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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015

    2015 Opening Balance = £1,520.48

    17th January.

    £3.30, P0, W0

    £5.50, P22 W12

    £11, P13 W7

    Total = P35, W19, L16

    Profit/Loss on day £4.00

    Month to date;

    £3.30, P25, W14 (56%)

    £5.50, P139, W83 (60%)

    £11, P43, W26 (60%)

    Total, P207, W123, Game-Count 59%

    Closing balance £1,629.54

    Profit/Loss on Month £109.10

    Profit/Loss per game = £0.53
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015

    Biggest session of the month, by a long chalk. Who would have ever imagined 13 £11 PLO8 DYM's running in a single night? It used to take me a month to play that many.

    Again, I missed the break, & after winning the first 2, I lost an amazing SEVEN in a row to put me £40 down. Don't think I did much wrong, just fell very much the wrong side of variance.
    It was all damage limitation after that, & as luck would have it, won 4 of the last 5 to end up with a small loss (£4) on the night. For context, I spent £24 in Reg Fees during the session.
    Couple of new players in the game, one in particular was VERY impressive indeed & busted me repeatedly. His first few games had been a bit meh, but once he got the hang of it, he played amazingly well. More on him (or her) later.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015

    2015 Opening Balance = £1,520.48

    18th January.

    £3.30, P0, W0

    £5.50, P16 W10

    £11, P5 W1

    Total = P21, W11, L10

    Profit/Loss on day £23.00

    Month to date;

    £3.30, P25, W14 (56%)

    £5.50, P 155, W93 (60%)

    £11, P48, W27 (56%)

    Total, P228, W134, Game-Count 59%

    Closing balance £1,606.54

    Profit/Loss on Month £86.10

    Profit/Loss per game = £0.38
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015

    When I Posted the line below, the Forum Software forced me to insert a space between the "P" & the "1"...... as without a space, it was prohibited. It's like they know I have a leak.

    £5.50, P 155, W93 (60%)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015

    BRUTAL session, losing 4 for 5 @ £11 was a real cruncher, & despite winning the overall game count, a nasty £23 loss ensued.

    I was getting my money jn good every single time. Just one of those nights.

    A sort of sense that all is not well arose in my mind, I am having to struggle to even stand still. It's like I'm starting a downswing, but am just about hanging in.

    So much is between our ears in this game. I sense I'm not playing wll enough though - can't keep finding excuses. May have to tweak a few things.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015

    2015 Opening Balance = £1,520.48

    19th January.

    £3.30, P0, W0

    £5.50, P14 W3

    £11, P2 W1

    Total = P16, W4, L12

    Profit/Loss on day £49.00

    Month to date;

    £3.30, P25, W14 (56%)

    £5.50, P 169, W96 (57%)

    £11, P50, W28 (56%)

    Total, P244, W138, Game-Count 56%

    Closing balance £1,557.54

    Profit/Loss on Month £37.10

    Profit/Loss per game = £0.15
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015



    Played 16, Won FOUR

    It gets better though. 

    I won 3 of the last 4!

    So I was 1 for 12 at one stage, ONE WIN IN 12 GAMES!

    No excuses, no finger pointing, it was just outdraw city.

    Someone mention "clusters" the other day. Not wrong.
    Anyway, that's destroyed all the metrics for January in one fell sweep. 

    What a game this is!

    I ran out of ways to lose hands, it was incred.
    Pretty sure my play was not good, either, once we get in a big hole, we tend to "press" too hard. 

    One lol hamnd which was a clear error, but a bit of a cooler, was v trevil25. 

    The flop was J-J-10, & I was holding 10-10........
    When Trev showed strength, I KNEW he had the J, but I don't know his kicker. Tough spot, as he'd go all-in with the bare J anyway, & can still hit his kicker.

    As it turned out, her never had a kicker -he had J-J in his hand, & had flopped quads!

    Pretty sure I should have let go, but when you are chasing losses, the foot tends to stick the accelerator to the floor.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2015

    Don't do this to us Teeks,

    I was looking forward to this update to cheer up the community,....
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Nooooooo Don't do this to us Teeks, I was looking forward to this update to cheer up the community,....
    Posted by GELDY

    Not finished yet. It may get better. Or worse. Only 1 more to do.

    You are right about the Community though.

    Did you ever see so much bickering, "digs" & general angst on what is supposed to be a place we come along to so that we can have a bit of fun, & relax? 

    It's very sad, imo. It's not restricted to this Forum, of course, it's the way things are these days, people behave very oddly Online, & quite different (& pleasant) in real life.
  • bluffulot6bluffulot6 Member Posts: 68
    edited January 2015
    Stick in there Mr things will turn in your favor again very soon I've not played much this week on afternoons but I will be back Friday I'm running around 1pound per game profit this month 

    Hopefully I keep the run going for the remaining part of the month 
    Then give it a real push in Feb when I'm looking to everything plo or plo8 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015

    2015 Opening Balance = £1,520.48

    20th January.

