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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Anyone who has made a success of their life will have haters, so take it as a compliment. In my opinion you're an absolute legend and it will be a very sad day for poker/Sky Poker when you do decide to retire. You are the main person who has inspired me to try and develop my poker ability with all your involvment on the forums, all your videos for the site and your passion really - it has been very motivating! I just wanted you to know that :-)
    Posted by peter27
    Thank you Peter, & Mr Tune for the +1.

    As you may have guessed, I'm in a slightly reflective mood today, but I'm going to swerve the reply to that until tomorrow, in case I say something I regret. One day, though, I'll tell you a simply amazing story.
    For now though, thank you very much, you cannot begin to imagine how much that means to me.

    Interestingly, this Post is the 1,000 on this little thread, so I want to add something.
    When I sit & play these little poker sessions, it is THE great escape from me. All the woes, ills, worries, all the baggage of life, disappears when I'm playing poker, I'm in my own little world, & I love it there. 

    We hear plenty of bad things about poker, & some of the people that populate it, but it's a wonderful game, far more so than most of us realise. It's like your girlfriend, or wifey, or Mum or Dad - you ought to tell them how much you care now & then.     
  • Macacgirl1Macacgirl1 Member Posts: 865
    edited February 2014
    Ahhhh, TK sounds all reflective today. I blame the diet, slimmer soup, tut tut, get some fruit in your tummy.

    TK is absolutely right, Ger is a diamond.  I love sitting at a table with him,  Not only is he a fantastic player, he's a very nice chap.

    I've found your comments about people playing low cards interesting TK.  There are of course lots of players [thankfully] who think A2xx is the best hand in the world, they play that hand super strong in the early levels. That's something I don't understand. However, in the later levels and especially if short stacked, A234 A245 A236, all those sort of hands, especially if dual suited, I think are worth going with. Right or wrong, I don't know, I'm no maths genius. If I play hands like that, I'm not doing so to hopefully take half the pot, I'm doing so with the chance of taking the lot. I always assumed everyone thought like that, I had no idea that it was a general opinion that people are playing those type of hands in an attempt to chop pot only.
    If you are talking about people who call a pot raise on the turn simply because they have a nut low draw and are drawing to nowt else, then yes I agree 100%. That's lunacy.

    And yes, Poker is the beautiful game. Forget that nonsense thing of grown men running around a field kicking a ball!  I've yet to see a game of poker end 0-0 with one player feigning injury!

    Have fun, good luck and eat your greens.
  • alexis74alexis74 Member Posts: 5
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Wow, nights don't go much better than that. Needless to say, I ran ultra-good all evening. After the dark days of January, when I could not seem to do much right, February has been the complete opposite (so far....) & that was the 6th profitable night on the bounce, & puts me a whopping £238 ahead in just 7 sessions. It's unsustainable, of course, & the super downswing is lurking, ready to pounce. What a great game poker is, just when you think you can't beat the game, along comes Mr Heater, & then, just as you start to ooze confidence, Mr Cooler enters, stage left.   My run-good was almost embarrassing last night, & I felt bad for Alexis, who is a true Gent, & stalwart of the PLO8 DYM's here. I got in in SO bad against him on one occasion, but inevitably, I had him drawing dead @ both ends with 2 cards to spare. Wev are not supposed to apologize in poker, the Kool Kids get all stroppy, but I genuinely felt sorry for Alexis last night, & said as much. Brutal game when running bad, greatest game ever when running good. Weird, but simply fantastic how it works. Decent traffic last night for a Saturday, hopefully a bit busier tonight. I managed 40 games, mostly £2.5 & £5.50, but that's OK for a Saturday, I think. Hope you all had a grand Saturday, on or off the Tables, & Sunday will be equally pleasant.  
    Posted by Tikay10

    No need TK, she comes and she goes....

    Once though? ONCE... you must have busted me half a dozen times yesterday. 

    not a fan of this new tweaked model at all, go back to phoning, cooking, watching TV etc. :)

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Wow . Your certainly getting some volume in. I keep spotting your name and seeing the PLO8 games running more than ever
    I,m hoping to start a little challenge of my own off on the low stakes DYM,s over the nxt cpl of days. I want to try and get up to 2 or 3K points for the trilogy freerolls next month and thought this might be a good way of earning some points
    I might even venture into the PLO8 games once i find out what the best low qualifying hand is so may see you on the tables at some point.

    GL for rest of the month
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    Sunday 9th February

    Played 40

    Won 22

    Lost 18


    £2.25 - Played 11, won 3, Lost 8

    £5.50 - Played 24, won 15 lost 9

    £11.00 - Played 5, won 4, Lost 1

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £1,153.36

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 1,452 (= £14.52)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    February to date........

    Played 280

    Won 171

    Lost 109

    Win-rate, January, 61.07%

    PROFIT/LOSS in January,

    /Loss per game =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    Afternoon all, I'll reply to the Posts by Macacgirl, Alexis & MP33 later today, or tomorrow, I'm a little busy today, but I won't forget them.

