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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    January (COMPLETED)....

    Played 537

    Won 289

    Lost 257

    Win-rate, January, 53.82%

    PROFIT/LOSS in January,

    /Loss per game =
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Friday 31st January Played 15 Won 8 Lost 7 Split.... £2.25 - Played 0, won 0 , Lost 0 £5.50 - Played 6, won 4 , lost 2 £11.00 - Played 9, won 4 , Lost 5 PROFIT / LOSS on Day £4.50 PROFIT/ LOSS per game £0.30 REWARD POINTS = 105 BANKROLL at close of Play = £886.05 REWARD POINTS at close of play = 3,470 (= £52.05)
    Posted by Tikay10
    Not to argue with your maths but a profit for the day?
  • AmarieAmarie Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2014
     Headphones on listening to music la la la lah, not reading la la la la not peeping through my fingers to look la la la la, still not looking la la la, er just a little peep then la la la nooooooooooooooo read it all - **** you Kendall!!!


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Not to argue with your maths but a profit for the day?
    Posted by belsibub
    Ooh, I have an Auditor, good spot!

    You are right, too, an analysis of those 15 games suggests I LOST £2, not won £4.50, so I'll amend the Post shortly.


    The "Bankroll" figure I quote daily is the ACTUAL Bankroll at close of play. I've just checked it, & it is definitely £886.05, which is £4.50 higher than it was after the previous session, unless I logged the closing balance incorrectly on Wednesday.

    I've checked the 15 Games I played, & the results are exactly as reported - which would mean a £4.50 loss.
    Have to assume I logged an Incorrect Closing balance on the previous session.
    For the OVERALL, & JANUARY figures, the closing balances have to be the correct means of measurement, so when I do the Monthly Rerport for January, they'll reflect the actual opening & closing Balances.

    I can only assume that the numbers for Wednesday were incorrect, or maybe even Monday?

    If you can spot where the error has arisen, I'd be most grateful, as I like the numbers to be just so.     
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014


    Wow, I finished with a winning day!

    Oh wait, no I did not.......

    Sums up January that, I even messed the numbers up.


    Determined to finish January with a bang, I promptly lost 4 of the first 4, & made mistakes in every one, too.

    Just standard stuff, which I ought to avoid. Raise with good Aces into 5 Limpers, get one call, comes 10-2-2. Standard play here is to C-Bet, as 90% of the time, opponents call Raises with Low only hands, which is bizarre but true. So a C-Bet gets the job done. My man checked to me, I C-Bet, & he came over the top, lol. He has the 2, right? Obvious really, but I was a non-believer, & I had some back doors. 

    He had the very reasonable A-Q-10-2, so he had flopped the boat, lol. I had Double Suited with the A-3-4 for the Low, so I was in a bit of a mess. 

    Several other similar mistakes followed, just careless play on my part, being able to fold when clearly beat is key.
    Later, I saw a really inexplicable play, when I button-raised with A-K-2-3 with Big Blinds & 4 handed, & got looked up by xxx who had 6 Bigs (plenty) & the extraordinary K-8-5-2. Explain that to me, but I'll take that all day & night. We can RAISE with poo like that when we are in shove-mode, but not sure Caling is ever a long term profitable play.
    Anyway, I was just not feeling it, most unlike me, I normally play until the games dry up, but my head was in the wrong place, so I decided to quit after 15 games, & had an early night, & then promptly fell asleep on the sofa, & never woke up until 3am, freezing cold, with chin-dribble galore. 

    I'll do the full January Report, in all it's glory, later.      
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Not to argue with your maths but a profit for the day?
    Posted by belsibub
    My maths(not a strong point)

    played 6 £5.50=£33 won 4=£40 profit=£7
    played 9 £11=£99 won 4=£80 loss=£19
    over all=£12 loss
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    Normal service will resume shortly.

    Cliffs - Lost on Feb 1, won on Feb 2.
    Tonight - very shortly, I shall mainly be winning.*

    * T & C's apply.

    I'll be up for a session tonight, if anyone fancies some easy money.

  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited February 2014


      Thought this needed bringing to the front, just in case you could not find it.
  • seppeseppe Member Posts: 287
    edited February 2014
    NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes i did put that many !!!!!!!!!!!!! as its important, now when we talk of aggregate once would assume we are talking football over 2 legs but no no no, ive found out aggregate is about concrete.

    Il let mr kendall explain..........
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes i did put that many !!!!!!!!!!!!! as its important, now when we talk of aggregate once would assume we are talking football over 2 legs but no no no, ive found out aggregate is about concrete. Il let mr kendall explain..........
    Posted by seppe
    Quite right Seppe!

    Aggregate is the binding agent in concrete. Usually ballast, or even pea shingle, but it is the equivalent of flour in a cake, without it, the finished product is no good. Concrete is composed of cement, water, & aggregate.

    Mortar, of course, as used in brickwork, only uses sand as the aggregate, but I'm sure everyone knew that. But it is important to distinguish between concrete & mortar.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    OK, I best try & get back up to date.

    Many thanks to all the players on my Tables, & on here, who asked me to get back on the Diary. Been a challenging week for me, away from the Tables, but all's well really. Just a bit, you know, uphill right now, what with this & that. AS it happens, playing poker is my little sanctuary, I can escape from ills, woes & aggravation whilst playing, & I love it to bits.

