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Can an old dog learn new tricks?



  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited February 2014

      Welcome back young fella me lad,  good luck in the live event and with the changes in strategy.

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited February 2014
    Nice going Tikay

    Is it just PLO8 your playing or are you dabbling at PLO or NLO as well. If not are you not tempted to when traffic is qiuet?


    EDIT - Hi Tikay . Just read your comments on another thread regarding the redtooth leaugue. I,ve played it a few times in a local pub and am looking at getting back into it but can,t decide whether to play in a pub where they have the redtooth leaugue or the Nuts leaugue as they are both played locally.  What would you reccomend ?


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014

    Morning all.

    I've not forgotten the questions/comments by Gelders, Spanners Man, Churchy, Pommy, Gerardirl & MP33, & will reply to all of them tomorrow, bit short of time this morning, what with this & that.

    Also I got a lot of interest on the Tables last night about my night out at the GUKPT Omaha, I'll write up a short - because it was short, but VERY eventful - experience. For now, it was great fun, I can tell you that. It was not possible to reply to the questions in the chat boxes last night, as I had too many Tables on the go. 

    I must say, is there a friendlier bunch in poker than those who play PLO8? Everyone is so kind, polite, & there are barely any narky comments when bad beats go off.

    There were some real shockers last night, but apart from the usual suspects, people just laughed it off, "no worries, next case" sorta thing. Play enough games, & it all evens out, of course.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014

    Friday 7th February

    Played 51

    Won 29

    Lost 22


    £2.25 - Played 18, won 10, Lost 8

    £5.50 - Played 24, won 14 lost 10

    £11.00 - Played 9, won 5, Lost 4

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £1,064.86

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 1,064 (= £10.64)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014

    February to date........

    Played 200

    Won 120

    Lost 80

    Win-rate, January, 60.00%

    PROFIT/LOSS in January,

    /Loss per game =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014

    HUGE session last night, the traffic was really good, & if time permitted, could have played a lot more. I think 51 in one session is a PB.

    Ran really bad early on, (I was 0 for 5 in my first 5 @ £2.25!) but it squared up later, &, as seems to be the case when I get behind early, I really focus hard towards the end, & won 10 of the last 13.

    I was pretty sure I had lost money on the night, so it was a nice surprise to see I'd finished a whole £4 ahead. £4 from 51 games, lol. Setting the world on fire, or what?
    Not very impressive, I suppose, but I'd have settled for any profit before I started, & that is the 5th straight day I've made a profit, so the new systems seem to be working OK so far, though it is early days yet I suppose.
    £4 profit sounds a bit daft, but considering I staked, including Reg Fees, over £270, there was some serious downside possible, I'll happily settle for that. 

    Last night was also the 3rd session under my new "Tiled Table" preference, which permits me to play more games, & it was the 3rd straight session where I've earned over 250 Reward Points in a session. I was really doubtful for my targeted 3,000 Reward Points this month, due to UKPC, but I have a chance now. 

    The number of games played helps, of course, the more games, the less variance. 

    A most enjoyable evening, the atmo on all the Tables was really warm & friendly.

    Hope to see a few of you tonight, another session planned, though I very much doubt we'll see as much traffic tonight.

    What an amazing thing that, between us, we've built so much liquidity in PLO8 DYM's. 'Stars apart, I can't imagine many sites get that much PLO8 SNG action, remarkable for a site this size really, & just proves that players have the power to change things.  

    Have a great Saturday. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014

    Saturday 8th February

    Played 40

    Won 28

    Lost 12


    £2.25 - Played 16, won 13, Lost 3

    £5.50 - Played 21, won 13 lost 8

    £11.00 - Played 3, won 3, Lost 0

    PROFIT/LOSS on Day

    PROFIT/LOSS per game


    BANKROLL at close of Play = £1,122.36

    REWARD POINTS at close of play = 1,064 (= £12.47)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014

    February to date........

    Played 240

    Won 149

    Lost 91

    Win-rate, January, 62.08%

    PROFIT/LOSS in January,

    /Loss per game =
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014

    Wow, nights don't go much better than that.

    Needless to say, I ran ultra-good all evening.

    After the dark days of January, when I could not seem to do much right, February has been the complete opposite (so far....) & that was the 6th profitable night on the bounce, & puts me a whopping £238 ahead in just 7 sessions.

