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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : 5 or 6? please no - that thought is worse than TKs head on a sexy elf body (well not quite worse)
    Posted by Phantom66
    I had occasion recently to end up "Heads Up" in a 6 card PLO8 MTT, in "Live" Poker.
    This was a new experience for me, never happened before.

    I mean, really, even for Nitty Mc Nit like me, there is just about no hand that you should or can fold pre when Heads Up in 6 Card PLO8. We were playing pretty deep, too.  

    It was incred. I lost, obv.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited December 2014

    I wonder how long a DYM would take to finish if it were No Limit.
    6 Card, NLO8!
    Given right players, I'd guess 4 minutes would be the average.

    Sky! Get on the case. It's a cash cow for you waiting to happen!
    Heck, there's just about enough cards to make it 7 card NLO8.
    That should bring the average game time down by another 90 seconds, to a nice trim 2 and a half minutes

  • HotwhealsHotwheals Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    "Hotwheals" returned to the £11 PLO8 DYM's last night after a lengthy absence, & promptly won all 5 games @ £11, which takes a bit of doing I'd say.    He has such a great game, everything he does makes sense, & is technically correct. I doubt many PLO8 players on Sky Poker are as profitable as he is, & certainly, from what I've seen, nonr play the game so well. His strategy is so, so, simple, but so so good. Essentially, it's all about starting hand ranges, & he has them completely sussed. Play good starting hands &, over time, you'lll win, play bad starting hands & eventually you'll knock it all in, it's that simple. Anyway, I welcomed him back, & he told me had had been very unwell lately - firstly he had a heart attack, & then a cancer scare (test results awaited). You probably know that his alias is because he has a wheelchair, or so I understand. Just wanted to say, if he is reading this, very best of luck with those tests, & hope all is soon well again. Top, top, bloke.
    Posted by Tikay10

    Thanks mate :)

  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited December 2014
    I missed TKs post, what with my current fun regarding daft starting hand ranges.

    All the best Hotwheals, positive thoughts, positive thoughts.

  • Phantom66Phantom66 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited December 2014

    Welcome back to the forum and the tables even though that has just put a dent in my EV on PLO8.

    WP in the Sunday roller too.

    Wishing some rungood on those test results
  • HotwhealsHotwheals Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I missed TKs post, what with my current fun regarding daft starting hand ranges. All the best Hotwheals, positive thoughts, positive thoughts. xx
    Posted by Macacgirl1
    Thanks Macacgirl and phontom66 :)
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited December 2014
    c'mon Hottie
    was trying to think of something deep to say but not very good at these things
    so i'll just say glgl
  • HotwhealsHotwheals Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    c'mon Hottie was trying to think of something deep to say but not very good at these things so i'll just say glgl
    Posted by GELDY
    Thanks GELDY :)
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited December 2014
    May I add my best wishes to hot wheals,and fingers crossed for good news with the test results.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    You missed a starting hand in your range Macacgirl Any double suited hand. Got notes on one player who will literally play ANY 2 ds cards, limp or calling a pot raise doesnt matter 9955ds Q973ds its all good
    Posted by Phantom66
    Wow you have posted my list of best starting hands! I'm rumbled ;)
  • AmarieAmarie Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2014
    Hi all, just wanted to let you know that tonight will be my last night at the tables until the New Year, I'm off to the sun for two weeks!!

    Please treat Mr K with the respect at the tables that he deserves!!

    Have a great festive season, and i wish you all health and happiness for 2015

    Best wishes


  • HotwhealsHotwheals Member Posts: 337
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    May I add my best wishes to hot wheals,and fingers crossed for good news with the test results.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Thanks mate :)

