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  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited February 2014

    ill look after the place m8 'hick' 0:)
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    DRINK, GIRLS, F.E.C.K ill look after the place m8 'hick' 0:)
    Posted by Dazler
    What an oustanding candidate, pillar of the community.  Surely could not be left in safer hands?
  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    DRINK, GIRLS, F.E.C.K ill look after the place m8 'hick' 0:)
    Posted by Dazler
    Yes Al needs someone to LICK up the spillage on the floor and be a speed bump in the car park at closing time. %-)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2014

    Decision will be posted shortly folks......
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2014

    Sorry for the delay, I was busy in the £5k roller :))

    MAXALLY07£426 + 10 League Points

    Anyway, after much deliberation and numerous committee meetings, this is the decision....

    LOGDON - will be in overall charge and the only one allowed 'upstairs'. I hope to see the turnover trebled by the time I get back Monday BTW.

    Q - In charge of the Bar but working under the supervision of Annie. This is to keep you away from the spirits until your shift is over.

    Darn & Dazler - Floor managers. (collecting glasses, and looking after the door) Please be aware of any blokes turning up on scooters and wearing parka jackets....these will be MODS.

    All of you will have to stay sober. However, after you get the last stragglers out the door....ALL STAFF HAVE A FREE BAR! Enjoy :)

    I have also put a float behind the Bar of £100 for late night pizzas/kebabs/curries etc etc.

    OH, one last thing......

    I will be sending Irene (Trip5) in to check up on you all. It will be in your best interest not to get her wound up. You have been warned.

    CHEERS GANG!!!!!
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited February 2014
    I like the fact that you gave me a really good title of FLOOR MANAGER even though its prob min wage and collecting glasses, but i shall do this job well and finish all the left over drinks that people leave before using the glasses over any mods heads that may try and enter into the establishment. Me and Darn will also enjoy kicking out time which means being the bouncers that we can both come back in and have our usual lock in with the regs :)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,606
    edited February 2014

    Wage Dazler? You do realise you are paying me 50 quid for the pleasure of having the opportunity to work in such a splendid establishment.....

  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    Wage Dazler? You do realise you are paying me 50 quid for the pleasure of having the opportunity to work in such a splendid establishment.....
    Posted by MAXALLY

    well considering drinks are usualy on the house and your leaving money in the kitty for curry and pizza's i dont know of any other pub around here that would let me in, i suppose i could do it out of the kindness of my heart. As long as logdon dosnt take me upstairs she scares me!
  • scorpio13scorpio13 Member Posts: 691
    edited February 2014
    Congrats Q on being left in charge to 'woman' the bar, and Logdon for no doubt taking this establishment to new levels. It was no surprise to me that out of the many candidates the girls ended up with the top jobs. This has persuaded me to give up my AA meetings and fall off the wagon, so i'll have a drop of vodka please which is probably all i will get for the 25p 67 has left behind the bar for my share of his 50p Freeroll (aka Bingo) win! Anyone want to top it up? :)
  • bludreid11bludreid11 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2014

     Well done al for your choice of people to staff the bar in your absence,however, I was logdons campain manager and i think she will do a good job,note i said only good, the fact that she wont have the support of you or any really strong MEN this may turn out to be a disaster,  the others that you have chosen will only either abuse their positions,believing that their the boss,or just drink the profits. the only good idea ive seen so far is using dazler as a speed bump, and that scorpio13s post that the bar will reach new levels may be prophetic,
    having worked in establishments where the BOSS is a woman, usually there are all kinds of tensions I.E who fancies who, whos doing what and to who, and theres always favouritism from the underlings,trying to show their friends a good time at the bars expence.

      no women were hurt during the making of this post, live animals took part at their own discresion
  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited February 2014

                                               "UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT"

