Another testing night & I knocked in £30. These are happening too frequently to be variance, I fancy.
Good fun though, but not as much higher value traffic as I had hoped or expected.
I enjoyed extremes of fortunes, having really good hands busted way more than we might expect, but busting Aces myself a good few times, including with flopped quad nines, which caused a little comment in the chat box, fair to say.......(I had called a raise early doors in position with A-2-9-9 DS).
I also hit quad two's on another table 5 minutes later but that was only a choppity-chop.
Played OK, but not great.
In one of the £11ers, we were 4 handed at 300-600, & the chap to my right LIMPED into my BB every single hand. So I potted it every time. And he folded every hand. He was playing, on average, a 5 BB stack. Some things are really hard to understand.
Having said all that, it's tough to beat these guys, it really is. Amazingly beautiful game, is POL8.
Batteries recharged, enthusiasm-o-meter at the max, I'll be back tonight, hopes high, full of optimism that I'll get the lot. Possibly.
PLO8 Advent Calendar, December 22nd Played 29 games. £3.30, P13, W10, L3 £5.50, P9, W6, L3 £11, P7, W4, L3 Total for day, P29, W20, = 69% Reward Points on night= 154 (+4 on target) Opening balance £1,452.17 Closing balance £1,486.77 Profit/Loss on day = £34.60 Month To date £3.30 P314, W174, L140 (55%) £5.50 P188, W100, L88 (53%) £11.00 P94, W52, L42 (55%) TOTAL = P596, W326, L270 (55%) Reward Points = 2,821 (+124 on target) Profit Loss to date on Month £20.10 Posted by Tikay10
In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Nice one Tony - back on track. Oh and humbugs all round :-) Posted by VespaPX
Thanks Mick.
Yeah, been running good & playing better, with much more confidence too.
What has helped is a change in the table dynamics in some off the games. We have, as you know, a few serial limpers, limp with 'owt, call with 'owt. We all know that's bad, & they'll all do their dough, but I do find it quite hard to play against them.
When in a big pot, I always try to figure what the Villain has, "assign a range" as the serious heads call it. But with these limpalong Larry's, it could, literally, be anything.
I potted it pre last night & my man, as expected, came along - he never folds ANY hand - & I thought the J-10-8 flop was pretty decent for my A-2-J-J hand, & I could not fugure he had any or much of that. His Q-9-8-8 was good enough, though. Not sure how anyone can call a raise pre with Q-9-8-8, but they do, & it is tough to put them on even an approx range.
But EvilPingu has been gracing us with his presence, & he's really a NLH player, so his ranges are not conventional, BUT, he plays the game beautifully, raise raise raise (or fold), & it's much easier to play these lads even though they put us under a lot of pressure. He does my work for me, in truth, I just sit & watch him bust everyone.
We had another rare visitor last night - Greg Hogg! Great to see him, not seen him in an age.
Last night's numbers are all over the place, because if the "issues" the site had. I was in several DYM's when the site went walkabout, so it's a bit awkward to know exactly how I ended.
So for reporting purposes, I'll use my Sharkscpe stats for the session & closing balance as the "actual". I did try looking at "My Account" to seee what was what, but it made my eyes bleed trying to figure that page out.
I'll also have to include the £15 odd I won in the Xmas Cracker thing, as I have nowhere else to allocate that. Over the long term, it does not make a lot of difference one way or the other.
Was a most peculiar evening though, more on which shortly. Certainly was a bit different......
PLO8 Advent Calendar, December 23rd Played 23 games. £3.30, P7, W5, L2 £5.50, P8, W4, L4 £11, P7, W8, L3 Total for day, P23, W12, = 52% Reward Points on night= 146 (-4 on target) Opening balance £1,486.77 Closing balance £1,480.91 Profit/Loss on day = £5.86 Month To date £3.30 P321, W179, L142 (56%) £5.50 P196, W104, L92 (53%) £11.00 P102, W55, L47 (54%) TOTAL = P619, W338, L281 (55%) Reward Points = 2,970 (+120 on target) Profit Loss to date on Month £15.34 Posted by Tikay10
It was going so well, too. Won 10 of the first 15, & was £19 up & I was really going well.
