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The Build A Bankroll Thread



  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    In for the last longer, Rich ;)
    Posted by Slipwater
    Ha! Very good. Think you'll win if you're talking about taking me on at the 10NL tables tonight!
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    Ok Rich Ill stick my challenge in here as well. Playing solely 5p/10p but also the MC tables I want to double my roll of circa £500 before stepping up to 10/20p. I will play mtts on the side but keep it separate to this challenge.  Background is that I suck at cash, failed to beat nl4 last year but have always done reasonably well in tournament poker so can afford to invest/lose some money while i adapt to deeper play. I have taken a big hit to my bankroll trying to run before I can walk in cash poker in 2014, but have adjusted my game a little recently and am determined to give it a go. Just had one session 6 tabling for an hour and gained £7. Could have been a lot more, but for this hand here: Hand History #732665336
    Posted by jimb0d1

    Excellent post Jim. Looks like you're pretty much where I'm at. I feel I'm much better at tournaments than cash, but am determined to address that.

    I'm sticking to 10NL but I think you're rolled for it much better than me- I'm already down to £84!

    I'll give it another whirl tonight on 2 tables and see if I can make my second session a winning one. A kind of reverse of your record so far!

    Hope you manage to work out how to post your hands, I'm looking forwardto seeing them.

    PS- Watch this thread to see if you land a seat into next Tuesday's Turbo Open. :-)
  • peter27peter27 Member Posts: 1,637
    edited January 2014
    I've just finished a one-week break from Sky Poker and came back to find this challenge - best of luck with it Rich, will be following with interest!!
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight : Hi mate I played you a few weeks ago on the mastercash tables and actually thought that you were there just for the tv time etc and must have normally played higher stakes because you have a very good aggro game on you and play position very well and im sure you will complete your challenge no bother at all. If ive got some spare time i will join you and Rich on the 10nl tables for the lolz tonight Good luck both
    Posted by Diminuendo
    Cheers Dim. I have a decent game but can get spewy at times and its very expensive in cash poker. Rollercoaster stack in every session at the moment but its the sport I like most - not the money. I'll keep playing my way and see what happens.

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2014
    Another cash handout session tonight Rich?

    Suppose I should let someone else play this week, sounds as if the queue is getting longer. More than happy for Diminuendo to take over the mantle for TPT. But you might wish he didn't, although he has been known to announce his hand in advance to impecunious players to save them some cash, which as you know is not my style.

    And as for NL20, there are those who would do it once they are down to £50. Maybe your best bet too.
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited January 2014
    I've come up with a challenge for myself Mr Orford.  In light of Slipwaters Main/Mini Leaderboard,  I have decided to do a Main/Mini challenge.

    The Challenge is to roll my starting roll of £1k for Main/Mini Events into £5k by the end of 2014.  I started well winning the ME early January but I wont count that ;)  (thin brag).  According the Sharkscope I achieved about a 5k profit in the last 18 months on Main and mini events so its a bit of a task to do the same in 11....  Just that one big score could do it though!

    This has the potential to go horribly wrong but theres only one way to find out!

    Gl me.

    Oh and gl to you playing tonight.  :)

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014

    Session 3


    £500 cash roll ---> 1k Challenge.

    Another short 2 hour blast at 4 tables. Chipped up nicely fighting fire with fire vs a maniac then spewed off all of my profits in  one atrocious hand:
    Station Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £31.51
    jimb0d1 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £33.77
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 6
    BIGSHANN Fold     
    rickylad24 Fold     
    argo Fold     
    ManiacRaise  £1.00 £1.15 £24.35
    Station Call  £0.95 £2.10 £30.56
    jimb0d1 Raise  £4.30 £6.40 £29.47
    Maniac Call  £3.40 £9.80 £20.95
    Station Fold     
    • 4
    • 7
    • 4
    jimb0d1 Bet  £7.35 £17.15 £22.12
    ManiacAll-in  £20.95 £38.10 £0.00
    jimb0d1 Call  £13.60 £51.70 £8.52
    jimb0d1 Show
    • 7
    • 6
    Maniac Show
    • 8
    • 8
    • J
    • 10
    ManiacWin Two Pairs, 8s and 4s £50.30  £50.30

    This is the maniac's standard open. He has typed in the chat box that he is just paying for fun etc and the station is calling with anything down to q2s. I 3b pre as I do not want to go down the streets with a small pair vs the maniac and I am happy to play for my stack on a favourable flop. Station plays face up postflop and I was not concerned about his hand. Did I unnecessarily bloat this pot or should I stay aggressive oop and fight fire with fire vs this player type?