    £3.30, P0, W0

    £5.50, P22 W13

    £11, P5 W3

    Total = P27, W16, L11

    Profit/Loss on day £14.00

    Month to date;

    £3.30, P25, W14 (56%)

    £5.50, P 191, W109 (57%)

    £11, P 55, W31 (56%)

    Total, P271, W154, Game-Count 57%

    Closing balance £1,571.54

    Profit/Loss on Month £51.06

    Profit/Loss per game = £0.19
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    When I Posted the line below, the Forum Software forced me to insert a space between the "P" & the "1"...... as without a space, it was prohibited. It's like they know I have a leak. £5.50, P 155 , W93 (60%)
    Posted by Tikay10


    60% still looks pretty good Tikay. Onwards and upwards!
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    When I Posted the line below, the Forum Software forced me to insert a space between the "P" & the "1"...... as without a space, it was prohibited. It's like they know I have a leak. £5.50, P 155 , W93 (60%)
    Posted by Tikay10

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Ha! Not finished yet. It may get better. Or worse. Only 1 more to do. You are right about the Community though. Did you ever see so much bickering, "digs" & general angst on what is supposed to be a place we come along to so that we can have a bit of fun, & relax?  It's very sad, imo. It's not restricted to this Forum, of course, it's the way things are these days, people behave very oddly Online, & quite different (& pleasant) in real life.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Getting more like a school playground every day !
    Used to like reading the forum posts in the mornings, but don't bother anymore, apart from this one obv :-)

    Heaven knows what a new player must make of it all after hearing so much of the great community on the show.

    Cutting down on the DYM's for a while and trying a few cheap PLO8 mtt's in the evenings, just for a change.
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited January 2015
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Ha! Not finished yet. It may get better. Or worse. Only 1 more to do. You are right about the Community though. Did you ever see so much bickering, "digs" & general angst on what is supposed to be a place we come along to so that we can have a bit of fun, & relax?  It's very sad, imo. It's not restricted to this Forum, of course, it's the way things are these days, people behave very oddly Online, & quite different (& pleasant) in real life.  
    Posted by Tikay10

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015

    So, yesterday's session.

    After Monday's bloodbath, I was curiously nervous & lacking confidence. Which is pretty dumb, really. I've played the game for 15 years, can roll with the punches, handle them beats, & am playing £5 & £10 games from a £1,500+ roll, all of which I won playing these DYM's. And yet, one bad night & my head is in tatters. It's ridic, really.
    Anyway, it went ok-ish, & I turned a small profit, so that felt better. In fact, as the session went on, I felt more & more confident, & the cards seem to start falling nicely, too. I do need to improve a few things though, the results are just not good enough.
    My last session tonight for a few days. Doing the Show tomorrow, am unavailable Friday & Saturday, & might just play the UKIPT PLO @ The Hippodrome on Sunday. Lol @ me fretting about £5 DYM's, then considering playing a £220 Live Event stuffed full of Pros & Grinders. I must be mad. 

    Will play again on Monday, do the Show on Tuesday, then maybe play the GUKPT 4/5/6 PLO @ The Vic on Thursday which is a £165 Single Re-Entry, so will play a bit fast early. That'll be another £330 then.

    I've not played "Live" for months, & I miss the feel of riffling chips, & the "snap-snap-snap" or real playing cards.
    Meanwhile, I'll have a little fret about tonight's £5 & £10 DYM's.
    Epic scenes, it's complete madness. 

  • TENTENTENTENTENTEN Member Posts: 481
    edited January 2015
    good luck tikay sure you'll crush
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited January 2015

    Thanks lads, appreciate the Posts, never realised anyone still read this Diary.


    "_kagawa" has been playing some of the PLO8 jobbies, he's a cracking lad, very amiable & pleasant, & has a great game. Think he's usually a HU player, but good to see him here.

    Another player joined us late last week, too, new to Sky Poker I think. Won't name him, as we have not spoke (he does not respond in the chat-box) so it's a bit indiscrete to give the game away.

    He was a bit wobbly at first, but since then he has battered the Tables. He must be winning close to 70% of his games.

    And he does everything just right, never ever limps beyond Level 3 or 4, & his ranges are impeccable. Very hard to beat, & another welcome addition.

    The more of these guys the better, imo. 

    "Eon", the oldest player on Sky Poker, has been in amazing form, too, might just br the most improved PLO8 player on Sky Poker in the last year.
    Even MOTHER has been beating the Tables up.
    All good to see. Except MOTHER, obv.   
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited January 2015
    Glad you are playing tonight Mr. K
    Inbetween pouring Calamine lotion over my head, I might just try to find the time to play properly and get right on your wick!
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,660
    edited January 2015

    Nice to see you posting again Tikay. Look forward to seeing you on the tables this evening.

    Run well at the live events, not this evening obviously, I'd like to have a winning session!

    I have sent you a pm on an unrelated matter rather than clog up your thread with such things.



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