      Woo Hoo This big size 14 wet sloppy Fish has won something at last and gone from being Waitress to Manageress and two more steps up the ladder to becoming upstairs Madame  Yeehaaa  Thank you Max  your faith and trust in me will bring rewards.  Staff meeting soon to discuss more turn over for the upstairs Ladies less leg work more bonuses for flogging the punters Champagne.  Proper Flogging when the Builders have finished .  Dazler the Bouncers job is your and remember to pick up any teeth you knock out while chucking the drunks out,  the price of Gold is going through the roof. The Builder's will soon be in to convert the Wine Cellar now that Dazler has emptied it for his Church Communion Services. He told me Al said he could have it as it was so old it was passed its sell-by date.?   There will be prizes for the ladies in the wet T shirt Comp and double if they use Ice cold water. That will get the Boys attention.  With three hundred Pubs closing ever week Al rest assured Al's Bar will still be here when you return.  "Cheers"   Oops they closed no I mean Queen Vic. Our new slogan  "Remember every Customer counts",  so girls be careful when short changing them, all boys and girls coming through the doors gets a Free Hug,  sorry meant Jug of Al's home brew Ale.   Annie the new Manageress   By Appointment.    

     I wish to thank my Campaign Manager for the Stirling job he did to get me elected. Hugs x 

  • bludreid11bludreid11 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2014

    thank you for your footnote remembering all my hard work, the leaflets, the lobbying, having to put up with all the mindless chater, never mind all the inane jokes i had to laugh at, and not to mention the promises i had to make to some of the membership,( promises ?? well lies i told them) and at no point do i see

                   FREE DRINKS FOR ME, NOT EVEN  COME TO  THE NEXT HAPPY HOUR, again danmed by faint praise.

     how can you sell champagne to the masses ?? its beer for the boys  and some bacardi incase any women turn up. profits will drop  faster than your upstair girls drawers. OH AL  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ??
     I may have to contact the lord tikay to seek his advice.

    some small  animals were slightly injured during this post, but only  fluffy ones
  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    thank you for your footnote remembering all my hard work, the leaflets, the lobbying, having to put up with all the mindless chater, never mind all the inane jokes i had to laugh at, and not to mention the promises i had to make to some of the membership,( promises ?? well lies i told them) and at no point do i see                FREE DRINKS FOR ME, NOT EVEN  COME TO  THE NEXT HAPPY HOUR, again danmed by faint praise.  how can you sell champagne to the masses ?? its beer for the boys  and some bacardi incase any women turn up. profits will drop  faster than your upstair girls drawers. OH AL  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ??  I may have to contact the lord tikay to seek his advice. some small  animals were slightly injured during this post, but only  fluffy ones
    Posted by bludreid11
    You are confusing me with Al the free drinks dispenser and suck up merchant. Happy Hour is upstairs and you are not Crocodile Dundee to warrant a free-bee.  Some people haven't got a job you know, you are so ungrateful and your bone was in the post.  TK is always welcome in Al's Bar and wheel chair access was installed this very day on my orders. You need to think beyond the Box in that the Champagne set Chelsea mob do bring in the big bucks, in more ways than one.?

    You can collect your Cards on the way out,  you have three No's and your fired for insubordination.!

