Have a fantastic time Mr K, say hello to Mt Charleston for me, (I still dont understand how a place so beautiful can be so near the desert, but wow what a place, and what views!) Both me and the father still talk about it and how grateful we are for you mentioning it.
Be lucky on the tables, and dont forget we need lots of updates
Enjoy the lattes and the sticky buns
(Missing you already)
PS Does your downswing coincide with me playing more of the 2 card game?
In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Hi Andrew, Not forgotten this, & it will very likely happen. The thing they are juggling with is that whereas Turbo PLO8's will certainly add more interest & players, it will split the liquidity, & we may end up with inadequate traffic in either. Anyway, bear with them, & it will very likely happen soon. I'll certainly support it - I'm not generally a fan of Turbo stuff, but if I adjust my ranges I think I'd be OK, & the beauty of Turbos is they it enables us to fit a lot more games (& thus more Reward Points) into a session. Hope all is well with you & yours. Posted by Tikay10
Thanks a lot for chasing this up Tony.
After your recent mobile phone dramas, winning a bracelet should be a breeze.
In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Morning Karen, & apologies to both my readers for lack of updates of late, I've been a bit busy with, you know, things, & stuff. Hope all is well with you Karen, also with your broody Son & of course Mr DoorMat. Quick "Team Plop" Update for you, & I have to start with some very sad news. Think you may have still been here when we lost "happysilve", which was terrible news. Unfortunately, in April, "sparrolegs" passed away very suddenly. I know we always say this, but they were both such lovely ladies, & never said a bad word or harboured an evil thought. It's so sad, & so unfair. The thread about Caroline, aka sparrolegs, is HERE That apart, all is good here, & the usual crew are, for the most part, still here. weecheez is a full time member now, & has quickly become very solid & proficient. We have a NKOTB too, "markycash", who has really shaken things up, he has an amazingly good game, & has made many of us realise - certainly me - that we needed to improve our game if we want to remain profitable. He's a genuinely good guy, too, ready & willing to help anyone with good advice. Not seen Eon on the PLO8 Tables much recently, he seems to have moved across to the Dark Side, & be playing NLH these days. The sole remaining Identical Twin seems to have moved on, too, not seen him here in months. Mr "You live in the same town so must be colluding" graces us with his presence now & then, & I've yet to see him say a nice thing about anyone or anything. Not entirely sure I'd like to meet someone so full of dislike for anyone & everyone. Generally, though, the atmo remains very good, & we rarely see any bad blood on the tables, & the players are a credit to the game, & Sky Poker. An occasional visitor these days is FILIPSEBO. Very unusual style, raises EVERY hand, & pots EVERY street, so we have to adjust our game v him. When he frequents the £11 & £16.50 tables (yes, we have a £16.50 table now) it gets a bit exciting, I can tell you, but at the moment he is mostly playing the 50p & £1 versions. "Adzbo" is another new regular, & a very good one, too, got a lovely "correct" game. The other regulars are all still here - Brian, AJ, Vespa, Lynn, Ger (who won nearly £1,000 over the last 2 weeks in Promo MTT's), Hendo, Phantom, Whizzy, Alexis, jorzar, Eddie, Chiggy, Penguin, botneck, & of course, dear beloved Jod. So there you are, a quick round up. Seriously, & I mean this - we miss you. * * May be untrue. xxx Posted by Tikay10
I just KNEW it was a bad idea to name my friends & regulars from the PLO8 Tables - I was bound to miss a few. And I did.
Have a fantastic time Mr K, say hello to Mt Charleston for me, (I still dont understand how a place so beautiful can be so near the desert, but wow what a place, and what views!) Both me and the father still talk about it and how grateful we are for you mentioning it. Be lucky on the tables, and dont forget we need lots of updates Enjoy the lattes and the sticky buns Mother xxxx (Missing you already) PS Does your downswing coincide with me playing more of the 2 card game? Posted by Amarie
Mt C is just THE best, very much like the West Highlands of Scotland, but better weather.
And yes, how can somewhere just 30 minutes drive from Las Vegas be so beautiful. Pine trees in thick woods, snow-topped mountains, spectacular views of the Las Vegas valley far below.
We'll be having breakfast & dinner there next week (Gill & I), & then when the Sky Poker Host team arrive, Mr Channing & Co, &'ll take them all up there for a sort of welcome brekkie, as I did last year.
Breakfast in the open air, up in the mountains, is just wonderful.
Gill is a bit of a fiend for tat shops, so she'll spend fortunes in the Mt C & Spring Mountain Gift Shops. She even purchased Mt C Xmas decorations last year.
And yes, I probably played better when you were not on my table. When you & Karen start nattering, it's so distracting......
Where you flying from Tikay and what times your flight? First class I presume. What type of aircraft will you be travelling on? I'm abit of a flightradar24 geek
Where you flying from Tikay and what times your flight? First class I presume. What type of aircraft will you be travelling on? I'm abit of a flightradar24 geek Posted by Donttelmum
You are a FR24 regular? Oh my word, me too, we should get married, & have geeky children and things.
Gatwick, Virgin Atlantic, 10.30, VS43, PE.
Am at Gatters now, having breakfast in an eatery which overlooks the apron.
Gatters might just be one of the busiest single runway airports in the world, certainly top 5.
Will keep an eye on the updates and cheer you on from the virtual rail.
See you in July.