    It's unsustainable, of course, & the super downswing is lurking, ready to pounce.

    What a great game poker is, just when you think you can't beat the game, along comes Mr Heater, & then, just as you start to ooze confidence, Mr Cooler enters, stage left.
    My run-good was almost embarrassing last night, & I felt bad for Alexis, who is a true Gent, & stalwart of the PLO8 DYM's here. I got in in SO bad against him on one occasion, but inevitably, I had him drawing dead @ both ends with 2 cards to spare. Wev are not supposed to apologize in poker, the Kool Kids get all stroppy, but I genuinely felt sorry for Alexis last night, & said as much.

    Brutal game when running bad, greatest game ever when running good. Weird, but simply fantastic how it works.

    Decent traffic last night for a Saturday, hopefully a bit busier tonight. I managed 40 games, mostly £2.5 & £5.50, but that's OK for a Saturday, I think.

    Hope you all had a grand Saturday, on or off the Tables, & Sunday will be equally pleasant.

  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,661
    edited February 2014
    Now you have been in four figures for  a while I guess I can say congratulations without fear of cursing you like I did last time. Well played Tikay certainly I think the game changes you made are adding to your profit.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi TK Which part of your new strategy, if any, has had the greatest impact so far? Looking forward to you calling me with spanners :-) Gl sir!
    Posted by VespaPX
    Morning Spanners, just trying to catch up on questions.

    Hard to say, luck was not in the equation, but it sure helps.
    If pushed, I'd probably say the increased volume, coupled with using Tiled Tables, has helped most.
    The extra volume dilutes variance, & the Tiled Tables mean I can see where I am on all my Tables in a glance, without tap-tapping the tabs for each table.
    I sort of "grade" my priority Tables, hightest priority goes to tables where we are down to 4, or where I am short of chips, & I can see all of this on one screen at the same time, so that has helped a lot.
    I'm not interested in Tables where we are 6 handed, or not yet reached Level 4, they are meaningless, & if I'm busy, I'll almost ignore them.
    The one other thing that has most helped is almost entirely eliminating (almort....) limping, even in Levels 1 & 2. If the hand is worth playing, I Raise it up, if I don't feel I can raise, I fold.
    When we get a decent Raising hand, I raise, & generally get 1 or 2 callers. If the flop comes 2 x high cards, I can c-bet with ease, as it is almost always the case that the pre-flop callers are calling to hit a low. Amazing, really, how people call to try & win half. If the flop comes 3 low cards, I generally just let the hand go, no point risking my chips to chop the pot & get half back. 

    Hope you are running good & enjoying the game.      
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    n1 Teeks loving the 60%+ & £1000+ stats long may it continue interesting tweaks you have made not so sure i want to join you on the tables now :-( (I did think you were making a lot of changes at one go whereas staggering them in might have been a more evolutionary way to do it and give you a chance to bed each one in but well done you)
    Posted by GELDY
    Thanks Gelders.

    You make a fair point, & making all the changes at once means it becomes difficult to see which ones worked, & to what degree.

    Guess I just got a bit lucky, as it seems to be OK so far, though the current run is not sustainable.
    I could have made the changes one by one, month or week at a time I suppose, but at my age, time is not on my side, so I need to take the short cuts. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    a whopping 254 Reward Points, too. 3,000 Reward Points has to be the target, as I get a 50% Bonus at 3,000, but I only have around 17 days in February that I can play, so will be a big ask. Gotta try though, love a challenge. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^EDIT tried to highlight that part never worked^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ seeing as your days are limited not sure about how it would fit in with other things u need too do but there is always a few games running through the morning/ afternoon mostly the same players as at night just a thought as have never seen u in the morning and every little helps that was a good amount of points u got  have been doing ok with them myself got 550 so far which is quite good for me especially with 3 and a bit days play the £11 games really help confident i,ll make the 2000  hoping for the 3000 so i get in the 3 freerolls and hitting the 3000 would get that extra £15 cps as well so hopefully.. good luck and see you tonight
    Posted by churchy18
    Thanks Churchy.
    My life is crammed with too many things to play mornings at the moment, but yes, it has crossed my mind.

