In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : You are a FR24 regular? Oh my word, me too, we should get married, & have geeky children and things. Gatwick, Virgin Atlantic, 10.30, VS43, PE. Am at Gatters now, having breakfast in an eatery which overlooks the apron. Gatters might just be one of the busiest single runway airports in the world, certainly top 5. Posted by Tikay10
I'm on FR24 now watching live. Tell the pilot he's driving the wrong way! He's going towards the A23 instead of the runway
In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : You are a FR24 regular? Oh my word, me too, we should get married, & have geeky children and things. Gatwick, Virgin Atlantic, 10.30, VS43, PE. Am at Gatters now, having breakfast in an eatery which overlooks the apron. Gatters might just be one of the busiest single runway airports in the world, certainly top 5. Posted by Tikay10
Come on Tikay, I'd have thought you of all people would know its the busiest single runway airport in the world.
Whats PE like on Virgin? Wasn't overly impressed with BAs PE offering in January, though once you've flown business everything else is turdd in comparison
Can't believe some of you even followed the flight - what a great tool FR24 is.
Anyway, the adventure is over, & I'm back home. Had an absolute blast, best ever Vegas trip. 4 nice cashes, too, which made it profitable, including 2 WSOP cashes, (36th in the $1,500 PLO, for $4,901, & 56th in the $3,000 PLO8, for $4,873). Also chopped a 7-Max Big O comp at PH for $3,500, & was 9th in a $600 Big O @ Venetian for $2,361. Chirp ends.
Sad to see we don't have many diaries on the go right now - even Grumpy Paul has quit - so I'll try & rev this one up a bit, & maybe encourage others to do Diaries.
I got back home Tuesday afternoon, & could not wait to get back playing again - I never played a hand of poker in Vegas for the last 10 days, as I was working, so I needed my fix.
Somehow managed to lose £6.65 over 15 games on Tuesday, hardly setting the world on fire, but made £28.75 last night over 31 games.
The most surprising thing was the levels of traffic - to be able to play 31 PLO8 DYM's in a single session on a hot July night is really an eye-opener. Bodes well for the Autumn & winter.
For those not familiar, "Big O" is 5 card PLO8, & is easily my favourite game. When I was not playing Tourneys in Vegas, I played Big O cash most nights at The Rio, had about 12 sessions in all.
There is a significant difference in starting hand ranges in Big O - we can raise, or call, much much wider. However, at showdown, we need to be much tighter. Bear in mind that 5 cards in our hand = 10 (TEN) different 2 card combos, so we never give free cards in Big O.
Sadly, Sky Poker don't offer Big O - I expect 'Stars do, & maybe 1 or 2 others, & I should not encourage anyone to play elsewhere - but if you get chance to give it a spin, you really should, it is a truly beautiful game, & one in which you really need to think your way through the streets.
Saw most of the usual names & faces last night, plus a sprinkling of newcomers. Was particularly impressed by Chris_Mc, who I had not seen playing these before.
Also played a chap (I assume it was a chap) with the excellent alias of 25". They don't come much shorter than that.
Barny, as in FCHD, joined us for a few games, & after I did a scoop, he typed "we love scoopios" or something similar. Unforch, the villain got very upset about that, & we got a shower of abuse. How to win friends & influence people, eh?
Saw most of the usual names & faces last night, plus a sprinkling of newcomers. Was particularly impressed by Chris_Mc, who I had not seen playing these before. Also played a chap (I assume it was a chap) with the excellent alias of 25". They don't come much shorter than that. Barny, as in FCHD, joined us for a few games, & after I did a scoop, he typed "we love scoopios" or something similar. Unforch, the villain got very upset about that, & we got a shower of abuse. How to win friends & influence people, eh? See some of you later, all being well. Posted by Tikay10
played in the same game it was unfortunate he took it the wrong way but i suppose thinggs like that happen when more people join played in some great games and the new people keep me on my toes long may it continue gl
Welcome back and good to hear traffic is back up. Wanted to play last night but jetlag and the 48 hour+ return journey had got the better of me. Will try and play a load and help the traffic more over the coming weeks.