And then........I lost 6 on the bounce, crash bang wallop, 3 @ £11 & 3 @ £5.50, before rescuing the last 2 games.
In truth, I played awfully, as I was all over the shop, quite embarrassing really.
Then the site issues arose, & so I lost track of everything.
Earlier, it had been a bit much for me to cope with PLO8 DYM's at the same time as playing that Xmas Cracker thing, doing 2 phone calls to the Show, & trying to chat with the lads who were after my Bounty in the Xmas Cracker.
The phone calls sound easy, & I suppose they are, but it's all a bit much for me when I'm 4 or 5 tabling. First I get, & have to reply to, an IM from the Producer, then the phone call comes in, & you get placed on hold for 5 minutes. During this time, I can listen to Lord Smirk in the Studio waffling, & need to prepare my own waffle. All the time, the tables are binging & bonging, & folks asking questions. I seem to have lost a bit of mental dexterity of late, & it flusters me a tad. And, of course, we don't get Sync breaks in DYM's anyway, though it's hardly an irritation. The real world is a bit tougher than that.
Cliffs; - excuses, excuses, excuses.
Back for more punishment tonight.
One good thing is that I'll make the 3,000 Reward Points with a bit to spare. Ship me the £45+.
i.e. I will play x amount of £3 games, x amount of £5 games, x amount of £11 games.
Is it worth considering?
Edit I know its not always possible as its traffic dependant.
Also as an aside, how did you sleep last night knowing that there would be a few unhappy punters this morning? Don't know how you do it but all credit to you sir.
Quick question Tony. Do you plan a nights play beforehand? i.e. I will play x amount of £3 games, x amount of £5 games, x amount of £11 games. Is it worth considering? Edit I know its not always possible as its traffic dependant. Also as an aside, how did you sleep last night knowing that there would be a few unhappy punters this morning? Don't know how you do it but all credit to you sir. Posted by VespaPX
I wish I could plan like that, but there is not enoiugh trwffic to do so yet.
I'd happily have a £3 night, a £5 night & an £11 night. That would work better, as the players in each bracket are different, & I could judge their ranges better if I were only playing one level.
But this month;'s goal was to get 3,000 Reward Points, which required 20 nights @ 150 per night, so I had to play whatever was available to get my nightly 150.
Did I sleep OK, knowing the likely complaints & hoohah this morning? Nothing stops me sleeping, I'm afraid, but yeah, it really was a big disappointment to me personally, & I was quite down about it all last night. I'd just had a great run in the Xmas Cracker, was going well in my games, everything was fine & dandy, then, just ike that, it all went belly up.
I decided to stay off the Forum & deal with it all this morning, though I secretly hoped The Business would deal with it.
I got up at about 5.30 am, went & got a coffee & a paper, then opened the site, dreading what I'd see. It was not as bad as I feared, actually.
I intended to start it at about 7am, but then I saw threre was a scheduled oiutage for an hour, so I went & did my shopping up Tescos, then came back & got stuck in.
2 other poker matters (not Sky Poker matters, just poker) exercised me first thing this morning, too, & I wanted to deal with those, too. More on that later, maybe.
In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Oops. Edited now. I'll edit the "subsequents" when I do tomorrow's Report. It was a BAD night, lol. Posted by Tikay10
May need new beads on your Abacus ! Still not right :-)
I gave up NLH a while back, & only play it now when asked to do so, to support 861, or whatever. I'm hopeless at it, or think I am, though I've never been long on self-confidence.
It does not help knowing that my mistakes will be shown on TV, & Lord Smirk & Ryan will be analysing my every play. There's no level 5 with me, I just sort of nit up, play position, & steal the blinds now & then. Early doors I pretty much sit out in fact.
Anyway, off we go, I say "hi & gl" to everyone, nice table in that respect.
And I know straight away I've got a problem, as the kid to my left is very aggro, & good. ("poker75757").