    I have a little dream, actually. Retirement, or being shown the door, looms ever nearer, & when it happens, I'll be fine with it, some things I'll miss terribly, but it will give me the time & space to do other things.
    There is way too much hassle in my life, aggro & haters everywhere, & I've had enough, & so the prospect of retiring, & just doing my own thing has its appeals.
    If I could make a bit more money playing the game, it'd be a dream come true to just play poker every day, & not have to be in harness.
    I don't need much money to get by in life, & if I could play more hours, who knows?

    Ha, it's good to dream, eh?

    Hope the family are well, & you are doing OK with the PLO8.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    GL and have a great night Mr k (Hope the back is better soon) Mother xx
    Posted by Amarie

    My back is worse, as it happens, I walk around all stoopy, & groan & chunter like an old man, oohing & aahing.
    It's to be expected I suppose, with age comes these little health problems, the body is like an old car, it gradually wears out. Lot of miles on my clock, let me tell you..... 
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Morning Spanners, just trying to catch up on questions. Hard to say, luck was not in the equation, but it sure helps.   If pushed, I'd probably say the increased volume, coupled with using Tiled Tables, has helped most.   The extra volume dilutes variance, & the Tiled Tables mean I can see where I am on all my Tables in a glance, without tap-tapping the tabs for each table.   I sort of "grade" my priority Tables, hightest priority goes to tables where we are down to 4, or where I am short of chips, & I can see all of this on one screen at the same time, so that has helped a lot.   I'm not interested in Tables where we are 6 handed, or not yet reached Level 4, they are meaningless, & if I'm busy, I'll almost ignore them.   The one other thing that has most helped is almost entirely eliminating (almort....) limping, even in Levels 1 & 2. If the hand is worth playing, I Raise it up, if I don't feel I can raise, I fold.   When we get a decent Raising hand, I raise, & generally get 1 or 2 callers. If the flop comes 2 x high cards, I can c-bet with ease, as it is almost always the case that the pre-flop callers are calling to hit a low. Amazing, really, how people call to try & win half. If the flop comes 3 low cards, I generally just let the hand go, no point risking my chips to chop the pot & get half back.  Hope you are running good & enjoying the game.        
    Posted by Tikay10
    Good morning

    Thanks for the reply.
    Glad that you have found a formula that works for you.

    I don't play anywhere near the volume that you do but i am still very much enjoying it.
    Tried a couple of HU PLO8 games recently which were very interesting and with the rake being a lot lower i may play some more.

    Running good?
    Only played 6 DYM's yesterday and cashed in 5 , so not too shabby.
    The other one i busted out early with a straight on a paired board , and i just couldn't lay it down even though i knew oppo probably had FH, which of course he did.

    Gl at the tables Sir.
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    I have a little dream, actually. Retirement, or being shown the door, looms ever nearer, & when it happens, I'll be fine with it, some things I'll miss terribly, but it will give me the time & space to do other things.   There is way too much hassle in my life, aggro & haters everywhere, & I've had enough, & so the prospect of retiring, & just doing my own thing has its appeals.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Anyone who has made a success of their life will have haters, so take it as a compliment. In my opinion you're an absolute legend and it will be a very sad day for poker/Sky Poker when you do decide to retire. You are the main person who has inspired me to try and develop my poker ability with all your involvment on the forums, all your videos for the site and your passion really - it has been very motivating! I just wanted you to know that :-)
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Hi Tikay just some observations....however I've played very little games with you and I know Im by no means an expert.  When I joined hi lo from what I could see people were stealing your blind a lot knowing your most likely to fold. I guess its a case of the tight player becoming a target which Im sure is something you want to avoid in dym. I think the adjustment your making to your ranges is good, yes it might not be statistically the best move but we are playing humans and not robots so I guess by increasing your range of calling people will think twice about raising you. Also people were likely to fold to your raises knowing you got a monster but by changing your raise range now people might call you which is what you want when you have a good hand right? You mention your new method.....isnt it best to vary your method to keep people thinking? Unpredictability. Anyhow great start to the month for you and very best of luck at the tables. Ger
    Posted by gerardirl
    Thank you very much Ger.
    I don't mind peeps stealing my Blionds, I really don't. More money/chips are lost defending Blinds than almost anything else. Let them steal, I don't care, & I don't care if they know. If I have a hand, they'll soon know about it. ;)

    There is a very important point here. When we defend our Blind, or CALL a raise, we are dancing to someone else's tune. I don't like that, not one bit.