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi all, just wanted to let you know that tonight will be my last night at the tables until the New Year, I'm off to the sun for two weeks!! Please treat Mr K with the respect at the tables that he deserves!! Have a great festive season, and i wish you all health and happiness for 2015 Best wishes Mother xxx
    Posted by Amarie
    Have a good one Anne
    See you in the New year x
  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    edited December 2014
    Hi Tony
    I have not played much recently but when I have I have played badly and coupled with a very small amount of run bad I have run up a rather impressive loss in a short space of time. That was until tonight........ I was not picking on you , I know you know that , but playing two £11 games I got the cards at the right times and knocked you out of both.
    Do you think you need to play regularly to play optimally? I have found myself too eager to play and have ended up in hands when I know I should not be in them. Inevitably that ends up in pain financially.
    I have also noted a depressing lack of chat, especially in regards to your favorite time of year,carols and party foods.
    I myself love the festive period and will be spending a lot of time with family so am unsure how much I will be able to play.
    May I take this opportunity to wish you and all ploppers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and enjoyable poker playing New Year
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi Tony I have not played much recently but when I have I have played badly and coupled with a very small amount of run bad I have run up a rather impressive loss in a short space of time. That was until tonight........ I was not picking on you , I know you know that , but playing two £11 games I got the cards at the right times and knocked you out of both. Do you think you need to play regularly to play optimally? I have found myself too eager to play and have ended up in hands when I know I should not be in them. Inevitably that ends up in pain financially. I have also noted a depressing lack of chat, especially in regards to your favorite time of year,carols and party foods. I myself love the festive period and will be spending a lot of time with family so am unsure how much I will be able to play. May I take this opportunity to wish you and all ploppers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and enjoyable poker playing New Year Nick
    Posted by pompeynic

    In the one where you had the Aces, I'm not sure I should have done the old 4 bet - generally, I try to avoid confrontation with good players, who understand ranges, until the Blinds are big & we are obliged to take our chance. Thing is, when I 4 bet, you are the sort of guy who is good enough to fold, as you have on many occasions. It just happens you had the absolutes this time. Think my hand was something like A-Q-2-5 or similar. If the Blinds were 150-300 or bigger, I'm never folding that unless facing a 4 bet before it gets to me. (The Blinds were much smaller on this occasion). Think, perhaps, I should have let go this time. 

    It's a minor inconvenience ("outrage" is the current poker-speak) that the Table closes so quickly after we go busto, as it takes me a while to untick "Hide Full Tables", find the particular game, & then load the table again to say "wp, good luck", but I did do so last night, hope you saw it.
    Have a great Xmas & New Year Nick, & in 2015, I certainly hope you enjoy better health than in 2014.
    I love seeing how much your game has improved in 2014, I really do.   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi Tony I have not played much recently but when I have I have played badly and coupled with a very small amount of run bad I have run up a rather impressive loss in a short space of time. That was until tonight........ I was not picking on you , I know you know that , but playing two £11 games I got the cards at the right times and knocked you out of both. Do you think you need to play regularly to play optimally? I have found myself too eager to play and have ended up in hands when I know I should not be in them. Inevitably that ends up in pain financially. I have also noted a depressing lack of chat, especially in regards to your favorite time of year,carols and party foods. I myself love the festive period and will be spending a lot of time with family so am unsure how much I will be able to play. May I take this opportunity to wish you and all ploppers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and enjoyable poker playing New Year Nick
    Posted by pompeynic

    When I return after a short break, I'm like a kid in a sweet shop, I can't help myself.
    As you know, I missed much of November, but now my hunger for the game has re-doubled, & I'm making a few mistakes, so I need to calm down a bit.

    I called down a guy to the river last night just because I had a low-draw, though it did have several other improvers. They all missed, & I think it was maybe the worst play I have made in 2015. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi all, just wanted to let you know that tonight will be my last night at the tables until the New Year, I'm off to the sun for two weeks!! Please treat Mr K with the respect at the tables that he deserves!! Have a great festive season, and i wish you all health and happiness for 2015 Best wishes Mother xxx
    Posted by Amarie
    Have a lovely break Mother, your Blinds will be much missed.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346
    edited December 2014

    Apologies Mother, I mean't YOU will be much missed. As well as your Blinds.
  • dragon1964dragon1964 Member Posts: 3,054
    edited December 2014

     Come on now Tikay, you are just doing it to test us now.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,346
    edited December 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
     Come on now Tikay, you are just doing it to test us now.
    Posted by dragon1964
    Morning Dragon.

    I'm not at all sure what that means, but I'll take a stab in the dark.

    Is it Vicky Coren related?
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