    On the flop, I have one thing in my head 'This is NOT the nuts. FOLD to any resistance', but I also know that this guy can be holding j8o........... I bet and hate life when he shoves. In position I lose perhaps £3 total in this hand!! Of course here I spew the entire profit of my session! bah!!!!!

    Session 1 (2hrs x 6 tabs) +£7
    Session 2 (2 tabs) -£30.51
    Session 3 (2hrs x 4 tabs) +£0.15

    Resultant BR: 476.64
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014
    Just noticed I could have bet much smaller on the flop and then make it an easier fold...... sigh.
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    14/1/14  £500 cash roll --- /> 1k Challenge. First session (2hrs x 6 tabs) +£7 Second session (2 tabs) -£30.51 Resultant BR: 476.49 Short enjoyable session, where I recieved a lot of good cards, but lost a few big hands, especially vs one particular reg who is very solid at this level and was also finding big cards. I cant play this in any other way right? Estimated 4b range of jj/ak+. I have never made a 5b in my life, should I have broken my duck here? Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance jimb0d1 Small blind   £0.05 £0.05 £34.89 cobaw Big blind   £0.10 £0.15 £24.22   Your hole cards A K       x  Raise   £0.30 £0.45 £29.52 haidyboy Fold         gunners100 Fold         HOLLYWHIT Fold         jimb0d1 Raise   £1.15 £1.60 £33.74 cobaw Fold         x  Raise   £3.40 £5.00 £26.12 jimb0d1 Call   £2.50 £7.50 £31.24 Flop     J 10 7       jimb0d1 Check         x  Bet   £5.63 £13.13 £20.49 jimb0d1 All-in   £31.24 £44.37 £0.00 x  All-in   £20.49 £64.86 £0.00 jimb0d1 Unmatched bet   £5.12 £59.74 £5.12 jimb0d1 Show A K       x  Show K K       Turn     5       River     6       x  Win Pair of Kings £58.34
    Posted by jimb0d1

    Interesting hand Jim- you're pretty deep to get it all-in pre-flop, so I think it's fine just calling the 4 bet. Tricky post-flop though. Your all-in bet is a BIG overbet to the pot, (although to be fair anything raise less would have pot committed you) and it was only ever going to get called by a hand that was already ahead. You had lots of clean outs but ultimately you're putting your stack on the line to hit, if called. 

    Hindsight a wonderful thing, but a call was probably the way forward then check on the turn and reassess from there.

    Don't worry, I guarantee I'll have something similar to show from tonight's session for you to pick apart!

  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    I've just finished a one-week break from Sky Poker and came back to find this challenge - best of luck with it Rich, will be following with interest!!
    Posted by peter27
    Thanks Pete. As you can see, a week is a long time in Sky Poker!
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    Another cash handout session tonight Rich? Suppose I should let someone else play this week, sounds as if the queue is getting longer. More than happy for Diminuendo to take over the mantle for TPT. But you might wish he didn't, although he has been known to announce his hand in advance to impecunious players to save them some cash, which as you know is not my style. And as for NL20, there are those who would do it once they are down to £50. Maybe your best bet too.
    Posted by GELDY
    Cheers Geldy. Think I'll steer clear of NL20 for the time being until the BR can take a few losing sessions!
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    I've come up with a challenge for myself Mr Orford.  In light of Slipwaters Main/Mini Leaderboard,  I have decided to do a Main/Mini challenge. The Challenge is to roll my starting roll of £1k for Main/Mini Events into £5k by the end of 2014.  I started well winning the ME early January but I wont count that ;)  (thin brag).  According the Sharkscope I achieved about a 5k profit in the last 18 months on Main and mini events so its a bit of a task to do the same in 11....  Just that one big score could do it though! This has the potential to go horribly wrong but theres only one way to find out! Gl me. Oh and gl to you playing tonight.  :)
    Posted by gazza127
    Indeed Gazza, GL you. Please post your progress on here and I'm sure it'll be awarded with a free shot at the Tuesday main at some stage.