Couldn't agree more with the sentiments about 'Big O'.
Welcome back and good to hear traffic is back up. Wanted to play last night but jetlag and the 48 hour+ return journey had got the better of me. Will try and play a load and help the traffic more over the coming weeks. Couldn't agree more with the sentiments about 'Big O'. Posted by markycash
Saw most of the usual names & faces last night, plus a sprinkling of newcomers. Was particularly impressed by Chris_Mc, who I had not seen playing these before. Also played a chap (I assume it was a chap) with the excellent alias of 25". They don't come much shorter than that. Barny, as in FCHD, joined us for a few games, & after I did a scoop, he typed "we love scoopios" or something similar. Unforch, the villain got very upset about that, & we got a shower of abuse. How to win friends & influence people, eh? See some of you later, all being well. Posted by Tikay10
cheers tikay always nice to read that!!!!
But i have played before, was probally about 2 years ago now, u gave me a few pointers in it but didnt really get round to giving it a good go,
been a busy couple of years, moving out our rented house.... well shafted out is a better descriptioon, then saving to purchase our own home for the family which in the last 3 weeks has grown by one with the arrival of my second daughter Sophie.
Havent really had a chance to play and just starting to get back to playing online as i love poker even if im not a winning player! but seem to have got attacthed to the plo8 and not even thinking about a hold'em game at the minute. I feel im playing ok but there are times where im still lost. but im either running exxtremely good and lucky or im doing things ok beecause im winnning more than losing.
Can't believe some of you even followed the flight - what a great tool FR24 is. Anyway, the adventure is over, & I'm back home. Had an absolute blast, best ever Vegas trip. 4 nice cashes, too, which made it profitable, including 2 WSOP cashes, (36th in the $1,500 PLO, for $4,901, & 56th in the $3,000 PLO8, for $4,873). Also chopped a 7-Max Big O comp at PH for $3,500, & was 9th in a $600 Big O @ Venetian for $2,361. Chirp ends. Sad to see we don't have many diaries on the go right now - even Grumpy Paul has quit - so I'll try & rev this one up a bit, & maybe encourage others to do Diaries. I got back home Tuesday afternoon, & could not wait to get back playing again - I never played a hand of poker in Vegas for the last 10 days, as I was working, so I needed my fix. Somehow managed to lose £6.65 over 15 games on Tuesday, hardly setting the world on fire, but made £28.75 last night over 31 games. The most surprising thing was the levels of traffic - to be able to play 31 PLO8 DYM's in a single session on a hot July night is really an eye-opener. Bodes well for the Autumn & winter. Posted by Tikay10
It's amazing the lengths the bumhunters will go to when the easy money is back in town.
In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : It's amazing the lengths the bumhunters will go to when the easy money is back in town. Posted by dragon1964
A+ for that.
It's true those boys bumhunt me, too.
I played a session last night, & at around 10.30, the games were starting to dry up, & I was hungry, so I decided to call it a night. I was regged for a bunch of games, including a £16.50 affair, which 5 of us had regged for, but which had not started.
The moment I de-regged, the other 4 all de-regged too......
Make of that what you will. When we can't recognize the value, we generally ARE the value.
Sounds like everyone had a great time on another very successful sky trip. I am sure they all appreciate the excellent work you all put in to make everyone welcome. I was particularly pleased to hear that Ned made it and appeared to have a whale of a time after his pre trip nerves. WP all concerned. Posted by dragon1964
Thanks, appreciated, & yes, Ned had a blast.
Some explanation of how the team organised the stuff is in order.
Dan & I were based & stayed at The Rio, so we could be "above the shop" & so get started at 8am every morning, & our main tasks were Videos, Live Updates, & Blogs. The Live Updates were particularly testing, due to DPA issues, & the fact that as tables broke we lost track of where the players were sitting. Believe me, finding a single player amongst several thousand, spread across 3 rooms, was a perfect nightmare. The time difference did not help, either, as it meant I was typing away all night & there was no interaction, as everybody back home was tucked up in bed.