And he starts pushing me around, lol. I find 8-8, & pop it up, he comes along, & I know he plans to get me off. Flop was 7-7-5, & I lead out, & he reraises me! I should have stuck it back in his eye, of course, but I might look really silly on TV, & I want, for pride & ego reasons, to do as well as the other "Guest" players, Channing, Thewy, Anna, Ross etc. And I have a phone-in scheduled for 9pm, Lord Smirk will rip me a new one if I'm out before that.
I call (lol) his re-raise, the turn was a Q. He bullies me off, sigh.
Then I found A-Qcc, & get looked up by a lad I know from PLO8, & I know he's a bit loose. Nice flop please.....
It came K high (ugh), but 2 clubs. Bet, raise, call.
Turn is another club, I have the abso nuts, & it all goes in. He has a decent king, no clubs, I'm doubled up, yay. As it happens, the River came a 4th club.
Oohh, now I have chips, & can calm down for a bit, & stop fretting.
Then I find J-J, pop it up, 3 callers, marv. 9 high flop, I c-Bet, they all fold like good little children. Phew.
Next orbit, J-J again, & I get re-popped this time. I 4 bet him - me, 4 betting! & he calls. We see an 8 high flop (how good do I run?) & I bet again, he folds. Some sort of Ace, I guess.
Then I find K-K & get set in by A-9, but I hold.
I'm cooking now, so exciting!
Now I start nicking a few blinds, & calling the shorties when they jam. I was ahead every time, & held every time.
Late stages now. I take off with A-5, & get looked up by A-6, but I get a lucky chop.
Then I find A-6 & run into A-7, lol. He hits his 7, but that gives me an unlikely straight & I bust him, too.
As you can gather, not much skill involved, just play my hands & see how it pans out.
Aces now. Guy raised in front of me, I click it back, then a kid round the back shoves on me! I make the Hero Call, he has 7-7 & does not improve. I'm 4th of around 30 remaining now, happy days.
Meanwhile, I'm doing the phone-in to the Show, & juggling 4 PL)8 DYM's. The two games (NLH & PLO8) do NOT mix well, nor do the 2 formats (MTT late stages & shallow DYM's), & my head is getting in a bit of a tizz.
Anyway, I have 65k @ 2,000-4,000, so it's crash bang wallop time.
Lad jams on me, I have A-K, & make the call for 90% of my stack. Think that's standard. He has the dream match-up for me, KQ. This is for the chip lead.
No queen, no queen, no queen I mutter.
And there was no queen. Even better, I flopped my ace, BOOM!
Only then did I click - the flop, without a queen, was A-J-10, & he'd flopped perfect.
The dream was over, & I exited a few hands later.
No idea where I finished, Sharkscope does not seem to have reported it. Think it was 20th or somewhere around there.
Huge fun, really enjoyed it, & my adrenelin was racing, & I was buzzing, love the game.
Carried on for a bit with my DYM's, did another phone-in, & then the outage happened.
It was like a balloon that had been burst, I went from a high to a low in seconds.
Silly really, it's only poker, but it does have an amazingly powerful effect on our minds.
Getting busted in unlikely fashion, losing 6 straight DYM's, (the pride hurts..), the site outage, bla bla. Deffo a game where you need a bit of mettle. But the real world is the thing that puts in it perspective, & a game of poker means nothing.
Watched "Wild Scotland" on Nat Geo for an hour, then the U2 Documentary about Joshua Tree, & then went to bed, & read my book for an hour.
Awoke bright & early this morning, plum forgotten about the KQ affair, but decided I had best face the outage music.
And tonight, we get back on the poker bike, just like that, yesterday's memories all erased, hope springs anew.
I have e-mailed you two documents that should help my titanic problem again I would gratful for any comments or advice
PLO8 Advent Calendar, December 20th
Played 30 games.
£3.30, P17, W6, L11
£5.50, P6, W4, L2
£11, P7, W3, L4
Total for day, P30, W13, = 43%
Reward Points on night= 151 (+1 on target)
Opening balance £1,472.37
Closing balance £1,442.27
Profit/Loss on day = £30.10
Month To date
£3.30 P284, W153, L131 (54%)
£5.50 P171, W89, L82 (52%)
£11.00 P81, W45, L36 (56%)
TOTAL = P535, W285, L250 (53%)
Reward Points = 2,519 (+119 on target)
Profit Loss to date on Month £24.40
Another testing night & I knocked in £30. These are happening too frequently to be variance, I fancy.
