It's not a great starting hand even with the A2 for PLO8. You only have 1 nut hand to draw to in your starting combinations + the possibility of a nut lo (which doesn't always play).
I'd probably bin pre.
As played post flop - looks fine to me - u/d str8 and nut flush draws with nut lo (which held up even when counterfeited by the 2)
scooped the lot in a 3 way all in second hand into a dym tonight, had the nut low, nut flush draw and a gutshot straight on the turn, and the gut shot got there. brag, yup but taking down your first multiway scoop is a sweet feeling. 50p in the bank!
scooped the lot in a 3 way all in second hand into a dym tonight, had the nut low, nut flush draw and a gutshot straight on the turn, and the gut shot got there. brag, yup but taking down your first multiway scoop is a sweet feeling. 50p in the bank! Posted by TeddyBloat
Hi Guy`s I have been thinking of way`s to drum up a little support for this Great game, and what better way than offering Free Moola!!! so Heres the deal. PLO8 DYMs with an Twist!!!..... I will register in at least 5 ... maybe more ? the more players the better ,DYMs during Happy hour 2nite from 8pm to 9pm , I will be the last to register in any one game in a series of DYMs ranging from 60p £1 £2 £5 & £10.....The twist is I will not be Active!!! which means more chance`s to DYM and also have some great fun at my expense. Hopefully this may generate some support for this Great game.... So don't forget to tell your friends about it Best Regards Posted by footsie66
a nice way of trying too entice players active but still give away free
Hi Guy`s I have been thinking of way`s to drum up a little support for this Great game, and what better way than offering Free Moola!!! so Heres the deal. PLO8 DYMs with an Twist!!!..... I will register in at least 5 ... maybe more ? the more players the better ,DYMs during Happy hour 2nite from 8pm to 9pm , I will be the last to register in any one game in a series of DYMs ranging from 60p £1 £2 £5 & £10.....The twist is I will not be Active!!! which means more chance`s to DYM and also have some great fun at my expense. Hopefully this may generate some support for this Great game.... So don't forget to tell your friends about it Best Regards Posted by footsie66
I would wager that you still cash in a least one of these ! :-)
thanks for replies... footsie i was short stack was playing the second lowest if i folded i was about 1000 behind and 4players left i think the blinds would have risen before the bb came back too me. i thought with it being double suited and having both a high and lo was a decent chance too take..again thanks for the replies
thanks for replies... footsie i was short stack was playing the second lowest if i folded i was about 1000 behind and 4players left i think the blinds would have risen before the bb came back too me. i thought with it being double suited and having both a high and lo was a decent chance too take..again thanks for the replies Posted by churchy18
Cheers for the help just now, all the best in future games-
In Response to Re: Cheap as Chips! New affordable PLO8 DYM's now in the Lobby. : Cheers for the help just now, all the best in future games- Posted by nickw
In Response to Re: Cheap as Chips! New affordable PLO8 DYM's now in the Lobby. : You did nothing wrong..... now that you have posted the full details. Best Regards Posted by footsie66
sorry i should have put that above the hand and thanks for the reply
After some Community comments last week, two new PLO8 DYM's have been introduced today... £0.60 £1.15 Go on, you know you want to, & you have no excuse now. I guess if enough of these games run, they'll remain in the Lobby. If they don't, they won't...... Posted by Tikay10
we all like giving tikay a tonking at hilo,so come aboard for your turn!!!!!!!! ps only joking tikay
In Response to Re: Cheap as Chips! New affordable PLO8 DYM's now in the Lobby. : But If I do it all go`s back into the happy hour...:o) This will give players an opportunity to work on there game 4 handed and see how its played out when situations arise like what I am offering... In all reality...I should never cash these games. Best regards Posted by footsie66
In Response to Re: Cheap as Chips! New affordable PLO8 DYM's now in the Lobby. : I dont think so BUT.......NEWSFLASH!!!! He did last longer than TK in one! #justsaying ;-) Posted by Glenelg
there is 1 for his diary then.. he will prob put it in tommorow ..he wont be happy
see you at the tables.
I'd probably bin pre.
As played post flop - looks fine to me - u/d str8 and nut flush draws with nut lo (which held up even when counterfeited by the 2)
Now thats getting your monies worth :-)
I think there were a couple of players who either didn't realise what you were doing or just wanted to play every hand!