Sam, Mark & Liz were based over at Palazzo, so they looked after the players at that end.
I do have one (well maybe several...) weakness, & that is I simply don't do alcohol, & I feel extremely uncomfortable being amongst the company of folks who are drinking. I'm not a very sociable animal either - it's not that I don't get along with everyone, I just feel a bit of a misfit in mixed drinking company. I'm also terrible at remembering names, & who is who. I just don't do that sort of stuff at all well.
So I went across for the Welcome Party & Leaving Party, but slid away quietly after a few hours before it all got too much for me. They then all went clubbing & drinking, & some of those sessions were all-nighters I gather. To ne honest, if you offered me £5,000 to spend a night clubbing & drinking, I'd have to turn it down - I have a sort of phobia about it. Happiness was going back to my room & reading a book for a hour.
Luckily, Sam & Mark - especially Sam - are ideally suited to spending all night drinking.
Meanwhile, back at home, & I had another good session last night, & managed a whopping 287 points due to Happy Days.
33 games in all, at every buy-in from £1.15 right up to £16.50. I do OK at £11 & £16.50, so in theory I ought to bash up the £1.15 & £2.25 games, but it simply does not work like that. Last night looked like this......
£1.15 - P6, W3, L3
£2.25 - P4, W3, L1
£3.30 - P13, W6, L7
£5.50 - P6, W5, L1
£11 - P2, W1, L1
£16.50 - P2, W2, L0
In total, P33, W20, L13, for a profit of £27.20, + 286 points.
I was cruising to the 2nd £11 win, too, but then I got Jodded. Honestly, he's unbelievably hard to read, he really is.
Happy with things so far, £50 up after my first 3 sessions post Vegas. I'd be happy with that every week, I really would.
Only a short session tonight, as Gill is heading down for the weekend, so I'll need to quit at around 8pm, but I'll maybe manage 10 or 15 games first. No poker for me tomorrow, as we are off to the seaside, on a train, & we have even - wait for it - hired a Beach Hut for the day. From a 5 star swanky hotel in Las Vegas, to a Beach Hut, all in the same week.
*edit - he's sorted it now
Just got Tikay's flight on screen and see it has the poker player's heaven - God's River, Manitoba.
Can't believe some of you even followed the flight - what a great tool FR24 is.
Anyway, the adventure is over, & I'm back home. Had an absolute blast, best ever Vegas trip. 4 nice cashes, too, which made it profitable, including 2 WSOP cashes, (36th in the $1,500 PLO, for $4,901, & 56th in the $3,000 PLO8, for $4,873). Also chopped a 7-Max Big O comp at PH for $3,500, & was 9th in a $600 Big O @ Venetian for $2,361. Chirp ends.
Sad to see we don't have many diaries on the go right now - even Grumpy Paul has quit - so I'll try & rev this one up a bit, & maybe encourage others to do Diaries.
I got back home Tuesday afternoon, & could not wait to get back playing again - I never played a hand of poker in Vegas for the last 10 days, as I was working, so I needed my fix.
Somehow managed to lose £6.65 over 15 games on Tuesday, hardly setting the world on fire, but made £28.75 last night over 31 games.
The most surprising thing was the levels of traffic - to be able to play 31 PLO8 DYM's in a single session on a hot July night is really an eye-opener. Bodes well for the Autumn & winter.
For those not familiar, "Big O" is 5 card PLO8, & is easily my favourite game. When I was not playing Tourneys in Vegas, I played Big O cash most nights at The Rio, had about 12 sessions in all.
There is a significant difference in starting hand ranges in Big O - we can raise, or call, much much wider. However, at showdown, we need to be much tighter. Bear in mind that 5 cards in our hand = 10 (TEN) different 2 card combos, so we never give free cards in Big O.
