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013
    Played mastercash table last night after the above post.

    I was playing well, apart fromone hand where i done, a good chunk of my stack, played the hand really terrible, was going to fold then called with my straight, on a runner runner (turn river) flush board. Opponent bet 3/4 pot, i min raised?? for value, said if he shoved id fold. Then as the ticker was almost at 0 i thought he could have a set/ 2 pair type hand so called. Of course it was the flush. Really disapointed with how i played this hand.

    Yesterday (early hours today) was pretty bad. Confidence is down a bit, know it sounds stupid just how i feel right now. Going to take a break from playing for a good part of today, might play later on.

    Good luck everyone
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013

    Since my last post has been a really swingy time!

    I've been up and down like a Yoyo.Thankfully last night i finished on a high, and my bank rolls at the highest it's ever been.

    I made a few mistakes over the weekend, as well as a few bad beats.

    I was playing at 4nl, and there was a guy there, who lost about £40 quid over the period of an hour constantly reloading, he then challenged me to play him at 20nl HU. The old play really bad, and challenge them to a game of HU lol He was quite abnoxious too, never really experienced that 2 much while playing poker on the site. Later on he gota bit insulting haha, thought it was pretty funny some one would act like that.

    So i decided to play him because i was confident i'd win, but to be fair, i played pretty bad. His style was totally different, playing extremely nitty, not loose like on 4nl. He was quite easy to read, but i played a couple of hands badly and lost about a tenner. To be fair, the loss at 4nl was just for show, he was a reasonly strong player. Weird someone would do that, and at the end of the day he only made a tenner. I've never seen him on the site before, pretty sure he must play else where.

    As well as that, i made a good profit at 4nl, donated a lot of this away on the forum game, especially  Gaz when he busted my aces with 36, on a 45x board, all in on the flop, for a 7 to hit on the river. Had aces busted another couple of times by junk. That was the downside. The positive returns came from cash 4nl and mastercash tables. There was a bit of a maniac on the table last night, who ended up shoving A4 (ace high) on straighting board, i called him with my straight.   

    Mtts have not been going so good recently. I played the £1 deepie last night and went out quite early. Maniac raised, and i 3 bet with AK, he 4 bet jammed early doors, i snapped him off. He had JJ's which held. The last 4 MTTs ive not won 1 race, and atleast 2 if not 3 of those hands were AQ versus lower pairs.

    My confidence was really low after Friday, it was the first losing day i've had in about 15-20 days. I know it shouldn't have but it really annoyed me, and affected my decisions. I'm just glad i'm back up where i want to be.

    I'm hoping to break £500 and sometime within the next week, and overall i want to be up to £1000 in the next few months, Christmas at the latest. I'm noticing a lot of leaks, which if i can sort them out should speed up the process.

    I've been playing way 2 much recently, C4P so far this month is a tenner, normally this would be a months worth of poker. Might start trying to play on specific nights, and take a break away from it at other times.

    Just glad i was able to start today on a high point, instead of the starting it less than what my bankroll was on Friday night.

    Really want to get to Newcastle for the SPT, it's the closest one to where i live/ will be a good experience.

    I'd rather just buy in directly, but doesn't look like that's on the cards.

    Not a big fan of satelites for some reason. Due to the fact it's the only way to get into SPT Newcastle, i might give a couple of the £5 ones a go and see where it takes me. I'll need to look at the best way to play these, as it is quite a different game.

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited August 2013
    Come on Larson,
    Play in most sats is like regular tournaments but with a few tweaks.  Also in addition to a chunk of regs you will have the dreamers. Good mtt play coupled with the afore mentioned tweaks and the world of sats is your oyster. 
    Of course the SPT semi is one of the tougher ones, so practising first on the main sats is worthwhile.  Need to get a move on though. 
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited August 2013

    lol ok i'll give a few sats ago this week, and try for new castle later on in the week/ next weekend.

    The sats for the main, do you not have to play 2, £2 quid buy in, if u win that you then play in another to get qualification to the big game?

    Do like the idea that Kalie mentioned, if you sat in, even a min cash is really worthwhile.

    Well done on your deep run in the main last night, very nicely done!

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