    I do appreciate the questions, it's good to talk.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    Another decent session, ending £31 up. I'd settle for that, every day, but it's just the heater continuing, I think.
    I did terribly @ the £2.25's, losing 8 of 11 (!), & so I thought I was having a bad night, but when I totted up afterwards, the £5.50 & especially the £11ers had saved the day, especially the latter, where I won 4 from 5. Should have been 3 from 2, I was in a really big hole in one, but they let me off the hook. Doubling me up in an £11 when I am short is generally not to be advised, as I really strain every sinew in those.

    I had hoped for more traffic last night, but the games dried up early, so rather than 1 Table, I drew stumps early.
    I felt I was running badly early on, kept failing to hold against draws or worse hands, but maybe it was my imagination, the mind works in strange ways.
    Hope there is as bit more trafic tonight. Last Monday was quietish due to Man C v Chelsea, but tonight's offering is slightly less glamorous, QPR v Derby. Need a good session tonight, as I can't play tomorrow, doing the Show with HIM.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    Hilarious chatbox moment last night.

    I won't name names, but the quip came from someone who is a regular, Posted on this Diary recently, & just takes wins & losses in their stride, as all decent players should.


    There is a chap - & I DO, genuinely feel sorry for him, as he struggles to handle bad beats, in fact often they are just bad play, but he feels a need to blame someone, so Sky Poker always get it in the neck.

    It's always, EVERY time, "ghjjjjjjjccxgering Sky Poker did me again, thanks Sky Poker, you fiddling drtdjhxcfx's".

    I so want to explain that Sky Poker, innovative as they may be, never actually invented poker, or the deck of cards.
    When he busts, there is a sort of momentary eerie "silernce" in the chat box, everyone KNOWS what is coming. Sometimes peeps Post "wait for it, here it comes...."
      . And it always does.

    So, he busts last night. He had two draws, & missed both. Hey, there's a thing. 

    And the chatbox EXPLODED. 

    He used spaces & asterisks to form the words, to ovecome the swear filter, but it went something like this..... 

    **cking Sky Poker fiddling b***ards, stuffed me again, they do me every time the ***ing b***ards

    There were a few minutes of chatbox silence. I mean, it's embarrassing, isn't it, you don't really know what to say? No way does anyone want to mock the poor chap, so it's awkward to know what to say really. We play this guy every day, & we all chat merrily, he's fine, until he exits. He does give me a bit of grief, because I always raise with Aces. Not sure what I should do, limp, & let everyone crtch up? In PLO8? I don't think so. He reckons it is better to see a flop first, in case it is a bad flop. Now you see why he gets outdrawn more than most.


    After around 30 seconds, with the chatbox deathly quiet, suddenly up pops xxxx, with this.

    Take a break, have a kitkat mate.

    Deffo a new keyboard moment, that.

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,700
    edited February 2014
    Good banter, Tikay.


    Have you sorted my Top of the Posts PM yet?!!!!!!

    Multiple exclamation points, because I know you love them.

    And - being a writer - you know how much I detest them.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Good banter, Tikay. Now: Have you sorted my Top of the Posts PM yet?!!!!!! Multiple exclamation points, because I know you love them. And - being a writer - you know how much I detest them.
    Posted by Slipwater
    Well reminded, thanks Susan.

    I did send a note upstairs to set it up, but then needed a date from Rainman, & plum forgot about it, sorry.

    Will get back in the case today.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    Apologies for lack of Updates this week (they will follow next) & not yet answering those questions/comments from Macacgirl, Alexis & MP33.

    I played Monday, did the Show on Tuesday, & then played again last night. I was terribly fatigued yesterday, more mentally than physically, so much going on at the moment, & I ended up finishing last night's session early, so I could get an early night. I was not playing well, either. 

    I'm up against it to get 3,000 Reward Points this month, due to it being a short month, & I have to spend a week up at the UKPC.

    So the plan was to play every night this week, Wednesday to Sunday, to rack up some Reward Ponts, as I can generate around 1,000 in 5 days. Then, out of the blue, they asked me to do tonight's Show (Thursday) as Ryan, who was booked, is unwell.
    I'm delighted, as Rob Yong of DTD is a Guest tonight, & he is a close friend, & has been for many a year (long before Sky Poker were born), so that's good, but it means I miss another pokler session (200+ points), & of course I'll be mentally wrecked again on Friday. The Shows are tremendous fun, even after 7 years, but you really have to be mentally sharp to be on "Live" for 5 hours. One slip of the tongue, & everyone is on the case, of course. 

    UKPC is now less than a week away, never had such a mix of emotions, excitement, fear, stress, anticipation, worrying about this & that. Very excited, though, as all the signs are good.
    OK, the numbers for Monday & Wednesday. Nothing exciting, or even good, but they have to be done.          
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    Monday 10th February

    Played 39

    Won 18

    Lost 21


    £2.25 - Played 9, won 4, Lost 5

    £5.50 - Played 22, won 10 lost 12

    £11.00 - Played 5, won 4, Lost 4

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game £0.85


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £1,120.11

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 1,669 (= £16.69)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    February to date........