    Incidentally, for a recreational player a 5K profit in 18 months is pretty decent. Big up your big bad self! :-)
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    Just noticed I could have bet much smaller on the flop and then make it an easier fold...... sigh.
    Posted by jimb0d1
    Agreed. Also, I'd just be calling his raise pre-flop instead of 3-betting for the very reason that he IS a maniac. It's only suited connectors. I'd be going gung-ho pre if I had a premium hand against a player like him because I assume he'd come along for the ride with a wide rage.

    76s is the sort of hand you want to see a cheap flop against a pre-flop aggressor/post-flop calling station, isn't it?

  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014
    Like I said before- horrendous, atrocious abomination of a hand! No harm done though with my sensible bankroll   :)
  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2014
    Off and running for tonight! (Wednesday 15th Jan). Began at 7.40pm and I'll be here for 5 hours

    Mastercash Table 22 5p/10p  £20

    Mastercash Table 25 5p/10p   £20

    Yeah, £40 of my £84 on the tables. Not terribly good BR management, but I'm trying to kickstart this challenge and then start getting sensible if and when I make it into profit.

    Alias is ricorford. See you there!
  • jimb0d1jimb0d1 Member Posts: 660
    edited January 2014
    Session 1 (2hrs x 6 tabs) +£7
    Session 2 (2 tabs) -£30.51
    Session 3 (2hrs x 4 tabs) +£0.15
    Session 4 (3.5hrs x 6tabs) -£38ish

    Resultant BR: 438.64

    Session 4 was again quite enjoyable but a heavy losing session. After an hour I was break even, after 2 hours around 20 pounds up ------ then its all a blur! Hand history reveals that I didnt lose many hands over £5 so most of the 6 buy-ins spewed were from generally playing too loose and leaking chips quickly across the 6 tables, rather than a big combo draw vs overpair. 

    Back to basics for the next session. 

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited January 2014

    Played main and mini tonight.  As normal I rebought in both so spent £49.50 I think.  Threw away storming chip stack in main to miss out on a decent cash.... or any cash for that matter.

    BR - £950.50

  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    Session 1 (2hrs x 6 tabs) +£7 Session 2 (2 tabs) -£30.51 Session 3 (2hrs x 4 tabs) +£0.15 Session 4 (3.5hrs x 6tabs) -£38ish Resultant BR: 438.64 Session 4 was again quite enjoyable but a heavy losing session. After an hour I was break even, after 2 hours around 20 pounds up ------ then its all a blur! Hand history reveals that I didnt lose many hands over £5 so most of the 6 buy-ins spewed were from generally playing too loose and leaking chips quickly across the 6 tables, rather than a big combo draw vs overpair.  Back to basics for the next session. 
    Posted by jimb0d1

    Hope you get back to winning ways again soon Jim and get your BR up past the starting point.

    In the meantime I'm awarding you a free seat into Tuesday's Turbo Main Event at 8 to see if that helps!

    Let me know how you get on. :-)
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited January 2014

      Well that was fun, are you the old bloke or the 1 in the dress LOLZ.

      Ul with the flush Rich, as i said in chat i only sat down with a fiver to have a stab at the spin up challenge

      but when i got the double up the 20NL tables all had waiting lists so decided to stay where i was. Left after that 

      little coup v you with just shy of 75 squid. So a good night enhanced by the chat from Bigrig. CORE!!!!!!
  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited January 2014
    In Response to Re: Build A Bankroll 2014- next session Wednesday 15th 7pm- midnight:
    Update.... Played main and mini tonight.  As normal I rebought in both so spent £49.50 I think.  Threw away storming chip stack in main to miss out on a decent cash.... or any cash for that matter. BR - £950.50
    Posted by gazza127

    Best of luck with this Gazza. I'm thinking of switching to the main and mini next week!
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