In Response to Randyrambo best DYM player on sky : Gl dude! I hope you crush! If you don't mind me asking...... You have left your job to play poker full time? What is your starting Bankroll?? £20k??? Posted by macapaca
started with £30 only playing £1.15 and £2.25 games and ill build my roll then move to £3.30 and £5.50 then stick there.. £5.50 arent that high a standard and playing 3-40 a day can make you a good lift
In Response to Re: Randyrambo best DYM player on sky : started with £30 only playing £1.15 and £2.25 games and ill build my roll then move to £3.30 and £5.50 then stick there.. £5.50 arent that high a standard and playing 3-40 a day can make you a good lift Posted by randyrambo
You have left your job to play full time poker with a £30 BR??
In Response to Re: Randyrambo best DYM player on sky : started with £30 only playing £1.15 and £2.25 games and ill build my roll then move to £3.30 and £5.50 then stick there.. £5.50 arent that high a standard and playing 3-40 a day can make you a good lift Posted by randyrambo
In Response to Re: Randyrambo best DYM player on sky : Is this a joke post? Posted by macapaca
mate i could put £100 in or £200 but id rather grind it to start and get back into the swing off things and a feel for the table.. keep an eye on sharkscope ofthen and search me on tables for a chat
In Response to Re: Randyrambo best DYM player on sky : mate i could put £100 in or £200 but id rather grind it to start and get back into the swing off things and a feel for the table.. keep an eye on sharkscope ofthen and search me on tables for a chat Posted by randyrambo
/>OP Quit their job />Persues a career in gambling />Justifies talent with minute sample size />Chooses variant that's practically dead />"Watch me rise to the top"
/>OP Quit their job />Persues a career in gambling />Justifies talent with minute sample size />Chooses variant that's practically dead />"Watch me rise to the top" Good luck with that. inb4 busto Posted by Smitalos
guys i dont see how you think its wrong. ive done it before.. you play an average of 30-40 £5.50 games and win the vast majourity of them your up £100 everyday min, plus PLO cash and holdem cash tables
In Response to Re: Randyrambo best DYM player on sky : guys i dont see how you think its wrong. ive done it before.. you play an average of 30-40 £5.50 games and win the vast majourity of them your up £100 everyday min, plus PLO cash and holdem cash tables Posted by randyrambo
lol well done! £20 quid to a million, 2 easy. Posted by LARSON7
this post has got out of hand.. im a long time player on sky.. i know the standard and believe that am the best DYM player on sky.. ill build my roll and make a steady profit there on
IF you wana judge, judge.. but keep a close eye on my sharkscope weekly then come back with positive feedback and other that could help Posted by randyrambo
I'm judging on reasonable expectations based on logic and evidence.
Let's say you achieved an absolutely incredible ROI of 33.33% in DYMs at the £5 level, and were able to sustain that. This means you'd have to grind out 60 of these a DAY, to make £100. Or, 4 per hour to make ~£6.67 (around minimum wage).
This post isn't meant to tear down dreams, but to wrestle you back into reality. Your goals are unrealistic and borderline delusional. I would highly advise treating poker as a hobby. Even then, not persuing it as a serious career choice until (over a LARGE sample size), you're shown to be a consistant decent winner.
/>Persues a career in gambling
/>Justifies talent with minute sample size
/>Chooses variant that's practically dead
/>"Watch me rise to the top"
Good luck with that.
inb4 busto
Let's say you achieved an absolutely incredible ROI of 33.33% in DYMs at the £5 level, and were able to sustain that.
This means you'd have to grind out 60 of these a DAY, to make £100.
Or, 4 per hour to make ~£6.67 (around minimum wage).
This post isn't meant to tear down dreams, but to wrestle you back into reality. Your goals are unrealistic and borderline delusional. I would highly advise treating poker as a hobby. Even then, not persuing it as a serious career choice until (over a LARGE sample size), you're shown to be a consistant decent winner.