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  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2014

    To all my loyal punters....

    Its a free bar!!!  Only until the sun rises, cheers!
  • DarntootinDarntootin Member Posts: 1,519
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    To all my loyal punters.... Its a free bar!!!  Only until the sun rises, cheers!
    Posted by MAXALLY
    One of everything please, Maxy.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : One of everything please, Maxy. Salute!
    Posted by Darntootin
    You sir can have two of everything :)
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited February 2014
    Still darkkkkkk wiiiiiiiiiiiiii.....

    14 sambuca's, 12 pints of John Smiths...3 vodka chasers and a soda 'n' lime plssss.....

    And to finish with I'll take 5 red aftershocks and a packet of peanuts!!

  • DarntootinDarntootin Member Posts: 1,519
    edited February 2014
    Give us a double of whatever's left please, Max...out to a sickener in the Totty.

    And one for yourself birthday boy (a drink that is, not a sickener in the Totty).
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    Give us a double of whatever's left please, Max...out to a sickener in the Totty. And one for yourself birthday boy (a drink that is, not a sickener in the Totty).
    Posted by Darntootin
    Lol...I need a treble then! small blind shoved with Q6 o/s...I call in BB with AQ suited I think. 6 binks obv and I am the FT bubble :(
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited February 2014
    who`s nicked my nuts ??
  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited February 2014
     Al this is shocking Bludreid11 just becoming a Grandad said there was a free drink for everyone in Al's bar,  when I asked for my free drink I got a glass of water.  Yep  what a tight wad.? 
  • bludreid11bludreid11 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
     Al this is shocking Bludreid11 just becoming a Grandad said there was a free drink for everyone in Al's bar,  when I asked for my free drink I got a glass of water.  Yep  what a tight wad.? 
    Posted by logdon
    i put enough dosh behind the bar so that all the regulars could drink and be merry all night.
    i even made sure that there were plenty of the upstair girls on duty.
    i left STRICT instructions with al about how the regulars should be entertained.  however,,,

    AL  and someone called DAZLER decided to have a PRIVATE PARTY and used up all my dosh
    and serviced ALL  the upstairs girls.

    this must be sorted out,i think that you and some others (QUIETLY1) should put AL  and DAZLERon rations until they have repented and put some dosh back behind the bar
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : i put enough dosh behind the bar so that all the regulars could drink and be merry all night. i even made sure that there were plenty of the upstair girls on duty. i left STRICT instructions with al about how the regulars should be entertained.  however,,, AL  and someone called DAZLER decided to have a PRIVATE PARTY and used up all my dosh and serviced ALL  the upstairs girls. this must be sorted out,i think that you and some others (QUIETLY1) should put AL  and DAZLERon rations until they have repented and put some dosh back behind the bar
    Posted by bludreid11
    yea sorry about that but i was lead astray by the landlord, but i will make it up as im selling holy burgers in the church now 0:)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : yea sorry about that but i was lead astray by the landlord, but i will make it up as im selling holy burgers in the church now 0:)
    Posted by Dazler
    ......but it was the best party we have ever had in here hey!! :))
  • scorpio13scorpio13 Member Posts: 691
    edited February 2014

    I think i deserve a week of free drinks, as someone  whose Poker advice is 'watch out for RAG ACE MERCHANTS'  has taken me out of the Offordable by calling my ALL IN with A 5o and hitting his 5. Repenting for his sins is in order as well i think.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    I think i deserve a week of free drinks, as someone  whose Poker advice is 'watch out for RAG ACE MERCHANTS'  has taken me out of the Offordable by calling my ALL IN with A 5o and hitting his 5. Repenting for his sins is in order as well i think.
    Posted by scorpio13
    LOL! You get one free pint.

    Just to let all the regs know this 'hero' above actually only had A8!!

    Two wrongs don't make a right my friend :))
  • scorpio13scorpio13 Member Posts: 691
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : LOL! You get one free pint. Just to let all the regs know this 'hero' above actually only had A8!! Two wrongs don't make a right my friend :))
    Posted by MAXALLY

    LOL ONE FREE PINT OF VODKA ! IS THAT ALL???  Just to say in my defence i was SS and he was the chipped up bully. I had no choice (best hand all game), but HE DID!!!! AND FYI quite a few of the regs in your establishment know what a great player i am so dont try to assault my 'heroine' status. LOL.
  • DarntootinDarntootin Member Posts: 1,519
    edited February 2014

    A wee Horlicks and brandy before bed...

    ...and a nursery rhyme.

    Goblin - School At Night

    Night night children...night night
  • Quietly1Quietly1 Member Posts: 213
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : i put enough dosh behind the bar so that all the regulars could drink and be merry all night. i even made sure that there were plenty of the upstair girls on duty. i left STRICT instructions with al about how the regulars should be entertained.  however,,, AL  and someone called DAZLER decided to have a PRIVATE PARTY and used up all my dosh and serviced ALL  the upstairs girls. this must be sorted out,i think that you and some others (QUIETLY1) should put AL  and DAZLERon rations until they have repented and put some dosh back behind the bar
    Posted by bludreid11

    Is This Permissable to be talked to like this? surely AL looks after his bar staff better than ... oh wait i had a flash back . . . . NO  COMMENT.

    wheres the fire exit? can i get a gin to go please as i sneak out of the back? :-)
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : LOL ONE FREE PINT OF VODKA ! IS THAT ALL???  Just to say in my defence i was SS and he was the chipped up bully. I had no choice (best hand all game), but HE DID!!!! AND FYI quite a few of the regs in your establishment know what a great player i am so dont try to assault my 'heroine' status. LOL.
    Posted by scorpio13
    Do you want a mixer with that?
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited February 2014
    Quick drink for me before bed!!

    fak mi ole boots that DTD league looks close, will have to wait till mornin now till Chris finishes his table, defo closest one yet,may go to Goal difference...rite bed now see if i can dream up some new rules......

    ..........gregg chat banned so his score chat banned too!
    .........pokertrev points deduction for.......jay-raising
    .........team51 players found to be fitted with alien probes in funny areas...
     ........Tikay says he wants to be in a team after all, and was only having a 'elder momento'..
    .......... Sky presenter to be 'outed' on ch 865 Shock!!......

    OHHHHHHH MATRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited February 2014
    Ill have a nice cold beer please barman, maybe a double whisky as well for the double binkages in the DTD tonight. Ninja Plonkers kicked some but tonight so were all feeling the burn and so a cold one would be nice.
    No Rag As were hurt in the making of the DTD tonight ;)
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited February 2014


                    Champions            Runners-up
    May '11   Team Knightplop   Team HitSquad
    June '11  Team Pokertrev     Team HitSquad
    July '11   Team 51                Team Pokertrev
    Aug.'11   Team PokerTrev     Team 51
    Sept.'11  Team 51
                                  Team HitSquad

    [Gently wipes tear from eye....again....exit stage left....slowly!!]
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