    Played 319

    Won 189

    Lost 130

    Win-rate, January, 59.25%

    PROFIT/LOSS in January,

    /Loss per game =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    The only good thing about Monday's session  was my consistency - I lost money at each of the three buy-in levels. Ugh, never done that before. So all the batting averages took a dent.
    I was due a losing night of course, quite a relief to get it out of the way really, but I was behind from the get-go, & could never quite pull it back.
    Made several unforced errors, too. Raised it up with the Aces in an £11er, got the usual call from a low-chaser, (which is good, as they chop or lose the majority of these when they flat call, & their hand is face-up), the flop came 2 high cards (perfect, the pot will be MINE.....). It was Q-J-7. The chap checks, & I then c-Bet, he then backraised me. Whoops.
    Initial instinct, he has the 7.

    But how often can he have the 7 here? We play co-ordinated hands, & hands with combos of 7,8 & 9 are utterly dreadful, they cost us money in PLO8. But he can have a dangler 7, say A-2-7-K for example. Anyway, I was a non-believer, which was stupid really, we don't need to stack off if in doubt. 

    So the next instinct was fold. 

    Brain sent message to mouse via finger, FOLD.

    Mouse finger pressed POT.
    Exit £11 DYM. I felt so daft, falling for it.

    I sent my finger a Memo, DO AS YOU ARE TOLD NEXT TIME, OK?

    The chat box was in fine form, though MOTHER was discussing some really weird subjects.
    Losing session BOOKED, next case.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    Wednesday 12th February

    Played 28

    Won 17

    Lost 11


    £2.25 - Played 13, won 7, Lost 6

    £5.50 - Played 13, won 9 lost 4

    £11.00 - Played 2, won 1, Lost 1

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game £0.38


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £1,130.86

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 1,788 (= £17.88)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    February to date........

    Played 347

    Won 206

    Lost 141

    Win-rate, January, 59.36%

    PROFIT/LOSS in January,

    /Loss per game =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    Wednesday was better, was going along nicely, but was very tired.

    With 5 games left, I was at break even AFTER regging for the current 5 games, so decided to just play those & then quit, & get an early night, & I was freerolling a nice profit, as any of those games won equates to extra profit. Managed to lose 4 of the 5, including 1 @ £11. So an expected handy £30 or £40 profit ended up as a tenner profit. Boo!

    Good fun at the Tables, everyone nice & chatty, I love this game, & the people who play it.
    The WSOP schedule was published yesterday. Just two PLO8 Events (plenty of Limit games, but I don't play Limit), one @ $1,500, & 1 @ $3,000. I've played & cashed in both buy-in levels in the last 2 years, so I'm keen - very keen! - to have another bash. The weird thing is that the WSOP schedule is 6 weeks duration, but the two PLO8 Events are, literally, back to back, Bit odd really, but I expect they have a reason. We shall see. 

    No poker tonight again, as I'm doing the Show, with Rob Yong as Guest. What price he turns up late? He is THE most un-punctual person I have ever met!

    Enjoy your PLO8 tonight, & I'll be back tomorrow, & all weekend, God willing. Gotta sweat those Reward Points, eh?   
  • AmarieAmarie Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    The only good thing about Monday's session  was my consistency - I lost money at each of the three buy-in levels. Ugh, never done that before. So all the batting averages took a dent.   I was due a losing night of course, quite a relief to get it out of the way really, but I was behind from the get-go, & could never quite pull it back.   Made several unforced errors, too. Raised it up with the Aces in an £11er, got the usual call from a low-chaser, (which is good, as they chop or lose the majority of these when they flat call, & their hand is face-up), the flop came 2 high cards (perfect, the pot will be MINE.....). It was Q-J-7. The chap checks, & I then c-Bet, he then backraised me. Whoops.   Initial instinct, he has the 7. But how often can he have the 7 here? We play co-ordinated hands, & hands with combos of 7,8 & 9 are utterly dreadful, they cost us money in PLO8. But he can have a dangler 7, say A-2-7-K for example. Anyway, I was a non-believer, which was stupid really, we don't need to stack off if in doubt.  So the next instinct was fold.  Brain sent message to mouse via finger, FOLD. Mouse finger pressed POT.   Exit £11 DYM. I felt so daft, falling for it. I sent my finger a Memo, DO AS YOU ARE TOLD NEXT TIME, OK? The chat box was in fine form, though MOTHER was discussing some really weird subjects.   Losing session BOOKED, next case.
    Posted by Tikay10

    Behave!! - it was very funny though, the PLO8'ers are a great bunch

    Have a great night tonight (i'll be watching)

    See you at the tables tomorrow


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,348
    edited February 2014

    Friday 14th February

    Played 45

    Won 26

    Lost 19


    £2.25 - Played 0, won 0, Lost 0

    £3.30 - Played 25, Won 15, Lost 10

    £5.50 - Played 15, won 9 lost 6

    £11.00 - Played 5, won 2, Lost 3

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game £0.00


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £1,130.86

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 1,988 (= £19.88)
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