    I want to play hands when I want, on MY terms, when it suits ME, not be forced to do things by others. I think this is a vastly under-estimated facet of poker.
    Every time I raise it up, & someone calls......they are dancing to MY tune. They are DEFENDING. I am ATTACKING. I CHOOSE to Raise. They feel obliged to DEFEND.

    So yes, folks can steal my Blinds easily, & I don't mind them doing it, not at all. I'm only entering pots on MY terms, when it suits ME. This is hugely important, imo. 

    Should I vary my methods? Yes, of course, & I throw in a few curve balls now & then. If, say, Mr Thief is harvesting my Blinds too much, I'll maybe send him a little warning shot when least expected, & now & then, I do limp or peel, just to confuse those who are paying attention.
    A chapo told me last night in the ChatBox that he ALWAYS calls my Raises if he has a suited Ace. Yikes. Good Luck with that! He'll win a nice pot once in 40 or 50 attempts......

    Hope you are enjoying your transition to PLO8.
    For those not aware - Gerardirl is, arguably, the most consistently profitable, & accomplished, PLO DYM player at low stakes on Sky Poker, I'd hazard a guess, & with help from Mr S Scope. Now he is trying PLO8. I might just move across to PLO soon, & try & rev the liquidity up, as we did with PLO8. If anyone comes along, beware Gerardirl, he plays real good.    
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
      Welcome back young fella me lad,  good luck in the live event and with the changes in strategy.
    Posted by pomfrittes
    Young fella? You, I like. ;)

    The Live Event details will follow. Not pretty reading, but no matter, I had an abolute ball.
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,661
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks? : Anyone who has made a success of their life will have haters, so take it as a compliment. In my opinion you're an absolute legend and it will be a very sad day for poker/Sky Poker when you do decide to retire. You are the main person who has inspired me to try and develop my poker ability with all your involvment on the forums, all your videos for the site and your passion really - it has been very motivating! I just wanted you to know that :-)
    Posted by peter27
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,343
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Can an old dog learn new tricks?:
    Nice going Tikay Is it just PLO8 your playing or are you dabbling at PLO or NLO as well. If not are you not tempted to when traffic is qiuet? Paul EDIT - Hi Tikay . Just read your comments on another thread regarding the redtooth leaugue. I,ve played it a few times in a local pub and am looking at getting back into it but can,t decide whether to play in a pub where they have the redtooth leaugue or the Nuts leaugue as they are both played locally.  What would you reccomend ? Thx Paul
    Posted by MP33
    Hi Paul,

    I'm just playing PLO8. I very much enjoy PLO, too, & may switch to it soon, next month maybe, not decided yet.

    NLO? Not for me, never never never, I think it is a truly dreadful abomination of a game, though it is subjective, & I don't mind that others may enjoy it.

    The whole point of Pot Limit games is that they have so many subtle nuances, & we can't just bully our way around.

    It is an outdated & out of fashion view, of course, Pot Limit, even in Texas Hold Em, is almost dead these days, it is 99% No Limit.
    It's just personal, but to me, it is Pot Limit, by a country mile. Each to their own, eh?

    Someone earlier asked about HU PLO8. I'm pretty sure the lads would beat me up good & proper at that. I'd love to be able to play it, as there are bigger games available, & the DYM's only go up to £11, but I'm sure I'd get proper beaten up, as I suck at Heads Up.

    Redtooth or Nuts? Six of one, half a dozen of the other really. I kniow the Nuts people personally, they are good people, but both are good "academies" for poker players. It is SO importsnt for poker as a whole that these leagues exist, they are the seedcorn of poker in the future. That's why my time with APAT was so important to me, & it still sits top of my "personal" CV I think. It was  a shame that a commercial conflict of interest meant I had to step down as Chairman, but really, I was not doing much by then, the hard work was in the early years.

    Jeez, we encountered some hate when we first announced it, you've never seen the like! Grown up poker structures for recreationals & newbies? What, like the Big Boys had, but affordable? Don't be daft.....

    Now every poker player can play grown up structures at affordable prices. What a change, over just 6 or 7 years.        
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