Good fun though, but not as much higher value traffic as I had hoped or expected.
I enjoyed extremes of fortunes, having really good hands busted way more than we might expect, but busting Aces myself a good few times, including with flopped quad nines, which caused a little comment in the chat box, fair to say.......(I had called a raise early doors in position with A-2-9-9 DS).
I also hit quad two's on another table 5 minutes later but that was only a choppity-chop.
Played OK, but not great.
In one of the £11ers, we were 4 handed at 300-600, & the chap to my right LIMPED into my BB every single hand. So I potted it every time. And he folded every hand. He was playing, on average, a 5 BB stack. Some things are really hard to understand.
Having said all that, it's tough to beat these guys, it really is. Amazingly beautiful game, is POL8.
Batteries recharged, enthusiasm-o-meter at the max, I'll be back tonight, hopes high, full of optimism that I'll get the lot. Possibly.
See you later.
PLO8 Advent Calendar, December 21st
Played 31 games.
£3.30, P17, W11, L6
£5.50, P8, W5, L3
£11, P6, W3, L3
Total for day, P31, W19, = 61%
Reward Points on night= 151 (+1 on target)
Opening balance £1,442.27
Closing balance £1,452.17
Profit/Loss on day = £9.90
Month To date
£3.30 P301, W164, L137 (54%)
£5.50 P179, W94, L85 (53%)
£11.00 P87, W48, L39 (55%)
TOTAL = P567, W306, L261 (54%)
Reward Points = 2,670 (+120 on target)
Profit Loss to date on Month £14.50
PLO8 Advent Calendar, December 22nd
Played 29 games.
£3.30, P13, W10, L3
£5.50, P9, W6, L3
£11, P7, W4, L3
Total for day, P29, W20, = 69%
Reward Points on night= 154 (+4 on target)
Opening balance £1,452.17
Closing balance £1,486.77
Profit/Loss on day = £34.60
Month To date
£3.30 P314, W174, L140 (55%)
£5.50 P188, W100, L88 (53%)
£11.00 P94, W52, L42 (55%)
TOTAL = P596, W326, L270 (55%)
Reward Points = 2,821 (+124 on target)
Profit Loss to date on Month £20.10
Oh and humbugs all round :-)
Yeah, been running good & playing better, with much more confidence too.
What has helped is a change in the table dynamics in some off the games. We have, as you know, a few serial limpers, limp with 'owt, call with 'owt. We all know that's bad, & they'll all do their dough, but I do find it quite hard to play against them.
When in a big pot, I always try to figure what the Villain has, "assign a range" as the serious heads call it. But with these limpalong Larry's, it could, literally, be anything.
I potted it pre last night & my man, as expected, came along - he never folds ANY hand - & I thought the J-10-8 flop was pretty decent for my A-2-J-J hand, & I could not fugure he had any or much of that. His Q-9-8-8 was good enough, though. Not sure how anyone can call a raise pre with Q-9-8-8, but they do, & it is tough to put them on even an approx range.
But EvilPingu has been gracing us with his presence, & he's really a NLH player, so his ranges are not conventional, BUT, he plays the game beautifully, raise raise raise (or fold), & it's much easier to play these lads even though they put us under a lot of pressure. He does my work for me, in truth, I just sit & watch him bust everyone.
We had another rare visitor last night - Greg Hogg! Great to see him, not seen him in an age.
Last night's numbers are all over the place, because if the "issues" the site had. I was in several DYM's when the site went walkabout, so it's a bit awkward to know exactly how I ended.
So for reporting purposes, I'll use my Sharkscpe stats for the session & closing balance as the "actual". I did try looking at "My Account" to seee what was what, but it made my eyes bleed trying to figure that page out.
I'll also have to include the £15 odd I won in the Xmas Cracker thing, as I have nowhere else to allocate that. Over the long term, it does not make a lot of difference one way or the other.