Sadly, Sky Poker don't offer Big O - I expect 'Stars do, & maybe 1 or 2 others, & I should not encourage anyone to play elsewhere - but if you get chance to give it a spin, you really should, it is a truly beautiful game, & one in which you really need to think your way through the streets.
Saw most of the usual names & faces last night, plus a sprinkling of newcomers. Was particularly impressed by Chris_Mc, who I had not seen playing these before.
Also played a chap (I assume it was a chap) with the excellent alias of 25". They don't come much shorter than that.
Barny, as in FCHD, joined us for a few games, & after I did a scoop, he typed "we love scoopios" or something similar. Unforch, the villain got very upset about that, & we got a shower of abuse. How to win friends & influence people, eh?
See some of you later, all being well.
Couldn't agree more with the sentiments about 'Big O'.
It's true those boys bumhunt me, too.
I played a session last night, & at around 10.30, the games were starting to dry up, & I was hungry, so I decided to call it a night. I was regged for a bunch of games, including a £16.50 affair, which 5 of us had regged for, but which had not started.
The moment I de-regged, the other 4 all de-regged too......
Make of that what you will. When we can't recognize the value, we generally ARE the value.
Some explanation of how the team organised the stuff is in order.
Dan & I were based & stayed at The Rio, so we could be "above the shop" & so get started at 8am every morning, & our main tasks were Videos, Live Updates, & Blogs. The Live Updates were particularly testing, due to DPA issues, & the fact that as tables broke we lost track of where the players were sitting. Believe me, finding a single player amongst several thousand, spread across 3 rooms, was a perfect nightmare. The time difference did not help, either, as it meant I was typing away all night & there was no interaction, as everybody back home was tucked up in bed.
Sam, Mark & Liz were based over at Palazzo, so they looked after the players at that end.
I do have one (well maybe several...) weakness, & that is I simply don't do alcohol, & I feel extremely uncomfortable being amongst the company of folks who are drinking. I'm not a very sociable animal either - it's not that I don't get along with everyone, I just feel a bit of a misfit in mixed drinking company. I'm also terrible at remembering names, & who is who. I just don't do that sort of stuff at all well.
So I went across for the Welcome Party & Leaving Party, but slid away quietly after a few hours before it all got too much for me. They then all went clubbing & drinking, & some of those sessions were all-nighters I gather. To ne honest, if you offered me £5,000 to spend a night clubbing & drinking, I'd have to turn it down - I have a sort of phobia about it. Happiness was going back to my room & reading a book for a hour.
Luckily, Sam & Mark - especially Sam - are ideally suited to spending all night drinking.
It's was a real Jack Spratt & his missus thing.
Meanwhile, back at home, & I had another good session last night, & managed a whopping 287 points due to Happy Days.
33 games in all, at every buy-in from £1.15 right up to £16.50. I do OK at £11 & £16.50, so in theory I ought to bash up the £1.15 & £2.25 games, but it simply does not work like that. Last night looked like this......
£1.15 - P6, W3, L3
£2.25 - P4, W3, L1
£3.30 - P13, W6, L7
£5.50 - P6, W5, L1
£11 - P2, W1, L1
£16.50 - P2, W2, L0
In total, P33, W20, L13, for a profit of £27.20, + 286 points.
I was cruising to the 2nd £11 win, too, but then I got Jodded. Honestly, he's unbelievably hard to read, he really is.
Happy with things so far, £50 up after my first 3 sessions post Vegas. I'd be happy with that every week, I really would.
Only a short session tonight, as Gill is heading down for the weekend, so I'll need to quit at around 8pm, but I'll maybe manage 10 or 15 games first. No poker for me tomorrow, as we are off to the seaside, on a train, & we have even - wait for it - hired a Beach Hut for the day. From a 5 star swanky hotel in Las Vegas, to a Beach Hut, all in the same week.
Be back on Sunday though, for a full session.
Have a great weekend, whatever your plans.