  • bludreid11bludreid11 Member Posts: 490
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : You are confusing me with Al the free drinks dispenser and suck up merchant. Happy Hour is upstairs and you are not Crocodile Dundee to warrant a free-bee.  Some people haven't got a job you know, you are so ungrateful and your bone was in the post.  TK is always welcome in Al's Bar and wheel chair access was installed this very day on my orders. You need to think beyond the Box in that the Champagne set Chelsea mob do bring in the big bucks, in more ways than one.? You can collect your Cards on the way out,  you have three No's and your fired for insubordination.! .  
    Posted by logdon
    i think sacking me was a tad harsh,but i respect your decision YEA YOUR THE BOSS NOW,and stamping your authority on the clients is to be expected,and therefor not to be gainsaid.i am applying for a position in another bar, and i hope that you will give me a good reference.I have canvassed other members, and they say that when im estsablished in my new position, they may join me there. I wish you well in your new post and i hope the place is still standing when al  gets back.
    small animals were hurt in the making of this post( fluffy and furry ones)
  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR : i think sacking me was a tad harsh,but i respect your decision YEA YOUR THE BOSS NOW,and stamping your authority on the clients is to be expected,and therefor not to be gainsaid.i am applying for a position in another bar, and i hope that you will give me a good reference.I have canvassed other members, and they say that when im estsablished in my new position, they may join me there. I wish you well in your new post and i hope the place is still standing when al  gets back. small animals were hurt in the making of this post( fluffy and furry ones)
    Posted by bludreid11
    Remorse is a strong emotion and demands respect you are re-instated and on toilet duty till Dazler has blessed you, and I have forgiven you. One beer from the dogs bowl. !   What other Bar do you refer to that requires a reference, and which you wish to join.  I as the new Manageress and I am obliged by Law to provide you with a suitable reference for a new employer. However I will have to point out to them,  that you had your fingers in the Till, groped the upstairs Staff use swear words all the time and pass wind every few seconds, drop glasses and give free drinks to get favours from the Ladies. Your CV is a Citroen c5 total rubbish.     Have a nice day and don't be late on Monday.? 
  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited February 2014
    The Bar Ladies will lower their tops by 2 inches in order that the men ogle them and not notice the short measure in their pints. Girlie giggling and eye lash flickering will be compulsory along with pouting and telling the boys their so big and strong. Giggling of b oobs while giving change will result in them not noticing the discrepancy. Complete bend overs when wiping tables to reveal panties will be commended and result in extra bonuses for the female staff. Use your Initiative to improve turnover and happy hour will be extended to include novelty acts like Dance of the seven veils and the Chinese lady that can fire ping pong balls from you know where. ? Other specialty acts for the winter months will be posted later. ! Annie Proprietor 
  • Quietly1Quietly1 Member Posts: 213
    edited February 2014
    Bgr'd if im lowering anything - shift over - parched as the gobi in summer - hitting the GnT's now - if i run into PurpleR212 again on the 2:20 gtds i'll lower her into the ground . . . . . .<'((0))>< omg!

    Ps. i've ordered 12 cases of gin for delivery tommorrow - and everyday while your away . . . . :))
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited February 2014
    im liking this new management with talk of wet t-shirt competitions and lowering of tops GIRLS, DRINK, F.E.C.K me this is good i may have to boot myself out if this carrys on. But you cant fire any staff until Al gets back dont let the girl power go to your head mind as your main priority is to look pretty for all us punters :) Blud worked Bludy hard to promote this place so he deserves to come in for an oggle of the bar snacks from time to time.
  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: AL's BAR:
    im liking this new management with talk of wet t-shirt competitions and lowering of tops GIRLS, DRINK, F.E.C.K me this is good i may have to boot myself out if this carrys on. But you cant fire any staff until Al gets back dont let the girl power go to your head mind as your main priority is to look pretty for all us punters :) Blud worked Bludy hard to promote this place so he deserves to come in for an oggle of the bar snacks from time to time.
    Posted by Dazler
    Men Know your place and Blud's is in the Toilets till he show's the new Management the respect we girls deserve.

     Humble Pie is on the Menu this week and watered down beer if we encounter opposition.  Do I hear Groans and Moans. ?
     Capitulation will get full coverage Man U match on Wednesday and Free beer if they win. !   Yee Ha
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited February 2014
    Al, just returned from Nottingham and decided to come in for a pint.  Got hit in the eye as I stepped over Fr Daz by a flying ping pong ball.  Asked for a pint and was given a Pint of Champagne??  I was charged a exhorbitant amount, which of course I refused to pay as my 1st pint when I come in is always free.  The manageress then had me taken down to the cellar where I was put in ankle bracelets and hung upside down until all the money fell out of my pockets(thankfully this wasn't much as I spent most of what I had in Nottingham).  Can we please get things back to normal for us regulars, cheers.

    P.S. Do you realise how hard it is to type hanging upside down?
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