Was a most peculiar evening though, more on which shortly. Certainly was a bit different......
Anyway, first, the numbers....
PLO8 Advent Calendar, December 23rd
Played 23 games.
£3.30, P7, W5, L2
£5.50, P8, W4, L4
£11, P8, W3, L5
Total for day, P23, W12, = 52%
Reward Points on night= 146 (-4 on target)
Opening balance £1,486.77
Closing balance £1,480.91
Profit/Loss on day = £5.86
Month To date
£3.30 P321, W179, L142 (56%)
£5.50 P196, W104, L92 (53%)
£11.00 P102, W55, L47 (54%)
TOTAL = P619, W338, L281 (55%)
Reward Points = 2,970 (+120 on target)
Profit Loss to date on Month £15.34
£11, P7, W8, L3
So, some poor numbers there.
It was going so well, too. Won 10 of the first 15, & was £19 up & I was really going well.
And then........I lost 6 on the bounce, crash bang wallop, 3 @ £11 & 3 @ £5.50, before rescuing the last 2 games.
In truth, I played awfully, as I was all over the shop, quite embarrassing really.
Then the site issues arose, & so I lost track of everything.
Earlier, it had been a bit much for me to cope with PLO8 DYM's at the same time as playing that Xmas Cracker thing, doing 2 phone calls to the Show, & trying to chat with the lads who were after my Bounty in the Xmas Cracker.
The phone calls sound easy, & I suppose they are, but it's all a bit much for me when I'm 4 or 5 tabling. First I get, & have to reply to, an IM from the Producer, then the phone call comes in, & you get placed on hold for 5 minutes. During this time, I can listen to Lord Smirk in the Studio waffling, & need to prepare my own waffle. All the time, the tables are binging & bonging, & folks asking questions. I seem to have lost a bit of mental dexterity of late, & it flusters me a tad. And, of course, we don't get Sync breaks in DYM's anyway, though it's hardly an irritation. The real world is a bit tougher than that.
Cliffs; - excuses, excuses, excuses.
Back for more punishment tonight.
One good thing is that I'll make the 3,000 Reward Points with a bit to spare. Ship me the £45+.
Do you plan a nights play beforehand?
I will play x amount of £3 games, x amount of £5 games, x amount of £11 games.
Is it worth considering?
I know its not always possible as its traffic dependant.
Also as an aside, how did you sleep last night knowing that there would be a few unhappy punters this morning?
Don't know how you do it but all credit to you sir.
Edited now.
I'll edit the "subsequents" when I do tomorrow's Report.
It was a BAD night, lol.
I'd happily have a £3 night, a £5 night & an £11 night. That would work better, as the players in each bracket are different, & I could judge their ranges better if I were only playing one level.
But this month;'s goal was to get 3,000 Reward Points, which required 20 nights @ 150 per night, so I had to play whatever was available to get my nightly 150.
Did I sleep OK, knowing the likely complaints & hoohah this morning? Nothing stops me sleeping, I'm afraid, but yeah, it really was a big disappointment to me personally, & I was quite down about it all last night. I'd just had a great run in the Xmas Cracker, was going well in my games, everything was fine & dandy, then, just ike that, it all went belly up.
I decided to stay off the Forum & deal with it all this morning, though I secretly hoped The Business would deal with it.
I got up at about 5.30 am, went & got a coffee & a paper, then opened the site, dreading what I'd see. It was not as bad as I feared, actually.
I intended to start it at about 7am, but then I saw threre was a scheduled oiutage for an hour, so I went & did my shopping up Tescos, then came back & got stuck in.
2 other poker matters (not Sky Poker matters, just poker) exercised me first thing this morning, too, & I wanted to deal with those, too. More on that later, maybe.
May need new beads on your Abacus !
Still not right :-)
I played the Xmas Cracker thing last night.
I gave up NLH a while back, & only play it now when asked to do so, to support 861, or whatever. I'm hopeless at it, or think I am, though I've never been long on self-confidence.
It does not help knowing that my mistakes will be shown on TV, & Lord Smirk & Ryan will be analysing my every play. There's no level 5 with me, I just sort of nit up, play position, & steal the blinds now & then. Early doors I pretty much sit out in fact.