    First up, I think we need to review January, then we can move onto February.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : My maths(not a strong point) played 6 £5.50=£33 won 4=£40 profit=£7 played 9 £11=£99 won 4=£80 loss=£19 over all=£12 loss
    Posted by belsibub
    I can't quite see where I got my numbers wrong there, but you are right. The important thing, though, is the overnight closing balance - that over-rides everything else, & that is/was accurate.

    I'm glad you spotted the error though, & I hope you continue to check the numbers, it is important to get them right.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Quite right Seppe! Aggregate is the binding agent in concrete. Usually ballast, or even pea shingle, but it is the equivalent of flour in a cake, without it, the finished product is no good. Concrete is composed of cement, water, & aggregate. Mortar, of course, as used in brickwork, only uses sand as the aggregate, but I'm sure everyone knew that. But it is important to distinguish between concrete & mortar.   
    Posted by Tikay10
    That would make you the aggregate of SkyPoker then !
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    January was very disappointing, & so I needed to have a good look at the numbers, & see if I could put things right.

    I looked back at Oct, Nov, & Dec, & tried to do an approx comparison.
    Oct Win Rate 55%

    Nov Win Rate 57.92%

    Dec Win Rate 60.11%

    Jan Win Rate 53.82%

    Profit/Loss Per Game

    Oct £0.15

    Nov £0.45

    Dec  £0.73

    Jan £0.05

    So, lowest ever win-rate, & lowest ever Profit per game. They are, of course, linked.

    I've no idea, but there has to be a reason, or reasons.
    Anyway, after some thought, I decided to change a number of things in February.

  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    OK, I best try & get back up to date. Many thanks to all the players on my Tables, & on here, who asked me to get back on the Diary. Been a challenging week for me, away from the Tables, but all's well really. Just a bit, you know, uphill right now, what with this & that. AS it happens, playing poker is my little sanctuary, I can escape from ills, woes & aggravation whilst playing, & I love it to bits. First up, I think we need to review January, then we can move onto February.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    great too have u back tikay hope things all settle down for you and all the best ..Churchy
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    Those numbers could of course just be variance - either I ran bad in January, or ran good in the preceding 3 months.

    Maybe, maybe not. Losing players tend to blame variance......

    Anyway, I decided to introduce some changes to my game, & methodology in February. It will be a short month for me, due to UKPC, where I'll be away for a week, but it still needs addressing.  

    The changes I intend to make are.....

    1) Adjust my betting ranges.

    2) Adjust my calling ranges.

    3) Adjust the stage (Level) at which I Raise. Previously, I was reluctant to Raise in Levels 1 & 2, as folks won't fold. I think that was an error.

    4) Stop limping, even in Levels 1 & 2. They were the ONLY Levels I ever limped at. No more, I will Raise or Fold only at Levels 1 & 2 now. I've never limped at higher levels though, & I never will. Players get a bit cross with me when I only Raise, but I believe it to be correct. I fold 90%+ of ALL dealt hands, so I don't raise that often, but I can't be doing with this limping malarkey, it is just wrong.  

    5) Increase the volume. Volume removes the variance excuse. Hi-Lo is low variance, & I think 600 or more games per month is enough to remove the variance excuse.  

    6) Move from "overlapped" Tables to "Tiled". I did try this before, but could not get comfy with it, my eyes are not so good, & the tables are so much smaller, ditto all the details (Stack Sizes, Levels, etc). Anyway, I am playing "Tiled" now, & I can now easily play 6 at a time, though I find 7 is the tipping point. Previously, 4 was my preferred maximum. 

    7) Add £2.25's to my regular mix. This adds volume, & at 3 points per game, if I manage 10 per session, = 30 points, that comes to 600 points in a 20 session month, equal to 20% of my 3,000 Reward Points Target.
    So, let's see how that little lot works out.......
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : great too have u back tikay hope things all settle down for you and all the best ..Churchy
    Posted by churchy18
    Everything is OK churchy, thanks, just little real-life things, & UKPC is quite a thing & it stresses me considerably. Some real headaches have beset me this last week, but we'll sort them. 

    Once Day 1b is "shuffle up & deal", I can relax, job done. It is VERY important to me to do my little bit to make UKPC a great success, I was given certain responsibilities, & I take them very seriously. 

    I don't want to tempt fate, but the way things are shaping, it looks like being a tremendous success, a celebration of British Poker at its best, with all the big names present. We shall see.....

    I'm not an easy person to work with, I want everything just so, so I'm not too popular upstairs right now, I imagine, they must get fed up with my relentless torrent of e-Mails, questions, suggestions & daft ideas. That'll teach 'em to entrust stuff to me. ;)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    So, onto February numbers, new methods, will they work? 

    How can I possibly lose?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    Saturday 1st February

    Played 23

    Won 12

    Lost 11


    £2.25 - Played 0, won 0, Lost 0

    £5.50 - Played 22, won 12, lost 10

    £11.00 - Played 1, won 0, Lost 1

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £874.06

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 120 (= £1.20)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,285
    edited February 2014

    February to date........

    Played 23

    Won 12

    Lost 11

    Win-rate, January, 52.17%

    PROFIT/LOSS in January,

    /Loss per game =
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