Anyway, off we go, I say "hi & gl" to everyone, nice table in that respect.
And I know straight away I've got a problem, as the kid to my left is very aggro, & good. ("poker75757").
And he starts pushing me around, lol. I find 8-8, & pop it up, he comes along, & I know he plans to get me off. Flop was 7-7-5, & I lead out, & he reraises me! I should have stuck it back in his eye, of course, but I might look really silly on TV, & I want, for pride & ego reasons, to do as well as the other "Guest" players, Channing, Thewy, Anna, Ross etc. And I have a phone-in scheduled for 9pm, Lord Smirk will rip me a new one if I'm out before that.
I call (lol) his re-raise, the turn was a Q. He bullies me off, sigh.
Then I found A-Qcc, & get looked up by a lad I know from PLO8, & I know he's a bit loose. Nice flop please.....
It came K high (ugh), but 2 clubs. Bet, raise, call.
Turn is another club, I have the abso nuts, & it all goes in. He has a decent king, no clubs, I'm doubled up, yay. As it happens, the River came a 4th club.
Oohh, now I have chips, & can calm down for a bit, & stop fretting.
Then I find J-J, pop it up, 3 callers, marv. 9 high flop, I c-Bet, they all fold like good little children. Phew.
Next orbit, J-J again, & I get re-popped this time. I 4 bet him - me, 4 betting! & he calls. We see an 8 high flop (how good do I run?) & I bet again, he folds. Some sort of Ace, I guess.
Then I find K-K & get set in by A-9, but I hold.
I'm cooking now, so exciting!
Now I start nicking a few blinds, & calling the shorties when they jam. I was ahead every time, & held every time.
Late stages now. I take off with A-5, & get looked up by A-6, but I get a lucky chop.
Then I find A-6 & run into A-7, lol. He hits his 7, but that gives me an unlikely straight & I bust him, too.
As you can gather, not much skill involved, just play my hands & see how it pans out.
Aces now. Guy raised in front of me, I click it back, then a kid round the back shoves on me! I make the Hero Call, he has 7-7 & does not improve. I'm 4th of around 30 remaining now, happy days.
Meanwhile, I'm doing the phone-in to the Show, & juggling 4 PL)8 DYM's. The two games (NLH & PLO8) do NOT mix well, nor do the 2 formats (MTT late stages & shallow DYM's), & my head is getting in a bit of a tizz.
Anyway, I have 65k @ 2,000-4,000, so it's crash bang wallop time.
Lad jams on me, I have A-K, & make the call for 90% of my stack. Think that's standard. He has the dream match-up for me, KQ. This is for the chip lead.
No queen, no queen, no queen I mutter.
And there was no queen. Even better, I flopped my ace, BOOM!
Only then did I click - the flop, without a queen, was A-J-10, & he'd flopped perfect.
The dream was over, & I exited a few hands later.
No idea where I finished, Sharkscope does not seem to have reported it. Think it was 20th or somewhere around there.
Huge fun, really enjoyed it, & my adrenelin was racing, & I was buzzing, love the game.
Carried on for a bit with my DYM's, did another phone-in, & then the outage happened.
It was like a balloon that had been burst, I went from a high to a low in seconds.
Silly really, it's only poker, but it does have an amazingly powerful effect on our minds.
Getting busted in unlikely fashion, losing 6 straight DYM's, (the pride hurts..), the site outage, bla bla. Deffo a game where you need a bit of mettle. But the real world is the thing that puts in it perspective, & a game of poker means nothing.
Watched "Wild Scotland" on Nat Geo for an hour, then the U2 Documentary about Joshua Tree, & then went to bed, & read my book for an hour.
Awoke bright & early this morning, plum forgotten about the KQ affair, but decided I had best face the outage music.
And tonight, we get back on the poker bike, just like that, yesterday's memories all erased, hope springs anew.
What a great game, & life.
As long as the closing balances are correct, really, in the long term, thats all that matters, though I do prefer the numbers to be accurate, obv.
If time permits, I'll have a proper look tomorrow.